import { atomWithThrottle, boundNumber } from "@/util/util"; import { Atom, atom, Getter, PrimitiveAtom, Setter } from "jotai"; import { splitAtom } from "jotai/utils"; import { createRef, CSSProperties } from "react"; import { debounce } from "throttle-debounce"; import { balanceNode, findNode, walkNodes } from "./layoutNode"; import { computeMoveNode, deleteNode, insertNode, insertNodeAtIndex, magnifyNodeToggle, moveNode, resizeNode, swapNode, } from "./layoutTree"; import { ContentRenderer, LayoutNode, LayoutTreeAction, LayoutTreeActionType, LayoutTreeComputeMoveNodeAction, LayoutTreeDeleteNodeAction, LayoutTreeInsertNodeAction, LayoutTreeInsertNodeAtIndexAction, LayoutTreeMagnifyNodeToggleAction, LayoutTreeMoveNodeAction, LayoutTreeResizeNodeAction, LayoutTreeSetPendingAction, LayoutTreeState, LayoutTreeSwapNodeAction, PreviewRenderer, TileLayoutContents, WritableLayoutTreeStateAtom, } from "./types"; import { Dimensions, FlexDirection, setTransform } from "./utils"; export interface ResizeHandleProps { id: string; parentNodeId: string; parentIndex: number; centerPx: number; transform: CSSProperties; flexDirection: FlexDirection; } export interface LayoutNodeAdditionalProps { transform?: CSSProperties; rect?: Dimensions; pixelToSizeRatio?: number; resizeHandles?: ResizeHandleProps[]; } interface ResizeContext { handleId: string; pixelToSizeRatio: number; resizeHandleStartPx: number; beforeNodeStartSize: number; afterNodeStartSize: number; } const DefaultGapSizePx = 5; export class LayoutModel { treeStateAtom: WritableLayoutTreeStateAtom; getter: Getter; setter: Setter; renderContent?: ContentRenderer; renderPreview?: PreviewRenderer; onNodeDelete?: (data: TabLayoutData) => Promise; gapSizePx: number; treeState: LayoutTreeState; leafs: LayoutNode[]; resizeHandles: SplitAtom; additionalProps: PrimitiveAtom>; pendingAction: AtomWithThrottle; activeDrag: PrimitiveAtom; showOverlay: PrimitiveAtom; ready: PrimitiveAtom; displayContainerRef: React.RefObject; placeholderTransform: Atom; overlayTransform: Atom; private resizeContext?: ResizeContext; isResizing: Atom; private isContainerResizing: PrimitiveAtom; generationAtom: PrimitiveAtom; constructor( treeStateAtom: WritableLayoutTreeStateAtom, getter: Getter, setter: Setter, renderContent?: ContentRenderer, renderPreview?: PreviewRenderer, onNodeDelete?: (data: TabLayoutData) => Promise, gapSizePx?: number ) { console.log("ctor"); this.treeStateAtom = treeStateAtom; this.getter = getter; this.setter = setter; this.renderContent = renderContent; this.renderPreview = renderPreview; this.onNodeDelete = onNodeDelete; this.gapSizePx = gapSizePx ?? DefaultGapSizePx; this.leafs = []; this.additionalProps = atom({}); const resizeHandleListAtom = atom((get) => { const addlProps = get(this.additionalProps); return Object.values(addlProps) .flatMap((props) => props.resizeHandles) .filter((v) => v); }); this.resizeHandles = splitAtom(resizeHandleListAtom); this.isContainerResizing = atom(false); this.isResizing = atom((get) => { const pendingAction = get(this.pendingAction.throttledValueAtom); const isWindowResizing = get(this.isContainerResizing); return isWindowResizing || pendingAction?.type === LayoutTreeActionType.ResizeNode; }); this.displayContainerRef = createRef(); this.activeDrag = atom(false); this.showOverlay = atom(false); this.ready = atom(false); this.overlayTransform = atom((get) => { const activeDrag = get(this.activeDrag); const showOverlay = get(this.showOverlay); if (this.displayContainerRef.current) { const displayBoundingRect = this.displayContainerRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); const newOverlayOffset = + 2 * displayBoundingRect.height; const newTransform = setTransform( { top: activeDrag || showOverlay ? 