package sstore import ( "context" "fmt" "strconv" "strings" "" "" "" ) const HistoryCols = "historyid, ts, userid, sessionid, screenid, windowid, lineid, cmdid, haderror, cmdstr, remoteownerid, remoteid, remotename, ismetacmd" const DefaultMaxHistoryItems = 1000 func NumSessions(ctx context.Context) (int, error) { var numSessions int txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := "SELECT count(*) FROM session" numSessions = tx.GetInt(query) return nil }) return numSessions, txErr } func GetAllRemotes(ctx context.Context) ([]*RemoteType, error) { var rtn []*RemoteType err := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT * FROM remote ORDER BY remoteidx` marr := tx.SelectMaps(query) for _, m := range marr { rtn = append(rtn, RemoteFromMap(m)) } return nil }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return rtn, nil } func GetRemoteByAlias(ctx context.Context, alias string) (*RemoteType, error) { var remote *RemoteType err := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT * FROM remote WHERE remotealias = ?` m := tx.GetMap(query, alias) remote = RemoteFromMap(m) return nil }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return remote, nil } func GetRemoteById(ctx context.Context, remoteId string) (*RemoteType, error) { var remote *RemoteType err := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT * FROM remote WHERE remoteid = ?` m := tx.GetMap(query, remoteId) remote = RemoteFromMap(m) return nil }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return remote, nil } func GetLocalRemote(ctx context.Context) (*RemoteType, error) { var remote *RemoteType err := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT * FROM remote WHERE local` m := tx.GetMap(query) remote = RemoteFromMap(m) return nil }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return remote, nil } func GetRemoteByCanonicalName(ctx context.Context, cname string) (*RemoteType, error) { var remote *RemoteType err := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT * FROM remote WHERE remotecanonicalname = ?` m := tx.GetMap(query, cname) remote = RemoteFromMap(m) return nil }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return remote, nil } func GetRemoteByPhysicalId(ctx context.Context, physicalId string) (*RemoteType, error) { var remote *RemoteType err := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT * FROM remote WHERE physicalid = ?` m := tx.GetMap(query, physicalId) remote = RemoteFromMap(m) return nil }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return remote, nil } func UpsertRemote(ctx context.Context, r *RemoteType) error { if r == nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot insert nil remote") } if r.RemoteId == "" { return fmt.Errorf("cannot insert remote without id") } if r.RemoteCanonicalName == "" { return fmt.Errorf("cannot insert remote with canonicalname") } if r.RemoteType == "" { return fmt.Errorf("cannot insert remote without type") } txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT remoteid FROM remote WHERE remoteid = ?` if tx.Exists(query, r.RemoteId) { tx.ExecWrap(`DELETE FROM remote WHERE remoteid = ?`, r.RemoteId) } query = `SELECT remoteid FROM remote WHERE remotecanonicalname = ?` if tx.Exists(query, r.RemoteCanonicalName) { return fmt.Errorf("remote has duplicate canonicalname '%s', cannot create", r.RemoteCanonicalName) } query = `SELECT remoteid FROM remote WHERE remotealias = ?` if r.RemoteAlias != "" && tx.Exists(query, r.RemoteAlias) { return fmt.Errorf("remote has duplicate alias '%s', cannot create", r.RemoteAlias) } query = `SELECT COALESCE(max(remoteidx), 0) FROM remote` maxRemoteIdx := tx.GetInt(query) r.RemoteIdx = int64(maxRemoteIdx + 1) query = `INSERT INTO remote ( remoteid, physicalid, remotetype, remotealias, remotecanonicalname, remotesudo, remoteuser, remotehost, connectmode, autoinstall, initpk, sshopts, remoteopts, lastconnectts, archived, remoteidx, local) VALUES (:remoteid,:physicalid,:remotetype,:remotealias,:remotecanonicalname,:remotesudo,:remoteuser,:remotehost,:connectmode,:autoinstall,:initpk,:sshopts,:remoteopts,:lastconnectts,:archived,:remoteidx,:local)` tx.NamedExecWrap(query, r.ToMap()) return nil }) return txErr } func InsertHistoryItem(ctx context.Context, hitem *HistoryItemType) error { if hitem == nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot insert nil history item") } txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `INSERT INTO history ( historyid, ts, userid, sessionid, screenid, windowid, lineid, cmdid, haderror, cmdstr, remoteownerid, remoteid, remotename, ismetacmd) VALUES (:historyid,:ts,:userid,:sessionid,:screenid,:windowid,:lineid,:cmdid,:haderror,:cmdstr,:remoteownerid,:remoteid,:remotename,:ismetacmd)` tx.NamedExecWrap(query, hitem.ToMap()) return nil }) return txErr } func runHistoryQuery(tx *TxWrap, sessionId string, windowId string, opts HistoryQueryOpts) ([]*HistoryItemType, error) { // check sessionid/windowid format because we are directly inserting them into the SQL if sessionId != "" { _, err := uuid.Parse(sessionId) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed sessionid") } } if windowId != "" { _, err := uuid.Parse(windowId) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("malformed windowid") } } hnumStr := "" whereClause := "" if sessionId != "" && windowId != "" { whereClause = fmt.Sprintf("WHERE sessionid = '%s' AND windowid = '%s'", sessionId, windowId) hnumStr = "w" } else if sessionId != "" { whereClause = fmt.Sprintf("WHERE sessionid = '%s'", sessionId) hnumStr = "s" } else { hnumStr = "g" } maxItems := opts.MaxItems if maxItems == 0 { maxItems = DefaultMaxHistoryItems } query := fmt.Sprintf("SELECT %s, '%s' || row_number() OVER win AS historynum FROM history %s WINDOW win AS (ORDER BY ts, historyid) ORDER BY ts DESC, historyid DESC LIMIT %d", HistoryCols, hnumStr, whereClause, maxItems) if opts.FromTs > 0 { query = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT * FROM (%s) WHERE ts >= %d", query, opts.FromTs) } marr := tx.SelectMaps(query) rtn := make([]*HistoryItemType, len(marr)) for idx, m := range marr { hitem := HistoryItemFromMap(m) rtn[idx] = hitem } return rtn, nil } func GetHistoryItems(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string, opts HistoryQueryOpts) ([]*HistoryItemType, error) { var rtn []*HistoryItemType txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { var err error rtn, err = runHistoryQuery(tx, sessionId, windowId, opts) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } return rtn, nil } func GetBareSessions(ctx context.Context) ([]*SessionType, error) { var rtn []*SessionType err := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT * FROM session ORDER BY sessionidx` tx.SelectWrap(&rtn, query) return nil }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return rtn, nil } func GetAllSessionIds(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) { var rtn []string txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT sessionid from session ORDER by sessionidx` rtn = tx.SelectStrings(query) return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } return rtn, nil } func GetBareSessionById(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) (*SessionType, error) { var rtn SessionType txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT * FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?` tx.GetWrap(&rtn, query, sessionId) return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } if rtn.SessionId == "" { return nil, nil } return &rtn, nil } func GetAllSessions(ctx context.Context) (*ModelUpdate, error) { var rtn []*SessionType var activeSessionId string txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT * FROM session` tx.SelectWrap(&rtn, query) sessionMap := make(map[string]*SessionType) for _, session := range rtn { sessionMap[session.SessionId] = session session.Full = true } var screens []*ScreenType query = `SELECT * FROM screen ORDER BY screenidx` tx.SelectWrap(&screens, query) screenMap := make(map[string][]*ScreenType) for _, screen := range screens { screenArr := screenMap[screen.SessionId] screenArr = append(screenArr, screen) screenMap[screen.SessionId] = screenArr } for _, session := range rtn { session.Screens = screenMap[session.SessionId] } var sws []*ScreenWindowType query = `SELECT * FROM screen_window` tx.SelectWrap(&sws, query) screenIdMap := make(map[string]*ScreenType) for _, screen := range screens { screenIdMap[screen.SessionId+screen.ScreenId] = screen } for _, sw := range sws { screen := screenIdMap[sw.SessionId+sw.ScreenId] if screen == nil { continue } screen.Windows = append(screen.Windows, sw) } query = `SELECT * FROM remote_instance` riMaps := tx.SelectMaps(query) for _, m := range riMaps { ri := RIFromMap(m) s := sessionMap[ri.SessionId] if s != nil { s.Remotes = append(s.Remotes, ri) } } query = `SELECT activesessionid FROM client` activeSessionId = tx.GetString(query) return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } return &ModelUpdate{Sessions: rtn, ActiveSessionId: activeSessionId}, nil } func GetWindowById(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string) (*WindowType, error) { var rtnWindow *WindowType err := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT * FROM window WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?` m := tx.GetMap(query, sessionId, windowId) if m == nil { return nil } rtnWindow = WindowFromMap(m) query = `SELECT * FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ? ORDER BY linenum` tx.SelectWrap(&rtnWindow.Lines, query, sessionId, windowId) query = `SELECT * FROM cmd WHERE cmdid IN (SELECT cmdid FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?)