version: "3" vars: APP_NAME: "NextWave" BIN_DIR: "bin" VITE_PORT: "{{.WAILS_VITE_PORT | default 9245}}" tasks: ## -------------------------- Build -------------------------- ## build: summary: Builds the application cmds: # Build for current OS - task: build:{{OS}} # Uncomment to build for specific OSes # - task: build:linux # - task: build:windows # - task: build:darwin ## ------> Windows <------- build:windows: summary: Builds the application for Windows deps: - task: go:mod:tidy - task: build:frontend - task: generate:icons - task: generate:syso vars: ARCH: "{{.ARCH}}" cmds: - go build {{.BUILD_FLAGS}} -o {{.BIN_DIR}}/{{.APP_NAME}}.exe vars: BUILD_FLAGS: '{{if eq .PRODUCTION "true"}}-tags production -trimpath -ldflags="-w -s -H windowsgui"{{else}}-gcflags=all="-l"{{end}}' env: GOOS: windows CGO_ENABLED: 0 GOARCH: "{{.ARCH | default ARCH}}" PRODUCTION: '{{.PRODUCTION | default "false"}}' build:windows:prod:arm64: summary: Creates a production build of the application cmds: - task: build:windows vars: ARCH: arm64 PRODUCTION: "true" build:windows:prod:amd64: summary: Creates a production build of the application cmds: - task: build:windows vars: ARCH: amd64 PRODUCTION: "true" build:windows:debug:arm64: summary: Creates a debug build of the application cmds: - task: build:windows vars: ARCH: arm64 build:windows:debug:amd64: summary: Creates a debug build of the application cmds: - task: build:windows vars: ARCH: amd64 ## ------> Darwin <------- build:darwin: summary: Creates a production build of the application deps: - task: go:mod:tidy - task: build:frontend - task: generate:icons cmds: - go build {{.BUILD_FLAGS}} -o {{.BIN_DIR}}/{{.APP_NAME}} vars: BUILD_FLAGS: '{{if eq .PRODUCTION "true"}}-tags production -trimpath -ldflags="-w -s"{{else}}-gcflags=all="-l"{{end}}' env: GOOS: darwin CGO_ENABLED: 1 GOARCH: "{{.ARCH | default ARCH}}" CGO_CFLAGS: "-mmacosx-version-min=10.15" CGO_LDFLAGS: "-mmacosx-version-min=10.15" MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET: "10.15" PRODUCTION: '{{.PRODUCTION | default "false"}}' build:darwin:prod:arm64: summary: Creates a production build of the application cmds: - task: build:darwin vars: ARCH: arm64 PRODUCTION: "true" build:darwin:prod:amd64: summary: Creates a production build of the application cmds: - task: build:darwin vars: ARCH: amd64 PRODUCTION: "true" build:darwin:debug:arm64: summary: Creates a debug build of the application cmds: - task: build:darwin vars: ARCH: arm64 build:darwin:debug:amd64: summary: Creates a debug build of the application cmds: - task: build:darwin vars: ARCH: amd64 ## ------> Linux <------- build:linux: summary: Builds the application for Linux deps: - task: go:mod:tidy - task: build:frontend - task: generate:icons vars: ARCH: "{{.ARCH}}" cmds: - go build {{.BUILD_FLAGS}} -o {{.BIN_DIR}}/w2 vars: BUILD_FLAGS: '{{if eq .PRODUCTION "true"}}-tags production -trimpath -ldflags="-w -s"{{else}}-gcflags=all="-l"{{end}}' env: GOOS: linux CGO_ENABLED: 1 GOARCH: "{{.ARCH | default ARCH}}" PRODUCTION: '{{.PRODUCTION | default "false"}}' build:linux:prod:arm64: summary: Creates a production build of the application cmds: - task: build:linux vars: ARCH: arm64 PRODUCTION: "true" build:linux:prod:amd64: summary: Creates a production build of the application cmds: - task: build:linux vars: ARCH: amd64 PRODUCTION: "true" build:linux:debug:arm64: summary: Creates a debug build of the application cmds: - task: build:linux vars: ARCH: arm64 build:linux:debug:amd64: summary: Creates a debug build of the application cmds: - task: build:linux vars: ARCH: amd64 ## -------------------------- Package -------------------------- ## package: summary: Packages a production build of the application into a bundle cmds: # Package for current OS - task: package:{{OS}} # Package for specific os/arch # - task: package:darwin:arm64 # - task: package:darwin:amd64 # - task: package:windows:arm64 # - task: package:windows:amd64 ## ------> Windows <------ package:windows: summary: Packages a production build of the application into a `.exe` bundle cmds: - task: create:nsis:installer vars: ARCH: "{{.ARCH}}" vars: ARCH: "{{.ARCH | default ARCH}}" package:windows:arm64: summary: Packages a production build of the application into a `.exe` bundle cmds: - task: package:windows vars: ARCH: arm64 package:windows:amd64: summary: Packages a production build of the application into a `.exe` bundle cmds: - task: package:windows vars: ARCH: amd64 generate:syso: summary: Generates Windows `.syso` file dir: build cmds: - wails3 generate syso -arch {{.ARCH}} -icon icon.ico -manifest wails.exe.manifest -info info.json -out ../wails.syso vars: ARCH: "{{.ARCH | default ARCH}}" create:nsis:installer: