// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { WOS, atoms, getEventORefSubject, globalStore, useBlockAtom, useSettingsAtom } from "@/store/global"; import * as services from "@/store/services"; import * as keyutil from "@/util/keyutil"; import type { ITheme } from "@xterm/xterm"; import clsx from "clsx"; import { produce } from "immer"; import * as jotai from "jotai"; import * as React from "react"; import { IJsonView } from "./ijson"; import { TermStickers } from "./termsticker"; import { TermWrap } from "./termwrap"; import { WshServer } from "@/app/store/wshserver"; import "public/xterm.css"; import "./term.less"; function getThemeFromCSSVars(el: Element): ITheme { const theme: ITheme = {}; const elemStyle = getComputedStyle(el); theme.foreground = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-foreground"); theme.background = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-background"); theme.black = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-black"); theme.red = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-red"); theme.green = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-green"); theme.yellow = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-yellow"); theme.blue = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-blue"); theme.magenta = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-magenta"); theme.cyan = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-cyan"); theme.white = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-white"); theme.brightBlack = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-bright-black"); theme.brightRed = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-bright-red"); theme.brightGreen = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-bright-green"); theme.brightYellow = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-bright-yellow"); theme.brightBlue = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-bright-blue"); theme.brightMagenta = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-bright-magenta"); theme.brightCyan = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-bright-cyan"); theme.brightWhite = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-bright-white"); theme.selectionBackground = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-selection-background"); theme.selectionInactiveBackground = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-selection-background"); theme.cursor = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-selection-background"); theme.cursorAccent = elemStyle.getPropertyValue("--term-cursor-accent"); return theme; } const keyMap = { Enter: "\r", Backspace: "\x7f", Tab: "\t", Escape: "\x1b", ArrowUp: "\x1b[A", ArrowDown: "\x1b[B", ArrowRight: "\x1b[C", ArrowLeft: "\x1b[D", Insert: "\x1b[2~", Delete: "\x1b[3~", Home: "\x1b[1~", End: "\x1b[4~", PageUp: "\x1b[5~", PageDown: "\x1b[6~", }; function keyboardEventToASCII(event: React.KeyboardEvent): string { // check modifiers // if no modifiers are set, just send the key if (!event.altKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey) { if (event.key == null || event.key == "") { return ""; } if (keyMap[event.key] != null) { return keyMap[event.key]; } if (event.key.length == 1) { return event.key; } else { console.log("not sending keyboard event", event.key, event); } } // if meta or alt is set, there is no ASCII representation if (event.metaKey || event.altKey) { return ""; } // if ctrl is set, if it is a letter, subtract 64 from the uppercase value to get the ASCII value if (event.ctrlKey) { if ( (event.key.length === 1 && event.key >= "A" && event.key <= "Z") || (event.key >= "a" && event.key <= "z") ) { const key = event.key.toUpperCase(); return String.fromCharCode(key.charCodeAt(0) - 64); } } return ""; } type InitialLoadDataType = { loaded: boolean; heldData: Uint8Array[]; }; const IJSONConst = { tag: "div", children: [ { tag: "h1", children: ["Hello World"], }, { tag: "p", children: ["This is a paragraph"], }, ], }; function setBlockFocus(blockId: string) { let winData = globalStore.get(atoms.waveWindow); if (winData == null) { return; } winData = produce(winData, (draft) => { draft.activeblockid = blockId; }); WOS.setObjectValue(winData, globalStore.set, true); } const TerminalView = ({ blockId }: { blockId: string }) => { const connectElemRef = React.useRef(null); const termRef = React.useRef(null); const shellProcStatusRef = React.useRef(null); const blockIconOverrideAtom = useBlockAtom(blockId, "blockicon:override", () => { return