// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { useHeight } from "@/app/hook/useHeight"; import { ContextMenuModel } from "@/app/store/contextmenu"; import { atoms, createBlock, getApi } from "@/app/store/global"; import * as services from "@/store/services"; import * as keyutil from "@/util/keyutil"; import * as util from "@/util/util"; import type { PreviewModel } from "@/view/preview"; import { Column, Row, Table, createColumnHelper, flexRender, getCoreRowModel, getSortedRowModel, useReactTable, } from "@tanstack/react-table"; import clsx from "clsx"; import dayjs from "dayjs"; import * as jotai from "jotai"; import { OverlayScrollbarsComponent } from "overlayscrollbars-react"; import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useMemo, useRef, useState } from "react"; import { quote as shellQuote } from "shell-quote"; import { OverlayScrollbars } from "overlayscrollbars"; import "./directorypreview.less"; interface DirectoryTableProps { data: FileInfo[]; search: string; focusIndex: number; setFocusIndex: (_: number) => void; setFileName: (_: string) => void; setSearch: (_: string) => void; setSelectedPath: (_: string) => void; setRefreshVersion: React.Dispatch>; } const columnHelper = createColumnHelper(); const displaySuffixes = { B: "b", kB: "k", MB: "m", GB: "g", TB: "t", KiB: "k", MiB: "m", GiB: "g", TiB: "t", }; function getBestUnit(bytes: number, si: boolean = false, sigfig: number = 3): string { if (bytes < 0) { return "-"; } const units = si ? ["kB", "MB", "GB", "TB"] : ["KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB"]; const divisor = si ? 1000 : 1024; let currentUnit = "B"; let currentValue = bytes; let idx = 0; while (currentValue > divisor && idx < units.length - 1) { currentUnit = units[idx]; currentValue /= divisor; idx += 1; } return `${parseFloat(currentValue.toPrecision(sigfig))}${displaySuffixes[currentUnit]}`; } function getLastModifiedTime(unixMillis: number, column: Column): string { const fileDatetime = dayjs(new Date(unixMillis)); const nowDatetime = dayjs(new Date()); let datePortion: string; if (nowDatetime.isSame(fileDatetime, "date")) { datePortion = "Today"; } else if (nowDatetime.subtract(1, "day").isSame(fileDatetime, "date")) { datePortion = "Yesterday"; } else { datePortion = dayjs(fileDatetime).format("M/D/YY"); } if (column.getSize() > 120) { return `${datePortion}, ${dayjs(fileDatetime).format("h:mm A")}`; } return datePortion; } const iconRegex = /^[a-z0-9- ]+$/; function isIconValid(icon: string): boolean { if (util.isBlank(icon)) { return false; } return icon.match(iconRegex) != null; } function getIconClass(icon: string): string { if (!isIconValid(icon)) { return "fa fa-solid fa-question fa-fw"; } return `fa fa-solid fa-${icon} fa-fw`; } function getSortIcon(sortType: string | boolean): React.ReactNode { switch (sortType) { case "asc": return ; case "desc": return ; default: return null; } } function cleanMimetype(input: string): string { const truncated = input.split(";")[0]; return truncated.trim(); } function DirectoryTable({ data, search, focusIndex, setFocusIndex, setFileName, setSearch, setSelectedPath, setRefreshVersion, }: DirectoryTableProps) { const settings = jotai.useAtomValue(atoms.settingsConfigAtom); const getIconFromMimeType = useCallback( (mimeType: string): string => { while (mimeType.length > 0) { let icon = settings.mimetypes?.[mimeType]?.icon ?? null; if (isIconValid(icon)) { return `fa fa-solid fa-${icon} fa-fw`; } mimeType = mimeType.slice(0, -1); } return "fa fa-solid fa-file fa-fw"; }, [settings.mimetypes] ); const getIconColor = useCallback( (mimeType: string): string => { let iconColor = settings.mimetypes?.[mimeType]?.color ?? "inherit"; return iconColor; }, [settings.mimetypes] ); const columns = useMemo( () => [ columnHelper.accessor("mimetype", { cell: (info) => ( ), header: () => , id: "logo", size: 25, enableSorting: false, }), columnHelper.accessor("name", { cell: (info) => {info.getValue()}, header: () => Name, sortingFn: "alphanumeric", size: 200, minSize: 90, }), columnHelper.accessor("modestr", { cell: (info) => {info.getValue()}, header: () => Perm, size: 91, minSize: 90, sortingFn: "alphanumeric", }), columnHelper.accessor("modtime", { cell: (info) => ( {getLastModifiedTime(info.getValue(), info.column)} ), header: () => Last Modified, size: 91, minSize: 65, sortingFn: "datetime", }), columnHelper.accessor("size", { cell: (info) => {getBestUnit(info.getValue())}, header: () => Size, size: 55, minSize: 50, sortingFn: "auto", }), columnHelper.accessor("mimetype", { cell: (info) => {cleanMimetype(info.getValue() ?? "")}, header: () => Type, size: 97, minSize: 97, sortingFn: "alphanumeric", }), columnHelper.accessor("path", {}), ], [settings] ); const table = useReactTable({ data, columns, columnResizeMode: "onChange", getSortedRowModel: getSortedRowModel(), getCoreRowModel: getCoreRowModel(), initialState: { sorting: [ { id: "name", desc: false, }, ], columnVisibility: { path: false, }, rowPinning: { top: [], bottom: [], }, }, enableMultiSort: false, enableSortingRemoval: false, }); useEffect(() => { setSelectedPath((table.getSortedRowModel()?.flatRows[focusIndex]?.getValue("path") as string) ?? null); }, [table, focusIndex, data]); useEffect(() => { const rows = table.getRowModel()?.flatRows; for (const row of rows) { if (row.getValue("name") == "..") { row.pin("top"); return; } } }, [data]); const columnSizeVars = useMemo(() => { const headers = table.getFlatHeaders(); const colSizes: { [key: string]: number } = {}; for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { const header = headers[i]!; colSizes[`--header-${header.id}-size`] = header.getSize(); colSizes[`--col-${header.column.id}-size`] = header.column.getSize(); } return colSizes; }, [table.getState().columnSizingInfo]); return (
{table.getHeaderGroups().map((headerGroup) => (
{headerGroup.headers.map((header) => (
header.column.toggleSorting()} > {header.isPlaceholder ? null : flexRender(header.column.columnDef.header, header.getContext())} {getSortIcon(header.column.getIsSorted())}
{table.getState().columnSizingInfo.isResizingColumn ? ( ) : ( )}
); } interface TableBodyProps { data: Array; table: Table; search: string; focusIndex: number; setFocusIndex: (_: number) => void; setFileName: (_: string) => void; setSearch: (_: string) => void; setSelectedPath: (_: string) => void; setRefreshVersion: React.Dispatch>; } function TableBody({ data, table, search, focusIndex, setFocusIndex, setFileName, setSearch, setSelectedPath, setRefreshVersion, }: TableBodyProps) { const [bodyHeight, setBodyHeight] = useState(0); const dummyLineRef = useRef(null); const parentRef = useRef(null); const warningBoxRef = useRef(null); const osInstanceRef = useRef(null); const rowRefs = useRef([]); const parentHeight = useHeight(parentRef); useEffect(() => { if (dummyLineRef.current && data && parentRef.current) { const rowHeight = dummyLineRef.current.offsetHeight; const fullTBodyHeight = rowHeight * data.length; const warningBoxHeight = warningBoxRef.current?.offsetHeight ?? 0; const maxHeightLessHeader = parentHeight - warningBoxHeight; const tbodyHeight = Math.min(maxHeightLessHeader, fullTBodyHeight); setBodyHeight(tbodyHeight); } }, [data, parentHeight]); useEffect(() => { if (focusIndex !== null && rowRefs.current[focusIndex] && parentRef.current) { const viewport = osInstanceRef.current.elements().viewport; const viewportHeight = viewport.offsetHeight; const rowElement = rowRefs.current[focusIndex]; const rowRect = rowElement.getBoundingClientRect(); const parentRect = parentRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); const viewportScrollTop = viewport.scrollTop; const rowTopRelativeToViewport = rowRect.top - parentRect.top + viewportScrollTop; const rowBottomRelativeToViewport = rowRect.bottom - parentRect.top + viewportScrollTop; if (rowTopRelativeToViewport < viewportScrollTop) { // Row is above the visible area viewport.scrollTo({ top: rowTopRelativeToViewport }); } else if (rowBottomRelativeToViewport > viewportScrollTop + viewportHeight) { // Row is below the visible area viewport.scrollTo({ top: rowBottomRelativeToViewport - viewportHeight }); } } }, [focusIndex, parentHeight]); const handleFileContextMenu = useCallback( (e: any, path: string, mimetype: string) => { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); const fileName = path.split("/").pop(); const menu: ContextMenuItem[] = [ { label: "Copy File Name", click: () => navigator.clipboard.writeText(fileName), }, { label: "Copy Full File Name", click: () => navigator.clipboard.writeText(path), }, { label: "Copy File Name (Shell Quoted)", click: () => navigator.clipboard.writeText(shellQuote([fileName])), }, { label: "Copy Full File Name (Shell Quoted)", click: () => navigator.clipboard.writeText(shellQuote([path])), }, { type: "separator", }, { label: "Download File", click: async () => { getApi().downloadFile(path); }, }, { type: "separator", }, { label: "Open Preview in New Block", click: async () => { const blockDef = { meta: { view: "preview", file: path, }, }; await createBlock(blockDef); }, }, ]; if (mimetype == "directory") { menu.push({ label: "Open Terminal in New Block", click: async () => { const termBlockDef: BlockDef = { meta: { controller: "shell", view: "term", "cmd:cwd": path, }, }; await createBlock(termBlockDef); }, }); } menu.push({ type: "separator" }); menu.push({ label: "Delete File", click: async () => { await services.FileService.DeleteFile(path).catch((e) => console.log(e)); setRefreshVersion((current) => current + 1); }, }); ContextMenuModel.showContextMenu(menu, e); }, [setRefreshVersion] ); const displayRow = useCallback( (row: Row, idx: number) => (
(rowRefs.current[idx] = el)} className={clsx("dir-table-body-row", { focused: focusIndex === idx })} key={row.id} onDoubleClick={() => { const newFileName = row.getValue("path") as string; setFileName(newFileName); setSearch(""); }} onClick={() => setFocusIndex(idx)} onContextMenu={(e) => handleFileContextMenu(e, row.getValue("path"), row.getValue("mimetype"))} > {row.getVisibleCells().map((cell) => (
{flexRender(cell.column.columnDef.cell, cell.getContext())}
), [setSearch, setFileName, handleFileContextMenu, setFocusIndex, focusIndex] ); const handleScrollbarInitialized = (instance) => { osInstanceRef.current = instance; }; return (
{search !== "" && (
Searching for "{search}"
setSearch("")}> {}} />
{table.getTopRows().map(displayRow)} {table.getCenterRows().map((row, idx) => displayRow(row, idx + table.getTopRows().length))}
); } const MemoizedTableBody = React.memo( TableBody, (prev, next) => prev.table.options.data == next.table.options.data ) as typeof TableBody; interface DirectoryPreviewProps { fileNameAtom: jotai.WritableAtom; model: PreviewModel; } function DirectoryPreview({ fileNameAtom, model }: DirectoryPreviewProps) { const [searchText, setSearchText] = useState(""); const [focusIndex, setFocusIndex] = useState(0); const [unfilteredData, setUnfilteredData] = useState([]); const [filteredData, setFilteredData] = useState([]); const [fileName, setFileName] = jotai.useAtom(fileNameAtom); const showHiddenFiles = jotai.useAtomValue(model.showHiddenFiles); const [selectedPath, setSelectedPath] = useState(""); const [refreshVersion, setRefreshVersion] = jotai.useAtom(model.refreshVersion); useEffect(() => { model.refreshCallback = () => { setRefreshVersion((refreshVersion) => refreshVersion + 1); }; return () => { model.refreshCallback = null; }; }, [setRefreshVersion]); useEffect(() => { const getContent = async () => { const file = await services.FileService.ReadFile(fileName); const serializedContent = util.base64ToString(file?.data64); const content: FileInfo[] = JSON.parse(serializedContent); setUnfilteredData(content); }; getContent(); }, [fileName, refreshVersion]); useEffect(() => { const filtered = unfilteredData.filter((fileInfo) => { if (!showHiddenFiles && fileInfo.name.startsWith(".") && fileInfo.name != "..") { return false; } return fileInfo.name.toLowerCase().includes(searchText); }); setFilteredData(filtered); }, [unfilteredData, showHiddenFiles, searchText]); const handleKeyDown = useCallback( (waveEvent: WaveKeyboardEvent): boolean => { if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Escape")) { setSearchText(""); return; } if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "ArrowUp")) { setFocusIndex((idx) => Math.max(idx - 1, 0)); return true; } if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "ArrowDown")) { setFocusIndex((idx) => Math.min(idx + 1, filteredData.length - 1)); return true; } if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Enter")) { if (filteredData.length == 0) { return; } setFileName(selectedPath); setSearchText(""); return true; } }, [filteredData, setFocusIndex, selectedPath] ); useEffect(() => { if (filteredData.length != 0 && focusIndex > filteredData.length - 1) { setFocusIndex(filteredData.length - 1); } }, [filteredData]); const inputRef = React.useRef(null); React.useEffect(() => { model.directoryInputElem = inputRef.current; return () => { model.directoryInputElem = null; }; }, []); return ( { const event = e as React.ChangeEvent; setSearchText(event.target.value.toLowerCase()); }} onKeyDownCapture={(e) => keyutil.keydownWrapper(handleKeyDown)(e)} onFocusCapture={() => document.getSelection().collapseToEnd()} options={{ scrollbars: { autoHide: "leave" } }} >
{}} //for nuisance warnings maxLength={400} value={searchText} />
); } export { DirectoryPreview };