// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { lazy } from "@/util/util"; import { addChildAt, addIntermediateNode, balanceNode, findNextInsertLocation, findNode, findParent, removeChild, } from "./layoutNode"; import { DefaultNodeSize, LayoutNode, LayoutTreeAction, LayoutTreeActionType, LayoutTreeComputeMoveNodeAction, LayoutTreeDeleteNodeAction, LayoutTreeInsertNodeAction, LayoutTreeMagnifyNodeToggleAction, LayoutTreeMoveNodeAction, LayoutTreeResizeNodeAction, LayoutTreeSetPendingAction, LayoutTreeState, LayoutTreeSwapNodeAction, MoveOperation, } from "./model"; import { DropDirection, FlexDirection } from "./utils"; /** * Initializes a layout tree state. * @param rootNode The root node for the tree. * @returns The state of the tree. *t * @template T The type of data associated with the nodes of the tree. */ export function newLayoutTreeState(rootNode: LayoutNode): LayoutTreeState { const { node: balancedRootNode, leafs } = balanceNode(rootNode); return { rootNode: balancedRootNode, leafs, pendingAction: undefined, generation: 0, }; } /** * Performs a specified action on the layout tree state. Uses Immer Produce internally to resolve deep changes to the tree. * * @param layoutTreeState The state of the tree. * @param action The action to perform. * * @template T The type of data associated with the nodes of the tree. * @returns The new state of the tree. */ export function layoutTreeStateReducer( layoutTreeState: LayoutTreeState, action: LayoutTreeAction ): LayoutTreeState { layoutTreeStateReducerInner(layoutTreeState, action); return layoutTreeState; } /** * Helper function for layoutTreeStateReducer. * @param layoutTreeState The state of the tree. * @param action The action to perform. * @see layoutTreeStateReducer * @template T The type of data associated with the nodes of the tree. */ function layoutTreeStateReducerInner(layoutTreeState: LayoutTreeState, action: LayoutTreeAction) { switch (action.type) { case LayoutTreeActionType.ComputeMove: computeMoveNode(layoutTreeState, action as LayoutTreeComputeMoveNodeAction); break; case LayoutTreeActionType.SetPendingAction: setPendingAction(layoutTreeState, action as LayoutTreeSetPendingAction); break; case LayoutTreeActionType.ClearPendingAction: layoutTreeState.pendingAction = undefined; break; case LayoutTreeActionType.CommitPendingAction: if (!layoutTreeState?.pendingAction) { console.error("unable to commit pending action, does not exist"); break; } layoutTreeStateReducerInner(layoutTreeState, layoutTreeState.pendingAction); layoutTreeState.pendingAction = undefined; break; case LayoutTreeActionType.Move: moveNode(layoutTreeState, action as LayoutTreeMoveNodeAction); layoutTreeState.generation++; break; case LayoutTreeActionType.InsertNode: insertNode(layoutTreeState, action as LayoutTreeInsertNodeAction); layoutTreeState.generation++; break; case LayoutTreeActionType.DeleteNode: deleteNode(layoutTreeState, action as LayoutTreeDeleteNodeAction); layoutTreeState.generation++; break; case LayoutTreeActionType.Swap: swapNode(layoutTreeState, action as LayoutTreeSwapNodeAction); layoutTreeState.generation++; break; case LayoutTreeActionType.ResizeNode: resizeNode(layoutTreeState, action as LayoutTreeResizeNodeAction); layoutTreeState.generation++; break; case LayoutTreeActionType.MagnifyNodeToggle: magnifyNodeToggle(layoutTreeState, action as LayoutTreeMagnifyNodeToggleAction); layoutTreeState.generation++; break; default: { console.error("Invalid reducer action", layoutTreeState, action); } } } /** * Computes an operation for inserting a new node into the tree in the given direction relative to the specified node. * * @param layoutTreeState The state of the tree. * @param computeInsertAction The operation to compute. * * @template T The type of data associated with the nodes of the tree. */ function computeMoveNode( layoutTreeState: LayoutTreeState, computeInsertAction: LayoutTreeComputeMoveNodeAction ) { const rootNode = layoutTreeState.rootNode; const { node, nodeToMove, direction } = computeInsertAction; // console.log("computeInsertOperation start", layoutTreeState.rootNode, node, nodeToMove, direction); if (direction === undefined) { console.warn("No direction provided for insertItemInDirection"); return; } if (node.id === nodeToMove.id) { console.warn("Cannot compute move node action since both nodes are equal"); return; } let newMoveOperation: MoveOperation; const parent = lazy(() => findParent(rootNode, node.id)); const grandparent = lazy(() => findParent(rootNode, parent().id)); const indexInParent = lazy(() => parent()?.children.findIndex((child) => node.id === child.id)); const indexInGrandparent = lazy(() => grandparent()?.children.findIndex((child) => parent().id === child.id)); const nodeToMoveParent = lazy(() => findParent(rootNode, nodeToMove.id)); const nodeToMoveIndexInParent = lazy(() => nodeToMoveParent()?.children.findIndex((child) => nodeToMove.id === child.id) ); const isRoot = rootNode.id === node.id; switch (direction) { case DropDirection.OuterTop: if (node.