// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package wstore import ( "bytes" "context" "fmt" "log" "time" "github.com/google/uuid" "github.com/wavetermdev/thenextwave/pkg/util/utilfn" "github.com/wavetermdev/thenextwave/pkg/waveobj" ) var waveObjUpdateKey = struct{}{} type UpdatesRtnType = []WaveObjUpdate func init() { for _, rtype := range AllWaveObjTypes() { waveobj.RegisterType(rtype) } } type contextUpdatesType struct { UpdatesStack []map[waveobj.ORef]WaveObjUpdate } func dumpUpdateStack(updates *contextUpdatesType) { log.Printf("dumpUpdateStack len:%d\n", len(updates.UpdatesStack)) for idx, update := range updates.UpdatesStack { var buf bytes.Buffer buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" [%d]:", idx)) for k := range update { buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %s:%s", k.OType, k.OID)) } buf.WriteString("\n") log.Print(buf.String()) } } func ContextWithUpdates(ctx context.Context) context.Context { updatesVal := ctx.Value(waveObjUpdateKey) if updatesVal != nil { return ctx } return context.WithValue(ctx, waveObjUpdateKey, &contextUpdatesType{ UpdatesStack: []map[waveobj.ORef]WaveObjUpdate{make(map[waveobj.ORef]WaveObjUpdate)}, }) } func ContextGetUpdates(ctx context.Context) map[waveobj.ORef]WaveObjUpdate { updatesVal := ctx.Value(waveObjUpdateKey) if updatesVal == nil { return nil } updates := updatesVal.(*contextUpdatesType) if len(updates.UpdatesStack) == 1 { return updates.UpdatesStack[0] } rtn := make(map[waveobj.ORef]WaveObjUpdate) for _, update := range updates.UpdatesStack { for k, v := range update { rtn[k] = v } } return rtn } func ContextGetUpdatesRtn(ctx context.Context) UpdatesRtnType { updatesMap := ContextGetUpdates(ctx) if updatesMap == nil { return nil } rtn := make(UpdatesRtnType, 0, len(updatesMap)) for _, v := range updatesMap { rtn = append(rtn, v) } return rtn } func ContextGetUpdate(ctx context.Context, oref waveobj.ORef) *WaveObjUpdate { updatesVal := ctx.Value(waveObjUpdateKey) if updatesVal == nil { return nil } updates := updatesVal.(*contextUpdatesType) for idx := len(updates.UpdatesStack) - 1; idx >= 0; idx-- { if obj, ok := updates.UpdatesStack[idx][oref]; ok { return &obj } } return nil } func ContextAddUpdate(ctx context.Context, update WaveObjUpdate) { updatesVal := ctx.Value(waveObjUpdateKey) if updatesVal == nil { return } updates := updatesVal.(*contextUpdatesType) oref := waveobj.ORef{ OType: update.OType, OID: update.OID, } updates.UpdatesStack[len(updates.UpdatesStack)-1][oref] = update } func ContextUpdatesBeginTx(ctx context.Context) context.Context { updatesVal := ctx.Value(waveObjUpdateKey) if updatesVal == nil { return ctx } updates := updatesVal.(*contextUpdatesType) updates.UpdatesStack = append(updates.UpdatesStack, make(map[waveobj.ORef]WaveObjUpdate)) return ctx } func ContextUpdatesCommitTx(ctx context.Context) { updatesVal := ctx.Value(waveObjUpdateKey) if updatesVal == nil { return } updates := updatesVal.(*contextUpdatesType) if len(updates.UpdatesStack) <= 1 { panic(fmt.Errorf("no updates transaction to commit")) } // merge the last two updates curUpdateMap := updates.UpdatesStack[len(updates.UpdatesStack)-1] prevUpdateMap := updates.UpdatesStack[len(updates.UpdatesStack)-2] for k, v := range curUpdateMap { prevUpdateMap[k] = v } updates.UpdatesStack = updates.UpdatesStack[:len(updates.UpdatesStack)-1] } func ContextUpdatesRollbackTx(ctx context.Context) { updatesVal := ctx.Value(waveObjUpdateKey) if updatesVal == nil { return } updates := updatesVal.