// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { DefaultNodeSize, FlexDirection, LayoutNode } from "./types"; import { reverseFlexDirection } from "./utils"; /** * Creates a new node. * @param flexDirection The flex direction for the new node. * @param size The size for the new node. * @param children The children for the new node. * @param data The data for the new node. * @returns The new node. */ export function newLayoutNode( flexDirection?: FlexDirection, size?: number, children?: LayoutNode[], data?: TabLayoutData ): LayoutNode { const newNode: LayoutNode = { id: crypto.randomUUID(), flexDirection: flexDirection ?? FlexDirection.Row, size: size ?? DefaultNodeSize, children, data, }; if (!validateNode(newNode)) { throw new Error("Invalid node"); } return newNode; } /** * Adds new nodes to the tree at the given index. * @param node The parent node. * @param idx The index to insert at. * @param children The nodes to insert. * @returns The updated parent node. */ export function addChildAt(node: LayoutNode, idx: number, ...children: LayoutNode[]) { // console.log("adding", children, "to", node, "at index", idx); if (children.length === 0) return; if (!node.children) { addIntermediateNode(node); } const childrenToAdd = children.flatMap((v) => { if (v.flexDirection !== node.flexDirection) { return v; } else if (v.children) { return v.children; } else { v.flexDirection = reverseFlexDirection(node.flexDirection); return v; } }); if (node.children.length <= idx) { node.children.push(...childrenToAdd); } else if (idx >= 0) { node.children.splice(idx, 0, ...childrenToAdd); } } /** * Adds an intermediate node as a direct child of the given node, moving the given node's children or data into it. * * If the node contains children, they are moved two levels deeper to preserve their flex direction. If the node only has data, it is moved one level deeper. * @param node The node to add the intermediate node to. * @returns The updated node and the node that was added. */ export function addIntermediateNode(node: LayoutNode): LayoutNode { let intermediateNode: LayoutNode; if (node.data) { intermediateNode = newLayoutNode(reverseFlexDirection(node.flexDirection), undefined, undefined, node.data); node.children = [intermediateNode]; node.data = undefined; } else { const intermediateNodeInner = newLayoutNode(node.flexDirection, undefined, node.children); intermediateNode = newLayoutNode(reverseFlexDirection(node.flexDirection), undefined, [intermediateNodeInner]); node.children = [intermediateNode]; } const intermediateNodeId = intermediateNode.id; intermediateNode.id = node.id; node.id = intermediateNodeId; return intermediateNode; } /** * Attempts to remove the specified node from its parent. * @param parent The parent node. * @param childToRemove The node to remove. * @param startingIndex The index in children to start the search from. * @returns The updated parent node, or undefined if the node was not found. */ export function removeChild(parent: LayoutNode, childToRemove: LayoutNode, startingIndex: number = 0) { if (!parent.children) return; const idx = parent.children.indexOf(childToRemove, startingIndex); if (idx === -1) return; parent.children?.splice(idx, 1); } /** * Finds the node with the given id. * @param node The node to search in. * @param id The id to search for. * @returns The node with the given id or undefined if no node with the given id was found. */ export function findNode(node: LayoutNode, id: string): LayoutNode | undefined { if (node.id === id) return node; if (!node.children) return; for (const child of node.children) { const result = findNode(child, id); if (result) return result; } return; } /** * Finds the node whose children contains the node with the given id. * @param node The node to start the search from. * @param id The id to search for. * @returns The parent node, or undefined if no node with the given id was found. */ export function findParent(node: LayoutNode, id: string): LayoutNode | undefined { if (node.id === id || !node.children) return; for (const child of node.children) { if (child.id === id) return node; const retVal = findParent(child, id); if (retVal) return retVal; } return; } /** * Determines whether a node is valid. * @param node The node to validate. * @returns True if the node is valid, false otherwise. */ export function validateNode(node: LayoutNode): boolean { if (!node.children == !node.data) { console.error("Either children or data must be defined for node, not both"); return false; } if (node.children?.length === 0) { console.error("Node cannot define an empty array of children"); return false; } return true; } /** * Recursively walk the layout tree starting at the specified node. Run the specified callbacks, if any. * @param node The node from which to start the walk. * @param beforeWalkCallback An optional callback to run before walking a node's children. * @param afterWalkCallback An optional callback to run after walking a node's children. */ export function walkNodes( node: LayoutNode, beforeWalkCallback?: (node: LayoutNode) => void, afterWalkCallback?: (node: LayoutNode) => void ) { if (!node) return; beforeWalkCallback?.