// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { Markdown } from "@/app/element/markdown"; import { TypingIndicator } from "@/app/element/typingindicator"; import { ChatMessageType, useWaveAi } from "@/app/store/waveai"; import type { OverlayScrollbars } from "overlayscrollbars"; import { OverlayScrollbarsComponent, OverlayScrollbarsComponentRef } from "overlayscrollbars-react"; import React, { forwardRef, useCallback, useEffect, useImperativeHandle, useRef, useState } from "react"; import tinycolor from "tinycolor2"; import "./waveai.less"; const outline = "2px solid var(--accent-color)"; interface ChatItemProps { chatItem: ChatMessageType; itemCount: number; } const ChatItem = ({ chatItem, itemCount }: ChatItemProps) => { const { isAssistant, text, isError } = chatItem; const senderClassName = isAssistant ? "chat-msg-assistant" : "chat-msg-user"; const msgClassName = `chat-msg ${senderClassName}`; const cssVar = "--panel-bg-color"; const panelBgColor = getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(cssVar).trim(); const color = tinycolor(panelBgColor); const newColor = color.isValid() ? tinycolor(panelBgColor).darken(6).toString() : "none"; const backgroundColor = itemCount % 2 === 0 ? "none" : newColor; const renderError = (err: string): React.JSX.Element =>
; const renderContent = (): React.JSX.Element => { if (isAssistant) { if (isError) { return renderError(isError); } return text ? ( <>
) : ( <>
); } return ( <>
); }; return (
); }; interface ChatWindowProps { chatWindowRef: React.RefObject; messages: ChatMessageType[]; } const ChatWindow = React.memo( forwardRef(({ chatWindowRef, messages }, ref) => { const [isUserScrolling, setIsUserScrolling] = useState(false); const osRef = useRef(null); const prevMessagesRef = useRef(messages); useImperativeHandle(ref, () => osRef.current as OverlayScrollbarsComponentRef); useEffect(() => { const prevMessages = prevMessagesRef.current; if (osRef.current && osRef.current.osInstance()) { const { viewport } = osRef.current.osInstance().elements(); if (prevMessages.length !== messages.length || !isUserScrolling) { setIsUserScrolling(false); viewport.scrollTo({ behavior: "auto", top: chatWindowRef.current?.scrollHeight || 0, }); } prevMessagesRef.current = messages; } }, [messages, isUserScrolling]); useEffect(() => { if (osRef.current && osRef.current.osInstance()) { const { viewport } = osRef.current.osInstance().elements(); const handleUserScroll = () => { setIsUserScrolling(true); }; viewport.addEventListener("wheel", handleUserScroll, { passive: true }); viewport.addEventListener("touchmove", handleUserScroll, { passive: true }); return () => { viewport.removeEventListener("wheel", handleUserScroll); viewport.removeEventListener("touchmove", handleUserScroll); }; } }, []); useEffect(() => { return () => { if (osRef.current && osRef.current.osInstance()) { osRef.current.osInstance().destroy(); } }; }, []); const handleScrollbarInitialized = (instance: OverlayScrollbars) => { const { viewport } = instance.elements(); viewport.scrollTo({ behavior: "auto", top: chatWindowRef.current?.scrollHeight || 0, }); }; return (
{messages.map((chitem, idx) => ( ))}
); }) ); interface ChatInputProps { value: string; termFontSize: number; onChange: (e: React.ChangeEvent) => void; onKeyDown: (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => void; onMouseDown: (e: React.MouseEvent) => void; } const ChatInput = forwardRef( ({ value, onChange, onKeyDown, onMouseDown, termFontSize }, ref) => { const textAreaRef = useRef(null); useImperativeHandle(ref, () => textAreaRef.current as HTMLTextAreaElement); useEffect(() => { if (textAreaRef.current) { textAreaRef.current.focus(); } }, []); const adjustTextAreaHeight = () => { if (textAreaRef.current == null) { return; } // Adjust the height of the textarea to fit the text const textAreaMaxLines = 100; const textAreaLineHeight = termFontSize * 1.5; const textAreaMinHeight = textAreaLineHeight; const textAreaMaxHeight = textAreaLineHeight * textAreaMaxLines; textAreaRef.current.style.height = "1px"; const scrollHeight = textAreaRef.current.scrollHeight; const newHeight = Math.min(Math.max(scrollHeight, textAreaMinHeight), textAreaMaxHeight); textAreaRef.current.style.height = newHeight + "px"; }; useEffect(() => { adjustTextAreaHeight(); }, [value]); return ( ); } ); const WaveAi = () => { const { messages, sendMessage } = useWaveAi(); const waveaiRef = useRef(null); const chatWindowRef = useRef(null); const osRef = useRef(null); const inputRef = useRef(null); const submitTimeoutRef = useRef(null); const [value, setValue] = useState(""); const [selectedBlockIdx, setSelectedBlockIdx] = useState(null); const [isSubmitting, setIsSubmitting] = useState(false); const termFontSize: number = 14; useEffect(() => { return () => { if (submitTimeoutRef.current) { clearTimeout(submitTimeoutRef.current); } }; }, []); const submit = useCallback( (messageStr: string) => { if (!isSubmitting) { setIsSubmitting(true); sendMessage(messageStr); clearTimeout(submitTimeoutRef.current); submitTimeoutRef.current = setTimeout(() => { setIsSubmitting(false); }, 500); } }, [isSubmitting, sendMessage, setValue] ); const handleTextAreaChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent) => { setValue(e.target.value); }; const updatePreTagOutline = (clickedPre?: HTMLElement | null) => { const pres = chatWindowRef.current?.querySelectorAll("pre"); if (!pres) return; pres.forEach((preElement, idx) => { if (preElement === clickedPre) { setSelectedBlockIdx(idx); } else { preElement.style.outline = "none"; } }); if (clickedPre) { clickedPre.style.outline = outline; } }; useEffect(() => { if (selectedBlockIdx !== null) { const pres = chatWindowRef.current?.querySelectorAll("pre"); if (pres && pres[selectedBlockIdx]) { pres[selectedBlockIdx].style.outline = outline; } } }, [selectedBlockIdx]); const handleTextAreaMouseDown = () => { updatePreTagOutline(); setSelectedBlockIdx(null); }; const handleEnterKeyPressed = useCallback(() => { const isCurrentlyUpdating = messages.some((message) => message.isUpdating); if (isCurrentlyUpdating || value === "") return; submit(value); setValue(""); setSelectedBlockIdx(null); }, [messages, value]); const handleContainerClick = (event: React.MouseEvent) => { inputRef.current?.focus(); const target = event.target as HTMLElement; if ( target.closest(".copy-button") || target.closest(".fa-square-terminal") || target.closest(".waveai-input") ) { return; } const pre = target.closest("pre"); updatePreTagOutline(pre); }; const updateScrollTop = () => { const pres = chatWindowRef.current?.querySelectorAll("pre"); if (!pres || selectedBlockIdx === null) return; const block = pres[selectedBlockIdx]; if (!block || !osRef.current?.osInstance()) return; const { viewport, scrollOffsetElement } = osRef.current?.osInstance().elements(); const chatWindowTop = scrollOffsetElement.scrollTop; const chatWindowHeight = chatWindowRef.current.clientHeight; const chatWindowBottom = chatWindowTop + chatWindowHeight; const elemTop = block.offsetTop; const elemBottom = elemTop + block.offsetHeight; const elementIsInView = elemBottom <= chatWindowBottom && elemTop >= chatWindowTop; if (!elementIsInView) { let scrollPosition; if (elemBottom > chatWindowBottom) { scrollPosition = elemTop - chatWindowHeight + block.offsetHeight + 15; } else if (elemTop < chatWindowTop) { scrollPosition = elemTop - 15; } viewport.scrollTo({ behavior: "auto", top: scrollPosition, }); } }; const shouldSelectCodeBlock = (key: "ArrowUp" | "ArrowDown") => { const textarea = inputRef.current; const cursorPosition = textarea?.selectionStart || 0; const textBeforeCursor = textarea?.value.slice(0, cursorPosition) || ""; return ( (textBeforeCursor.indexOf("\n") === -1 && cursorPosition === 0 && key === "ArrowUp") || selectedBlockIdx !== null ); }; const handleArrowUpPressed = (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => { if (shouldSelectCodeBlock("ArrowUp")) { e.preventDefault(); const pres = chatWindowRef.current?.querySelectorAll("pre"); let blockIndex = selectedBlockIdx; if (!pres) return; if (blockIndex === null) { setSelectedBlockIdx(pres.length - 1); } else if (blockIndex > 0) { blockIndex--; setSelectedBlockIdx(blockIndex); } updateScrollTop(); } }; const handleArrowDownPressed = (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => { if (shouldSelectCodeBlock("ArrowDown")) { e.preventDefault(); const pres = chatWindowRef.current?.querySelectorAll("pre"); let blockIndex = selectedBlockIdx; if (!pres) return; if (blockIndex === null) return; if (blockIndex < pres.length - 1 && blockIndex >= 0) { setSelectedBlockIdx(++blockIndex); updateScrollTop(); } else { inputRef.current.focus(); setSelectedBlockIdx(null); } updateScrollTop(); } }; const handleTextAreaKeyDown = (e: React.KeyboardEvent) => { if (e.key === "Enter") { e.preventDefault(); handleEnterKeyPressed(); } else if (e.key === "ArrowUp") { handleArrowUpPressed(e); } else if (e.key === "ArrowDown") { handleArrowDownPressed(e); } }; return (
); }; export { WaveAi };