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Column) { const grandparentNode = grandparent(); if (grandparentNode) { const index = indexInGrandparent(); newMoveOperation = { parentId: grandparentNode.id, node: nodeToMove, index, }; break; } } case DropDirection.Top: if (node.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Column) { newMoveOperation = { parentId: node.id, index: 0, node: nodeToMove }; } else { if (isRoot) newMoveOperation = { node: nodeToMove, index: 0, insertAtRoot: true, }; const parentNode = parent(); if (parentNode) newMoveOperation = { parentId: parentNode.id, index: indexInParent() ?? 0, node: nodeToMove, }; } break; case DropDirection.OuterBottom: if (node.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Column) { const grandparentNode = grandparent(); if (grandparentNode) { const index = indexInGrandparent() + 1; newMoveOperation = { parentId: grandparentNode.id, node: nodeToMove, index, }; break; } } case DropDirection.Bottom: if (node.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Column) { newMoveOperation = { parentId: node.id, index: 1, node: nodeToMove }; } else { if (isRoot) newMoveOperation = { node: nodeToMove, index: 1, insertAtRoot: true, }; const parentNode = parent(); if (parentNode) newMoveOperation = { parentId: parentNode.id, index: indexInParent() + 1, node: nodeToMove, }; } break; case DropDirection.OuterLeft: if (node.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Row) { const grandparentNode = grandparent(); if (grandparentNode) { const index = indexInGrandparent(); newMoveOperation = { parentId: grandparentNode.id, node: nodeToMove, index, }; break; } } case DropDirection.Left: if (node.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Row) { newMoveOperation = { parentId: node.id, index: 0, node: nodeToMove }; } else { const parentNode = parent(); if (parentNode) newMoveOperation = { parentId: parentNode.id, index: indexInParent(), node: nodeToMove, }; } break; case DropDirection.OuterRight: if (node.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Row) { const grandparentNode = grandparent(); if (grandparentNode) { const index = indexInGrandparent() + 1; newMoveOperation = { parentId: grandparentNode.id, node: nodeToMove, index, }; break; } } case DropDirection.Right: if (node.flexDirection === FlexDirection.Row) { newMoveOperation = { parentId: node.id, index: 1, node: nodeToMove }; } else { const parentNode = parent(); if (parentNode) newMoveOperation = { parentId: parentNode.id, index: indexInParent() + 1, node: nodeToMove, }; } break; case DropDirection.Center: // console.log("center drop", rootNode, node, nodeToMove); if (node.id !== rootNode.id && nodeToMove.id !== rootNode.id) { const swapAction: LayoutTreeSwapNodeAction = { type: LayoutTreeActionType.Swap, node1Id: node.id, node2Id: nodeToMove.id, }; // console.log("swapAction", swapAction); layoutTreeState.pendingAction = swapAction; return; } else { console.warn("cannot swap"); } break; default: throw new Error(`Invalid direction: ${direction}`); } if ( newMoveOperation?.parentId !== nodeToMoveParent()?.id || (newMoveOperation.index !== nodeToMoveIndexInParent() && newMoveOperation.index !== nodeToMoveIndexInParent() + 1) ) layoutTreeState.pendingAction = { type: LayoutTreeActionType.Move, ...newMoveOperation, } as LayoutTreeMoveNodeAction; } function setPendingAction(layoutTreeState: LayoutTreeState, action: LayoutTreeSetPendingAction) { if (action.action === undefined) { console.error("setPendingAction: invalid pending action passed to function"); return; } layoutTreeState.pendingAction = action.action; } function moveNode(layoutTreeState: LayoutTreeState, action: LayoutTreeMoveNodeAction) { const rootNode = layoutTreeState.rootNode; // console.log("moveNode", action, layoutTreeState.rootNode); if (!action) { console.error("no move node action provided"); return; } if (action.parentId && action.insertAtRoot) { console.error("parent and insertAtRoot cannot both be defined in a move node action"); return; } const node = findNode(rootNode, action.node.id) ?? action.node; const parent = findNode(rootNode, action.parentId); const oldParent = findParent(rootNode, action.node.id); console.log(node, parent, oldParent); let startingIndex = 0; // If moving under the same parent, we need to make sure that we are removing the child from its old position, not its new one. // If the new index is before the old index, we need to start our search for the node to delete after the new index position. // If a node is being moved under the same parent, it can keep its size. Otherwise, it should get reset. if (oldParent && parent) { if (oldParent.id === parent.id) { const curIndexInParent = parent.children!.indexOf(node); if (curIndexInParent >= action.index) { startingIndex = action.index + 1; } } else { node.size = DefaultNodeSize; } } if (!parent && action.insertAtRoot) { if (!rootNode.children) { addIntermediateNode(rootNode); } addChildAt(rootNode, action.index, node); } else if (parent) { addChildAt(parent, action.index, node); } else { throw new Error("Invalid InsertOperation"); } // Remove nodeToInsert from its old parent if (oldParent) { removeChild(oldParent, node, startingIndex); } const { node: newRootNode, leafs } = balanceNode(layoutTreeState.rootNode); layoutTreeState.rootNode = newRootNode; layoutTreeState.leafs = leafs; layoutTreeState.pendingAction = undefined; } function insertNode(layoutTreeState: LayoutTreeState, action: LayoutTreeInsertNodeAction) { if (!action?.node) { console.error("no insert node action provided"); return; } if (!layoutTreeState.rootNode) { const { node: balancedNode, leafs } = balanceNode(action.node); layoutTreeState.rootNode = balancedNode; layoutTreeState.leafs = leafs; return; } const insertLoc = findNextInsertLocation(layoutTreeState.rootNode, 5); addChildAt(insertLoc.node, insertLoc.index, action.node); const { node: newRootNode, leafs } = balanceNode(layoutTreeState.rootNode); layoutTreeState.rootNode = newRootNode; layoutTreeState.leafs = leafs; } function swapNode(layoutTreeState: LayoutTreeState, action: LayoutTreeSwapNodeAction) { console.log("swapNode", layoutTreeState, action); if (!action.node1Id || !action.node2Id) { console.error("invalid swapNode action, both node1 and node2 must be defined"); return; } if (action.node1Id === layoutTreeState.rootNode.id || action.node2Id === layoutTreeState.rootNode.id) { console.error("invalid swapNode action, the root node cannot be swapped"); return; } if (action.node1Id === action.node2Id) { console.error("invalid swapNode action, node1 and node2 are equal"); return; } const parentNode1 = findParent(layoutTreeState.rootNode, action.node1Id); const parentNode2 = findParent(layoutTreeState.rootNode, action.node2Id); const parentNode1Index = parentNode1.children!.findIndex((child) => child.id === action.node1Id); const parentNode2Index = parentNode2.children!.findIndex((child) => child.id === action.node2Id); const node1 = parentNode1.children![parentNode1Index]; const node2 = parentNode2.children![parentNode2Index]; const node1Size = node1.size; node1.size = node2.size; node2.size = node1Size; parentNode1.children[parentNode1Index] = node2; parentNode2.children[parentNode2Index] = node1; const { node: newRootNode, leafs } = balanceNode(layoutTreeState.rootNode); layoutTreeState.rootNode = newRootNode; layoutTreeState.leafs = leafs; } function deleteNode(layoutTreeState: LayoutTreeState, action: LayoutTreeDeleteNodeAction) { // console.log("deleteNode", layoutTreeState, action); if (!action?.nodeId) { console.error("no delete node action provided"); return; } if (!layoutTreeState.rootNode) { console.error("no root node"); return; } if (layoutTreeState.rootNode.id === action.nodeId) { layoutTreeState.rootNode = undefined; layoutTreeState.leafs = undefined; return; } const parent = findParent(layoutTreeState.rootNode, action.nodeId); if (parent) { const node = parent.children.find((child) => child.id === action.nodeId); removeChild(parent, node); // console.log("node deleted", parent, node); } else { console.error("unable to delete node, not found in tree"); } const { node: newRootNode, leafs } = balanceNode(layoutTreeState.rootNode); layoutTreeState.rootNode = newRootNode; layoutTreeState.leafs = leafs; } function resizeNode(layoutTreeState: LayoutTreeState, action: LayoutTreeResizeNodeAction) { console.log("resizeNode", layoutTreeState, action); if (!action.resizeOperations) { console.error("invalid resizeNode operation. nodeSizes array must be defined."); } for (const resize of action.resizeOperations) { if (!resize.nodeId || resize.size < 0 || resize.size > 100) { console.error("invalid resizeNode operation. nodeId must be defined and size must be between 0 and 100"); return; } const node = findNode(layoutTreeState.rootNode, resize.nodeId); node.size = resize.size; } } function magnifyNodeToggle(layoutTreeState: LayoutTreeState, action: LayoutTreeMagnifyNodeToggleAction) { console.log("magnifyNodeToggle", layoutTreeState, action); if (!action.nodeId) { console.error("invalid magnifyNodeToggle operation. nodeId must be defined."); return; } if (layoutTreeState.rootNode.id === action.nodeId) { console.warn(`cannot toggle magnification of node ${action.nodeId} because it is the root node.`); return; } if (layoutTreeState.magnifiedNodeId === action.nodeId) { layoutTreeState.magnifiedNodeId = undefined; } else { layoutTreeState.magnifiedNodeId = action.nodeId; } }