// Copyright 2025, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package wshutil import ( "context" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "log" "sync" "time" "github.com/google/uuid" "github.com/wavetermdev/waveterm/pkg/panichandler" "github.com/wavetermdev/waveterm/pkg/util/utilfn" "github.com/wavetermdev/waveterm/pkg/wps" "github.com/wavetermdev/waveterm/pkg/wshrpc" ) const ( DefaultRoute = "wavesrv" UpstreamRoute = "upstream" SysRoute = "sys" // this route doesn't exist, just a placeholder for system messages ElectronRoute = "electron" RoutePrefix_Conn = "conn:" RoutePrefix_Controller = "controller:" RoutePrefix_Proc = "proc:" RoutePrefix_Tab = "tab:" RoutePrefix_FeBlock = "feblock:" ) // this works like a network switch // TODO maybe move the wps integration here instead of in wshserver type routeInfo struct { RpcId string SourceRouteId string DestRouteId string } type msgAndRoute struct { msgBytes []byte fromRouteId string } type WshRouter struct { Lock *sync.Mutex RouteMap map[string]AbstractRpcClient // routeid => client UpstreamClient AbstractRpcClient // upstream client (if we are not the terminal router) AnnouncedRoutes map[string]string // routeid => local routeid RpcMap map[string]*routeInfo // rpcid => routeinfo SimpleRequestMap map[string]chan *RpcMessage // simple reqid => response channel InputCh chan msgAndRoute } func MakeConnectionRouteId(connId string) string { return "conn:" + connId } func MakeControllerRouteId(blockId string) string { return "controller:" + blockId } func MakeProcRouteId(procId string) string { return "proc:" + procId } func MakeTabRouteId(tabId string) string { return "tab:" + tabId } func MakeFeBlockRouteId(blockId string) string { return "feblock:" + blockId } var DefaultRouter = NewWshRouter() func NewWshRouter() *WshRouter { rtn := &WshRouter{ Lock: &sync.Mutex{}, RouteMap: make(map[string]AbstractRpcClient), AnnouncedRoutes: make(map[string]string), RpcMap: make(map[string]*routeInfo), SimpleRequestMap: make(map[string]chan *RpcMessage), InputCh: make(chan msgAndRoute, DefaultInputChSize), } go rtn.runServer() return rtn } func noRouteErr(routeId string) error { if routeId == "" { return errors.New("no default route") } return fmt.Errorf("no route for %q", routeId) } func (router *WshRouter) SendEvent(routeId string, event wps.WaveEvent) { defer func() { panichandler.PanicHandler("WshRouter.SendEvent", recover()) }() rpc := router.GetRpc(routeId) if rpc == nil { return } msg := RpcMessage{ Command: wshrpc.Command_EventRecv, Route: routeId, Data: event, } msgBytes, err := json.Marshal(msg) if err != nil { // nothing to do return } rpc.SendRpcMessage(msgBytes) } func (router *WshRouter) handleNoRoute(msg RpcMessage) { nrErr := noRouteErr(msg.Route) if msg.ReqId == "" { if msg.Command == wshrpc.Command_Message { // to prevent infinite loops return } // no response needed, but send message back to source respMsg := RpcMessage{Command: wshrpc.Command_Message, Route: msg.Source, Data: wshrpc.CommandMessageData{Message: nrErr.Error()}} respBytes, _ := json.Marshal(respMsg) router.InputCh <- msgAndRoute{msgBytes: respBytes, fromRouteId: SysRoute} return } // send error response response := RpcMessage{ ResId: msg.ReqId, Error: nrErr.Error(), } respBytes, _ := json.Marshal(response) router.sendRoutedMessage(respBytes, msg.Source) } func (router *WshRouter) registerRouteInfo(rpcId string, sourceRouteId string, destRouteId string) { if rpcId == "" { return } router.Lock.Lock() defer router.Lock.Unlock() router.RpcMap[rpcId] = &routeInfo{RpcId: rpcId, SourceRouteId: sourceRouteId, DestRouteId: destRouteId} } func (router *WshRouter) unregisterRouteInfo(rpcId string) { router.Lock.Lock() defer router.Lock.Unlock() delete(router.RpcMap, rpcId) } func (router *WshRouter) getRouteInfo(rpcId string) *routeInfo { router.Lock.Lock() defer router.Lock.Unlock() return router.RpcMap[rpcId] } func (router *WshRouter) handleAnnounceMessage(msg RpcMessage, input msgAndRoute) { // if we