// Copyright 2025, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { RpcApi } from "@/app/store/wshclientapi"; import * as electron from "electron"; import { globalEvents } from "emain/emain-events"; import { FastAverageColor } from "fast-average-color"; import fs from "fs"; import * as child_process from "node:child_process"; import * as path from "path"; import { PNG } from "pngjs"; import { sprintf } from "sprintf-js"; import { Readable } from "stream"; import * as services from "../frontend/app/store/services"; import { initElectronWshrpc, shutdownWshrpc } from "../frontend/app/store/wshrpcutil"; import { getWebServerEndpoint } from "../frontend/util/endpoints"; import * as keyutil from "../frontend/util/keyutil"; import { fireAndForget, sleep } from "../frontend/util/util"; import { AuthKey, configureAuthKeyRequestInjection } from "./authkey"; import { initDocsite } from "./docsite"; import { getActivityState, getForceQuit, getGlobalIsRelaunching, setForceQuit, setGlobalIsQuitting, setGlobalIsStarting, setWasActive, setWasInFg, } from "./emain-activity"; import { ensureHotSpareTab, getWaveTabViewByWebContentsId, setMaxTabCacheSize } from "./emain-tabview"; import { handleCtrlShiftState } from "./emain-util"; import { getIsWaveSrvDead, getWaveSrvProc, getWaveSrvReady, getWaveVersion, runWaveSrv } from "./emain-wavesrv"; import { createBrowserWindow, createNewWaveWindow, focusedWaveWindow, getAllWaveWindows, getWaveWindowById, getWaveWindowByWebContentsId, getWaveWindowByWorkspaceId, registerGlobalHotkey, relaunchBrowserWindows, WaveBrowserWindow, } from "./emain-window"; import { ElectronWshClient, initElectronWshClient } from "./emain-wsh"; import { getLaunchSettings } from "./launchsettings"; import { log } from "./log"; import { makeAppMenu, makeDockTaskbar } from "./menu"; import { callWithOriginalXdgCurrentDesktopAsync, checkIfRunningUnderARM64Translation, getElectronAppBasePath, getElectronAppUnpackedBasePath, getWaveConfigDir, getWaveDataDir, isDev, unameArch, unamePlatform, } from "./platform"; import { configureAutoUpdater, updater } from "./updater"; const electronApp = electron.app; const waveDataDir = getWaveDataDir(); const waveConfigDir = getWaveConfigDir(); electron.nativeTheme.themeSource = "dark"; let webviewFocusId: number = null; // set to the getWebContentsId of the webview that has focus (null if not focused) let webviewKeys: string[] = []; // the keys to trap when webview has focus console.log = log; console.log( sprintf( "waveterm-app starting, data_dir=%s, config_dir=%s electronpath=%s gopath=%s arch=%s/%s", waveDataDir, waveConfigDir, getElectronAppBasePath(), getElectronAppUnpackedBasePath(), unamePlatform, unameArch ) ); if (isDev) { console.log("waveterm-app WAVETERM_DEV set"); } function handleWSEvent(evtMsg: WSEventType) { fireAndForget(async () => { console.log("handleWSEvent", evtMsg?.eventtype); if (evtMsg.eventtype == "electron:newwindow") { console.log("electron:newwindow", evtMsg.data); const windowId: string = evtMsg.data; const windowData: WaveWindow = (await services.ObjectService.GetObject("window:" + windowId)) as WaveWindow; if (windowData == null) { return; } const fullConfig = await RpcApi.GetFullConfigCommand(ElectronWshClient); const newWin = await createBrowserWindow(windowData, fullConfig, { unamePlatform }); newWin.show(); } else if (evtMsg.eventtype == "electron:closewindow") { console.log("electron:closewindow", evtMsg.data); if (evtMsg.data === undefined) return; const ww = getWaveWindowById(evtMsg.data); if (ww != null) { ww.destroy(); // bypass the "are you sure?" dialog } } else if (evtMsg.eventtype == "electron:updateactivetab") { const activeTabUpdate: { workspaceid: string; newactivetabid: string } = evtMsg.data; console.log("electron:updateactivetab", activeTabUpdate); const ww = getWaveWindowByWorkspaceId(activeTabUpdate.workspaceid); if (ww == null) { return; } await ww.setActiveTab(activeTabUpdate.newactivetabid, false); } else { console.log("unhandled electron ws eventtype", evtMsg.eventtype); } }); } // Listen for the open-external event from the renderer process electron.ipcMain.on("open-external", (event, url) => { if (url && typeof url === "string") { fireAndForget(() => callWithOriginalXdgCurrentDesktopAsync(() => electron.shell.openExternal(url).catch((err) => { console.error(`Failed to open URL ${url}:`, err); }) ) ); } else { console.error("Invalid URL received in open-external event:", url); } }); type UrlInSessionResult = { stream: Readable; mimeType: string; fileName: string; }; function getSingleHeaderVal(headers: Record, key: string): string { const val = headers[key]; if (val == null) { return null; } if (Array.isArray(val)) { return val[0]; } return val; } function cleanMimeType(mimeType: string): string { if (mimeType == null) { return null; } const parts = mimeType.split(";"); return parts[0].trim(); } function getFileNameFromUrl(url: string): string { try { const pathname = new URL(url).pathname; const filename = pathname.substring(pathname.