// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { Button } from "@/element/button"; import { ContextMenuModel } from "@/store/contextmenu"; import { clsx } from "clsx"; import { atom, useAtom, useAtomValue } from "jotai"; import { forwardRef, memo, useCallback, useEffect, useImperativeHandle, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { atoms, globalStore, refocusNode } from "@/app/store/global"; import { RpcApi } from "@/app/store/wshclientapi"; import { TabRpcClient } from "@/app/store/wshrpcutil"; import { ObjectService } from "../store/services"; import { makeORef, useWaveObjectValue } from "../store/wos"; import "./tab.scss"; const adjacentTabsAtom = atom>(new Set()); interface TabProps { id: string; isActive: boolean; isFirst: boolean; isBeforeActive: boolean; draggingId: string; tabWidth: number; isNew: boolean; isPinned: boolean; tabIds: string[]; tabRefs: React.MutableRefObject[]>; onClick: () => void; onClose: (event: React.MouseEvent | null) => void; onMouseDown: (event: React.MouseEvent) => void; onLoaded: () => void; onPinChange: () => void; // onMouseEnter: (event: React.MouseEvent) => void; // onMouseLeave: (event: React.MouseEvent) => void; } const Tab = memo( forwardRef( ( { id, isActive, isFirst, isPinned, isBeforeActive, draggingId, tabWidth, isNew, tabIds, tabRefs, onLoaded, onClick, onClose, onMouseDown, // onMouseEnter, // onMouseLeave, onPinChange, }, ref ) => { const [tabData, _] = useWaveObjectValue(makeORef("tab", id)); const [originalName, setOriginalName] = useState(""); const [isEditable, setIsEditable] = useState(false); const editableRef = useRef(null); const editableTimeoutRef = useRef(); const loadedRef = useRef(false); const tabRef = useRef(null); const adjacentTabsRef = useRef>(new Set()); const tabsSwapped = useAtomValue(atoms.tabsSwapped); const tabs = document.querySelectorAll(".tab"); const [adjacentTabs, setAdjacentTabs] = useAtom(adjacentTabsAtom); useImperativeHandle(ref, () => tabRef.current as HTMLDivElement); useEffect(() => { if (tabData?.name) { setOriginalName(tabData.name); } }, [tabData]); useEffect(() => { return () => { if (editableTimeoutRef.current) { clearTimeout(editableTimeoutRef.current); } }; }, []); const handleRenameTab = (event) => { event?.stopPropagation(); setIsEditable(true); editableTimeoutRef.current = setTimeout(() => { if (editableRef.current) { editableRef.current.focus(); document.execCommand("selectAll", false); } }, 0); }; const handleBlur = () => { let newText = editableRef.current.innerText.trim(); newText = newText || originalName; editableRef.current.innerText = newText; setIsEditable(false); ObjectService.UpdateTabName(id, newText); setTimeout(() => refocusNode(null), 10); }; const handleKeyDown = (event) => { if ((event.metaKey || event.ctrlKey) && event.key === "a") { event.preventDefault(); if (editableRef.current) { const range = document.createRange(); const selection = window.getSelection(); range.selectNodeContents(editableRef.current); selection.removeAllRanges(); selection.addRange(range); } return; } // this counts glyphs, not characters const curLen = Array.from(editableRef.current.innerText).length; if (event.key === "Enter") { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); if (editableRef.current.innerText.trim() === "") { editableRef.current.innerText = originalName; } editableRef.current.blur(); } else if (event.key === "Escape") { editableRef.current.innerText = originalName; editableRef.current.blur(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } else if (curLen >= 14 && !["Backspace", "Delete", "ArrowLeft", "ArrowRight"].includes(event.key)) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } }; useEffect(() => { if (!loadedRef.current) { onLoaded(); loadedRef.current = true; } }, [onLoaded]); useEffect(() => { if (tabRef.current && isNew) { const initialWidth = `${(tabWidth / 3) * 2}px`; tabRef.current.style.setProperty("--initial-tab-width", initialWidth); tabRef.current.style.setProperty("--final-tab-width", `${tabWidth}px`); } }, [isNew, tabWidth]); // Prevent drag from being triggered on mousedown const handleMouseDownOnClose = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { event.stopPropagation(); }; const handleContextMenu = useCallback( (e: React.MouseEvent) => { e.preventDefault(); let menu: ContextMenuItem[] = [ { label: isPinned ? "Unpin Tab" : "Pin Tab", click: () => onPinChange() }, { label: "Rename Tab", click: () => handleRenameTab(null) }, { label: "Copy TabId", click: () => navigator.clipboard.writeText(id) }, { type: "separator" }, ]; const fullConfig = globalStore.get(atoms.fullConfigAtom); const bgPresets: string[] = []; for (const key in fullConfig?.presets ?? {}) { if (key.startsWith("bg@")) { bgPresets.push(key); } } bgPresets.sort((a, b) => { const aOrder = fullConfig.presets[a]["display:order"] ?? 0; const bOrder = fullConfig.presets[b]["display:order"] ?? 