0 : newOverlayOffset, left: 0, width: displayBoundingRect.width, height: displayBoundingRect.height, }, false ); return newTransform; } }); this.pendingAction = atomWithThrottle(null, 10); this.placeholderTransform = atom((get: Getter) => { const pendingAction = get(this.pendingAction.throttledValueAtom); console.log("update to pending action", pendingAction); return this.getPlaceholderTransform(pendingAction); }); this.generationAtom = atom(0); this.updateTreeState(true); } registerTileLayout(contents: TileLayoutContents) { this.renderContent = contents.renderContent; this.renderPreview = contents.renderPreview; this.onNodeDelete = contents.onNodeDelete; } treeReducer(action: LayoutTreeAction) { console.log("treeReducer", action, this); let stateChanged = false; switch (action.type) { case LayoutTreeActionType.ComputeMove: this.setter( this.pendingAction.throttledValueAtom, computeMoveNode(this.treeState, action as LayoutTreeComputeMoveNodeAction) ); break; case LayoutTreeActionType.Move: moveNode(this.treeState, action as LayoutTreeMoveNodeAction); stateChanged = true; break; case LayoutTreeActionType.InsertNode: insertNode(this.treeState, action as LayoutTreeInsertNodeAction); stateChanged = true; break; case LayoutTreeActionType.InsertNodeAtIndex: insertNodeAtIndex(this.treeState, action as LayoutTreeInsertNodeAtIndexAction); stateChanged = true; break; case LayoutTreeActionType.DeleteNode: deleteNode(this.treeState, action as LayoutTreeDeleteNodeAction); stateChanged = true; break; case LayoutTreeActionType.Swap: swapNode(this.treeState, action as LayoutTreeSwapNodeAction); stateChanged = true; break; case LayoutTreeActionType.ResizeNode: resizeNode(this.treeState, action as LayoutTreeResizeNodeAction); stateChanged = true; break; case LayoutTreeActionType.SetPendingAction: { const pendingAction = (action as LayoutTreeSetPendingAction).action; if (pendingAction) { this.setter(this.pendingAction.throttledValueAtom, pendingAction); } else { console.warn("No new pending action provided"); } break; } case LayoutTreeActionType.ClearPendingAction: this.setter(this.pendingAction.throttledValueAtom, undefined); break; case LayoutTreeActionType.CommitPendingAction: { const pendingAction = this.getter(this.pendingAction.currentValueAtom); if (!pendingAction) { console.error("unable to commit pending action, does not exist"); break; } this.treeReducer(pendingAction); this.setter(this.pendingAction.throttledValueAtom, undefined); break; } case LayoutTreeActionType.MagnifyNodeToggle: magnifyNodeToggle(this.treeState, action as LayoutTreeMagnifyNodeToggleAction); stateChanged = true; break; default: console.error("Invalid reducer action", this.treeState, action); } if (stateChanged) { console.log("state changed", this.treeState); this.updateTree(); this.treeState.generation++; this.setter(this.treeStateAtom, this.treeState); } } updateTreeState(force = false) { const treeState = this.getter(this.treeStateAtom); console.log("updateTreeState", this.treeState, treeState); if ( force || !this.treeState?.rootNode || !this.treeState?.generation || treeState?.generation > this.treeState.generation ) { console.log("newTreeState", treeState); this.treeState = treeState; this.updateTree(); } } private bumpGeneration() { console.log("bumpGeneration"); this.setter(this.generationAtom, this.getter(this.generationAtom) + 1); } getNodeAdditionalPropertiesAtom(nodeId: string): Atom { return atom((get) => { const addlProps = get(this.additionalProps); console.log( "updated addlProps", nodeId, addlProps?.[nodeId]?.transform, addlProps?.[nodeId]?.rect, addlProps?.[nodeId]?.pixelToSizeRatio ); if (addlProps.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) return addlProps[nodeId]; }); } getNodeAdditionalPropertiesById(nodeId: string): LayoutNodeAdditionalProps { const addlProps = this.getter(this.additionalProps); if (addlProps.hasOwnProperty(nodeId)) return addlProps[nodeId]; } getNodeAdditionalProperties(node: LayoutNode): LayoutNodeAdditionalProps { return this.getNodeAdditionalPropertiesById(; } getNodeTransform(node: LayoutNode): CSSProperties { return this.getNodeTransformById(; } getNodeTransformById(nodeId: string): CSSProperties { return this.getNodeAdditionalPropertiesById(nodeId)?.transform; } getNodeRect(node: LayoutNode): Dimensions { return this.getNodeRectById(; } getNodeRectById(nodeId: string): Dimensions { return this.getNodeAdditionalPropertiesById(nodeId)?.rect; } updateTree = (balanceTree: boolean = true) => { console.log("updateTree"); if (this.displayContainerRef.current) { console.log("updateTree 1"); const newLeafs: LayoutNode[] = []; const newAdditionalProps = {}; const pendingAction = this.getter(this.pendingAction.currentValueAtom); const