have an upstream, send it there // if we don't (we are the terminal router), then add it to our announced route map upstream := router.GetUpstreamClient() if upstream != nil { upstream.SendRpcMessage(input.msgBytes) return } if msg.Source == input.fromRouteId { // not necessary to save the id mapping return } router.Lock.Lock() defer router.Lock.Unlock() router.AnnouncedRoutes[msg.Source] = input.fromRouteId } func (router *WshRouter) handleUnannounceMessage(msg RpcMessage) { router.Lock.Lock() defer router.Lock.Unlock() delete(router.AnnouncedRoutes, msg.Source) } func (router *WshRouter) getAnnouncedRoute(routeId string) string { router.Lock.Lock() defer router.Lock.Unlock() return router.AnnouncedRoutes[routeId] } // returns true if message was sent, false if failed func (router *WshRouter) sendRoutedMessage(msgBytes []byte, routeId string) bool { rpc := router.GetRpc(routeId) if rpc != nil { rpc.SendRpcMessage(msgBytes) return true } upstream := router.GetUpstreamClient() if upstream != nil { upstream.SendRpcMessage(msgBytes) return true } else { // we are the upstream, so consult our announced routes map localRouteId := router.getAnnouncedRoute(routeId) rpc := router.GetRpc(localRouteId) if rpc == nil { log.Printf("[router] no rpc for route id %q\n", routeId) return false } rpc.SendRpcMessage(msgBytes) return true } } func (router *WshRouter) runServer() { for input := range router.InputCh { msgBytes := input.msgBytes var msg RpcMessage err := json.Unmarshal(msgBytes, &msg) if err != nil { fmt.Println("error unmarshalling message: ", err) continue } routeId := msg.Route if msg.Command == wshrpc.Command_RouteAnnounce { router.handleAnnounceMessage(msg, input) continue } if msg.Command == wshrpc.Command_RouteUnannounce { router.handleUnannounceMessage(msg) continue } if msg.Command != "" { // new comand, setup new rpc ok := router.sendRoutedMessage(msgBytes, routeId) if !ok { router.handleNoRoute(msg) continue } router.registerRouteInfo(msg.ReqId, msg.Source, routeId) continue } // look at reqid or resid to route correctly if msg.ReqId != "" { routeInfo := router.getRouteInfo(msg.ReqId) if routeInfo == nil { // no route info, nothing to do continue } // no need to check the return value here (noop if failed) router.sendRoutedMessage(msgBytes, routeInfo.DestRouteId) continue } else if msg.ResId != "" { ok := router.trySimpleResponse(&msg) if ok { continue } routeInfo := router.getRouteInfo(msg.ResId) if routeInfo == nil { // no route info, nothing to do continue } router.sendRoutedMessage(msgBytes, routeInfo.SourceRouteId) if !msg.Cont { router.unregisterRouteInfo(msg.ResId) } continue } else { // this is a bad message (no command, reqid, or resid) continue } } } func (router *WshRouter) WaitForRegister(ctx context.Context, routeId string) error { for { if router.GetRpc(routeId) != nil { return nil } if router.getAnnouncedRoute(routeId) != "" { return nil } select { case <-ctx.Done(): return ctx.Err() case <-time.After(30 * time.Millisecond): continue } } } // this will also consume the output channel of the abstract client func (router *WshRouter) RegisterRoute(routeId string, rpc AbstractRpcClient, shouldAnnounce bool) { if routeId == SysRoute || routeId == UpstreamRoute { // cannot register sys route log.Printf("error: WshRouter cannot register %s route\n", routeId) return } log.Printf("[router] registering wsh route %q\n", routeId) router.Lock.Lock() defer router.Lock.Unlock() alreadyExists := router.RouteMap[routeId] != nil if alreadyExists { log.Printf("[router] warning: route %q already exists (replacing)\n", routeId) } router.RouteMap[routeId] = rpc go func() { defer func() { panichandler.PanicHandler("WshRouter:registerRoute:recvloop", recover()) }() // announce if shouldAnnounce && !alreadyExists && router.GetUpstreamClient() != nil { announceMsg := RpcMessage{Command: wshrpc.Command_RouteAnnounce, Source: routeId} announceBytes, _ := json.Marshal(announceMsg) router.GetUpstreamClient().SendRpcMessage(announceBytes) } for { msgBytes, ok := rpc.RecvRpcMessage() if !ok { break } var rpcMsg RpcMessage err := json.Unmarshal(msgBytes, &rpcMsg) if err != nil { continue } if rpcMsg.Command != "" { if rpcMsg.Source == "" { rpcMsg.Source = routeId } if rpcMsg.Route == "" { rpcMsg.Route = DefaultRoute } msgBytes, err = json.Marshal(rpcMsg) if err != nil { continue } } router.InputCh <- msgAndRoute{msgBytes: msgBytes, fromRouteId: routeId} } }() } func (router *WshRouter) UnregisterRoute(routeId string) { log.Printf("[router] unregistering wsh route %q\n", routeId) router.Lock.Lock() defer router.Lock.Unlock() delete(router.RouteMap, routeId) // clear out announced routes for routeId, localRouteId := range router.AnnouncedRoutes { if localRouteId == routeId { delete(router.AnnouncedRoutes, routeId) } } go func() { defer func() { panichandler.PanicHandler("WshRouter:unregisterRoute:routegone", recover()) }() wps.Broker.UnsubscribeAll(routeId) wps.Broker.Publish(wps.WaveEvent{Event: wps.Event_RouteGone, Scopes: []string{routeId}}) }() } // this may return nil (returns default only for empty routeId) func (router *WshRouter) GetRpc(routeId string) AbstractRpcClient { router.Lock.Lock() defer router.Lock.Unlock() return router.RouteMap[routeId] } func (router *WshRouter) SetUpstreamClient(rpc AbstractRpcClient) { router.Lock.Lock() defer router.Lock.Unlock() router.UpstreamClient = rpc } func (router *WshRouter) GetUpstreamClient() AbstractRpcClient { router.Lock.Lock() defer router.Lock.Unlock() return router.UpstreamClient } func (router *WshRouter) InjectMessage(msgBytes []byte, fromRouteId string) { router.InputCh <- msgAndRoute{msgBytes: msgBytes, fromRouteId: fromRouteId} } func (router *WshRouter) registerSimpleRequest(reqId string) chan *RpcMessage { router.Lock.Lock() defer router.Lock.Unlock() rtn := make(chan *RpcMessage, 1) router.SimpleRequestMap[reqId] = rtn return rtn } func (router *WshRouter) trySimpleResponse(msg *RpcMessage) bool { router.Lock.Lock() defer router.Lock.Unlock() respCh := router.SimpleRequestMap[msg.ResId] if respCh == nil { return false } respCh <- msg delete(router.SimpleRequestMap, msg.ResId) return true } func (router *WshRouter) clearSimpleRequest(reqId string) { router.Lock.Lock() defer router.Lock.Unlock() delete(router.SimpleRequestMap, reqId) } func (router *WshRouter) RunSimpleRawCommand(ctx context.Context, msg RpcMessage, fromRouteId string) (*RpcMessage, error) { if msg.Command == "" { return nil, errors.New("no command") } msgBytes, err := json.Marshal(msg) if err != nil { return nil, err } var respCh chan *RpcMessage if msg.ReqId != "" { respCh = router.registerSimpleRequest(msg.ReqId) } router.InjectMessage(msgBytes, fromRouteId) if respCh == nil { return nil, nil } select { case <-ctx.Done(): router.clearSimpleRequest(msg.ReqId) return nil, ctx.Err() case resp := <-respCh: if resp.Error != "" { return nil, errors.New(resp.Error) } return resp, nil } } func (router *WshRouter) HandleProxyAuth(jwtTokenAny any) (*wshrpc.CommandAuthenticateRtnData, error) { if jwtTokenAny == nil { return nil, errors.New("no jwt token") } jwtToken, ok := jwtTokenAny.(string) if !ok { return nil, errors.New("jwt token not a string") } if jwtToken == "" { return nil, errors.New("empty jwt token") } msg := RpcMessage{ Command: wshrpc.Command_Authenticate, ReqId: uuid.New().String(), Data: jwtToken, } ctx, cancelFn := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), DefaultTimeoutMs*time.Millisecond) defer cancelFn() resp, err := router.RunSimpleRawCommand(ctx, msg, "") if err != nil { return nil, err } if resp == nil || resp.Data == nil { return nil, errors.New("no data in authenticate response") } var respData wshrpc.CommandAuthenticateRtnData err = utilfn.ReUnmarshal(&respData, resp.Data) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error unmarshalling authenticate response: %v", err) } if respData.AuthToken == "" { return nil, errors.New("no auth token in authenticate response") } return &respData, nil }