// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { useLongClick } from "@/app/hook/useLongClick"; import { getConnStatusAtom, waveEventSubscribe, WOS } from "@/app/store/global"; import * as services from "@/app/store/services"; import { makeORef } from "@/app/store/wos"; import * as util from "@/util/util"; import clsx from "clsx"; import * as jotai from "jotai"; import * as React from "react"; import DotsSvg from "../asset/dots-anim-4.svg"; export const colorRegex = /^((#[0-9a-f]{6,8})|([a-z]+))$/; export function blockViewToIcon(view: string): string { if (view == "term") { return "terminal"; } if (view == "preview") { return "file"; } if (view == "web") { return "globe"; } if (view == "waveai") { return "sparkles"; } if (view == "help") { return "circle-question"; } return "square"; } export function blockViewToName(view: string): string { if (util.isBlank(view)) { return "(No View)"; } if (view == "term") { return "Terminal"; } if (view == "preview") { return "Preview"; } if (view == "web") { return "Web"; } if (view == "waveai") { return "WaveAI"; } if (view == "help") { return "Help"; } return view; } export function processTitleString(titleString: string): React.ReactNode[] { if (titleString == null) { return null; } const tagRegex = /<(\/)?([a-z]+)(?::([#a-z0-9@-]+))?>/g; let lastIdx = 0; let match; let partsStack = [[]]; while ((match = tagRegex.exec(titleString)) != null) { const lastPart = partsStack[partsStack.length - 1]; const before = titleString.substring(lastIdx, match.index); lastPart.push(before); lastIdx = match.index + match[0].length; const [_, isClosing, tagName, tagParam] = match; if (tagName == "icon" && !isClosing) { if (tagParam == null) { continue; } const iconClass = util.makeIconClass(tagParam, false); if (iconClass == null) { continue; } lastPart.push(); continue; } if (tagName == "c" || tagName == "color") { if (isClosing) { if (partsStack.length <= 1) { continue; } partsStack.pop(); continue; } if (tagParam == null) { continue; } if (!tagParam.match(colorRegex)) { continue; } let children = []; const rtag = React.createElement("span", { key: match.index, style: { color: tagParam } }, children); lastPart.push(rtag); partsStack.push(children); continue; } if (tagName == "i" || tagName == "b") { if (isClosing) { if (partsStack.length <= 1) { continue; } partsStack.pop(); continue; } let children = []; const rtag = React.createElement(tagName, { key: match.index }, children); lastPart.push(rtag); partsStack.push(children); continue; } } partsStack[partsStack.length - 1].push(titleString.substring(lastIdx)); return partsStack[0]; } export function getBlockHeaderIcon(blockIcon: string, blockData: Block): React.ReactNode { let blockIconElem: React.ReactNode = null; if (util.isBlank(blockIcon)) { blockIcon = "square"; } let iconColor = blockData?.meta?.["icon:color"]; if (iconColor && !iconColor.match(colorRegex)) { iconColor = null; } let iconStyle = null; if (!util.isBlank(iconColor)) { iconStyle = { color: iconColor }; } const iconClass = util.makeIconClass(blockIcon, true); if (iconClass != null) { blockIconElem = ; } return blockIconElem; } export const IconButton = React.memo(({ decl, className }: { decl: HeaderIconButton; className?: string }) => { const buttonRef = React.useRef(null); useLongClick(buttonRef, decl.click, decl.longClick, decl.disabled); return (
{typeof decl.icon === "string" ? : decl.icon}
); }); interface ConnectionButtonProps { connection: string; changeConnModalAtom: jotai.PrimitiveAtom; } export const ControllerStatusIcon = React.memo(({ blockId }: { blockId: string }) => { const [blockData] = WOS.useWaveObjectValue(WOS.makeORef("block", blockId)); const hasController = !util.isBlank(blockData?.meta?.controller); const [controllerStatus, setControllerStatus] = React.useState(null); const [gotInitialStatus, setGotInitialStatus] = React.useState(false); const connection = blockData?.meta?.connection ?? "local"; const connStatusAtom = getConnStatusAtom(connection); const connStatus = jotai.useAtomValue(connStatusAtom); React.useEffect(() => { if (!hasController) { return; } const initialRTStatus = services.BlockService.GetControllerStatus(blockId); initialRTStatus.then((rts) => { setGotInitialStatus(true); setControllerStatus(rts); }); const unsubFn = waveEventSubscribe("controllerstatus", makeORef("block", blockId), (event) => { const cstatus: BlockControllerRuntimeStatus = event.data; setControllerStatus(cstatus); }); return () => { unsubFn(); }; }, [hasController]); if (!hasController || !gotInitialStatus) { return null; } if (controllerStatus?.shellprocstatus == "running") { return null; } if (connStatus?.status != "connected") { return null; } const controllerStatusElem = (
); return controllerStatusElem; }); export const ConnectionButton = React.memo( React.forwardRef( ({ connection, changeConnModalAtom }: ConnectionButtonProps, ref) => { const [connModalOpen, setConnModalOpen] = jotai.useAtom(changeConnModalAtom); const isLocal = util.isBlank(connection); const connStatusAtom = getConnStatusAtom(connection); const connStatus = jotai.useAtomValue(connStatusAtom); let showDisconnectedSlash = false; let connIconElem: React.ReactNode = null; let color = "#53b4ea"; const clickHandler = function () { setConnModalOpen(true); }; let titleText = null; let shouldSpin = false; if (isLocal) { color = "var(--grey-text-color)"; titleText = "Connected to Local Machine"; connIconElem = ( ); } else { titleText = "Connected to " + connection; let iconName = "arrow-right-arrow-left"; let iconSvg = null; if (connStatus?.status == "connecting") { color = "var(--warning-color)"; titleText = "Connecting to " + connection; shouldSpin = false; iconSvg = (
); } else if (connStatus?.status == "error") { color = "var(--error-color)"; titleText = "Error connecting to " + connection; if (connStatus?.error != null) { titleText += " (" + connStatus.error + ")"; } showDisconnectedSlash = true; } else if (!connStatus?.connected) { color = "var(--grey-text-color)"; titleText = "Disconnected from " + connection; showDisconnectedSlash = true; } if (iconSvg != null) { connIconElem = iconSvg; } else { connIconElem = ( ); } } return (
{connIconElem} {isLocal ? null :
); } ) ); export const Input = React.memo( ({ decl, className, preview }: { decl: HeaderInput; className: string; preview: boolean }) => { const { value, ref, isDisabled, onChange, onKeyDown, onFocus, onBlur } = decl; return (
onChange(e)} onKeyDown={(e) => onKeyDown(e)} onFocus={(e) => onFocus(e)} onBlur={(e) => onBlur(e)} onDragStart={(e) => e.preventDefault()} />
); } );