` cmdMaps := tx.SelectMaps(query, sessionId, windowId) for _, m := range cmdMaps { rtnWindow.Cmds = append(rtnWindow.Cmds, CmdFromMap(m)) } return nil }) return rtnWindow, err } func GetSessionScreens(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) ([]*ScreenType, error) { var rtn []*ScreenType txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT * FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? ORDER BY screenidx` tx.SelectWrap(&rtn, query, sessionId) return nil }) return rtn, txErr } func GetSessionById(ctx context.Context, id string) (*SessionType, error) { allSessionsUpdate, err := GetAllSessions(ctx) if err != nil { return nil, err } allSessions := allSessionsUpdate.Sessions for _, session := range allSessions { if session.SessionId == id { return session, nil } } return nil, nil } func GetSessionByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (*SessionType, error) { var session *SessionType txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE name = ?` sessionId := tx.GetString(query, name) if sessionId == "" { return nil } var err error session, err = GetSessionById(tx.Context(), sessionId) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } return session, nil } // also creates default window, returns sessionId // if sessionName == "", it will be generated func InsertSessionWithName(ctx context.Context, sessionName string, activate bool) (UpdatePacket, error) { newSessionId := scbase.GenSCUUID() txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { names := tx.SelectStrings(`SELECT name FROM session`) sessionName = fmtUniqueName(sessionName, "session-%d", len(names)+1, names) maxSessionIdx := tx.GetInt(`SELECT COALESCE(max(sessionidx), 0) FROM session`) query := `INSERT INTO session (sessionid, name, activescreenid, sessionidx, notifynum, ownerid, sharemode, accesskey) VALUES (?, ?, '', ?, ?, '', 'local', '')` tx.ExecWrap(query, newSessionId, sessionName, maxSessionIdx+1, 0) _, err := InsertScreen(tx.Context(), newSessionId, "", true) if err != nil { return err } if activate { query = `UPDATE client SET activesessionid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, newSessionId) } return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } session, err := GetSessionById(ctx, newSessionId) if err != nil { return nil, err } update := ModelUpdate{ Sessions: []*SessionType{session}, } if activate { update.ActiveSessionId = newSessionId } return update, nil } func SetActiveSessionId(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) error { txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?` if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId) { return fmt.Errorf("cannot switch to session, not found") } query = `UPDATE client SET activesessionid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId) return nil }) return txErr } func SetWinSize(ctx context.Context, winSize ClientWinSizeType) error { txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `UPDATE client SET winsize = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, quickJson(winSize)) return nil }) return txErr } func containsStr(strs []string, testStr string) bool { for _, s := range strs { if s == testStr { return true } } return false } func fmtUniqueName(name string, defaultFmtStr string, startIdx int, strs []string) string { var fmtStr string if name != "" { if !containsStr(strs, name) { return name } fmtStr = name + "-%d" startIdx = 2 } else { fmtStr = defaultFmtStr } if strings.Index(fmtStr, "%d") == -1 { panic("invalid fmtStr: " + fmtStr) } for { testName := fmt.Sprintf(fmtStr, startIdx) if containsStr(strs, testName) { startIdx++ continue } return testName } } func InsertScreen(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, origScreenName string, activate bool) (UpdatePacket, error) { var newScreenId string txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?` if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId) { return fmt.Errorf("cannot create screen, no session found") } remoteId := tx.GetString(`SELECT remoteid FROM remote WHERE remotealias = ?`, LocalRemoteAlias) if remoteId == "" { return fmt.Errorf("cannot create screen, no local remote found") } newWindowId := txCreateWindow(tx, sessionId, RemotePtrType{RemoteId: remoteId}) maxScreenIdx := tx.GetInt(`SELECT COALESCE(max(screenidx), 0) FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ?`, sessionId) screenNames := tx.SelectStrings(`SELECT name FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ?`, sessionId) screenName := fmtUniqueName(origScreenName, "s%d", maxScreenIdx+1, screenNames) newScreenId = scbase.GenSCUUID() query = `INSERT INTO screen (sessionid, screenid, name, activewindowid, screenidx, screenopts, ownerid, sharemode) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, '', 'local')` tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, newScreenId, screenName, newWindowId, maxScreenIdx+1, ScreenOptsType{}) layout := LayoutType{Type: LayoutFull} query = `INSERT INTO screen_window (sessionid, screenid, windowid, name, layout, selectedline, anchor, focustype) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)` tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, newScreenId, newWindowId, DefaultScreenWindowName, layout, 0, "", "input") if activate { query = `UPDATE session SET activescreenid = ? WHERE sessionid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, newScreenId, sessionId) } return nil }) newScreen, err := GetScreenById(ctx, sessionId, newScreenId) if err != nil { return nil, err } update, session := MakeSingleSessionUpdate(sessionId) if activate { session.ActiveScreenId = newScreenId } session.Screens = append(session.Screens, newScreen) return update, txErr } func GetScreenById(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string) (*ScreenType, error) { var rtnScreen *ScreenType txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT * FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?