jotai.atom(null); }) as jotai.PrimitiveAtom; const htmlElemFocusRef = React.useRef(null); const [blockData] = WOS.useWaveObjectValue(WOS.makeORef("block", blockId)); const isFocusedAtom = useBlockAtom(blockId, "isFocused", () => { return jotai.atom((get) => { const winData = get(atoms.waveWindow); return winData?.activeblockid === blockId; }); }); const termSettingsAtom = useSettingsAtom("term", (settings: SettingsConfigType) => { return settings?.term; }); const termSettings = jotai.useAtomValue(termSettingsAtom); const isFocused = jotai.useAtomValue(isFocusedAtom); React.useEffect(() => { function handleTerminalKeydown(event: KeyboardEvent) { const waveEvent = keyutil.adaptFromReactOrNativeKeyEvent(event); if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Cmd:Escape")) { event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); WshServer.SetMetaCommand({ oref: WOS.makeORef("block", blockId), meta: { "term:mode": null } }); return false; } if (shellProcStatusRef.current != "running" && keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Enter")) { // restart WshServer.BlockRestartCommand({ blockid: blockId }); return false; } } const termWrap = new TermWrap( blockId, connectElemRef.current, { theme: getThemeFromCSSVars(connectElemRef.current), fontSize: termSettings?.fontsize ?? 12, fontFamily: termSettings?.fontfamily ?? "Hack", drawBoldTextInBrightColors: false, fontWeight: "normal", fontWeightBold: "bold", }, { keydownHandler: handleTerminalKeydown, } ); (window as any).term = termWrap; termRef.current = termWrap; termWrap.addFocusListener(() => { setBlockFocus(blockId); }); const rszObs = new ResizeObserver(() => { termWrap.handleResize_debounced(); }); rszObs.observe(connectElemRef.current); termWrap.initTerminal(); return () => { termWrap.dispose(); rszObs.disconnect(); }; }, []); const handleHtmlKeyDown = (event: React.KeyboardEvent) => { const waveEvent = keyutil.adaptFromReactOrNativeKeyEvent(event); if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Cmd:Escape")) { // reset term:mode WshServer.SetMetaCommand({ oref: WOS.makeORef("block", blockId), meta: { "term:mode": null } }); return false; } const asciiVal = keyboardEventToASCII(event); if (asciiVal.length == 0) { return false; } const b64data = btoa(asciiVal); WshServer.BlockInputCommand({ blockid: blockId, inputdata64: b64data }); return true; }; let termMode = blockData?.meta?.["term:mode"] ?? "term"; if (termMode != "term" && termMode != "html") { termMode = "term"; } // set initial focus React.useEffect(() => { if (isFocused && termMode == "term") { termRef.current?.terminal.focus(); } if (isFocused && termMode == "html") { htmlElemFocusRef.current?.focus(); } }, []); // set intitial controller status, and then subscribe for updates React.useEffect(() => { function updateShellProcStatus(status: string) { if (status == null) { return; } shellProcStatusRef.current = status; if (status == "running") { termRef.current?.setIsRunning(true); globalStore.set(blockIconOverrideAtom, "terminal"); } else { termRef.current?.setIsRunning(false); globalStore.set(blockIconOverrideAtom, "regular@terminal"); } } const initialRTStatus = services.BlockService.GetControllerStatus(blockId); initialRTStatus.then((rts) => { updateShellProcStatus(rts?.shellprocstatus); }); const bcSubject = getEventORefSubject("blockcontroller:status", WOS.makeORef("block", blockId)); const sub = bcSubject.subscribe((data: WSEventType) => { let bcRTS: BlockControllerRuntimeStatus = data.data; updateShellProcStatus(bcRTS?.shellprocstatus); }); return () => sub.unsubscribe(); }, []); let stickerConfig = { charWidth: 8, charHeight: 16, rows: termRef.current?.terminal.rows ?? 24, cols: termRef.current?.terminal.cols ?? 80, blockId: blockId, }; function handleKeyDown(e: React.KeyboardEvent) { const waveEvent = keyutil.adaptFromReactOrNativeKeyEvent(e); if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Cmd:Shift:v")) { const p = navigator.clipboard.readText(); p.then((text) => { termRef.current?.handleTermData(text); }); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return true; } else if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Cmd:Shift:c")) { const sel = termRef.current?.terminal.getSelection(); navigator.clipboard.writeText(sel); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); return true; } } return (
{ if (htmlElemFocusRef.current != null) { htmlElemFocusRef.current.focus(); } setBlockFocus(blockId); }} >
{}} />
); }; export { TerminalView };