// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 // types and methods for wsh rpc calls package wshrpc import ( "context" "log" "os" "reflect" "github.com/wavetermdev/waveterm/pkg/ijson" "github.com/wavetermdev/waveterm/pkg/vdom" "github.com/wavetermdev/waveterm/pkg/waveobj" "github.com/wavetermdev/waveterm/pkg/wconfig" "github.com/wavetermdev/waveterm/pkg/wps" ) const LocalConnName = "local" const ( RpcType_Call = "call" // single response (regular rpc) RpcType_ResponseStream = "responsestream" // stream of responses (streaming rpc) RpcType_StreamingRequest = "streamingrequest" // streaming request RpcType_Complex = "complex" // streaming request/response ) const ( Command_Authenticate = "authenticate" // special Command_Dispose = "dispose" // special (disposes of the route, for multiproxy only) Command_RouteAnnounce = "routeannounce" // special (for routing) Command_RouteUnannounce = "routeunannounce" // special (for routing) Command_Message = "message" Command_GetMeta = "getmeta" Command_SetMeta = "setmeta" Command_SetView = "setview" Command_ControllerInput = "controllerinput" Command_ControllerRestart = "controllerrestart" Command_ControllerStop = "controllerstop" Command_ControllerResync = "controllerresync" Command_FileAppend = "fileappend" Command_FileAppendIJson = "fileappendijson" Command_ResolveIds = "resolveids" Command_BlockInfo = "blockinfo" Command_CreateBlock = "createblock" Command_DeleteBlock = "deleteblock" Command_FileWrite = "filewrite" Command_FileRead = "fileread" Command_EventPublish = "eventpublish" Command_EventRecv = "eventrecv" Command_EventSub = "eventsub" Command_EventUnsub = "eventunsub" Command_EventUnsubAll = "eventunsuball" Command_EventReadHistory = "eventreadhistory" Command_StreamTest = "streamtest" Command_StreamWaveAi = "streamwaveai" Command_StreamCpuData = "streamcpudata" Command_Test = "test" Command_RemoteStreamFile = "remotestreamfile" Command_RemoteFileInfo = "remotefileinfo" Command_RemoteWriteFile = "remotewritefile" Command_RemoteFileDelete = "remotefiledelete" Command_RemoteFileJoiin = "remotefilejoin" Command_ConnEnsure = "connensure" Command_ConnReinstallWsh = "connreinstallwsh" Command_ConnConnect = "connconnect" Command_ConnDisconnect = "conndisconnect" Command_ConnList = "connlist" Command_WebSelector = "webselector" Command_Notify = "notify" Command_VDomCreateContext = "vdomcreatecontext" Command_VDomAsyncInitiation = "vdomasyncinitiation" Command_VDomRender = "vdomrender" ) type RespOrErrorUnion[T any] struct { Response T Error error } type WshRpcInterface interface { AuthenticateCommand(ctx context.Context, data string) (CommandAuthenticateRtnData, error) DisposeCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandDisposeData) error RouteAnnounceCommand(ctx context.Context) error // (special) announces a new route to the main router RouteUnannounceCommand(ctx context.Context) error // (special) unannounces a route to the main router MessageCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandMessageData) error GetMetaCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandGetMetaData) (waveobj.MetaMapType, error) SetMetaCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandSetMetaData) error SetViewCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandBlockSetViewData) error ControllerInputCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandBlockInputData) error ControllerStopCommand(ctx context.Context, blockId string) error ControllerResyncCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandControllerResyncData) error FileAppendCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandFileData) error FileAppendIJsonCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandAppendIJsonData) error ResolveIdsCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandResolveIdsData) (CommandResolveIdsRtnData, error) CreateBlockCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandCreateBlockData) (waveobj.ORef, error) DeleteBlockCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandDeleteBlockData) error FileWriteCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandFileData) error FileReadCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandFileData) (string, error) EventPublishCommand(ctx context.Context, data wps.WaveEvent) error EventSubCommand(ctx context.Context, data wps.SubscriptionRequest) error EventUnsubCommand(ctx context.Context, data string) error EventUnsubAllCommand(ctx context.Context) error EventReadHistoryCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandEventReadHistoryData) ([]*wps.WaveEvent, error) StreamTestCommand(ctx