` var screen ScreenType found := tx.GetWrap(&screen, query, sessionId, screenId) if !found { return nil } rtnScreen = &screen query = `SELECT * FROM screen_window WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?` tx.SelectWrap(&screen.Windows, query, sessionId, screenId) screen.Full = true return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } return rtnScreen, nil } func txCreateWindow(tx *TxWrap, sessionId string, curRemote RemotePtrType) string { w := &WindowType{ SessionId: sessionId, WindowId: scbase.GenSCUUID(), CurRemote: curRemote, NextLineNum: 1, WinOpts: WindowOptsType{}, ShareMode: ShareModeLocal, ShareOpts: WindowShareOptsType{}, } wmap := w.ToMap() query := `INSERT INTO window ( sessionid, windowid, curremoteownerid, curremoteid, curremotename, nextlinenum, winopts, ownerid, sharemode, shareopts) VALUES (:sessionid,:windowid,:curremoteownerid,:curremoteid,:curremotename,:nextlinenum,:winopts,:ownerid,:sharemode,:shareopts)` tx.NamedExecWrap(query, wmap) return w.WindowId } func FindLineIdByArg(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string, lineArg string) (string, error) { var lineId string txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { lineNum, err := strconv.Atoi(lineArg) if err == nil { // valid linenum query := `SELECT lineid FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ? AND linenum = ?` lineId = tx.GetString(query, sessionId, windowId, lineNum) } else if len(lineArg) == 8 { // prefix id string match query := `SELECT lineid FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ? AND substr(lineid, 1, 8) = ?` lineId = tx.GetString(query, sessionId, windowId, lineArg) } else { // id match query := `SELECT * FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ? AND lineid = ?` lineId = tx.GetString(query, sessionId, windowId, lineArg) } return nil }) if txErr != nil { return "", txErr } return lineId, nil } func GetLineCmdByLineId(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string, lineId string) (*LineType, *CmdType, error) { var lineRtn *LineType var cmdRtn *CmdType txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT windowid FROM window WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?` if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId, windowId) { return fmt.Errorf("window not found") } var lineVal LineType query = `SELECT * FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ? AND lineid = ?` found := tx.GetWrap(&lineVal, query, sessionId, windowId, lineId) if !found { return nil } lineRtn = &lineVal if lineVal.CmdId != "" { query = `SELECT * FROM cmd WHERE sessionid = ? AND cmdid = ?` m := tx.GetMap(query, sessionId, lineVal.CmdId) cmdRtn = CmdFromMap(m) } return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, nil, txErr } return lineRtn, cmdRtn, nil } func GetLineCmdByCmdId(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string, cmdId string) (*LineType, *CmdType, error) { var lineRtn *LineType var cmdRtn *CmdType txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT windowid FROM window WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?` if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId, windowId) { return fmt.Errorf("window not found") } var lineVal LineType query = `SELECT * FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ? AND cmdid = ?` found := tx.GetWrap(&lineVal, query, sessionId, windowId, cmdId) if !found { return nil } lineRtn = &lineVal query = `SELECT * FROM cmd WHERE sessionid = ? AND cmdid = ?` m := tx.GetMap(query, sessionId, cmdId) cmdRtn = CmdFromMap(m) return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, nil, txErr } return lineRtn, cmdRtn, nil } func InsertLine(ctx context.Context, line *LineType, cmd *CmdType) error { if line == nil { return fmt.Errorf("line cannot be nil") } if line.LineId == "" { return fmt.Errorf("line must have lineid set") } if line.LineNum != 0 { return fmt.Errorf("line should not hage linenum set") } return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT windowid FROM window WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?` if !tx.Exists(query, line.SessionId, line.WindowId) { return fmt.Errorf("window not found, cannot insert line[%s/%s]", line.SessionId, line.WindowId) } query = `SELECT nextlinenum FROM window WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?