// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 declare global { type TabLayoutData = { blockId: string; }; type Bounds = { x: number; y: number; width: number; height: number; }; type ElectronApi = { /** * Determines whether the current app instance is a development build. * @returns True if the current app instance is a development build. */ isDev: () => boolean; /** * Determines whether the current app instance is hosted in a Vite dev server. * @returns True if the current app instance is hosted in a Vite dev server. */ isDevServer: () => boolean; /** * Get a point value representing the cursor's position relative to the calling BrowserWindow * @returns A point value. */ getCursorPoint: () => Electron.Point; getPlatform: () => NodeJS.Platform; showContextMenu: (menu: ElectronContextMenuItem[], position: { x: number; y: number }) => void; onContextMenuClick: (callback: (id: string) => void) => void; onNavigate: (callback: (url: string) => void) => void; onIframeNavigate: (callback: (url: string) => void) => void; downloadFile: (path: string) => void; }; type ElectronContextMenuItem = { id: string; // unique id, used for communication label: string; role?: string; // electron role (optional) type?: "separator" | "normal" | "submenu"; submenu?: ElectronContextMenuItem[]; }; type ContextMenuItem = { label?: string; type?: "separator" | "normal" | "submenu"; role?: string; // electron role (optional) click?: () => void; // not required if role is set submenu?: ContextMenuItem[]; }; type KeyPressDecl = { mods: { Cmd?: boolean; Option?: boolean; Shift?: boolean; Ctrl?: boolean; Alt?: boolean; Meta?: boolean; }; key: string; keyType: string; }; interface WaveKeyboardEvent { type: string; /** * Equivalent to KeyboardEvent.key. */ key: string; /** * Equivalent to KeyboardEvent.code. */ code: string; /** * Equivalent to KeyboardEvent.shiftKey. */ shift: boolean; /** * Equivalent to KeyboardEvent.controlKey. */ control: boolean; /** * Equivalent to KeyboardEvent.altKey. */ alt: boolean; /** * Equivalent to KeyboardEvent.metaKey. */ meta: boolean; /** * cmd is special, on mac it is meta, on windows it is alt */ cmd: boolean; /** * option is special, on mac it is alt, on windows it is meta */ option: boolean; repeat: boolean; /** * Equivalent to KeyboardEvent.location. */ location: number; } type SubjectWithRef = rxjs.Subject & { refCount: number; release: () => void }; } export {};