# Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 version: "3" vars: APP_NAME: "Wave" BIN_DIR: "bin" VERSION: sh: node version.cjs RM: '{{if eq OS "windows"}}cmd --% /c del /S{{else}}rm {{end}}' RMRF: '{{if eq OS "windows"}}powershell Remove-Item -Force -Recurse{{else}}rm -rf{{end}}' DATE: '{{if eq OS "windows"}}powershell Get-Date -UFormat{{else}}date{{end}}' ARTIFACTS_BUCKET: waveterm-github-artifacts/staging-w2 RELEASES_BUCKET: dl.waveterm.dev/releases-w2 tasks: electron:dev: desc: Run the Electron application via the Vite dev server (enables hot reloading). cmd: yarn dev deps: - yarn - build:backend env: WCLOUD_ENDPOINT: "https://ot2e112zx5.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/dev" WCLOUD_WS_ENDPOINT: "wss://5lfzlg5crl.execute-api.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/dev/" electron:start: desc: Run the Electron application directly. cmd: yarn start deps: - yarn - build:backend storybook: desc: Start the Storybook server. cmd: yarn storybook package: desc: Package the application for the current platform. cmds: - cmd: '{{.RMRF}} "make"' ignore_error: true - yarn build:prod && yarn electron-builder -c electron-builder.config.cjs -p never deps: - yarn - build:backend build:backend: desc: Build the wavesrv and wsh components. cmds: - task: build:server - task: build:wsh build:server: desc: Build the wavesrv component. deps: - generate - build:server:linux - build:server:macos - build:server:windows build:server:macos: desc: Build the wavesrv component for macOS (Darwin) platforms (generates artifacts for both arm64 and amd64). status: - exit {{if eq OS "darwin"}}1{{else}}0{{end}} cmds: - cmd: "{{.RM}} dist/bin/wavesrv*" ignore_error: true - task: build:server:internal vars: ARCHS: arm64,amd64 build:server:windows: desc: Build the wavesrv component for Windows platforms (only generates artifacts for the current architecture). status: - exit {{if eq OS "windows"}}1{{else}}0{{end}} cmds: - cmd: "{{.RM}} dist/bin/wavesrv*" ignore_error: true - task: build:server:internal vars: ARCHS: sh: echo {{if eq "arm" ARCH}}arm64{{else}}{{ARCH}}{{end}} build:server:linux: desc: Build the wavesrv component for Linux platforms (only generates artifacts for the current architecture). status: - exit {{if eq OS "linux"}}1{{else}}0{{end}} cmds: - cmd: "{{.RM}} dist/bin/wavesrv*" ignore_error: true - task: build:server:internal vars: ARCHS: sh: echo {{if eq "arm" ARCH}}arm64{{else}}{{ARCH}}{{end}} GO_LDFLAGS: -linkmode 'external' -extldflags=-static GO_ENV_VARS: CC=/usr/local/musl/bin/musl-gcc build:server:internal: requires: vars: - ARCHS cmd: cmd: CGO_ENABLED=1 GOARCH={{.GOARCH}} {{.GO_ENV_VARS}} go build -tags "osusergo,sqlite_omit_load_extension" -ldflags "{{.GO_LDFLAGS}} -X main.BuildTime=$({{.DATE}} +'%Y%m%d%H%M') -X main.WaveVersion={{.VERSION}}" -o dist/bin/wavesrv.{{if eq .GOARCH "amd64"}}x64{{else}}{{.GOARCH}}{{end}}{{exeExt}} cmd/server/main-server.go for: var: ARCHS split: "," as: GOARCH sources: - "cmd/server/*.go" - "pkg/**/*.go" generates: - dist/bin/wavesrv.