` nextLineNum := tx.GetInt(query, line.SessionId, line.WindowId) line.LineNum = int64(nextLineNum) query = `INSERT INTO line ( sessionid, windowid, userid, lineid, ts, linenum, linenumtemp, linelocal, linetype, text, cmdid, ephemeral, contentheight) VALUES (:sessionid,:windowid,:userid,:lineid,:ts,:linenum,:linenumtemp,:linelocal,:linetype,:text,:cmdid,:ephemeral,:contentheight)` tx.NamedExecWrap(query, line) query = `UPDATE window SET nextlinenum = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, nextLineNum+1, line.SessionId, line.WindowId) if cmd != nil { cmd.OrigTermOpts = cmd.TermOpts cmdMap := cmd.ToMap() query = ` INSERT INTO cmd ( sessionid, cmdid, remoteownerid, remoteid, remotename, cmdstr, remotestate, termopts, origtermopts, status, startpk, donepk, rtnstate, runout) VALUES (:sessionid,:cmdid,:remoteownerid,:remoteid,:remotename,:cmdstr,:remotestate,:termopts,:origtermopts,:status,:startpk,:donepk,:rtnstate,:runout) ` tx.NamedExecWrap(query, cmdMap) } return nil }) } func GetCmdById(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, cmdId string) (*CmdType, error) { var cmd *CmdType err := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT * FROM cmd WHERE sessionid = ? AND cmdid = ?` m := tx.GetMap(query, sessionId, cmdId) cmd = CmdFromMap(m) return nil }) if err != nil { return nil, err } return cmd, nil } func UpdateCmdDonePk(ctx context.Context, donePk *packet.CmdDonePacketType) (*ModelUpdate, error) { if donePk == nil || donePk.CK.IsEmpty() { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid cmddone packet (no ck)") } var rtnCmd *CmdType txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `UPDATE cmd SET status = ?, donepk = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND cmdid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, CmdStatusDone, quickJson(donePk), donePk.CK.GetSessionId(), donePk.CK.GetCmdId()) var err error rtnCmd, err = GetCmdById(tx.Context(), donePk.CK.GetSessionId(), donePk.CK.GetCmdId()) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } if rtnCmd == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("cmd data not found for ck[%s]", donePk.CK) } return &ModelUpdate{Cmd: rtnCmd}, nil } func AppendCmdErrorPk(ctx context.Context, errPk *packet.CmdErrorPacketType) error { if errPk == nil || errPk.CK.IsEmpty() { return fmt.Errorf("invalid cmderror packet (no ck)") } return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `UPDATE cmd SET runout = json_insert(runout, '$[#]', ?) WHERE sessionid = ? AND cmdid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, quickJson(errPk), errPk.CK.GetSessionId(), errPk.CK.GetCmdId()) return nil }) } func HangupAllRunningCmds(ctx context.Context) error { return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `UPDATE cmd SET status = ? WHERE status = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, CmdStatusHangup, CmdStatusRunning) return nil }) } func HangupRunningCmdsByRemoteId(ctx context.Context, remoteId string) error { return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `UPDATE cmd SET status = ? WHERE status = ? AND remoteid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, CmdStatusHangup, CmdStatusRunning, remoteId) return nil }) } func getNextId(ids []string, delId string) string { fmt.Printf("getnextid %v | %v\n", ids, delId) if len(ids) == 0 { return "" } if len(ids) == 1 { if ids[0] == delId { return "" } return ids[0] } for idx := 0; idx < len(ids); idx++ { if ids[idx] == delId { var rtnIdx int if idx == len(ids)-1 { rtnIdx = idx - 1 } else { rtnIdx = idx + 1 } return ids[rtnIdx] } } return ids[0] } func SwitchScreenById(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string) (UpdatePacket, error) { txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?` if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId, screenId) { return fmt.Errorf("cannot switch to screen, screen=%s does not exist in session=%s", screenId, sessionId) } query = `UPDATE session SET activescreenid = ? WHERE sessionid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, screenId, sessionId) return nil }) update, session := MakeSingleSessionUpdate(sessionId) session.ActiveScreenId = screenId return update, txErr } func CleanWindows() { } func DeleteScreen(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string) (UpdatePacket, error) { var newActiveScreenId string txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { isActive := tx.Exists(`SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE sessionid = ? AND activescreenid = ?`, sessionId, screenId) fmt.Printf("delete-screen %s %s | %v\n", sessionId, screenId, isActive) if isActive { screenIds := tx.SelectStrings(`SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? ORDER BY screenidx`, sessionId) nextId := getNextId(screenIds, screenId) tx.ExecWrap(`UPDATE session SET activescreenid = ? WHERE sessionid = ?