// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { LayoutTreeAction, LayoutTreeActionType, LayoutTreeInsertNodeAction, newLayoutNode } from "@/faraday/index"; import { getLayoutStateAtomForTab } from "@/faraday/lib/layoutAtom"; import { layoutTreeStateReducer } from "@/faraday/lib/layoutState"; import { handleIncomingRpcMessage } from "@/app/store/wshrpc"; import { getWSServerEndpoint, getWebServerEndpoint } from "@/util/endpoints"; import * as layoututil from "@/util/layoututil"; import { produce } from "immer"; import * as jotai from "jotai"; import * as rxjs from "rxjs"; import * as services from "./services"; import * as WOS from "./wos"; import { WSControl } from "./ws"; let PLATFORM: NodeJS.Platform = "darwin"; const globalStore = jotai.createStore(); let atoms: GlobalAtomsType; let globalEnvironment: "electron" | "renderer"; type GlobalInitOptions = { platform: NodeJS.Platform; windowId: string; clientId: string; environment: "electron" | "renderer"; }; function initGlobal(initOpts: GlobalInitOptions) { globalEnvironment = initOpts.environment; setPlatform(initOpts.platform); initGlobalAtoms(initOpts); } function setPlatform(platform: NodeJS.Platform) { PLATFORM = platform; } function initGlobalAtoms(initOpts: GlobalInitOptions) { const windowIdAtom = jotai.atom(initOpts.windowId) as jotai.PrimitiveAtom; const clientIdAtom = jotai.atom(initOpts.clientId) as jotai.PrimitiveAtom; const uiContextAtom = jotai.atom((get) => { const windowData = get(windowDataAtom); const uiContext: UIContext = { windowid: get(atoms.windowId), activetabid: windowData?.activetabid, }; return uiContext; }) as jotai.Atom; const isFullScreenAtom = jotai.atom(false) as jotai.PrimitiveAtom; try { getApi().onFullScreenChange((isFullScreen) => { console.log("fullscreen change", isFullScreen); globalStore.set(isFullScreenAtom, isFullScreen); }); } catch (_) { // do nothing } const clientAtom: jotai.Atom = jotai.atom((get) => { const clientId = get(clientIdAtom); if (clientId == null) { return null; } return WOS.getObjectValue(WOS.makeORef("client", clientId), get); }); const windowDataAtom: jotai.Atom = jotai.atom((get) => { const windowId = get(windowIdAtom); if (windowId == null) { return null; } const rtn = WOS.getObjectValue(WOS.makeORef("window", windowId), get); return rtn; }); const workspaceAtom: jotai.Atom = jotai.atom((get) => { const windowData = get(windowDataAtom); if (windowData == null) { return null; } return WOS.getObjectValue(WOS.makeORef("workspace", windowData.workspaceid), get); }); const settingsConfigAtom = jotai.atom(null) as jotai.PrimitiveAtom; const tabAtom: jotai.Atom = jotai.atom((get) => { const windowData = get(windowDataAtom); if (windowData == null) { return null; } return WOS.getObjectValue(WOS.makeORef("tab", windowData.activetabid), get); }); const activeTabIdAtom: jotai.Atom = jotai.atom((get) => { const windowData = get(windowDataAtom); if (windowData == null) { return null; } return windowData.activetabid; }); const userInputAtom = jotai.atom([]) as jotai.PrimitiveAtom>; atoms = { // initialized in wave.ts (will not be null inside of application) windowId: windowIdAtom, clientId: clientIdAtom, uiContext: uiContextAtom, client: clientAtom, waveWindow: windowDataAtom, workspace: workspaceAtom, settingsConfigAtom: settingsConfigAtom, tabAtom: tabAtom, activeTabId: activeTabIdAtom, userInput: userInputAtom, isFullScreen: isFullScreenAtom, }; } // key is "eventType" or "eventType|oref" const eventSubjects = new Map>(); const fileSubjects = new Map>(); function getSubjectInternal(subjectKey: string): SubjectWithRef { let subject = eventSubjects.get(subjectKey); if (subject == null) { subject = new rxjs.Subject() as any; subject.refCount = 0; subject.release = () => { subject.refCount--; if (subject.refCount === 0) { subject.complete(); eventSubjects.delete(subjectKey); } }; eventSubjects.set(subjectKey, subject); } subject.refCount++; return subject; } function getEventSubject(eventType: string): SubjectWithRef { return getSubjectInternal(eventType); } function getEventORefSubject(eventType: string, oref: string): SubjectWithRef { return getSubjectInternal(eventType + "|" + oref); } function getFileSubject(zoneId: string, fileName: string): SubjectWithRef { const subjectKey = zoneId + "|" + fileName; let subject = fileSubjects.get(subjectKey); if (subject == null) { subject = new rxjs.Subject() as any; subject.refCount = 0; subject.release = () => { subject.refCount--; if (subject.refCount === 0) { subject.complete(); fileSubjects.delete(subjectKey); } }; fileSubjects.set(subjectKey, subject); } subject.refCount++; return subject; } const blockCache = new Map>(); function useBlockCache(blockId: string, name: string, makeFn: () => T): T { let blockMap = blockCache.get(blockId); if (blockMap == null) { blockMap = new Map(); blockCache.set(blockId, blockMap); } let value = blockMap.get(name); if (value == null) { value = makeFn(); blockMap.set(name, value); } return value as T; } const settingsAtomCache = new Map>(); function useSettingsAtom(name: string, settingsFn: (settings: SettingsConfigType) => T): jotai.Atom { let atom = settingsAtomCache.get(name); if (atom == null) { atom = jotai.atom((get) => { const settings = get(atoms.settingsConfigAtom); if (settings == null) { return null; } return settingsFn(settings); }) as jotai.Atom; settingsAtomCache.set(name, atom); } return atom as jotai.Atom; } const blockAtomCache = new Map>>(); function useBlockAtom(blockId: string, name: string, makeFn: () => jotai.Atom): jotai.Atom { let blockCache = blockAtomCache.get(blockId); if (blockCache == null) { blockCache = new Map>(); blockAtomCache.set(blockId, blockCache); } let atom = blockCache.get(name); if (atom == null) { atom = makeFn(); blockCache.set(name, atom); console.log("New BlockAtom", blockId, name); } return atom as jotai.Atom; } let globalWS: WSControl = null; function handleWSEventMessage(msg: WSEventType) { if (msg.eventtype == null) { console.log("unsupported event", msg); return; } if (msg.eventtype == "config") { const data: WatcherUpdate = msg.data; globalStore.set(atoms.settingsConfigAtom, data.update); console.log("config", data); return; } if (msg.eventtype == "userinput") { // handle user input const data: UserInputRequest = msg.data; console.log(data); globalStore.set(atoms.userInput, (prev) => [...prev, data]); return; } if (msg.eventtype == "blockfile") { const fileData: WSFileEventData = msg.data; const fileSubject = getFileSubject(fileData.zoneid, fileData.filename); if (fileSubject != null) { fileSubject.next(fileData); } return; } if (msg.eventtype == "rpc") { const rpcMsg: RpcMessage = msg.data; handleIncomingRpcMessage(rpcMsg); return; } if (msg.eventtype == "layoutaction") { const layoutAction: WSLayoutActionData = msg.data; if (layoutAction.actiontype == LayoutTreeActionType.InsertNode) { const insertNodeAction: LayoutTreeInsertNodeAction = { type: LayoutTreeActionType.InsertNode, node: newLayoutNode(undefined, undefined, undefined, { blockId: layoutAction.blockid, }), }; runLayoutAction(layoutAction.tabid, insertNodeAction); } else if (layoutAction.actiontype == LayoutTreeActionType.DeleteNode) { const layoutStateAtom = getLayoutStateAtomForTab( layoutAction.tabid, WOS.getWaveObjectAtom(WOS.makeORef("tab", layoutAction.tabid)) ); const curState = globalStore.get(layoutStateAtom); const leafId = layoututil.findLeafIdFromBlockId(curState, layoutAction.blockid); const deleteNodeAction = { type: LayoutTreeActionType.DeleteNode, nodeId: leafId, }; runLayoutAction(layoutAction.tabid, deleteNodeAction); } else { console.log("unsupported layout action", layoutAction); } return; } // we send to two subjects just eventType and eventType|oref // we don't use getORefSubject here because we don't want to create a new subject const eventSubject = eventSubjects.get(msg.eventtype); if (eventSubject != null) { eventSubject.next(msg); } const eventOrefSubject = eventSubjects.get(msg.eventtype + "|" + msg.oref); if (eventOrefSubject != null) { eventOrefSubject.next(msg); } } function handleWSMessage(msg: any) { if (msg == null) { return; } if (msg.eventtype != null) { handleWSEventMessage(msg); } } function initWS() { const windowId = globalStore.get(atoms.windowId); globalWS = new WSControl(getWSServerEndpoint(), globalStore, windowId, "", (msg) => { handleWSMessage(msg); }); globalWS.connectNow("initWS"); } function sendWSCommand(command: WSCommandType) { globalWS.pushMessage(command); } // more code that could be moved into an init // here we want to set up a "waveobj:update" handler const waveobjUpdateSubject = getEventSubject("waveobj:update"); waveobjUpdateSubject.subscribe((msg: WSEventType) => { const update: WaveObjUpdate = msg.data; WOS.updateWaveObject(update); }); /** * Get the preload api. */ function getApi(): ElectronApi { return (window as any).api; } function runLayoutAction(tabId: string, action: LayoutTreeAction) { const layoutStateAtom = getLayoutStateAtomForTab(tabId, WOS.getWaveObjectAtom(WOS.makeORef("tab", tabId))); const curState = globalStore.get(layoutStateAtom); globalStore.set(layoutStateAtom, layoutTreeStateReducer(curState, action)); } async function createBlock(blockDef: BlockDef) { const rtOpts: RuntimeOpts = { termsize: { rows: 25, cols: 80 } }; const blockId = await services.ObjectService.CreateBlock(blockDef, rtOpts); const insertNodeAction: LayoutTreeInsertNodeAction = { type: LayoutTreeActionType.InsertNode, node: newLayoutNode(undefined, undefined, undefined, { blockId }), }; const activeTabId = globalStore.get(atoms.uiContext).activetabid; runLayoutAction(activeTabId, insertNodeAction); } // when file is not found, returns {data: null, fileInfo: null} async function fetchWaveFile( zoneId: string, fileName: string, offset?: number ): Promise<{ data: Uint8Array; fileInfo: WaveFile }> { const usp = new URLSearchParams(); usp.set("zoneid", zoneId); usp.set("name", fileName); if (offset != null) { usp.set("offset", offset.toString()); } const resp = await fetch(getWebServerEndpoint() + "/wave/file?" + usp.toString()); if (!resp.ok) { if (resp.status === 404) { return { data: null, fileInfo: null }; } throw new Error("error getting wave file: " + resp.statusText); } if (resp.status == 204) { return { data: null, fileInfo: null }; } const fileInfo64 = resp.headers.get("X-ZoneFileInfo"); if (fileInfo64 == null) { throw new Error(`missing zone file info for ${zoneId}:${fileName}`); } const fileInfo = JSON.parse(atob(fileInfo64)); const data = await resp.arrayBuffer(); return { data: new Uint8Array(data), fileInfo }; } function setBlockFocus(blockId: string) { let winData = globalStore.get(atoms.waveWindow); if (winData == null) { return; } if (winData.activeblockid === blockId) { return; } winData = produce(winData, (draft) => { draft.activeblockid = blockId; }); WOS.setObjectValue(winData, globalStore.set, true); } const objectIdWeakMap = new WeakMap(); let objectIdCounter = 0; function getObjectId(obj: any): number { if (!objectIdWeakMap.has(obj)) { objectIdWeakMap.set(obj, objectIdCounter++); } return objectIdWeakMap.get(obj); } export { PLATFORM, WOS, atoms, createBlock, fetchWaveFile, getApi, getEventORefSubject, getEventSubject, getFileSubject, getObjectId, globalStore, globalWS, initGlobal, initWS, sendWSCommand, setBlockFocus, setPlatform, useBlockAtom, useBlockCache, useSettingsAtom, };