// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import clsx from "clsx"; import React, { CSSProperties, ReactNode, RefObject, Suspense, useCallback, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState, } from "react"; import { useDrag, useDragLayer, useDrop } from "react-dnd"; import useResizeObserver from "@react-hook/resize-observer"; import { toPng } from "html-to-image"; import { useLayoutTreeStateReducerAtom } from "./layoutAtom"; import { findNode } from "./layoutNode"; import { ContentRenderer, LayoutNode, LayoutTreeAction, LayoutTreeActionType, LayoutTreeComputeMoveNodeAction, LayoutTreeDeleteNodeAction, LayoutTreeMoveNodeAction, LayoutTreeState, PreviewRenderer, WritableLayoutTreeStateAtom, } from "./model"; import "./tilelayout.less"; import { Dimensions, FlexDirection, setTransform as createTransform, debounce, determineDropDirection } from "./utils"; export interface TileLayoutProps { /** * The atom containing the layout tree state. */ layoutTreeStateAtom: WritableLayoutTreeStateAtom; /** * A callback that accepts the data from the leaf node and displays the leaf contents to the user. */ renderContent: ContentRenderer; /** * A callback that accepts the data from the leaf node and returns a preview that can be shown when the user drags a node. */ renderPreview?: PreviewRenderer; /** * A callback that is called when a node gets deleted from the LayoutTreeState. * @param data The contents of the node that was deleted. */ onNodeDelete?: (data: T) => Promise; /** * The class name to use for the top-level div of the tile layout. */ className?: string; } export const TileLayout = ({ layoutTreeStateAtom, className, renderContent, renderPreview, onNodeDelete, }: TileLayoutProps) => { const overlayContainerRef = useRef(null); const displayContainerRef = useRef(null); const [layoutTreeState, dispatch] = useLayoutTreeStateReducerAtom(layoutTreeStateAtom); const [nodeRefs, setNodeRefs] = useState>>(new Map()); const [nodeRefsGen, setNodeRefsGen] = useState(0); useEffect(() => { console.log("layoutTreeState changed", layoutTreeState); }, [layoutTreeState]); const setRef = useCallback( (id: string, ref: RefObject) => { setNodeRefs((prev) => { // console.log("setRef", id, ref); prev.set(id, ref); return prev; }); setNodeRefsGen((prev) => prev + 1); }, [setNodeRefs] ); const deleteRef = useCallback( (id: string) => { // console.log("deleteRef", id); if (nodeRefs.has(id)) { setNodeRefs((prev) => { prev.delete(id); return prev; }); setNodeRefsGen((prev) => prev + 1); } else { console.log("deleteRef id not found", id); } }, [nodeRefs, setNodeRefs] ); const [overlayTransform, setOverlayTransform] = useState(); const [layoutLeafTransforms, setLayoutLeafTransforms] = useState>({}); const activeDrag = useDragLayer((monitor) => monitor.isDragging()); /** * Callback to update the transforms on the displayed leafs and move the overlay over the display layer when dragging. */ const updateTransforms = useCallback( debounce(() => { if (overlayContainerRef.current && displayContainerRef.current) { const displayBoundingRect = displayContainerRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); console.log("displayBoundingRect", displayBoundingRect); const overlayBoundingRect = overlayContainerRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); const newLayoutLeafTransforms: Record = {}; console.log( "nodeRefs", nodeRefs, "layoutLeafs", layoutTreeState.leafs, "layoutTreeState", layoutTreeState ); for (const leaf of layoutTreeState.leafs) { const leafRef = nodeRefs.get(leaf.id); // console.log("current leafRef", leafRef.current); if (leafRef?.current) { const leafBounding = leafRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); const transform = createTransform({ top: leafBounding.top - overlayBoundingRect.top, left: leafBounding.left - overlayBoundingRect.left, width: leafBounding.width, height: leafBounding.height, }); newLayoutLeafTransforms[leafRef.current.id] = transform; } else { console.warn("missing leaf", leaf.id); } } setLayoutLeafTransforms(newLayoutLeafTransforms); const newOverlayOffset = displayBoundingRect.top + 2 * displayBoundingRect.height; console.log("overlayOffset", newOverlayOffset); setOverlayTransform( createTransform( { top: activeDrag ? 0 : newOverlayOffset, left: 0, width: overlayBoundingRect.width, height: overlayBoundingRect.height, }, false ) ); } }, 30), [activeDrag, overlayContainerRef, displayContainerRef, layoutTreeState.leafs, nodeRefsGen] ); // Update the transforms whenever we drag something and whenever the layout updates. useLayoutEffect(() => { updateTransforms(); }, [updateTransforms]); useResizeObserver(overlayContainerRef, () => updateTransforms()); // Ensure that we don't see any jostling in the layout when we're rendering it the first time. // `animate` will be disabled until after the transforms have all applied the first time. const [animate, setAnimate] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { setTimeout(() => { setAnimate(true); }, 50); }, []); const onLeafClose = useCallback( async (node: LayoutNode) => { console.log("onLeafClose", node); const deleteAction: LayoutTreeDeleteNodeAction = { type: LayoutTreeActionType.DeleteNode, nodeId: node.id, }; console.log("calling dispatch", deleteAction); dispatch(deleteAction); console.log("calling onNodeDelete", node); await onNodeDelete?.(node.data); console.log("node deleted"); }, [onNodeDelete, dispatch] ); return (