(node); node.children?.forEach((child) => walkNodes(child, beforeWalkCallback, afterWalkCallback)); afterWalkCallback?.(node); } /** * Recursively corrects the tree to minimize nested single-child nodes, remove invalid nodes, and correct invalid flex direction order. * @param node The node to start the balancing from. * @param beforeWalkCallback Any optional callback to run before walking a node's children. * @param afterWalkCallback An optional callback to run after walking a node's children. * @returns The corrected node. */ export function balanceNode( node: LayoutNode, beforeWalkCallback?: (node: LayoutNode) => void, afterWalkCallback?: (node: LayoutNode) => void ): LayoutNode { walkNodes( node, (node) => { beforeWalkCallback?.(node); if (!validateNode(node)) throw new Error("Invalid node"); node.children = node.children?.flatMap((child) => { if (child.flexDirection === node.flexDirection) { child.flexDirection = reverseFlexDirection(node.flexDirection); } if (child.children?.length == 1 && child.children[0].children) { return child.children[0].children; } if (child.children?.length === 0) return; return child; }); }, (node) => { node.children = node.children?.filter((v) => v); if (node.children?.length === 1 && !node.children[0].children) { node.data = node.children[0].data; node.id = node.children[0].id; node.children = undefined; } afterWalkCallback?.(node); } ); return node; } /** * Finds the first node in the tree where a new node can be inserted. * * This will attempt to fill each node until it has maxChildren children. If a node is full, it will move to its children and * fill each of them until it has maxChildren children. It will ensure that each child fills evenly before moving to the next * layer down. * * @param node The node to start the search from. * @param maxChildren The maximum number of children a node can have. * @returns The node to insert into and the index at which to insert. */ export function findNextInsertLocation(node: LayoutNode, maxChildren: number): { node: LayoutNode; index: number } { const insertLoc = findNextInsertLocationHelper(node, maxChildren, 1); return { node: insertLoc?.node, index: insertLoc?.index }; } /** * Traverse the layout tree using the supplied index array to find the node to insert at. * @param node The node to start the search from. * @param indexArr The array of indices to aid in the traversal. * @returns The node to insert into and the index at which to insert. */ export function findInsertLocationFromIndexArr( node: LayoutNode, indexArr: number[] ): { node: LayoutNode; index: number } { function normalizeIndex(index: number) { const childrenLength = node.children?.length ?? 1; const lastChildIndex = childrenLength - 1; if (index < 0) { return childrenLength - Math.max(index, -childrenLength); } return Math.min(index, lastChildIndex); } if (indexArr.length == 0) { return; } const nextIndex = normalizeIndex(indexArr.shift()); if (indexArr.length == 0 || !node.children) { return { node, index: nextIndex }; } return findInsertLocationFromIndexArr(node.children[nextIndex], indexArr); } function findNextInsertLocationHelper( node: LayoutNode, maxChildren: number, curDepth: number = 1 ): { node: LayoutNode; index: number; depth: number } { if (!node) return; if (!node.children) return { node, index: 1, depth: curDepth }; let insertLocs: { node: LayoutNode; index: number; depth: number }[] = []; if (node.children.length < maxChildren) { insertLocs.push({ node, index: node.children.length, depth: curDepth }); } for (const child of node.children.slice().reverse()) { insertLocs.push(findNextInsertLocationHelper(child, maxChildren, curDepth + 1)); } insertLocs = insertLocs .filter((a) => a) .sort((a, b) => Math.pow(a.depth, a.index + maxChildren) - Math.pow(b.depth, b.index + maxChildren)); return insertLocs[0]; } export function totalChildrenSize(node: LayoutNode): number { return node.children?.reduce((partialSum, child) => partialSum + child.size, 0); }