// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // ijson values are regular JSON values: string, number, boolean, null, object, array // path is an array of strings and numbers type PathType = (string | number)[]; var simplePathStrRe = /^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$/; function formatPath(path: PathType): string { if (path.length == 0) { return "$"; } let pathStr = "$"; for (let pathPart of path) { if (typeof pathPart === "string") { if (simplePathStrRe.test(pathPart)) { pathStr += "." + pathPart; } else { pathStr += "[" + JSON.stringify(pathPart) + "]"; } } else if (typeof pathPart === "number") { pathStr += "[" + pathPart + "]"; } else { pathStr += ".*"; } } return pathStr; } function isArray(obj: any): boolean { return obj != null && Array.isArray(obj); } function isObject(obj: any): boolean { return obj != null && obj instanceof Object && !isArray(obj); } function getPath(obj: any, path: PathType): any { let cur = obj; for (let pathPart of path) { if (cur == null) { return null; } if (typeof pathPart === "string") { if (isObject(cur)) { cur = cur[pathPart]; } else { return null; } } else if (typeof pathPart === "number") { if (isArray(cur)) { cur = cur[pathPart]; } else { return null; } } else { throw new Error("Invalid path part: " + pathPart); } } return cur; } type SetPathOpts = { force?: boolean; remove?: boolean; combinefn?: (oldVal: any, newVal: any, opts: SetPathOpts) => any; }; function combineFn_arrayAppend(oldVal: any, newVal: any, opts: SetPathOpts): any { if (oldVal == null) { return [newVal]; } if (!isArray(oldVal) && !opts.force) { throw new Error("Cannot append to non-array: " + oldVal); } if (!isArray(oldVal)) { return [newVal]; } oldVal.push(newVal); return oldVal; } function checkPath(path: PathType): boolean { if (!isArray(path)) { return false; } for (let pathPart of path) { if (typeof pathPart !== "string" && typeof pathPart !== "number") { return false; } } return true; } function setPath(obj: any, path: PathType, value: any, opts: SetPathOpts) { if (opts == null) { opts = {}; } if (opts.remove && value != null) { throw new Error("Cannot set value and remove at the same time"); } if (path == null) { path = []; } if (!checkPath(path)) { throw new Error("Invalid path: " + formatPath(path)); } return setPathInternal(obj, path, value, opts); } function isEmpty(obj: any): boolean { if (obj == null) { return true; } if (isArray(obj)) { return obj.length == 0; } if (isObject(obj)) { for (let key in obj) { return false; } return true; } return false; } function removeFromArr(arr: any[], idx: number): any[] { console.log("removefromarray", arr, idx); if (idx >= arr.length) { return arr; } if (idx == arr.length - 1) { arr.pop(); if (arr.length == 0) { return null; } return arr; } arr[idx] = null; return arr; } function setPathInternal(obj: any, path: PathType, value: any, opts: SetPathOpts): any { if (path.length == 0) { if (opts.combinefn != null) { return opts.combinefn(obj, value, opts); } return value; } const pathPart = path[0]; if (typeof pathPart === "string") { if (obj == null) { if (opts.remove) { return null; } obj = {}; } if (!isObject(obj)) { if (opts.force) { obj = {}; } else { throw new Error("Cannot set path on non-object: " + obj); } } if (opts.remove && path.length == 1) { delete obj[pathPart]; if (isEmpty(obj)) { return null; } return obj; } const newVal = setPathInternal(obj[pathPart], path.slice(1), value, opts); if (opts.remove && newVal == null) { delete obj[pathPart]; if (isEmpty(obj)) { return null; } return obj; } obj[pathPart] = newVal; return obj; } else if (typeof pathPart === "number") { if (pathPart < 0 || !Number.isInteger(pathPart)) { throw new Error("Invalid path part: " + pathPart); } if (obj == null) { if (opts.remove) { return null; } obj = []; } if (!isArray(obj)) { if (opts.force) { obj = []; } else { throw new Error("Cannot set path on non-array: " + obj); } } if (opts.remove && path.length == 1) { return removeFromArr(obj, pathPart); } const newVal = setPathInternal(obj[pathPart], path.slice(1), value, opts); if (opts.remove && newVal == null) { return removeFromArr(obj, pathPart); } obj[pathPart] = newVal; return obj; } else { throw new Error("Invalid path part: " + pathPart); } } function getCommandPath(command: object): PathType { if (command["path"] == null) { return []; } return command["path"]; } function applyCommand(data: any, command: any): any { if (command == null) { throw new Error("Invalid command (null)"); } if (!isObject(command)) { throw new Error("Invalid command (not an object): " + command); } const commandType = command.type; if (commandType == null) { throw new Error("Invalid command (no type): " + command); } const path = getCommandPath(command); if (!checkPath(path)) { throw new Error("Invalid command path: " + formatPath(path)); } switch (commandType) { case "set": return setPath(data, path, command.value, null); case "del": return setPath(data, path, null, { remove: true }); case "append": return setPath(data, path, command.value, { combinefn: combineFn_arrayAppend }); default: throw new Error("Invalid command type: " + commandType); } } export { applyCommand, combineFn_arrayAppend, getPath, setPath }; export type { PathType, SetPathOpts };