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); return filename; } catch (e) { return null; } } function getUrlInSession(session: Electron.Session, url: string): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Handle data URLs directly if (url.startsWith("data:")) { const parts = url.split(","); if (parts.length < 2) { return reject(new Error("Invalid data URL")); } const header = parts[0]; // Get the data URL header (e.g., data:image/png;base64) const base64Data = parts[1]; // Get the base64 data part const mimeType = header.split(";")[0].slice(5); // Extract the MIME type (after "data:") const buffer = Buffer.from(base64Data, "base64"); const readable = Readable.from(buffer); resolve({ stream: readable, mimeType, fileName: "image" }); return; } const request = electron.net.request({ url, method: "GET", session, // Attach the session directly to the request }); const readable = new Readable({ read() {}, // No-op, we'll push data manually }); request.on("response", (response) => { const mimeType = cleanMimeType(getSingleHeaderVal(response.headers, "content-type")); const fileName = getFileNameFromUrl(url) || "image"; response.on("data", (chunk) => { readable.push(chunk); // Push data to the readable stream }); response.on("end", () => { readable.push(null); // Signal the end of the stream resolve({ stream: readable, mimeType, fileName }); }); }); request.on("error", (err) => { readable.destroy(err); // Destroy the stream on error reject(err); }); request.end(); }); } electron.ipcMain.on("webview-image-contextmenu", (event: electron.IpcMainEvent, payload: { src: string }) => { const menu = new electron.Menu(); const win = getWaveWindowByWebContentsId(event.sender.hostWebContents.id); if (win == null) { return; } menu.append( new electron.MenuItem({ label: "Save Image", click: () => { const resultP = getUrlInSession(event.sender.session, payload.src); resultP .then((result) => { saveImageFileWithNativeDialog(result.fileName, result.mimeType, result.stream); }) .catch((e) => { console.log("error getting image", e); }); }, }) ); const { x, y } = electron.screen.getCursorScreenPoint(); const windowPos = win.getPosition(); menu.popup(); }); electron.ipcMain.on("download", (event, payload) => { const streamingUrl = getWebServerEndpoint() + "/wave/stream-file?path=" + encodeURIComponent(payload.filePath); event.sender.downloadURL(streamingUrl); }); electron.ipcMain.on("get-cursor-point", (event) => { const tabView = getWaveTabViewByWebContentsId(event.sender.id); if (tabView == null) { event.returnValue = null; return; } const screenPoint = electron.screen.getCursorScreenPoint(); const windowRect = tabView.getBounds(); const retVal: Electron.Point = { x: screenPoint.x - windowRect.x, y: screenPoint.y - windowRect.y, }; event.returnValue = retVal; }); electron.ipcMain.on("get-env", (event, varName) => { event.returnValue = process.env[varName] ?? null; }); electron.ipcMain.on("get-about-modal-details", (event) => { event.returnValue = getWaveVersion() as AboutModalDetails; }); const hasBeforeInputRegisteredMap = new Map(); electron.ipcMain.on("webview-focus", (event: Electron.IpcMainEvent, focusedId: number) => { webviewFocusId = focusedId; console.log("webview-focus", focusedId); if (focusedId == null) { return; } const parentWc = event.sender; const webviewWc = electron.webContents.fromId(focusedId); if (webviewWc == null) { webviewFocusId = null; return; } if (!hasBeforeInputRegisteredMap.get(focusedId)) { hasBeforeInputRegisteredMap.set(focusedId, true); webviewWc.on("before-input-event", (e, input) => { let waveEvent = keyutil.adaptFromElectronKeyEvent(input); // console.log(`WEB ${focusedId}`, waveEvent.type, waveEvent.code); handleCtrlShiftState(parentWc, waveEvent); if (webviewFocusId != focusedId) { return; } if (input.type != "keyDown") { return; } for (let keyDesc of webviewKeys) { if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, keyDesc)) { e.preventDefault(); parentWc.send("reinject-key", waveEvent); console.log("webview reinject-key", keyDesc); return; } } }); webviewWc.on("destroyed", () => { hasBeforeInputRegisteredMap.delete(focusedId); }); } }); electron.ipcMain.on("register-global-webview-keys", (event, keys: string[]) => { webviewKeys = keys ?? []; }); if (unamePlatform !