// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import clsx from "clsx"; import { toPng } from "html-to-image"; import { Atom, useAtomValue, useSetAtom } from "jotai"; import React, { CSSProperties, ReactNode, Suspense, memo, useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState, } from "react"; import { DropTargetMonitor, XYCoord, useDrag, useDragLayer, useDrop } from "react-dnd"; import { debounce, throttle } from "throttle-debounce"; import { useDevicePixelRatio } from "use-device-pixel-ratio"; import { LayoutModel } from "./layoutModel"; import { useLayoutNode, useTileLayout } from "./layoutModelHooks"; import "./tilelayout.less"; import { LayoutNode, LayoutTreeActionType, LayoutTreeComputeMoveNodeAction, ResizeHandleProps, TileLayoutContents, } from "./types"; import { determineDropDirection } from "./utils"; export interface TileLayoutProps { /** * The atom containing the layout tree state. */ tabAtom: Atom; /** * callbacks and information about the contents (or styling) of the TileLayout or contents */ contents: TileLayoutContents; /** * A callback for getting the cursor point in reference to the current window. This removes Electron as a runtime dependency, allowing for better integration with Storybook. * @returns The cursor position relative to the current window. */ getCursorPoint?: () => Point; } const DragPreviewWidth = 300; const DragPreviewHeight = 300; function TileLayoutComponent({ tabAtom, contents, getCursorPoint }: TileLayoutProps) { const layoutModel = useTileLayout(tabAtom, contents); const generation = useAtomValue(layoutModel.generationAtom); const overlayTransform = useAtomValue(layoutModel.overlayTransform); const setActiveDrag = useSetAtom(layoutModel.activeDrag); const setReady = useSetAtom(layoutModel.ready); const isResizing = useAtomValue(layoutModel.isResizing); const { activeDrag, dragClientOffset } = useDragLayer((monitor) => ({ activeDrag: monitor.isDragging(), dragClientOffset: monitor.getClientOffset(), })); useEffect(() => { setActiveDrag(activeDrag); }, [setActiveDrag, activeDrag]); const checkForCursorBounds = useCallback( debounce(100, (dragClientOffset: XYCoord) => { const cursorPoint = dragClientOffset ?? getCursorPoint?.(); if (cursorPoint && layoutModel.displayContainerRef?.current) { const displayContainerRect = layoutModel.displayContainerRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); const normalizedX = cursorPoint.x - displayContainerRect.x; const normalizedY = cursorPoint.y - displayContainerRect.y; if ( normalizedX <= 0 || normalizedX >= displayContainerRect.width || normalizedY <= 0 || normalizedY >= displayContainerRect.height ) { layoutModel.treeReducer({ type: LayoutTreeActionType.ClearPendingAction }); } } }), [getCursorPoint, generation] ); // Effect to detect when the cursor leaves the TileLayout hit trap so we can remove any placeholders. This cannot be done using pointer capture // because that conflicts with the DnD layer. useEffect(() => checkForCursorBounds(dragClientOffset), [dragClientOffset]); // Ensure that we don't see any jostling in the layout when we're rendering it the first time. // `animate` will be disabled until after the transforms have all applied the first time. const [animate, setAnimate] = useState(false); useEffect(() => { setReady(false); setTimeout(() => { setAnimate(true); setReady(true); }, 50); }, []); const tileStyle = useMemo( () => ({ "--gap-size-px": `${layoutModel.gapSizePx}px` }) as CSSProperties, [layoutModel.gapSizePx] ); return (
