// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { atoms, createBlock, globalStore, setBlockFocus, WOS } from "@/app/store/global"; import { deleteLayoutModelForTab, getLayoutModelForTab } from "@/layout/index"; import * as services from "@/store/services"; import * as keyutil from "@/util/keyutil"; import * as jotai from "jotai"; const simpleControlShiftAtom = jotai.atom(false); const transformRegexp = /translate3d\(\s*([0-9.]+)px\s*,\s*([0-9.]+)px,\s*0\)/; function setControlShift() { globalStore.set(simpleControlShiftAtom, true); setTimeout(() => { const simpleState = globalStore.get(simpleControlShiftAtom); if (simpleState) { globalStore.set(atoms.controlShiftDelayAtom, true); } }, 400); } function unsetControlShift() { globalStore.set(simpleControlShiftAtom, false); globalStore.set(atoms.controlShiftDelayAtom, false); } function genericClose(tabId: string) { const tabORef = WOS.makeORef("tab", tabId); const tabAtom = WOS.getWaveObjectAtom(tabORef); const tabData = globalStore.get(tabAtom); if (tabData == null) { return; } if (tabData.blockids == null || tabData.blockids.length == 0) { // close tab services.WindowService.CloseTab(tabId); deleteLayoutModelForTab(tabId); return; } // close block const activeBlockId = globalStore.get(atoms.waveWindow)?.activeblockid; if (activeBlockId == null) { return; } const layoutModel = getLayoutModelForTab(tabAtom); const curBlockLeafId = layoutModel.getNodeByBlockId(activeBlockId)?.id; layoutModel.closeNodeById(curBlockLeafId); } function switchBlockIdx(index: number) { const tabId = globalStore.get(atoms.activeTabId); const tabAtom = WOS.getWaveObjectAtom(WOS.makeORef("tab", tabId)); const layoutModel = getLayoutModelForTab(tabAtom); if (layoutModel?.leafs == null) { return; } const newLeafIdx = index - 1; if (newLeafIdx < 0 || newLeafIdx >= layoutModel.leafs.length) { return; } const leaf = layoutModel.leafs[newLeafIdx]; if (leaf?.data?.blockId == null) { return; } setBlockFocus(leaf.data.blockId); } function boundsMapMaxX(m: Map): number { let max = 0; for (let p of m.values()) { if (p.x + p.width > max) { max = p.x + p.width; } } return max; } function boundsMapMaxY(m: Map): number { let max = 0; for (let p of m.values()) { if (p.y + p.height > max) { max = p.y + p.height; } } return max; } function readBoundsFromTransform(fullTransform: React.CSSProperties): Bounds { const transformProp = fullTransform.transform; if (transformProp == null || fullTransform.width == null || fullTransform.height == null) { return null; } const m = transformRegexp.exec(transformProp); if (m == null) { return null; } return { x: parseFloat(m[1]), y: parseFloat(m[2]), width: parseFloatFromCSS(fullTransform.width), height: parseFloatFromCSS(fullTransform.height), }; } function parseFloatFromCSS(s: string | number): number { if (typeof s == "number") { return s; } return parseFloat(s); } function findBlockAtPoint(m: Map, p: Point): string { for (let [blockId, bounds] of m.entries()) { if (p.x >= bounds.x && p.x <= bounds.x + bounds.width && p.y >= bounds.y && p.y <= bounds.y + bounds.height) { return blockId; } } return null; } function switchBlock(tabId: string, offsetX: number, offsetY: number) { console.log("switch block", offsetX, offsetY); if (offsetY == 0 && offsetX == 0) { return; } const tabAtom = WOS.getWaveObjectAtom(WOS.makeORef("tab", tabId)); const layoutModel = getLayoutModelForTab(tabAtom); const curBlockId = globalStore.get(atoms.waveWindow)?.activeblockid; const addlProps = globalStore.get(layoutModel.additionalProps); const blockPositions: Map = new Map(); for (const leaf of layoutModel.leafs) { const pos = readBoundsFromTransform(addlProps[leaf.id]?.transform); if (pos) { blockPositions.set(leaf.data.blockId, pos); } } const curBlockPos = blockPositions.get(curBlockId); if (!curBlockPos) { return; } blockPositions.delete(curBlockId); const maxX = boundsMapMaxX(blockPositions); const maxY = boundsMapMaxY(blockPositions); const moveAmount = 10; let curX = curBlockPos.x + 1; let curY = curBlockPos.y + 1; while (true) { curX += offsetX * moveAmount; curY += offsetY * moveAmount; if (curX < 0 || curX > maxX || curY < 0 || curY > maxY) { return; } const blockId = findBlockAtPoint(blockPositions, { x: curX, y: curY }); if (blockId != null) { setBlockFocus(blockId); return; } } } function switchTabAbs(index: number) { const ws = globalStore.get(atoms.workspace); const newTabIdx = index - 1; if (newTabIdx < 0 || newTabIdx >= ws.tabids.length) { return; } const newActiveTabId = ws.tabids[newTabIdx]; services.ObjectService.SetActiveTab(newActiveTabId); } function switchTab(offset: number) { const ws = globalStore.get(atoms.workspace); const activeTabId = globalStore.get(atoms.tabAtom).oid; let tabIdx = -1; for (let i = 0; i < ws.tabids.length; i++) { if (ws.tabids[i] == activeTabId) { tabIdx = i; break; } } if (tabIdx == -1) { return; } const newTabIdx = (tabIdx + offset + ws.tabids.length) % ws.tabids.length; const newActiveTabId = ws.tabids[newTabIdx]; console.log("switching tabs", tabIdx, newTabIdx, activeTabId, newActiveTabId, ws.tabids); services.ObjectService.SetActiveTab(newActiveTabId); } function appHandleKeyUp(event: KeyboardEvent) { const waveEvent = keyutil.adaptFromReactOrNativeKeyEvent(event); if (waveEvent.key === "Control" || waveEvent.key === "Shift") { unsetControlShift(); } if (waveEvent.key == "Meta") { if (waveEvent.control && waveEvent.shift) { setControlShift(); } } } async function handleCmdT() { const termBlockDef: BlockDef = { meta: { view: "term", controller: "shell", }, }; const tabId = globalStore.get(atoms.activeTabId); const win = globalStore.get(atoms.waveWindow); if (win?.activeblockid != null) { const blockAtom = WOS.getWaveObjectAtom(WOS.makeORef("block", win.activeblockid)); const blockData = globalStore.get(blockAtom); if (blockData?.meta?.view == "term") { if (blockData?.meta?.["cmd:cwd"] != null) { termBlockDef.meta["cmd:cwd"] = blockData.meta["cmd:cwd"]; } } if (blockData?.meta?.connection != null) { termBlockDef.meta.connection = blockData.meta.connection; } } const newBlockId = await createBlock(termBlockDef); setBlockFocus(newBlockId); } function appHandleKeyDown(waveEvent: WaveKeyboardEvent): boolean { if (waveEvent.key === "Control" || waveEvent.key === "Shift" || waveEvent.key === "Meta") { if (waveEvent.control && waveEvent.shift && !waveEvent.meta) { // Set the control and shift without the Meta key setControlShift(); } else { // Unset if Meta is pressed unsetControlShift(); } return false; } const tabId = globalStore.get(atoms.activeTabId); // global key handler for now (refactor later) if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Cmd:]") || keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Shift:Cmd:]")) { switchTab(1); return true; } if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Cmd:[") || keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Shift:Cmd:[")) { switchTab(-1); return true; } if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Cmd:n")) { handleCmdT(); return true; } if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Cmd:t")) { const workspace = globalStore.get(atoms.workspace); const newTabName = `T${workspace.tabids.length + 1}`; services.ObjectService.AddTabToWorkspace(newTabName, true); return true; } for (let idx = 1; idx <= 9; idx++) { if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, `Cmd:${idx}`)) { switchTabAbs(idx); return true; } } for (let idx = 1; idx <= 9; idx++) { if ( keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, `Ctrl:Shift:c{Digit${idx}}`) || keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, `Ctrl:Shift:c{Numpad${idx}}`) ) { switchBlockIdx(idx); return true; } } if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Ctrl:Shift:ArrowUp")) { switchBlock(tabId, 0, -1); return true; } if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Ctrl:Shift:ArrowDown")) { switchBlock(tabId, 0, 1); return true; } if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Ctrl:Shift:ArrowLeft")) { switchBlock(tabId, -1, 0); return true; } if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Ctrl:Shift:ArrowRight")) { switchBlock(tabId, 1, 0); return true; } if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Cmd:w")) { // close block, if no more blocks, close tab genericClose(tabId); return true; } return false; } export { appHandleKeyDown, appHandleKeyUp };