summary: Creates an NSIS installer label: "NSIS Installer ({{.ARCH}})" dir: build/nsis sources: - "{{.ROOT_DIR}}\\bin\\{{.APP_NAME}}.exe" generates: - "{{.ROOT_DIR}}\\bin\\{{.APP_NAME}}-{{.ARCH}}-installer.exe" deps: - task: build:windows vars: PRODUCTION: "true" ARCH: "{{.ARCH}}" cmds: - makensis -DARG_WAILS_'{{.ARG_FLAG}}'_BINARY="{{.ROOT_DIR}}\{{.BIN_DIR}}\{{.APP_NAME}}.exe" project.nsi vars: ARCH: "{{.ARCH | default ARCH}}" ARG_FLAG: '{{if eq .ARCH "amd64"}}AMD64{{else}}ARM64{{end}}' ## ------> Darwin <------ package:darwin: summary: Packages a production build of the application into a `.app` bundle platforms: [darwin] deps: - task: build:darwin vars: PRODUCTION: "true" cmds: - task: create:app:bundle package:darwin:arm64: summary: Packages a production build of the application into a `.app` bundle platforms: [darwin/arm64] deps: - task: package:darwin vars: ARCH: arm64 package:darwin:amd64: summary: Packages a production build of the application into a `.app` bundle platforms: [darwin/amd64] deps: - task: package:darwin vars: ARCH: amd64 create:app:bundle: summary: Creates an `.app` bundle cmds: - mkdir -p {{.BIN_DIR}}/{{.APP_NAME}}.app/Contents/{MacOS,Resources} - cp build/icons.icns {{.BIN_DIR}}/{{.APP_NAME}}.app/Contents/Resources - cp {{.BIN_DIR}}/{{.APP_NAME}} {{.BIN_DIR}}/{{.APP_NAME}}.app/Contents/MacOS - cp build/Info.plist {{.BIN_DIR}}/{{.APP_NAME}}.app/Contents ## ------> Linux <------ package:linux: summary: Packages a production build of the application for Linux platforms: [linux] deps: - task: build:linux vars: PRODUCTION: "true" cmds: - task: create:appimage create:appimage: summary: Creates an AppImage dir: build/appimage platforms: [linux] deps: - task: build:linux vars: PRODUCTION: "true" - task: generate:linux:dotdesktop cmds: # Copy binary + icon to appimage dir - cp {{.APP_BINARY}} {{.APP_NAME}} - cp ../appicon.png appicon.png # Generate AppImage - wails3 generate appimage -binary {{.APP_NAME}} -icon {{.ICON}} -desktopfile {{.DESKTOP_FILE}} -outputdir {{.OUTPUT_DIR}} -builddir {{.ROOT_DIR}}/build/appimage vars: APP_NAME: "{{.APP_NAME}}" APP_BINARY: "../../bin/{{.APP_NAME}}" ICON: "../appicon.png" DESKTOP_FILE: "{{.APP_NAME}}.desktop" OUTPUT_DIR: "../../bin" generate:linux:dotdesktop: summary: Generates a `.desktop` file dir: build sources: - "appicon.png" generates: - "{{.ROOT_DIR}}/build/appimage/{{.APP_NAME}}.desktop" cmds: - mkdir -p {{.ROOT_DIR}}/build/appimage # Run `wails3 generate .desktop -help` for all the options - wails3 generate .desktop -name "{{.APP_NAME}}" -exec "{{.EXEC}}" -icon "{{.ICON}}" -outputfile {{.ROOT_DIR}}/build/appimage/{{.APP_NAME}}.desktop -categories "{{.CATEGORIES}}" # -comment "A comment" # -terminal "true" # -version "1.0" # -genericname "Generic Name" # -keywords "keyword1;keyword2;" # -startupnotify "true" # -mimetype "application/x-extension1;application/x-extension2;" vars: APP_NAME: "{{.APP_NAME}}" EXEC: "{{.APP_NAME}}" ICON: "appicon" CATEGORIES: "Development;" OUTPUTFILE: "{{.ROOT_DIR}}/build/appimage/{{.APP_NAME}}.desktop" ## -------------------------- Misc -------------------------- ## generate:icons: summary: Generates Windows `.ico` and Mac `.icns` files from an image dir: build sources: - "appicon.png" generates: - "icons.icns" - "icons.ico" method: timestamp cmds: # Generates both .ico and .icns files - wails3 generate icons -input appicon.png install:frontend:deps: summary: Install frontend dependencies sources: - package.json - yarn.lock generates: - node_modules/* preconditions: - sh: yarn version msg: "Looks like yarn isn't installed." cmds: - yarn build:frontend: summary: Build the frontend project sources: - "**/*" generates: - dist/* deps: - install:frontend:deps - generate:bindings cmds: - npm run build -q generate:bindings: summary: Generates bindings for the frontend sources: - "**/*.go" generates: - "frontend/bindings/**/*" cmds: - wails3 generate bindings -silent -ts # - wails3 generate bindings -silent go:mod:tidy: summary: Runs `go mod tidy` internal: true generates: - go.sum sources: - go.mod cmds: - go mod tidy # ----------------------- dev ----------------------- # run: summary: Runs the application cmds: - task: run:{{OS}} run:windows: cmds: - '{{.BIN_DIR}}\\{{.APP_NAME}}.exe' run:linux: cmds: - "{{.BIN_DIR}}/{{.APP_NAME}}" run:darwin: cmds: - "{{.BIN_DIR}}/{{.APP_NAME}}" dev:frontend: summary: Runs the frontend in development mode deps: - task: install:frontend:deps cmds: - npm run dev -- --port {{.VITE_PORT}} --strictPort dev: summary: Runs the application in development mode cmds: - wails3 dev -config ./build/devmode.config.yaml -port {{.VITE_PORT}} dev:reload: summary: Reloads the application cmds: - task: run