// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { atoms, createBlock, createTab, getApi, getBlockComponentModel, globalStore, refocusNode, WOS, } from "@/app/store/global"; import { deleteLayoutModelForTab, getLayoutModelForTab, getLayoutModelForTabById, NavigateDirection, } from "@/layout/index"; import { getLayoutModelForStaticTab } from "@/layout/lib/layoutModelHooks"; import * as keyutil from "@/util/keyutil"; import { fireAndForget } from "@/util/util"; import * as jotai from "jotai"; const simpleControlShiftAtom = jotai.atom(false); const globalKeyMap = new Map<string, (waveEvent: WaveKeyboardEvent) => boolean>(); function getFocusedBlockInStaticTab() { const tabId = globalStore.get(atoms.staticTabId); const layoutModel = getLayoutModelForTabById(tabId); const focusedNode = globalStore.get(layoutModel.focusedNode); return focusedNode.data?.blockId; } function getSimpleControlShiftAtom() { return simpleControlShiftAtom; } function setControlShift() { globalStore.set(simpleControlShiftAtom, true); setTimeout(() => { const simpleState = globalStore.get(simpleControlShiftAtom); if (simpleState) { globalStore.set(atoms.controlShiftDelayAtom, true); } }, 400); } function unsetControlShift() { globalStore.set(simpleControlShiftAtom, false); globalStore.set(atoms.controlShiftDelayAtom, false); } function shouldDispatchToBlock(e: WaveKeyboardEvent): boolean { if (globalStore.get(atoms.modalOpen)) { return false; } const activeElem = document.activeElement; if (activeElem != null && activeElem instanceof HTMLElement) { if (activeElem.tagName == "INPUT" || activeElem.tagName == "TEXTAREA" || activeElem.contentEditable == "true") { if (activeElem.classList.contains("dummy-focus")) { return true; } if (keyutil.isInputEvent(e)) { return false; } return true; } } return true; } function genericClose(tabId: string) { const ws = globalStore.get(atoms.workspace); const tabORef = WOS.makeORef("tab", tabId); const tabAtom = WOS.getWaveObjectAtom<Tab>(tabORef); const tabData = globalStore.get(tabAtom); if (tabData == null) { return; } if (ws.pinnedtabids?.includes(tabId) && tabData.blockids?.length == 1) { // don't allow closing the last block in a pinned tab return; } if (tabData.blockids == null || tabData.blockids.length == 0) { // close tab getApi().closeTab(ws.oid, tabId); deleteLayoutModelForTab(tabId); return; } const layoutModel = getLayoutModelForTab(tabAtom); fireAndForget(layoutModel.closeFocusedNode.bind(layoutModel)); } function switchBlockByBlockNum(index: number) { const layoutModel = getLayoutModelForStaticTab(); if (!layoutModel) { return; } layoutModel.switchNodeFocusByBlockNum(index); } function switchBlockInDirection(tabId: string, direction: NavigateDirection) { const layoutModel = getLayoutModelForTabById(tabId); layoutModel.switchNodeFocusInDirection(direction); } function getAllTabs(ws: Workspace): string[] { return [...(ws.pinnedtabids ?? []), ...(ws.tabids ?? [])]; } function switchTabAbs(index: number) { console.log("switchTabAbs", index); const ws = globalStore.get(atoms.workspace); const newTabIdx = index - 1; const tabids = getAllTabs(ws); if (newTabIdx < 0 || newTabIdx >= tabids.length) { return; } const newActiveTabId = tabids[newTabIdx]; getApi().setActiveTab(newActiveTabId); } function switchTab(offset: number) { console.log("switchTab", offset); const ws = globalStore.get(atoms.workspace); const curTabId = globalStore.get(atoms.staticTabId); let tabIdx = -1; const tabids = getAllTabs(ws); for (let i = 0; i < tabids.length; i++) { if (tabids[i] == curTabId) { tabIdx = i; break; } } if (tabIdx == -1) { return; } const newTabIdx = (tabIdx + offset + tabids.length) % tabids.length; const newActiveTabId = tabids[newTabIdx]; getApi().setActiveTab(newActiveTabId); } function handleCmdI() { globalRefocus(); } function globalRefocus() { const layoutModel = getLayoutModelForStaticTab(); const focusedNode = globalStore.get(layoutModel.focusedNode); if (focusedNode == null) { // focus a node layoutModel.focusFirstNode(); return; } const blockId = focusedNode?.data?.blockId; if (blockId == null) { return; } refocusNode(blockId); } async function handleCmdN() { const termBlockDef: BlockDef = { meta: { view: "term", controller: "shell", }, }; const layoutModel = getLayoutModelForStaticTab(); const focusedNode = globalStore.get(layoutModel.focusedNode); if (focusedNode != null) { const blockAtom = WOS.getWaveObjectAtom<Block>(WOS.makeORef("block", focusedNode.data?.blockId)); const blockData = globalStore.get(blockAtom); if (blockData?.meta?.view == "term") { if (blockData?.meta?.