`, nextId, sessionId) newActiveScreenId = nextId } query := `DELETE FROM screen_window WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, screenId) query = `DELETE FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, screenId) return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } go CleanWindows() update, session := MakeSingleSessionUpdate(sessionId) session.ActiveScreenId = newActiveScreenId session.Screens = append(session.Screens, &ScreenType{SessionId: sessionId, ScreenId: screenId, Remove: true}) return update, nil } func GetRemoteState(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string, remotePtr RemotePtrType) (*packet.ShellState, error) { var remoteState *packet.ShellState txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT * FROM remote_instance WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ? AND remoteownerid = ? AND remoteid = ? AND name = ?` m := tx.GetMap(query, sessionId, windowId, remotePtr.OwnerId, remotePtr.RemoteId, remotePtr.Name) ri := RIFromMap(m) if ri != nil { remoteState = &ri.State return nil } return nil }) return remoteState, txErr } func validateSessionWindow(tx *TxWrap, sessionId string, windowId string) error { if windowId == "" { query := `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?` if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId) { return fmt.Errorf("no session found") } return nil } else { query := `SELECT windowid FROM window WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?` if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId, windowId) { return fmt.Errorf("no window found") } return nil } } func UpdateRemoteState(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string, remotePtr RemotePtrType, state packet.ShellState) (*RemoteInstance, error) { if remotePtr.IsSessionScope() { windowId = "" } var ri *RemoteInstance txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { err := validateSessionWindow(tx, sessionId, windowId) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("cannot update remote instance cwd: %w", err) } query := `SELECT * FROM remote_instance WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ? AND remoteownerid = ? AND remoteid = ? AND name = ?` m := tx.GetMap(query, sessionId, windowId, remotePtr.OwnerId, remotePtr.RemoteId, remotePtr.Name) ri = RIFromMap(m) if ri == nil { ri = &RemoteInstance{ RIId: scbase.GenSCUUID(), Name: remotePtr.Name, SessionId: sessionId, WindowId: windowId, RemoteOwnerId: remotePtr.OwnerId, RemoteId: remotePtr.RemoteId, State: state, } query = `INSERT INTO remote_instance ( riid, name, sessionid, windowid, remoteownerid, remoteid, state) VALUES (:riid,:name,:sessionid,:windowid,:remoteownerid,:remoteid,:state)` tx.NamedExecWrap(query, ri.ToMap()) return nil } query = `UPDATE remote_instance SET state = ? WHERE riid = ?` ri.State = state tx.ExecWrap(query, quickJson(ri.State), ri.RIId) return nil }) return ri, txErr } func UpdateCurRemote(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string, remotePtr RemotePtrType) error { txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT windowid FROM window WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?` if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId, windowId) { return fmt.Errorf("cannot update curremote: no window found") } query = `UPDATE window SET curremoteownerid = ?, curremoteid = ?, curremotename = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, remotePtr.OwnerId, remotePtr.RemoteId, remotePtr.Name, sessionId, windowId) return nil }) return txErr } func reorderStrings(strs []string, toMove string, newIndex int) []string { if toMove == "" { return strs } var newStrs []string if newIndex < 0 { newStrs = append(newStrs, toMove) } for _, sval := range strs { if len(newStrs) == newIndex { newStrs = append(newStrs, toMove) } if sval != toMove { newStrs = append(newStrs, sval) } } if newIndex >= len(newStrs) { newStrs = append(newStrs, toMove) } return newStrs } func ReIndexSessions(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, newIndex int) error { txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT sessionid FROM session ORDER BY sessionidx, name, sessionid` ids := tx.SelectStrings(query) if sessionId != "" { ids = reorderStrings(ids, sessionId, newIndex) } query = `UPDATE session SET sessionid = ? WHERE sessionid = ?` for idx, id := range ids { tx.ExecWrap(query, id, idx+1) } return nil }) return txErr } func SetSessionName(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, name string) error { txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?` if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId) { return fmt.Errorf("session does not exist") } query = `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE name = ?` dupSessionId := tx.GetString(query, name) if dupSessionId == sessionId { return nil } if dupSessionId != "" { return fmt.Errorf("invalid duplicate session name '%s'", name) } query = `UPDATE session SET name = ? WHERE sessionid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, name, sessionId) return nil }) return txErr } func SetScreenName(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string, name string) error { txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?