resizeAction = pendingAction?.type === LayoutTreeActionType.ResizeNode ? (pendingAction as LayoutTreeResizeNodeAction) : null; const callback = (node: LayoutNode) => this.updateTreeHelper(node, newAdditionalProps, newLeafs, resizeAction); if (balanceTree) this.treeState.rootNode = balanceNode(this.treeState.rootNode, callback); else walkNodes(this.treeState.rootNode, callback); this.setter(this.additionalProps, newAdditionalProps); this.leafs = newLeafs.sort((a, b) =>; this.bumpGeneration(); } }; private getBoundingRect(): Dimensions { const boundingRect = this.displayContainerRef.current.getBoundingClientRect(); return { top: 0, left: 0, width: boundingRect.width, height: boundingRect.height }; } private updateTreeHelper( node: LayoutNode, additionalPropsMap: Record, leafs: LayoutNode[], resizeAction?: LayoutTreeResizeNodeAction ) { if (!node.children?.length) { console.log("adding node to leafs", node); leafs.push(node); if (this.treeState.magnifiedNodeId === { const boundingRect = this.getBoundingRect(); const transform = setTransform( { top: boundingRect.height * 0.05, left: boundingRect.width * 0.05, width: boundingRect.width * 0.9, height: boundingRect.height * 0.9, }, true ); additionalPropsMap[].transform = transform; } return; } function getNodeSize(node: LayoutNode) { return resizeAction?.resizeOperations.find((op) => op.nodeId === ?? node.size; } const additionalProps: LayoutNodeAdditionalProps = additionalPropsMap.hasOwnProperty( ? additionalPropsMap[] : {}; const nodeRect: Dimensions = === ? this.getBoundingRect() : additionalProps.rect; const nodeIsRow = node.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Row; const nodePixelsMinusGap = (nodeIsRow ? nodeRect.width : nodeRect.height) - this.gapSizePx * (node.children.length - 1); const totalChildrenSize = node.children.reduce((acc, child) => acc + getNodeSize(child), 0); const pixelToSizeRatio = totalChildrenSize / nodePixelsMinusGap; let lastChildRect: Dimensions; const resizeHandles: ResizeHandleProps[] = []; node.children.forEach((child, i) => { const childSize = getNodeSize(child); const rect: Dimensions = { top: !nodeIsRow && lastChildRect ? + lastChildRect.height + this.gapSizePx :, left: nodeIsRow && lastChildRect ? lastChildRect.left + lastChildRect.width + this.gapSizePx : nodeRect.left, width: nodeIsRow ? childSize / pixelToSizeRatio : nodeRect.width, height: nodeIsRow ? nodeRect.height : childSize / pixelToSizeRatio, }; const transform = setTransform(rect); additionalPropsMap[] = { rect, transform, }; const resizeHandleDimensions: Dimensions = { top: nodeIsRow ? : + rect.height - 0.5 * this.gapSizePx, left: nodeIsRow ? rect.left + rect.width - 0.5 * this.gapSizePx : rect.left, width: nodeIsRow ? 2 * this.gapSizePx : rect.width, height: nodeIsRow ? rect.height : 2 * this.gapSizePx, }; resizeHandles.push({ id: `${}-${i}`, parentNodeId:, parentIndex: i, transform: setTransform(resizeHandleDimensions, true, false), flexDirection: node.flexDirection, centerPx: (nodeIsRow ? resizeHandleDimensions.left : + this.gapSizePx, }); lastChildRect = rect; }); resizeHandles.pop(); additionalPropsMap[] = { ...additionalProps, pixelToSizeRatio, resizeHandles, }; } private getPlaceholderTransform(pendingAction: LayoutTreeAction): CSSProperties { if (pendingAction) { console.log("pendingAction", pendingAction, this); switch (pendingAction.type) { case LayoutTreeActionType.Move: { // console.log("doing move overlay"); const action = pendingAction as LayoutTreeMoveNodeAction; let parentId: string; if (action.insertAtRoot) { parentId =; } else { parentId = action.parentId; } const parentNode = findNode(this.treeState.rootNode, parentId); if (action.index !== undefined && parentNode) { const targetIndex = boundNumber( action.index - 1, 0, parentNode.children ? parentNode.children.length - 1 : 0 ); const targetNode = parentNode?.children?.at(targetIndex) ?? parentNode; if (targetNode) { const targetBoundingRect = this.getNodeRect(targetNode); // Placeholder should be either half the height or half the width of the targetNode, depending on the flex direction of the targetNode's parent. // Default to placing the placeholder in the first half of the target node. const placeholderDimensions: Dimensions = { height: parentNode.