context.Context) chan RespOrErrorUnion[int] StreamWaveAiCommand(ctx context.Context, request OpenAiStreamRequest) chan RespOrErrorUnion[OpenAIPacketType] StreamCpuDataCommand(ctx context.Context, request CpuDataRequest) chan RespOrErrorUnion[TimeSeriesData] TestCommand(ctx context.Context, data string) error SetConfigCommand(ctx context.Context, data wconfig.MetaSettingsType) error BlockInfoCommand(ctx context.Context, blockId string) (*BlockInfoData, error) // connection functions ConnStatusCommand(ctx context.Context) ([]ConnStatus, error) ConnEnsureCommand(ctx context.Context, connName string) error ConnReinstallWshCommand(ctx context.Context, connName string) error ConnConnectCommand(ctx context.Context, connName string) error ConnDisconnectCommand(ctx context.Context, connName string) error ConnListCommand(ctx context.Context) ([]string, error) // eventrecv is special, it's handled internally by WshRpc with EventListener EventRecvCommand(ctx context.Context, data wps.WaveEvent) error // remotes RemoteStreamFileCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandRemoteStreamFileData) chan RespOrErrorUnion[CommandRemoteStreamFileRtnData] RemoteFileInfoCommand(ctx context.Context, path string) (*FileInfo, error) RemoteFileDeleteCommand(ctx context.Context, path string) error RemoteWriteFileCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandRemoteWriteFileData) error RemoteFileJoinCommand(ctx context.Context, paths []string) (*FileInfo, error) RemoteStreamCpuDataCommand(ctx context.Context) chan RespOrErrorUnion[TimeSeriesData] // emain WebSelectorCommand(ctx context.Context, data CommandWebSelectorData) ([]string, error) NotifyCommand(ctx context.Context, notificationOptions WaveNotificationOptions) error // terminal VDomCreateContextCommand(ctx context.Context, data vdom.VDomCreateContext) error VDomAsyncInitiationCommand(ctx context.Context, data vdom.VDomAsyncInitiationRequest) error // proc VDomRenderCommand(ctx context.Context, data vdom.VDomFrontendUpdate) (*vdom.VDomBackendUpdate, error) } // for frontend type WshServerCommandMeta struct { CommandType string `json:"commandtype"` } type RpcOpts struct { Timeout int `json:"timeout,omitempty"` NoResponse bool `json:"noresponse,omitempty"` Route string `json:"route,omitempty"` StreamCancelFn func() `json:"-"` // this is an *output* parameter, set by the handler } const ( ClientType_ConnServer = "connserver" ClientType_BlockController = "blockcontroller" ) type RpcContext struct { ClientType string `json:"ctype,omitempty"` BlockId string `json:"blockid,omitempty"` TabId string `json:"tabid,omitempty"` Conn string `json:"conn,omitempty"` } func HackRpcContextIntoData(dataPtr any, rpcContext RpcContext) { dataVal := reflect.ValueOf(dataPtr).Elem() if dataVal.Kind() != reflect.Struct { return } dataType := dataVal.Type() for i := 0; i < dataVal.NumField(); i++ { field := dataVal.Field(i) if !field.IsZero() { continue } fieldType := dataType.Field(i) tag := fieldType.Tag.Get("wshcontext") if tag == "" { continue } switch tag { case "BlockId": field.SetString(rpcContext.BlockId) case "TabId": field.SetString(rpcContext.TabId) case "BlockORef": if rpcContext.BlockId != "" { field.Set(reflect.ValueOf(waveobj.MakeORef(waveobj.OType_Block, rpcContext.BlockId))) } default: log.Printf("invalid wshcontext tag: %q in type(%T)", tag, dataPtr) } } } type CommandAuthenticateRtnData struct { RouteId string `json:"routeid"` AuthToken string `json:"authtoken,omitempty"` } type CommandDisposeData struct { RouteId string `json:"routeid"` // auth token travels in the packet directly } type CommandMessageData struct { ORef waveobj.ORef `json:"oref" wshcontext:"BlockORef"` Message string `json:"message"` } type CommandGetMetaData struct { ORef waveobj.ORef `json:"oref" wshcontext:"BlockORef"` } type CommandSetMetaData struct { ORef waveobj.ORef `json:"oref" wshcontext:"BlockORef"` Meta waveobj.MetaMapType `json:"meta"` } type CommandResolveIdsData struct { BlockId string `json:"blockid" wshcontext:"BlockId"` Ids []string `json:"ids"` } type CommandResolveIdsRtnData struct { ResolvedIds map[string]waveobj.ORef `json:"resolvedids"` } type CommandCreateBlockData struct { TabId string `json:"tabid" wshcontext:"TabId"` BlockDef *waveobj.BlockDef `json:"blockdef"` RtOpts *waveobj.RuntimeOpts `json:"rtopts,omitempty"` Magnified bool `json:"magnified,omitempty"` } type CommandBlockSetViewData struct { BlockId string `json:"blockid" wshcontext:"BlockId"` View string `json:"view"` } type