["cmd:cwd"] != null) { termBlockDef.meta["cmd:cwd"] = blockData.meta["cmd:cwd"]; } } if (blockData?.meta?.connection != null) { termBlockDef.meta.connection = blockData.meta.connection; } } await createBlock(termBlockDef); } function appHandleKeyDown(waveEvent: WaveKeyboardEvent): boolean { const handled = handleGlobalWaveKeyboardEvents(waveEvent); if (handled) { return true; } const layoutModel = getLayoutModelForStaticTab(); const focusedNode = globalStore.get(layoutModel.focusedNode); const blockId = focusedNode?.data?.blockId; if (blockId != null && shouldDispatchToBlock(waveEvent)) { const bcm = getBlockComponentModel(blockId); const viewModel = bcm?.viewModel; if (viewModel?.keyDownHandler) { const handledByBlock = viewModel.keyDownHandler(waveEvent); if (handledByBlock) { return true; } } } return false; } function registerControlShiftStateUpdateHandler() { getApi().onControlShiftStateUpdate((state: boolean) => { if (state) { setControlShift(); } else { unsetControlShift(); } }); } function registerElectronReinjectKeyHandler() { getApi().onReinjectKey((event: WaveKeyboardEvent) => { appHandleKeyDown(event); }); } function tryReinjectKey(event: WaveKeyboardEvent): boolean { return appHandleKeyDown(event); } function registerGlobalKeys() { globalKeyMap.set("Cmd:]", () => { switchTab(1); return true; }); globalKeyMap.set("Shift:Cmd:]", () => { switchTab(1); return true; }); globalKeyMap.set("Cmd:[", () => { switchTab(-1); return true; }); globalKeyMap.set("Shift:Cmd:[", () => { switchTab(-1); return true; }); globalKeyMap.set("Cmd:n", () => { handleCmdN(); return true; }); globalKeyMap.set("Cmd:i", () => { handleCmdI(); return true; }); globalKeyMap.set("Cmd:t", () => { createTab(); return true; }); globalKeyMap.set("Cmd:w", () => { const tabId = globalStore.get(atoms.staticTabId); genericClose(tabId); return true; }); globalKeyMap.set("Cmd:Shift:w", () => { const tabId = globalStore.get(atoms.staticTabId); const ws = globalStore.get(atoms.workspace); if (ws.pinnedtabids?.includes(tabId)) { // switch to first unpinned tab if it exists (for close spamming) if (ws.tabids != null && ws.tabids.length > 0) { getApi().setActiveTab(ws.tabids[0]); } return true; } getApi().closeTab(ws.oid, tabId); return true; }); globalKeyMap.set("Cmd:m", () => { const layoutModel = getLayoutModelForStaticTab(); const focusedNode = globalStore.get(layoutModel.focusedNode); if (focusedNode != null) { layoutModel.magnifyNodeToggle(focusedNode.id); } return true; }); globalKeyMap.set("Ctrl:Shift:ArrowUp", () => { const tabId = globalStore.get(atoms.staticTabId); switchBlockInDirection(tabId, NavigateDirection.Up); return true; }); globalKeyMap.set("Ctrl:Shift:ArrowDown", () => { const tabId = globalStore.get(atoms.staticTabId); switchBlockInDirection(tabId, NavigateDirection.Down); return true; }); globalKeyMap.set("Ctrl:Shift:ArrowLeft", () => { const tabId = globalStore.get(atoms.staticTabId); switchBlockInDirection(tabId, NavigateDirection.Left); return true; }); globalKeyMap.set("Ctrl:Shift:ArrowRight", () => { const tabId = globalStore.get(atoms.staticTabId); switchBlockInDirection(tabId, NavigateDirection.Right); return true; }); globalKeyMap.set("Cmd:g", () => { const bcm = getBlockComponentModel(getFocusedBlockInStaticTab()); if (bcm.openSwitchConnection != null) { bcm.openSwitchConnection(); return true; } }); for (let idx = 1; idx <= 9; idx++) { globalKeyMap.set(`Cmd:${idx}`, () => { switchTabAbs(idx); return true; }); globalKeyMap.set(`Ctrl:Shift:c{Digit${idx}}`, () => { switchBlockByBlockNum(idx); return true; }); globalKeyMap.set(`Ctrl:Shift:c{Numpad${idx}}`, () => { switchBlockByBlockNum(idx); return true; }); } const allKeys = Array.from(globalKeyMap.keys()); // special case keys, handled by web view allKeys.push("Cmd:l", "Cmd:r", "Cmd:ArrowRight", "Cmd:ArrowLeft"); getApi().registerGlobalWebviewKeys(allKeys); } function getAllGlobalKeyBindings(): string[] { const allKeys = Array.from(globalKeyMap.keys()); return allKeys; } // these keyboard events happen *anywhere*, even if you have focus in an input or somewhere else. function handleGlobalWaveKeyboardEvents(waveEvent: WaveKeyboardEvent): boolean { for (const key of globalKeyMap.keys()) { if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, key)) { const handler = globalKeyMap.get(key); if (handler == null) { return false; } return handler(waveEvent); } } } export { appHandleKeyDown, getAllGlobalKeyBindings, getSimpleControlShiftAtom, globalRefocus, registerControlShiftStateUpdateHandler, registerElectronReinjectKeyHandler, registerGlobalKeys, tryReinjectKey, unsetControlShift, };