); } export const TileLayout = memo(TileLayoutComponent) as typeof TileLayoutComponent; interface DisplayNodesWrapperProps { /** * The layout tree state. */ layoutModel: LayoutModel; /** * contains callbacks and information about the contents (or styling) of of the TileLayout */ contents: TileLayoutContents; } const DisplayNodesWrapper = ({ layoutModel, contents }: DisplayNodesWrapperProps) => { const generation = useAtomValue(layoutModel.generationAtom); return useMemo( () => layoutModel.leafs.map((leaf) => { return ; }), [generation] ); }; interface DisplayNodeProps { layoutModel: LayoutModel; /** * The leaf node object, containing the data needed to display the leaf contents to the user. */ layoutNode: LayoutNode; /** * contains callbacks and information about the contents (or styling) of of the TileLayout */ contents: TileLayoutContents; } const dragItemType = "TILE_ITEM"; /** * The draggable and displayable portion of a leaf node in a layout tree. */ const DisplayNode = ({ layoutModel, layoutNode, contents }: DisplayNodeProps) => { const tileNodeRef = useRef(null); const dragHandleRef = useRef(null); const previewRef = useRef(null); const addlProps = useLayoutNode(layoutModel, layoutNode); const activeDrag = useAtomValue(layoutModel.activeDrag); const globalReady = useAtomValue(layoutModel.ready); const layoutGeneration = useAtomValue(layoutModel.generationAtom); const devicePixelRatio = useDevicePixelRatio(); const [{ isDragging }, drag, dragPreview] = useDrag( () => ({ type: dragItemType, item: () => layoutNode, canDrag: () => !layoutModel?.treeState?.magnifiedNodeId, collect: (monitor) => ({ isDragging: monitor.isDragging(), }), }), [layoutNode, layoutGeneration] ); const [previewElementGeneration, setPreviewElementGeneration] = useState(0); const previewElement = useMemo(() => { setPreviewElementGeneration(previewElementGeneration + 1); return (
); }, [contents.renderPreview, devicePixelRatio, layoutNode.data]); const [previewImage, setPreviewImage] = useState(null); const [previewImageGeneration, setPreviewImageGeneration] = useState(0); const generatePreviewImage = useCallback(() => { const offsetX = (DragPreviewWidth * devicePixelRatio - DragPreviewWidth) / 2 + 10; const offsetY = (DragPreviewHeight * devicePixelRatio - DragPreviewHeight) / 2 + 10; if (previewImage !== null && previewElementGeneration === previewImageGeneration) { dragPreview(previewImage, { offsetY, offsetX }); } else if (previewRef.current) { setPreviewImageGeneration(previewElementGeneration); toPng(previewRef.current).then((url) => { const img = new Image(); img.src = url; setPreviewImage(img); dragPreview(img, { offsetY, offsetX }); }); } }, [ dragPreview, previewRef.current, previewElementGeneration, previewImageGeneration, previewImage, devicePixelRatio, layoutNode.data, ]); // Register the display node as a draggable item useEffect(() => { drag(dragHandleRef); }, [drag, dragHandleRef.current]); const leafContent = useMemo(() => { return ( layoutNode.data && (
{contents.renderContent( layoutNode.data, globalReady, layoutNode.id === layoutModel.treeState.magnifiedNodeId, activeDrag, () => layoutModel.magnifyNodeToggle(layoutNode), () => layoutModel.closeNode(layoutNode), dragHandleRef )}
) ); }, [layoutNode, globalReady, layoutGeneration, activeDrag, addlProps]); return (
event.stopPropagation()} > {leafContent} {previewElement}
); }; interface OverlayNodeWrapperProps { layoutModel: LayoutModel; } const OverlayNodeWrapper = ({ layoutModel }: OverlayNodeWrapperProps) => { const generation = useAtomValue(layoutModel.generationAtom); const overlayTransform = useAtomValue(layoutModel.overlayTransform); const overlayNodes = useMemo( () => layoutModel.leafs.map((leaf) => { return ; }), [generation] ); return (