== "darwin") { const fac = new FastAverageColor(); electron.ipcMain.on("update-window-controls-overlay", async (event, rect: Dimensions) => { // Bail out if the user requests the native titlebar const fullConfig = await RpcApi.GetFullConfigCommand(ElectronWshClient); if (fullConfig.settings["window:nativetitlebar"]) return; const zoomFactor = event.sender.getZoomFactor(); const electronRect: Electron.Rectangle = { x: rect.left * zoomFactor, y: rect.top * zoomFactor, height: rect.height * zoomFactor, width: rect.width * zoomFactor, }; const overlay = await event.sender.capturePage(electronRect); const overlayBuffer = overlay.toPNG(); const png = PNG.sync.read(overlayBuffer); const color = fac.prepareResult(fac.getColorFromArray4(png.data)); const ww = getWaveWindowByWebContentsId(event.sender.id); ww.setTitleBarOverlay({ color: unamePlatform === "linux" ? color.rgba : "#00000000", // Windows supports a true transparent overlay, so we don't need to set a background color. symbolColor: color.isDark ? "white" : "black", }); }); } electron.ipcMain.on("quicklook", (event, filePath: string) => { if (unamePlatform == "darwin") { child_process.execFile("/usr/bin/qlmanage", ["-p", filePath], (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (error) { console.error(`Error opening Quick Look: ${error}`); return; } }); } }); electron.ipcMain.on("open-native-path", (event, filePath: string) => { console.log("open-native-path", filePath); fireAndForget(() => callWithOriginalXdgCurrentDesktopAsync(() => electron.shell.openPath(filePath).then((excuse) => { if (excuse) console.error(`Failed to open ${filePath} in native application: ${excuse}`); }) ) ); }); electron.ipcMain.on("set-window-init-status", (event, status: "ready" | "wave-ready") => { const tabView = getWaveTabViewByWebContentsId(event.sender.id); if (tabView == null || tabView.initResolve == null) { return; } if (status === "ready") { tabView.initResolve(); if (tabView.savedInitOpts) { // this handles the "reload" case. we'll re-send the init opts to the frontend console.log("savedInitOpts calling wave-init", tabView.waveTabId); tabView.webContents.send("wave-init", tabView.savedInitOpts); } } else if (status === "wave-ready") { tabView.waveReadyResolve(); } }); electron.ipcMain.on("fe-log", (event, logStr: string) => { console.log("fe-log", logStr); }); function saveImageFileWithNativeDialog(defaultFileName: string, mimeType: string, readStream: Readable) { if (defaultFileName == null || defaultFileName == "") { defaultFileName = "image"; } const ww = focusedWaveWindow; if (ww == null) { return; } const mimeToExtension: { [key: string]: string } = { "image/png": "png", "image/jpeg": "jpg", "image/gif": "gif", "image/webp": "webp", "image/bmp": "bmp", "image/tiff": "tiff", "image/heic": "heic", }; function addExtensionIfNeeded(fileName: string, mimeType: string): string { const extension = mimeToExtension[mimeType]; if (!path.extname(fileName) && extension) { return `${fileName}.${extension}`; } return fileName; } defaultFileName = addExtensionIfNeeded(defaultFileName, mimeType); electron.dialog .showSaveDialog(ww, { title: "Save Image", defaultPath: defaultFileName, filters: [{ name: "Images", extensions: ["png", "jpg", "jpeg", "gif", "webp", "bmp", "tiff", "heic"] }], }) .then((file) => { if (file.canceled) { return; } const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(file.filePath); readStream.pipe(writeStream); writeStream.on("finish", () => { console.log("saved file", file.filePath); }); writeStream.on("error", (err) => { console.log("error saving file (writeStream)", err); readStream.destroy(); }); readStream.on("error", (err) => { console.error("error saving file (readStream)", err); writeStream.destroy(); // Stop the write stream }); }) .catch((err) => { console.log("error trying to save file", err); }); } electron.ipcMain.on("open-new-window", () => fireAndForget(createNewWaveWindow)); // we try to set the primary display as index [0] function getActivityDisplays(): ActivityDisplayType[] { const displays = electron.screen.getAllDisplays(); const primaryDisplay = electron.screen.getPrimaryDisplay(); const rtn: ActivityDisplayType[] = []; for (const display of displays) { const adt = { width: display.size.width, height: display.size.height, dpr: display.scaleFactor, internal: display.internal, }; if (display.id === primaryDisplay?.id) { rtn.unshift(adt); } else { rtn.push(adt); } } return rtn; } function logActiveState() { fireAndForget(async () => { const astate = getActivityState(); const activity: ActivityUpdate = { openminutes: 1 }; if (astate.wasInFg) { activity.fgminutes = 1; } if (astate.wasActive) { activity.activeminutes = 1; } activity.displays = getActivityDisplays(); try { await RpcApi.ActivityCommand(ElectronWshClient, activity, { noresponse: true }); } catch (e) { console.log("error logging active state", e); } finally { // for next iteration const ww = focusedWaveWindow; setWasInFg(ww?.isFocused() ?? false); setWasActive(false); } }); } // this isn't perfect, but gets the job done without being complicated function runActiveTimer() { logActiveState(); setTimeout(runActiveTimer, 60000); } function hideWindowWithCatch(window: WaveBrowserWindow) { if (window == null) { return; } try { if (window.isDestroyed()) { return; } window.hide(); } catch (e) { console.log("error hiding window", e); } } electronApp.on("window-all-closed", () => { if (getGlobalIsRelaunching()) { return; } if (unamePlatform !== "darwin") { electronApp.quit(); } }); electronApp.on("before-quit", (e) => { setGlobalIsQuitting(true); updater?.stop(); if (unamePlatform == "win32") { // win32 doesn't have a SIGINT, so we just let electron die, which // ends up killing wavesrv via closing it's stdin. return; } getWaveSrvProc()?.kill("SIGINT"); shutdownWshrpc(); if (getForceQuit()) { return; } e.preventDefault(); const allWindows = getAllWaveWindows(); for (const window of allWindows) { hideWindowWithCatch(window); } if (getIsWaveSrvDead()) { console.log("wavesrv is dead, quitting immediately"); setForceQuit(true); electronApp.quit(); return; } setTimeout(() => { console.log("waiting for wavesrv to exit..."); setForceQuit(true); electronApp.quit(); }, 3000); }); process.on("SIGINT", () => { console.log("Caught SIGINT, shutting down"); electronApp.quit(); }); process.on("SIGHUP", () => { console.log("Caught SIGHUP, shutting down"); electronApp.quit(); }); process.on("SIGTERM", () => { console.log("Caught SIGTERM, shutting down"); electronApp.quit(); }); let caughtException = false; process.on("uncaughtException", (error) => { if (caughtException) { return; } // Check if the error is related to QUIC protocol, if so, ignore (can happen with the updater) if (error?.message?.includes("net::ERR_QUIC_PROTOCOL_ERROR")) { console.log("Ignoring QUIC protocol error:", error.message); console.log("Stack Trace:", error.stack); return; } caughtException = true; console.log("Uncaught Exception, shutting down: ", error); console.log("Stack Trace:", error.stack); // Optionally, handle cleanup or exit the app electronApp.quit(); }); let lastWaveWindowCount = 0; globalEvents.on("windows-updated", () => { const wwCount = getAllWaveWindows().length; if (wwCount == lastWaveWindowCount) { return; } lastWaveWindowCount = wwCount; console.log("windows-updated", wwCount); makeAppMenu(); }); async function appMain() { // Set disableHardwareAcceleration as early as possible, if required. const launchSettings = getLaunchSettings(); if (launchSettings?.["window:disablehardwareacceleration"]) { console.log("disabling hardware acceleration, per launch settings"); electronApp.disableHardwareAcceleration(); } const startTs = Date.now(); const instanceLock = electronApp.requestSingleInstanceLock(); if (!instanceLock) { console.log("waveterm-app could not get single-instance-lock, shutting down"); electronApp.quit(); return; } try { await runWaveSrv(handleWSEvent); } catch (e) { console.log(e.toString()); } const ready = await getWaveSrvReady(); console.log("wavesrv ready signal received", ready, Date.now() - startTs, "ms"); await electronApp.whenReady(); configureAuthKeyRequestInjection(electron.session.defaultSession); await sleep(10); // wait a bit for wavesrv to be ready try { initElectronWshClient(); initElectronWshrpc(ElectronWshClient, { authKey: AuthKey }); } catch (e) { console.log("error initializing wshrpc", e); } const fullConfig = await RpcApi.GetFullConfigCommand(ElectronWshClient); checkIfRunningUnderARM64Translation(fullConfig); ensureHotSpareTab(fullConfig); await relaunchBrowserWindows(); await initDocsite(); setTimeout(runActiveTimer, 5000); // start active timer, wait 5s just to be safe makeAppMenu(); makeDockTaskbar(); await configureAutoUpdater(); setGlobalIsStarting(false); if (fullConfig?.settings?.["window:maxtabcachesize"] != null) { setMaxTabCacheSize(fullConfig.settings["window:maxtabcachesize"]); } electronApp.on("activate", () => { const allWindows = getAllWaveWindows(); if (allWindows.length === 0) { fireAndForget(createNewWaveWindow); } }); const rawGlobalHotKey = launchSettings?.["app:globalhotkey"]; if (rawGlobalHotKey) { registerGlobalHotkey(rawGlobalHotKey); } } appMain().catch((e) => { console.log("appMain error", e); electronApp.quit(); });