(*contextUpdatesType) if len(updates.UpdatesStack) <= 1 { panic(fmt.Errorf("no updates transaction to rollback")) } updates.UpdatesStack = updates.UpdatesStack[:len(updates.UpdatesStack)-1] } func CreateTab(ctx context.Context, workspaceId string, name string) (*Tab, error) { return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (*Tab, error) { ws, _ := DBGet[*Workspace](tx.Context(), workspaceId) if ws == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("workspace not found: %q", workspaceId) } layoutNodeId := uuid.NewString() tab := &Tab{ OID: uuid.NewString(), Name: name, BlockIds: []string{}, LayoutNode: layoutNodeId, } layoutNode := &LayoutNode{ OID: layoutNodeId, } ws.TabIds = append(ws.TabIds, tab.OID) DBInsert(tx.Context(), tab) DBInsert(tx.Context(), layoutNode) DBUpdate(tx.Context(), ws) return tab, nil }) } func CreateWorkspace(ctx context.Context) (*Workspace, error) { ws := &Workspace{ OID: uuid.NewString(), TabIds: []string{}, } DBInsert(ctx, ws) return ws, nil } func UpdateWorkspaceTabIds(ctx context.Context, workspaceId string, tabIds []string) error { return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { ws, _ := DBGet[*Workspace](tx.Context(), workspaceId) if ws == nil { return fmt.Errorf("workspace not found: %q", workspaceId) } ws.TabIds = tabIds DBUpdate(tx.Context(), ws) return nil }) } func SetActiveTab(ctx context.Context, windowId string, tabId string) error { return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { window, _ := DBGet[*Window](tx.Context(), windowId) if window == nil { return fmt.Errorf("window not found: %q", windowId) } if tabId != "" { tab, _ := DBGet[*Tab](tx.Context(), tabId) if tab == nil { return fmt.Errorf("tab not found: %q", tabId) } } window.ActiveTabId = tabId DBUpdate(tx.Context(), window) return nil }) } func UpdateTabName(ctx context.Context, tabId, name string) error { return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { tab, _ := DBGet[*Tab](tx.Context(), tabId) if tab == nil { return fmt.Errorf("tab not found: %q", tabId) } if tabId != "" { tab.Name = name DBUpdate(tx.Context(), tab) } return nil }) } func CreateBlock(ctx context.Context, tabId string, blockDef *BlockDef, rtOpts *RuntimeOpts) (*Block, error) { return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (*Block, error) { tab, _ := DBGet[*Tab](tx.Context(), tabId) if tab == nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("tab not found: %q", tabId) } blockId := uuid.NewString() blockData := &Block{ OID: blockId, BlockDef: blockDef, RuntimeOpts: rtOpts, Meta: blockDef.Meta, } DBInsert(tx.Context(), blockData) tab.BlockIds = append(tab.BlockIds, blockId) DBUpdate(tx.Context(), tab) return blockData, nil }) } func findStringInSlice(slice []string, val string) int { for idx, v := range slice { if v == val { return idx } } return -1 } func DeleteBlock(ctx context.Context, tabId string, blockId string) error { return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { tab, _ := DBGet[*Tab](tx.Context(), tabId) if tab == nil { return fmt.Errorf("tab not found: %q", tabId) } blockIdx := findStringInSlice(tab.BlockIds, blockId) if blockIdx == -1 { return nil } tab.BlockIds = append(tab.BlockIds[:blockIdx], tab.BlockIds[blockIdx+1:]...) DBUpdate(tx.Context(), tab) DBDelete(tx.Context(), OType_Block, blockId) return nil }) } func DeleteTab(ctx context.Context, workspaceId string, tabId string) error { return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { ws, _ := DBGet[*Workspace](tx.Context(), workspaceId) if ws == nil { return fmt.Errorf("workspace not found: %q", workspaceId) } tab, _ := DBGet[*Tab](tx.Context(), tabId) if tab == nil { return fmt.Errorf("tab not found: %q", tabId) } tabIdx := findStringInSlice(ws.TabIds, tabId) if tabIdx == -1 { return nil } ws.TabIds = append(ws.TabIds[:tabIdx], ws.TabIds[tabIdx+1:]...) DBUpdate(tx.Context(), ws) DBDelete(tx.Context(), OType_Tab, tabId) DBDelete(tx.Context(), OType_LayoutNode, tab.LayoutNode) for _, blockId := range tab.BlockIds { DBDelete(tx.Context(), OType_Block, blockId) } return nil }) } func UpdateObjectMeta(ctx context.Context, oref waveobj.ORef, meta MetaMapType) error { return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { if oref.IsEmpty() { return fmt.Errorf("empty object reference") } obj, _ := DBGetORef(tx.Context(), oref) if obj == nil { return ErrNotFound } objMeta := waveobj.GetMeta(obj) if objMeta == nil { objMeta = make(map[string]any) } newMeta := MergeMeta(objMeta, meta) waveobj.SetMeta(obj, newMeta) DBUpdate(tx.Context(), obj) return nil }) } func CreateWindow(ctx context.Context, winSize *WinSize) (*Window, error) { windowId := uuid.NewString() workspaceId := uuid.NewString() tabId := uuid.NewString() layoutNodeId := uuid.NewString() if winSize == nil { winSize = &WinSize{ Width: 1200, Height: 800, } } window := &Window{ OID: windowId, WorkspaceId: workspaceId, ActiveTabId: tabId, ActiveBlockMap: make(map[string]string), Pos: Point{ X: 100, Y: 100, }, WinSize: *winSize, } err := DBInsert(ctx, window) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error inserting window: %w", err) } ws := &Workspace{ OID: workspaceId, Name: "w" + workspaceId[0:8], TabIds: []string{tabId}, } err = DBInsert(ctx, ws) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error inserting workspace: %w", err) } tab := &Tab{ OID: tabId, Name: "T1", BlockIds: []string{}, LayoutNode: layoutNodeId, } err = DBInsert(ctx, tab) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error inserting tab: %w", err) } layoutNode := &LayoutNode{ OID: layoutNodeId, } err = DBInsert(ctx, layoutNode) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error inserting layout node: %w", err) } client, err := DBGetSingleton[*Client](ctx) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error getting client: %w", err) } client.WindowIds = append(client.WindowIds, windowId) err = DBUpdate(ctx, client) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error updating client: %w", err) } return DBMustGet[*Window](ctx, windowId) } func MoveBlockToTab(ctx context.Context, currentTabId string, newTabId string, blockId string) error { return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error { currentTab, _ := DBGet[*Tab](tx.Context(), currentTabId) if currentTab == nil { return fmt.Errorf("current tab not found: %q", currentTabId) } newTab, _ := DBGet[*Tab](tx.Context(), newTabId) if newTab == nil { return fmt.Errorf("new tab not found: %q", newTabId) } blockIdx := findStringInSlice(currentTab.BlockIds, blockId) if blockIdx == -1 { return fmt.Errorf("block not found in current tab: %q", blockId) } currentTab.BlockIds = utilfn.RemoveElemFromSlice(currentTab.BlockIds, blockId) newTab.BlockIds = append(newTab.BlockIds, blockId) DBUpdate(tx.Context(), currentTab) DBUpdate(tx.Context(), newTab) return nil }) } func CreateClient(ctx context.Context) (*Client, error) { client := &Client{ OID: uuid.NewString(), WindowIds: []string{}, } err := DBInsert(ctx, client) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("error inserting client: %w", err) } return client, nil } func EnsureInitialData() error { // does not need to run in a transaction since it is called on startup ctx, cancelFn := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second) defer cancelFn() client, err := DBGetSingleton[*Client](ctx) if err == ErrNotFound { client, err = CreateClient(ctx) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error creating client: %w", err) } } if len(client.WindowIds) > 0 { return nil } _, err = CreateWindow(ctx, &WinSize{0, 0}) if err != nil { return fmt.Errorf("error creating window: %w", err) } return nil }