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Column ? targetBoundingRect.height / 2 : targetBoundingRect.height, width: parentNode.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Row ? targetBoundingRect.width / 2 : targetBoundingRect.width, top:, left: targetBoundingRect.left, }; if (action.index > targetIndex) { if (action.index >= (parentNode.children?.length ?? 1)) { // If there are no more nodes after the specified index, place the placeholder in the second half of the target node (either right or bottom). += parentNode.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Column && targetBoundingRect.height / 2; placeholderDimensions.left += parentNode.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Row && targetBoundingRect.width / 2; } else { // Otherwise, place the placeholder between the target node (the one after which it will be inserted) and the next node += parentNode.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Column && (3 * targetBoundingRect.height) / 4; placeholderDimensions.left += parentNode.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Row && (3 * targetBoundingRect.width) / 4; } } return setTransform(placeholderDimensions); } } break; } case LayoutTreeActionType.Swap: { // console.log("doing swap overlay"); const action = pendingAction as LayoutTreeSwapNodeAction; const targetNodeId = action.node1Id; const targetBoundingRect = this.getNodeRectById(targetNodeId); const placeholderDimensions: Dimensions = { top:, left: targetBoundingRect.left, height: targetBoundingRect.height, width: targetBoundingRect.width, }; return setTransform(placeholderDimensions); } default: // No-op break; } } return; } magnifyNode(node: LayoutNode) { const action = { type: LayoutTreeActionType.MagnifyNodeToggle, nodeId:, }; this.treeReducer(action); } async closeNode(node: LayoutNode) { const deleteAction: LayoutTreeDeleteNodeAction = { type: LayoutTreeActionType.DeleteNode, nodeId:, }; this.treeReducer(deleteAction); await this.onNodeDelete?.(; } onContainerResize = () => { this.updateTree(); this.setter(this.isContainerResizing, true); this.stopContainerResizing(); }; stopContainerResizing = debounce(30, () => { this.setter(this.isContainerResizing, false); }); onResizeMove(resizeHandle: ResizeHandleProps, x: number, y: number) { console.log("onResizeMove", resizeHandle, x, y, this.resizeContext); const parentIsRow = resizeHandle.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Row; const parentNode = findNode(this.treeState.rootNode, resizeHandle.parentNodeId); const beforeNode = parentNode.children![resizeHandle.parentIndex]; const afterNode = parentNode.children![resizeHandle.parentIndex + 1]; // If the resize context is out of date, update it and save it for future events. if (this.resizeContext?.handleId !== { const addlProps = this.getter(this.additionalProps); const pixelToSizeRatio = addlProps[resizeHandle.parentNodeId]?.pixelToSizeRatio; if (beforeNode && afterNode && pixelToSizeRatio) { this.resizeContext = { handleId:, resizeHandleStartPx: resizeHandle.centerPx, beforeNodeStartSize: beforeNode.size, afterNodeStartSize: afterNode.size, pixelToSizeRatio, }; } else { console.error( "Invalid resize handle, cannot get the additional properties for the nodes in the resize handle properties." ); return; } } const boundingRect = this.displayContainerRef.current?.getBoundingClientRect(); x -= boundingRect?.top; y -= boundingRect?.left; const clientPoint = parentIsRow ? x : y; const clientDiff = (this.resizeContext.resizeHandleStartPx - clientPoint) * this.resizeContext.pixelToSizeRatio; const beforeNodeSize = this.resizeContext.beforeNodeStartSize - clientDiff; const afterNodeSize = this.resizeContext.afterNodeStartSize + clientDiff; const resizeAction: LayoutTreeResizeNodeAction = { type: LayoutTreeActionType.ResizeNode, resizeOperations: [ { nodeId:, size: beforeNodeSize, }, { nodeId:, size: afterNodeSize, }, ], }; const setPendingAction: LayoutTreeSetPendingAction = { type: LayoutTreeActionType.SetPendingAction, action: resizeAction, }; this.treeReducer(setPendingAction); this.updateTree(false); } onResizeEnd() { this.resizeContext = undefined; this.treeReducer({ type: LayoutTreeActionType.CommitPendingAction }); } }