` if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId, screenId) { return fmt.Errorf("screen does not exist") } query = `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND name = ?` dupScreenId := tx.GetString(query, sessionId, name) if dupScreenId == screenId { return nil } if dupScreenId != "" { return fmt.Errorf("invalid duplicate screen name '%s'", name) } query = `UPDATE screen SET name = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, name, sessionId, screenId) return nil }) return txErr } func SetScreenOpts(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string, opts *ScreenOptsType) error { if opts == nil { return fmt.Errorf("invalid screen opts cannot be nil") } txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?` if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId, screenId) { return fmt.Errorf("screen does not exist") } query = `UPDATE screen SET screenopts = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, opts, sessionId, screenId) return nil }) return txErr } func ClearWindow(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string) (*ModelUpdate, error) { var lineIds []string txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT windowid FROM window WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?` if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId, windowId) { return fmt.Errorf("window does not exist") } query = `SELECT lineid FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?` lineIds = tx.SelectStrings(query, sessionId, windowId) query = `DELETE FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, windowId) query = `UPDATE window SET nextlinenum = 1 WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, sessionId, windowId) return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } win, err := GetWindowById(ctx, sessionId, windowId) if err != nil { return nil, err } for _, lineId := range lineIds { line := &LineType{ SessionId: sessionId, WindowId: windowId, LineId: lineId, Remove: true, } win.Lines = append(win.Lines, line) } return &ModelUpdate{Window: win}, nil } func GetRunningWindowCmds(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string) ([]*CmdType, error) { var rtn []*CmdType txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT * from cmd WHERE cmdid IN (SELECT cmdid FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ?) AND status = ?` cmdMaps := tx.SelectMaps(query, sessionId, windowId, CmdStatusRunning) for _, m := range cmdMaps { rtn = append(rtn, CmdFromMap(m)) } return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } return rtn, nil } func UpdateCmdTermOpts(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, cmdId string, termOpts TermOpts) error { txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `UPDATE cmd SET termopts = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND cmdid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, termOpts, sessionId, cmdId) return nil }) return txErr } func DeleteSession(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) error { return nil } func GetSessionStats(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) (*SessionStatsType, error) { rtn := &SessionStatsType{SessionId: sessionId} txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?` if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId) { return fmt.Errorf("not found") } query = `SELECT count(*) FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ?` rtn.NumScreens = tx.GetInt(query, sessionId) query = `SELECT count(*) FROM window WHERE sessionid = ?` rtn.NumWindows = tx.GetInt(query, sessionId) query = `SELECT count(*) FROM line WHERE sessionid = ?` rtn.NumLines = tx.GetInt(query, sessionId) query = `SELECT count(*) FROM cmd WHERE sessionid = ?` rtn.NumCmds = tx.GetInt(query, sessionId) return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } diskSize, err := SessionDiskSize(sessionId) if err != nil { return nil, err } rtn.DiskStats = diskSize return rtn, nil } const ( RemoteField_Alias = "alias" // string RemoteField_ConnectMode = "connectmode" // string RemoteField_AutoInstall = "autoinstall" // bool RemoteField_SSHKey = "sshkey" // string RemoteField_SSHPassword = "sshpassword" // string RemoteField_Color = "color" // string ) // editMap: alias, connectmode, autoinstall, sshkey, color, sshpassword (from constants) func UpdateRemote(ctx context.Context, remoteId string, editMap map[string]interface{}) (*RemoteType, error) { var rtn *RemoteType txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT remoteid FROM remote WHERE remoteid = ?` if !tx.Exists(query, remoteId) { return fmt.Errorf("remote not found") } if alias, found := editMap[RemoteField_Alias]; found { query = `SELECT remoteid FROM remote WHERE remotealias = ? AND remoteid <> ?