0; return aOrder - bOrder; }); if (bgPresets.length > 0) { const submenu: ContextMenuItem[] = []; const oref = makeORef("tab", id); for (const presetName of bgPresets) { const preset = fullConfig.presets[presetName]; if (preset == null) { continue; } submenu.push({ label: preset["display:name"] ?? presetName, click: () => { ObjectService.UpdateObjectMeta(oref, preset); RpcApi.ActivityCommand(TabRpcClient, { settabtheme: 1 }); }, }); } menu.push({ label: "Backgrounds", type: "submenu", submenu }, { type: "separator" }); } menu.push({ label: "Close Tab", click: () => onClose(null) }); ContextMenuModel.showContextMenu(menu, e); }, [onPinChange, handleRenameTab, id, onClose, isPinned] ); // if (isDragging) { // console.log("isDragging", isDragging); // console.log("dragging tab idx>>>>>>", id); // const draggingTabIdx = tabIds.indexOf(id); // // Add the dragging tab and its right adjacent tab to the Set // adjacentTabsRef.current.add(id); // if (draggingTabIdx + 1 < tabIds.length) { // adjacentTabsRef.current.add(tabIds[draggingTabIdx + 1]); // } // } // if (isActive) { // const activeTabIdx = tabIds.indexOf(id); // // Add the active tab and its right adjacent tab to the Set // adjacentTabsRef.current.add(id); // if (activeTabIdx + 1 < tabIds.length) { // adjacentTabsRef.current.add(tabIds[activeTabIdx + 1]); // } // } useEffect(() => { console.log("triggered!!!!", tabsSwapped); // Get the index of the current tab ID const currentIndex = tabIds.indexOf(id); // Get the right adjacent ID const rightAdjacentId = tabIds[currentIndex + 1]; // Get the left adjacent ID const leftAdjacentId = tabIds[currentIndex - 1]; const reset = () => { if (!isActive) { const currentTabElement = document.querySelector(`[data-tab-id="${id}"]`) as HTMLElement; // To check if leftAdjacentElement is the active tab then do not reset opacity const leftAdjacentElement = document.querySelector( `[data-tab-id="${leftAdjacentId}"]` ) as HTMLElement; if (!currentTabElement || !leftAdjacentElement) return; const separator = currentTabElement.querySelector(".separator") as HTMLElement; if (!leftAdjacentElement.classList.contains("active")) { console.log("here!!!!!", currentTabElement, draggingId); separator.style.opacity = "1"; // Reset opacity for the current tab only if not active } // If dragging tab is the first tab set opacity to 1 if (draggingId === tabIds[0]) { const draggingTabElement = document.querySelector( `[data-tab-id="${draggingId}"]` ) as HTMLElement; if (!draggingTabElement) return; const separator = draggingTabElement.querySelector(".separator") as HTMLElement; separator.style.opacity = "1"; } } if (rightAdjacentId) { // To check if rightAdjacentElement is the active tab then do not reset opacity const rightAdjacentElement = document.querySelector( `[data-tab-id="${rightAdjacentId}"]` ) as HTMLElement; if (!rightAdjacentElement) return; const separator = rightAdjacentElement.querySelector(".separator") as HTMLElement; if (!rightAdjacentElement.classList.contains("active")) { separator.style.opacity = "1"; // Reset opacity for the right adjacent tab } } }; if (tabsSwapped || isActive) { // Find the index of the current tab ID console.log("tabIds", tabIds); console.log("id", id); const currentTabElement = document.querySelector(`[data-tab-id="${id}"]`) as HTMLElement; if (!currentTabElement) return; const separator = currentTabElement.querySelector(".separator") as HTMLElement; if (isActive || draggingId === id) { separator.style.opacity = "0"; } // Set the opacity of the separator for the right adjacent tab if (rightAdjacentId) { const rightAdjacentTabElement = document.querySelector( `[data-tab-id="${rightAdjacentId}"]` ) as HTMLElement; if (!rightAdjacentTabElement) return; const separator = rightAdjacentTabElement.querySelector(".separator") as HTMLElement; if (isActive || draggingId === id) { separator.style.opacity = "0"; } } return () => { console.log("entered return +++++++++++++++"); reset(); }; } else { console.log("entered else ?????????????????????????", tabsSwapped); reset(); } }, [id, tabIds, isFirst, isActive, draggingId, tabsSwapped]); const handleMouseEnter = useCallback(() => { if (isActive) return; const currentIndex = tabIds.indexOf(id); // console.log("tabIds", tabIds); // console.log("id", id); const currentTabElement = document.querySelector(`[data-tab-id="${id}"]`) as HTMLElement; if (currentTabElement) { // Ensure the element exists if (!tabsSwapped) { currentTabElement.classList.add("hover"); } } }, [id, isActive, tabsSwapped]); const handleMouseLeave = useCallback(() => { if (isActive) return; // console.log("tabIds", tabIds); // console.log("id", id); const currentTabElement = document.querySelector(`[data-tab-id="${id}"]`) as HTMLElement; if (currentTabElement) { // Ensure the element exists currentTabElement.classList.remove("hover"); } }, [id, isActive, tabsSwapped]); return (
{tabData?.name} {id.substring(id.length - 3)}
{isPinned ? ( ) : ( )}
); } ) ); export { Tab };