// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { waveEventSubscribe } from "@/app/store/wps"; import { RpcApi } from "@/app/store/wshclientapi"; import * as electron from "electron"; import { fireAndForget } from "../frontend/util/util"; import { clearTabCache } from "./emain-tabview"; import { createNewWaveWindow, createWorkspace, focusedWaveWindow, getWaveWindowByWorkspaceId, relaunchBrowserWindows, WaveBrowserWindow, } from "./emain-window"; import { ElectronWshClient } from "./emain-wsh"; import { unamePlatform } from "./platform"; import { updater } from "./updater"; type AppMenuCallbacks = { createNewWaveWindow: () => Promise; relaunchBrowserWindows: () => Promise; }; function getWindowWebContents(window: electron.BaseWindow): electron.WebContents { if (window == null) { return null; } if (window instanceof electron.BaseWindow) { const waveWin = window as WaveBrowserWindow; if (waveWin.activeTabView) { return waveWin.activeTabView.webContents; } return null; } return null; } async function getWorkspaceMenu(ww?: WaveBrowserWindow): Promise { const workspaceList = await RpcApi.WorkspaceListCommand(ElectronWshClient); console.log("workspaceList:", workspaceList); const workspaceMenu: Electron.MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [ { label: "Create Workspace", click: (_, window) => fireAndForget(() => createWorkspace((window as WaveBrowserWindow) ?? ww)), }, ]; function getWorkspaceSwitchAccelerator(i: number): string { if (i < 9) { return unamePlatform == "darwin" ? `Command+Control+${i + 1}` : `Alt+Control+${i + 1}`; } } workspaceList?.length && workspaceMenu.push( { type: "separator" }, ...workspaceList.map((workspace, i) => { return { label: `${workspace.workspacedata.name}`, click: (_, window) => { ((window as WaveBrowserWindow) ?? ww)?.switchWorkspace(workspace.workspacedata.oid); }, accelerator: getWorkspaceSwitchAccelerator(i), }; }) ); return workspaceMenu; } async function getAppMenu(callbacks: AppMenuCallbacks, workspaceId?: string): Promise { const ww = workspaceId && getWaveWindowByWorkspaceId(workspaceId); const fileMenu: Electron.MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [ { label: "New Window", accelerator: "CommandOrControl+Shift+N", click: () => fireAndForget(callbacks.createNewWaveWindow), }, { role: "close", accelerator: "", // clear the accelerator click: () => { focusedWaveWindow?.close(); }, }, ]; const appMenu: Electron.MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [ { label: "About Wave Terminal", click: (_, window) => { getWindowWebContents(window ?? ww)?.send("menu-item-about"); }, }, { label: "Check for Updates", click: () => { fireAndForget(() => updater?.checkForUpdates(true)); }, }, { type: "separator", }, ]; if (unamePlatform === "darwin") { appMenu.push( { role: "services", }, { type: "separator", }, { role: "hide", }, { role: "hideOthers", }, { type: "separator", } ); } appMenu.push({ role: "quit", }); const editMenu: Electron.MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [ { role: "undo", accelerator: unamePlatform === "darwin" ? "Command+Z" : "", }, { role: "redo", accelerator: unamePlatform === "darwin" ? "Command+Shift+Z" : "", }, { type: "separator", }, { role: "cut", accelerator: unamePlatform === "darwin" ? "Command+X" : "", }, { role: "copy", accelerator: unamePlatform === "darwin" ? "Command+C" : "", }, { role: "paste", accelerator: unamePlatform === "darwin" ? "Command+V" : "", }, { role: "pasteAndMatchStyle", accelerator: unamePlatform === "darwin" ? "Command+Shift+V" : "", }, { role: "delete", }, { role: "selectAll", accelerator: unamePlatform === "darwin" ? "Command+A" : "", }, ]; const devToolsAccel = unamePlatform === "darwin" ? "Option+Command+I" : "Alt+Shift+I"; const viewMenu: Electron.MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [ { label: "Reload Tab", accelerator: "Shift+CommandOrControl+R", click: (_, window) => { getWindowWebContents(window ?? ww)?.reloadIgnoringCache(); }, }, { label: "Relaunch All Windows", click: () => { callbacks.relaunchBrowserWindows(); }, }, { label: "Clear Tab Cache", click: () => { clearTabCache(); }, }, { label: "Toggle DevTools", accelerator: devToolsAccel, click: (_, window) => { let wc = getWindowWebContents(window ?? ww); wc?.toggleDevTools(); }, }, { type: "separator", }, { label: "Reset Zoom", accelerator: "CommandOrControl+0", click: (_, window) => { getWindowWebContents(window ?? ww)?.setZoomFactor(1); }, }, { label: "Zoom In", accelerator: "CommandOrControl+=", click: (_, window) => { const wc = getWindowWebContents(window ?? ww); if (wc == null) { return; } wc.setZoomFactor(Math.min(5, wc.getZoomFactor() + 0.2)); }, }, { label: "Zoom In (hidden)", accelerator: "CommandOrControl+Shift+=", click: (_, window) => { const wc = getWindowWebContents(window ?? ww); if (wc == null) { return; } wc.setZoomFactor(Math.min(5, wc.getZoomFactor() + 0.2)); }, visible: false, acceleratorWorksWhenHidden: true, }, { label: "Zoom Out", accelerator: "CommandOrControl+-", click: (_, window) => { const wc = getWindowWebContents(window ?? ww); if (wc == null) { return; } wc.setZoomFactor(Math.max(0.2, wc.getZoomFactor() - 0.2)); }, }, { label: "Zoom Out (hidden)", accelerator: "CommandOrControl+Shift+-", click: (_, window) => { const wc = getWindowWebContents(window ?? ww); if (wc == null) { return; } wc.setZoomFactor(Math.max(0.2, wc.getZoomFactor() - 0.2)); }, visible: false, acceleratorWorksWhenHidden: true, }, { type: "separator", }, { role: "togglefullscreen", }, ]; let workspaceMenu: Electron.MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = null; try { workspaceMenu = await getWorkspaceMenu(); } catch (e) { console.error("getWorkspaceMenu error:", e); } const windowMenu: Electron.MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [ { role: "minimize", accelerator: "" }, { role: "zoom" }, { type: "separator" }, { role: "front" }, { type: "separator" }, { role: "window" }, ]; const menuTemplate: Electron.MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [ { role: "appMenu", submenu: appMenu, }, { role: "fileMenu", submenu: fileMenu, }, { role: "editMenu", submenu: editMenu, }, { role: "viewMenu", submenu: viewMenu, }, ]; if (workspaceMenu != null) { menuTemplate.push({ label: "Workspace", id: "workspace-menu", submenu: workspaceMenu, }); } menuTemplate.push({ role: "windowMenu", submenu: windowMenu, }); return electron.Menu.buildFromTemplate(menuTemplate); } export function instantiateAppMenu(workspaceId?: string): Promise { return getAppMenu( { createNewWaveWindow, relaunchBrowserWindows, }, workspaceId ); } export function makeAppMenu() { fireAndForget(async () => { const menu = await instantiateAppMenu(); electron.Menu.setApplicationMenu(menu); }); } waveEventSubscribe({ eventType: "workspace:update", handler: makeAppMenu, }); function convertMenuDefArrToMenu(workspaceId: string, menuDefArr: ElectronContextMenuItem[]): electron.Menu { const menuItems: electron.MenuItem[] = []; for (const menuDef of menuDefArr) { const menuItemTemplate: electron.MenuItemConstructorOptions = { role: menuDef.role as any, label: menuDef.label, type: menuDef.type, click: (_, window) => { const ww = (window as WaveBrowserWindow) ?? getWaveWindowByWorkspaceId(workspaceId); if (!ww) { console.error("invalid window for context menu click handler:", ww, window, workspaceId); return; } ww?.activeTabView?.webContents?.send("contextmenu-click", menuDef.id); }, checked: menuDef.checked, }; if (menuDef.submenu != null) { menuItemTemplate.submenu = convertMenuDefArrToMenu(workspaceId, menuDef.submenu); } const menuItem = new electron.MenuItem(menuItemTemplate); menuItems.push(menuItem); } return electron.Menu.buildFromTemplate(menuItems); } electron.ipcMain.on("contextmenu-show", (event, workspaceId: string, menuDefArr?: ElectronContextMenuItem[]) => { if (menuDefArr?.length === 0) { return; } fireAndForget(async () => { const menu = menuDefArr ? convertMenuDefArrToMenu(workspaceId, menuDefArr) : await instantiateAppMenu(workspaceId); menu.popup(); }); event.returnValue = true; }); export { getAppMenu };