` if alias != "" && tx.Exists(query, alias, remoteId) { return fmt.Errorf("remote has duplicate alias, cannot update") } query = `UPDATE remote SET remotealias = ? WHERE remoteid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, alias, remoteId) } if mode, found := editMap[RemoteField_ConnectMode]; found { query = `UPDATE remote SET connectmode = ? WHERE remoteid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, mode, remoteId) } if autoInstall, found := editMap[RemoteField_AutoInstall]; found { query = `UPDATE remote SET autoinstall = ? WHERE remoteid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, autoInstall, remoteId) } if sshKey, found := editMap[RemoteField_SSHKey]; found { query = `UPDATE remote SET sshopts = json_set(sshopts, '$.sshidentity', ?) WHERE remoteid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, sshKey, remoteId) } if sshPassword, found := editMap[RemoteField_SSHPassword]; found { query = `UPDATE remote SET sshopts = json_set(sshopts, '$.sshpassword', ?) WHERE remoteid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, sshPassword, remoteId) } if color, found := editMap[RemoteField_Color]; found { query = `UPDATE remote SET remoteopts = json_set(remoteopts, '$.color', ?) WHERE remoteid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, color, remoteId) } var err error rtn, err = GetRemoteById(tx.Context(), remoteId) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } return rtn, nil } const ( SWField_AnchorLine = "anchorline" // int SWField_AnchorOffset = "anchoroffset" // int SWField_SelectedLine = "selectedline" // int SWField_Focus = "focustype" // string ) func UpdateScreenWindow(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string, windowId string, editMap map[string]interface{}) (*ScreenWindowType, error) { var rtn *ScreenWindowType txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT sessionid FROM screen_window WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ? AND windowid = ?` if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId, screenId, windowId) { return fmt.Errorf("screen-window not found") } if anchorLine, found := editMap[SWField_AnchorLine]; found { query = `UPDATE screen_window SET anchor = json_set(anchor, '$.anchorline', ?) WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ? AND windowid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, anchorLine, sessionId, screenId, windowId) } if anchorOffset, found := editMap[SWField_AnchorOffset]; found { query = `UPDATE screen_window SET anchor = json_set(anchor, '$.anchoroffset', ?) WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ? AND windowid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, anchorOffset, sessionId, screenId, windowId) } if sline, found := editMap[SWField_SelectedLine]; found { query = `UPDATE screen_window SET selectedline = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ? AND windowid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, sline, sessionId, screenId, windowId) } if focusType, found := editMap[SWField_Focus]; found { query = `UPDATE screen_window SET focustype = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ? AND windowid = ?` tx.ExecWrap(query, focusType, sessionId, screenId, windowId) } var sw ScreenWindowType query = `SELECT * FROM screen_window WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ? AND windowid = ?` found := tx.GetWrap(&sw, query, sessionId, screenId, windowId) if found { rtn = &sw } return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } return rtn, nil } func GetScreenWindowByIds(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string, windowId string) (*ScreenWindowType, error) { var rtn *ScreenWindowType txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { var sw ScreenWindowType query := `SELECT * FROM screen_window WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ? AND windowid = ?` found := tx.GetWrap(&sw, query, sessionId, screenId, windowId) if found { rtn = &sw } return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } return rtn, nil } func GetLineResolveItems(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, windowId string) ([]ResolveItem, error) { var rtn []ResolveItem txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT lineid as id, linenum as num FROM line WHERE sessionid = ? AND windowid = ? ORDER BY linenum` tx.SelectWrap(&rtn, query, sessionId, windowId) return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } return rtn, nil } func UpdateSWsWithCmdFg(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, cmdId string) ([]*ScreenWindowType, error) { var rtn []*ScreenWindowType txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { query := `SELECT sessionid, screenid, windowid FROM screen_window sw WHERE sessionid = ? AND focustype = 'cmd-fg' AND selectedline IN (SELECT linenum FROM line l WHERE l.sessionid = sw.sessionid AND l.windowid = sw.windowid AND l.cmdid = ? )` var swKeys []SWKey tx.SelectWrap(&swKeys, query, sessionId, cmdId) if len(swKeys) == 0 { return nil } for _, key := range swKeys { editMap := make(map[string]interface{}) editMap[SWField_Focus] = SWFocusInput sw, err := UpdateScreenWindow(tx.Context(), key.SessionId, key.ScreenId, key.WindowId, editMap) if err != nil { return err } rtn = append(rtn, sw) } return nil }) if txErr != nil { return nil, txErr } return rtn, nil }