CommandControllerResyncData struct { ForceRestart bool `json:"forcerestart,omitempty"` TabId string `json:"tabid" wshcontext:"TabId"` BlockId string `json:"blockid" wshcontext:"BlockId"` RtOpts *waveobj.RuntimeOpts `json:"rtopts,omitempty"` } type CommandBlockInputData struct { BlockId string `json:"blockid" wshcontext:"BlockId"` InputData64 string `json:"inputdata64,omitempty"` SigName string `json:"signame,omitempty"` TermSize *waveobj.TermSize `json:"termsize,omitempty"` } type CommandFileData struct { ZoneId string `json:"zoneid" wshcontext:"BlockId"` FileName string `json:"filename"` Data64 string `json:"data64,omitempty"` } type CommandAppendIJsonData struct { ZoneId string `json:"zoneid" wshcontext:"BlockId"` FileName string `json:"filename"` Data ijson.Command `json:"data"` } type CommandDeleteBlockData struct { BlockId string `json:"blockid" wshcontext:"BlockId"` } type CommandEventReadHistoryData struct { Event string `json:"event"` Scope string `json:"scope"` MaxItems int `json:"maxitems"` } type OpenAiStreamRequest struct { ClientId string `json:"clientid,omitempty"` Opts *OpenAIOptsType `json:"opts"` Prompt []OpenAIPromptMessageType `json:"prompt"` } type OpenAIPromptMessageType struct { Role string `json:"role"` Content string `json:"content"` Name string `json:"name,omitempty"` } type OpenAIOptsType struct { Model string `json:"model"` APIType string `json:"apitype,omitempty"` APIToken string `json:"apitoken"` OrgID string `json:"orgid,omitempty"` APIVersion string `json:"apiversion,omitempty"` BaseURL string `json:"baseurl,omitempty"` MaxTokens int `json:"maxtokens,omitempty"` MaxChoices int `json:"maxchoices,omitempty"` TimeoutMs int `json:"timeoutms,omitempty"` } type OpenAIPacketType struct { Type string `json:"type"` Model string `json:"model,omitempty"` Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"` FinishReason string `json:"finish_reason,omitempty"` Usage *OpenAIUsageType `json:"usage,omitempty"` Index int `json:"index,omitempty"` Text string `json:"text,omitempty"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` } type OpenAIUsageType struct { PromptTokens int `json:"prompt_tokens,omitempty"` CompletionTokens int `json:"completion_tokens,omitempty"` TotalTokens int `json:"total_tokens,omitempty"` } type CpuDataRequest struct { Id string `json:"id"` Count int `json:"count"` } type CpuDataType struct { Time int64 `json:"time"` Value float64 `json:"value"` } type FileInfo struct { Path string `json:"path"` // cleaned path (may have "~") Dir string `json:"dir"` // returns the directory part of the path (if this is a a directory, it will be equal to Path). "~" will be expanded, and separators will be normalized to "/" Name string `json:"name"` NotFound bool `json:"notfound,omitempty"` Size int64 `json:"size"` Mode os.FileMode `json:"mode"` ModeStr string `json:"modestr"` ModTime int64 `json:"modtime"` IsDir bool `json:"isdir,omitempty"` MimeType string `json:"mimetype,omitempty"` ReadOnly bool `json:"readonly,omitempty"` // this is not set for fileinfo's returned from directory listings } type CommandRemoteStreamFileData struct { Path string `json:"path"` ByteRange string `json:"byterange,omitempty"` } type CommandRemoteStreamFileRtnData struct { FileInfo []*FileInfo `json:"fileinfo,omitempty"` Data64 string `json:"data64,omitempty"` } type CommandRemoteWriteFileData struct { Path string `json:"path"` Data64 string `json:"data64"` CreateMode os.FileMode `json:"createmode,omitempty"` } const ( TimeSeries_Cpu = "cpu" ) type TimeSeriesData struct { Ts int64 `json:"ts"` Values map[string]float64 `json:"values"` } type ConnStatus struct { Status string `json:"status"` Connection string `json:"connection"` Connected bool `json:"connected"` HasConnected bool `json:"hasconnected"` // true if it has *ever* connected successfully ActiveConnNum int `json:"activeconnnum"` Error string `json:"error,omitempty"` } type WebSelectorOpts struct { All bool `json:"all,omitempty"` Inner bool `json:"inner,omitempty"` } type CommandWebSelectorData struct { WindowId string `json:"windowid"` BlockId string `json:"blockid" wshcontext:"BlockId"` TabId string `json:"tabid" wshcontext:"TabId"` Selector string `json:"selector"` Opts *WebSelectorOpts `json:"opts,omitempty"` } type BlockInfoData struct { BlockId string `json:"blockid"` TabId string `json:"tabid"` WindowId string `json:"windowid"` Meta waveobj.MetaMapType `json:"meta"` } type WaveNotificationOptions struct { Title string `json:"title,omitempty"` Body string `json:"body,omitempty"` Silent bool `json:"silent,omitempty"` }