{layoutLeafTransforms && layoutTreeState.leafs.map((leaf) => { return ( ); })}
); }; interface DisplayNodeProps { /** * The leaf node object, containing the data needed to display the leaf contents to the user. */ layoutNode: LayoutNode; /** * A callback that accepts the data from the leaf node and displays the leaf contents to the user. */ renderContent: ContentRenderer; /** * A callback that accepts the data from the leaf node and returns a preview that can be shown when the user drags a node. */ renderPreview?: PreviewRenderer; /** * A callback that is called when a leaf node gets closed. * @param node The node that is closed. */ onLeafClose: (node: LayoutNode) => void; /** * Determines whether a leaf's contents should be displayed to the user. */ ready: boolean; /** * A series of CSS properties used to display a leaf node with the correct dimensions and position, as determined from its corresponding OverlayNode. */ transform: CSSProperties; } const dragItemType = "TILE_ITEM"; /** * The draggable and displayable portion of a leaf node in a layout tree. */ const DisplayNode = ({ layoutNode, renderContent, renderPreview, transform, onLeafClose, ready, }: DisplayNodeProps) => { const tileNodeRef = useRef(null); const previewRef = useRef(null); // Register the node as a draggable item. const [{ isDragging }, drag, dragPreview] = useDrag( () => ({ type: dragItemType, item: () => layoutNode, collect: (monitor) => ({ isDragging: monitor.isDragging(), }), }), [layoutNode] ); // Generate a preview div using the provided renderPreview function. This will be placed in the DOM so we can render an image from it, but it is pushed out of view so the user will not see it. // No-op if not provided, meaning React-DnD will attempt to generate a preview from the DOM, which is very slow. const preview = useMemo(() => { const previewElement = renderPreview?.(layoutNode.data); return (
); }, []); // Cache the preview image after we generate it const [previewImage, setPreviewImage] = useState(); // When a user first mouses over a node, generate a preview image and set it as the drag preview. const generatePreviewImage = useCallback(() => { if (previewImage) { dragPreview(previewImage); } else if (previewRef.current) { toPng(previewRef.current).then((url) => { const img = new Image(); img.src = url; img.onload = () => dragPreview(img); setPreviewImage(img); }); } }, [previewRef, previewImage, dragPreview]); // Register the tile item as a draggable component useEffect(() => { drag(tileNodeRef); }, [tileNodeRef]); const onClose = useCallback(() => { onLeafClose(layoutNode); }, [layoutNode, onLeafClose]); const leafContent = useMemo(() => { return ( layoutNode.data && (
{renderContent(layoutNode.data, ready, onClose)}
) ); }, [layoutNode.data, ready, onClose]); return (
{leafContent} {preview}
); }; interface OverlayNodeProps { /** * The layout node object corresponding to the OverlayNode. */ layoutNode: LayoutNode; /** * The layout tree state. */ layoutTreeState: LayoutTreeState; /** * The reducer function for mutating the layout tree state. * @param action The action to perform. */ dispatch: (action: LayoutTreeAction) => void; /** * A callback to update the RefObject mapping corresponding to the layout node. Used to inform the TileLayout of changes to the OverlayNode's position and size. * @param id The id of the layout node being mounted. * @param ref The reference to the mounted overlay node. */ setRef: (id: string, ref: RefObject) => void; /** * A callback to remove the RefObject mapping corresponding to the layout node when it gets unmounted. * @param id The id of the layout node being unmounted. */ deleteRef: (id: string) => void; } /** * An overlay representing the true flexbox layout of the LayoutTreeState. This holds the drop targets for moving around nodes and is used to calculate the * dimensions of the corresponding DisplayNode for each LayoutTreeState leaf. */ const OverlayNode = ({ layoutNode, layoutTreeState, dispatch, setRef, deleteRef }: OverlayNodeProps) => { const overlayRef = useRef(null); const leafRef = useRef(null); const [, drop] = useDrop( () => ({ accept: dragItemType, canDrop: (_, monitor) => { const dragItem = monitor.getItem>(); if (monitor.isOver({ shallow: true }) && dragItem?.id !