*{{exeExt}} deps: - go:mod:tidy internal: true build:wsh: desc: Build the wsh component for all possible targets. cmds: - cmd: "{{.RM}} dist/bin/wsh*" ignore_error: true - task: build:wsh:internal vars: GOOS: darwin GOARCH: arm64 - task: build:wsh:internal vars: GOOS: darwin GOARCH: amd64 - task: build:wsh:internal vars: GOOS: linux GOARCH: arm64 - task: build:wsh:internal vars: GOOS: linux GOARCH: amd64 - task: build:wsh:internal vars: GOOS: windows GOARCH: amd64 - task: build:wsh:internal vars: GOOS: windows GOARCH: arm64 deps: - generate dev:installwsh: desc: quick shortcut to rebuild wsh and install for macos arm64 requires: vars: - VERSION cmds: - task: build:wsh:internal vars: GOOS: darwin GOARCH: arm64 - cp dist/bin/wsh-{{.VERSION}}-darwin.arm64 ~/.waveterm-dev/bin/wsh build:wsh:internal: vars: EXT: sh: echo {{if eq .GOOS "windows"}}.exe{{end}} NORMALIZEDARCH: sh: echo {{if eq .GOARCH "amd64"}}x64{{else}}{{.GOARCH}}{{end}} requires: vars: - GOOS - GOARCH - VERSION sources: - "cmd/wsh/**/*.go" - "pkg/**/*.go" generates: - dist/bin/wsh-{{.VERSION}}-{{.GOOS}}.{{.NORMALIZEDARCH}}{{.EXT}} cmd: (CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS={{.GOOS}} GOARCH={{.GOARCH}} go build -ldflags="-s -w -X main.BuildTime=$({{.DATE}} +'%Y%m%d%H%M') -X main.WaveVersion={{.VERSION}}" -o dist/bin/wsh-{{.VERSION}}-{{.GOOS}}.{{.NORMALIZEDARCH}}{{.EXT}} cmd/wsh/main-wsh.go) deps: - go:mod:tidy internal: true generate: desc: Generate Typescript bindings for the Go backend. cmds: - go run cmd/generatets/main-generatets.go - go run cmd/generatego/main-generatego.go sources: - "cmd/generatego/*.go" - "cmd/generatets/*.go" - "pkg/service/**/*.go" - "pkg/waveobj/*.go" - "pkg/wconfig/**/*.go" - "pkg/wstore/*.go" - "pkg/wshrpc/**/*.go" - "pkg/tsgen/**/*.go" - "pkg/gogen/**/*.go" - "pkg/wconfig/**/*.go" - "pkg/eventbus/eventbus.go" generates: - frontend/types/gotypes.d.ts - pkg/wshrpc/wshclient/wshclient.go - frontend/app/store/services.ts - frontend/app/store/wshserver.ts version: desc: Get the current package version, or bump version if args are present. To pass args to `version.cjs`, add them after `--`. See `version.cjs` for usage definitions for the arguments. cmd: node version.cjs {{.CLI_ARGS}} artifacts:upload: desc: Uploads build artifacts to the staging bucket in S3. To add additional AWS CLI arguments, add them after `--`. vars: ORIGIN: "make/" DESTINATION: "{{.ARTIFACTS_BUCKET}}/{{.VERSION}}" cmd: aws s3 cp {{.ORIGIN}}/ s3://{{.DESTINATION}}/ --recursive --exclude "*/*" --exclude "builder-*.yml" {{.CLI_ARGS}} artifacts:download:*: desc: Downloads the specified artifacts version from the staging bucket. To add additional AWS CLI arguments, add them after `--`. vars: DL_VERSION: '{{ replace "v" "" (index .MATCH 0)}}' ORIGIN: "{{.ARTIFACTS_BUCKET}}/{{.DL_VERSION}}" DESTINATION: "artifacts/{{.DL_VERSION}}" cmds: - '{{.RMRF}} "{{.DESTINATION}}"' - aws s3 cp s3://{{.ORIGIN}}/ {{.DESTINATION}}/ --recursive {{.CLI_ARGS}} artifacts:publish:*: desc: Publishes the specified artifacts version from the staging bucket to the releases bucket. To add additional AWS CLI arguments, add them after `--`. vars: UP_VERSION: '{{ replace "v" "" (index .MATCH 0)}}' ORIGIN: "{{.ARTIFACTS_BUCKET}}/{{.UP_VERSION}}" DESTINATION: "{{.RELEASES_BUCKET}}" cmd: | OUTPUT=$(aws s3 cp s3://{{.ORIGIN}}/ s3://{{.DESTINATION}}/ --recursive {{.CLI_ARGS}}) for line in $OUTPUT; do PREFIX=${line%%{{.DESTINATION}}*} SUFFIX=${line:${#PREFIX}} if [[ -n "$SUFFIX" ]]; then echo "https://$SUFFIX" fi done yarn: desc: Runs `yarn` internal: true generates: - node_modules/**/* - yarn.lock - .yarn/* sources: - yarn.lock - package.json - .yarnrc.yml cmd: yarn go:mod:tidy: desc: Runs `go mod tidy` internal: true generates: - go.sum sources: - go.mod cmd: go mod tidy