# Building for release ## Build Helper workflow Our release builds are managed by the "Build Helper" GitHub Action, which is defined in [`build-helper.yml`](../../.github/workflows/build-helper.yml). Under the hood, this will call the `package` task in [`Taskfile.yml`](../../Taskfile.yml), which will build the Electron codebase using WebPack and then the `wavesrv` and `mshell` binaries, then it will call `electron-builder` to generate the distributable app packages. The configuration for `electron-builder` is [`electron-builder.config.cjs`](../../electron-builder.config.cjs). This will also sign and notarize the macOS app package. Once a build is complete, it will be placed in `s3://waveterm-github-artifacts/staging-w2/`. It can be downloaded for testing using the [`download-staged-artifact.sh`](./download-staged-artifact.sh) script. When you are ready to publish the artifacts to the public release feed, use the [`publish-from-staging.sh`](./publish-from-staging.sh) script to directly copy the artifacts from the staging bucket to the releases bucket. You will need to configure an AWS CLI profile with write permissions for the S3 buckets in order for the script to work. You should invoke the script as follows: ```bash AWS_PROFILE=