); }; interface OverlayNodeProps { /** * The layout node object corresponding to the OverlayNode. */ layoutNode: LayoutNode; /** * The layout tree state. */ layoutModel: LayoutModel; } /** * An overlay representing the true flexbox layout of the LayoutTreeState. This holds the drop targets for moving around nodes and is used to calculate the * dimensions of the corresponding DisplayNode for each LayoutTreeState leaf. */ const OverlayNode = ({ layoutNode, layoutModel }: OverlayNodeProps) => { const additionalProps = useLayoutNode(layoutModel, layoutNode); const overlayRef = useRef(null); const generation = useAtomValue(layoutModel.generationAtom); const [, drop] = useDrop( () => ({ accept: dragItemType, canDrop: (_, monitor) => { const dragItem = monitor.getItem(); if (monitor.isOver({ shallow: true }) && dragItem?.id !== layoutNode.id) { return true; } return false; }, drop: (_, monitor) => { if (!monitor.didDrop()) { layoutModel.onDrop(); } }, hover: throttle(50, (_, monitor: DropTargetMonitor) => { if (monitor.isOver({ shallow: true })) { if (monitor.canDrop() && layoutModel.displayContainerRef?.current && additionalProps?.rect) { const dragItem = monitor.getItem(); // console.log("computing operation", layoutNode, dragItem, additionalProps.rect); const offset = monitor.getClientOffset(); const containerRect = layoutModel.displayContainerRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); offset.x -= containerRect.x; offset.y -= containerRect.y; layoutModel.treeReducer({ type: LayoutTreeActionType.ComputeMove, node: layoutNode, nodeToMove: dragItem, direction: determineDropDirection(additionalProps.rect, offset), } as LayoutTreeComputeMoveNodeAction); } else { layoutModel.treeReducer({ type: LayoutTreeActionType.ClearPendingAction, }); } } }), }), [layoutNode, generation, additionalProps, layoutModel.displayContainerRef] ); // Register the overlay node as a drop target useEffect(() => { drop(overlayRef); }, []); return
; }; interface ResizeHandleWrapperProps { layoutModel: LayoutModel; } const ResizeHandleWrapper = ({ layoutModel }: ResizeHandleWrapperProps) => { const resizeHandles = useAtomValue(layoutModel.resizeHandles) as Atom[]; return resizeHandles.map((resizeHandleAtom, i) => ( )); }; interface ResizeHandleComponentProps { resizeHandleAtom: Atom; layoutModel: LayoutModel; } const ResizeHandle = ({ resizeHandleAtom, layoutModel }: ResizeHandleComponentProps) => { const resizeHandleProps = useAtomValue(resizeHandleAtom); const resizeHandleRef = useRef(null); // The pointer currently captured, or undefined. const [trackingPointer, setTrackingPointer] = useState(undefined); // Calculates the new size of the two nodes on either side of the handle, based on the position of the cursor const handlePointerMove = useCallback( throttle(10, (event: React.PointerEvent) => { if (trackingPointer === event.pointerId) { const { clientX, clientY } = event; layoutModel.onResizeMove(resizeHandleProps, clientX, clientY); } }), [trackingPointer, layoutModel.onResizeMove, resizeHandleProps] ); // We want to use pointer capture so the operation continues even if the pointer leaves the bounds of the handle function onPointerDown(event: React.PointerEvent) { resizeHandleRef.current?.setPointerCapture(event.pointerId); } // This indicates that we're ready to start tracking the resize operation via the pointer function onPointerCapture(event: React.PointerEvent) { setTrackingPointer(event.pointerId); } // We want to wait a bit before committing the pending resize operation in case some events haven't arrived yet. const onPointerRelease = useCallback( debounce(30, (event: React.PointerEvent) => { setTrackingPointer(undefined); layoutModel.onResizeEnd(); }), [layoutModel] ); return (
); }; interface PlaceholderProps { /** * The layout tree state. */ layoutModel: LayoutModel; /** * Any styling to apply to the placeholder container div. */ style: React.CSSProperties; } /** * An overlay to preview pending actions on the layout tree. */ const Placeholder = memo(({ layoutModel, style }: PlaceholderProps) => { const [placeholderOverlay, setPlaceholderOverlay] = useState(null); const placeholderTransform = useAtomValue(layoutModel.placeholderTransform); useEffect(() => { if (placeholderTransform) { setPlaceholderOverlay(
); } else { setPlaceholderOverlay(null); } }, [placeholderTransform]); return (
); });