== layoutNode.id) { return true; } return false; }, drop: (_, monitor) => { console.log("drop start", layoutNode.id, layoutTreeState.pendingAction); if (!monitor.didDrop() && layoutTreeState.pendingAction) { dispatch({ type: LayoutTreeActionType.CommitPendingAction, }); } }, hover: (_, monitor) => { if (monitor.isOver({ shallow: true }) && monitor.canDrop()) { const dragItem = monitor.getItem>(); console.log("computing operation", layoutNode, dragItem, layoutTreeState.pendingAction); dispatch({ type: LayoutTreeActionType.ComputeMove, node: layoutNode, nodeToMove: dragItem, direction: determineDropDirection( overlayRef.current?.getBoundingClientRect(), monitor.getClientOffset() ), } as LayoutTreeComputeMoveNodeAction); } }, }), [overlayRef.current, layoutNode, layoutTreeState, dispatch] ); // Register the tile item as a draggable component useEffect(() => { const layoutNodeId = layoutNode?.id; if (overlayRef?.current) { drop(overlayRef); setRef(layoutNodeId, overlayRef); } return () => { deleteRef(layoutNodeId); }; }, [overlayRef]); const generateChildren = () => { if (Array.isArray(layoutNode.children)) { return layoutNode.children.map((childItem) => { return ( ); }); } else { return [
]; } }; if (!layoutNode) { return null; } return (
); }; interface PlaceholderProps { /** * The layout tree state. */ layoutTreeState: LayoutTreeState; /** * A reference to the div containing the overlay nodes. Used to normalize the position of the target node as the overlay container is moved in and out of view. */ overlayContainerRef: React.RefObject; /** * The mapping of all layout nodes to their corresponding mounted overlay node. */ nodeRefs: Map>; /** * Any styling to apply to the placeholder container div. */ style: React.CSSProperties; } /** * An overlay to preview pending actions on the layout tree. */ const Placeholder = ({ layoutTreeState, overlayContainerRef, nodeRefs, style }: PlaceholderProps) => { const [placeholderOverlay, setPlaceholderOverlay] = useState(null); useEffect(() => { let newPlaceholderOverlay: ReactNode; if (layoutTreeState?.pendingAction?.type === LayoutTreeActionType.Move && overlayContainerRef?.current) { const action = layoutTreeState.pendingAction as LayoutTreeMoveNodeAction; let parentId: string; if (action.insertAtRoot) { parentId = layoutTreeState.rootNode.id; } else { parentId = action.parentId; } const parentNode = findNode(layoutTreeState.rootNode, parentId); if (action.index !== undefined && parentNode) { const targetIndex = Math.min( parentNode.children ? parentNode.children.length - 1 : 0, Math.max(0, action.index - 1) ); let targetNode = parentNode?.children?.at(targetIndex); let targetRef: React.RefObject; if (targetNode) { targetRef = nodeRefs.get(targetNode.id); } else { targetRef = nodeRefs.get(parentNode.id); targetNode = parentNode; } if (targetRef?.current) { const overlayBoundingRect = overlayContainerRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); const targetBoundingRect = targetRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); // Placeholder should be either half the height or half the width of the targetNode, depending on the flex direction of the targetNode's parent. // Default to placing the placeholder in the first half of the target node. const placeholderDimensions: Dimensions = { height: parentNode.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Column ? targetBoundingRect.height / 2 : targetBoundingRect.height, width: parentNode.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Row ? targetBoundingRect.width / 2 : targetBoundingRect.width, top: targetBoundingRect.top - overlayBoundingRect.top, left: targetBoundingRect.left - overlayBoundingRect.left, }; if (action.index > targetIndex) { if (action.index >= (parentNode.children?.length ?? 1)) { // If there are no more nodes after the specified index, place the placeholder in the second half of the target node (either right or bottom). placeholderDimensions.top += parentNode.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Column && targetBoundingRect.height / 2; placeholderDimensions.left += parentNode.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Row && targetBoundingRect.width / 2; } else { // Otherwise, place the placeholder between the target node (the one after which it will be inserted) and the next node placeholderDimensions.top += parentNode.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Column && (3 * targetBoundingRect.height) / 4; placeholderDimensions.left += parentNode.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Row && (3 * targetBoundingRect.width) / 4; } } const placeholderTransform = createTransform(placeholderDimensions); newPlaceholderOverlay =
; } } } setPlaceholderOverlay(newPlaceholderOverlay); }, [layoutTreeState, nodeRefs, overlayContainerRef]); return (
); };