// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import type { Meta, StoryObj } from "@storybook/react"; import { fn } from "@storybook/test"; import { Button } from "./button"; const meta = { title: "Elements/Button", component: Button, args: { children: "Click Me", disabled: false, className: "", onClick: fn(), }, argTypes: { onClick: { action: "clicked", description: "Click event handler", }, children: { description: "Content inside the button", }, disabled: { description: "Disables the button if true", }, className: { description: "Additional class names to style the button", }, }, } satisfies Meta<typeof Button>; export default meta; type Story = StoryObj<typeof meta>; export const Default: Story = {}; export const Disabled: Story = { args: { disabled: true, children: "Disabled Button", }, }; export const GreySolid: Story = { args: { className: "solid grey", children: "Grey Solid Button", }, }; export const RedSolid: Story = { args: { className: "solid red", children: "Red Solid Button", }, }; export const YellowSolid: Story = { args: { className: "solid yellow", children: "Yellow Solid Button", }, }; export const GreenOutlined: Story = { args: { className: "outlined green", children: "Green Outline Button", }, }; export const GreyOutlined: Story = { args: { className: "outlined grey", children: "Grey Outline Button", }, }; export const RedOutlined: Story = { args: { className: "outlined red", children: "Red Outline Button", }, }; export const YellowOutlined: Story = { args: { className: "outlined yellow", children: "Yellow Outline Button", }, }; export const GreenGhostText: Story = { args: { className: "ghost green", children: "Yellow Ghost Text Button", }, }; export const GreyGhostText: Story = { args: { className: "ghost grey", children: "Grey Ghost Text Button", }, }; export const RedGhost: Story = { args: { className: "ghost red", children: "Red Ghost Text Button", }, }; export const YellowGhostText: Story = { args: { className: "ghost yellow", children: "Yellow Ghost Text Button", }, };