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synced 2025-02-24 03:01:58 +01:00
Adds support for window blur via the Vibrancy feature on macOS and the BackgroundMaterial feature on Windows. The setting has no effect on Linux. If both transparency and blur are set, transparency will take precedence.
545 lines
11 KiB
545 lines
11 KiB
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// generated by cmd/generate/main-generate.go
declare global {
// wconfig.AutoUpdateOpts
type AutoUpdateOpts = {
enabled: boolean;
intervalms: number;
// wstore.Block
type Block = WaveObj & {
blockdef: BlockDef;
controller: string;
view: string;
runtimeopts?: RuntimeOpts;
stickers?: StickerType[];
meta: MetaType;
// blockcontroller.BlockControllerRuntimeStatus
type BlockControllerRuntimeStatus = {
blockid: string;
status: string;
shellprocstatus?: string;
// wstore.BlockDef
type BlockDef = {
controller?: string;
view?: string;
files?: {[key: string]: FileDef};
meta?: MetaType;
// wconfig.BlockHeaderOpts
type BlockHeaderOpts = {
showblockids: boolean;
// webcmd.BlockInputWSCommand
type BlockInputWSCommand = {
wscommand: "blockinput";
blockid: string;
inputdata64: string;
// wstore.Client
type Client = WaveObj & {
mainwindowid: string;
windowids: string[];
meta: MetaType;
// wshrpc.CommandAppendIJsonData
type CommandAppendIJsonData = {
zoneid: string;
filename: string;
data: MetaType;
// wshrpc.CommandBlockInputData
type CommandBlockInputData = {
blockid: string;
inputdata64?: string;
signame?: string;
termsize?: TermSize;
// wshrpc.CommandBlockRestartData
type CommandBlockRestartData = {
blockid: string;
// wshrpc.CommandBlockSetViewData
type CommandBlockSetViewData = {
blockid: string;
view: string;
// wshrpc.CommandCreateBlockData
type CommandCreateBlockData = {
tabid: string;
blockdef: BlockDef;
rtopts: RuntimeOpts;
// wshrpc.CommandDeleteBlockData
type CommandDeleteBlockData = {
blockid: string;
// wshrpc.CommandFileData
type CommandFileData = {
zoneid: string;
filename: string;
data64?: string;
// wshrpc.CommandGetMetaData
type CommandGetMetaData = {
oref: ORef;
// wshrpc.CommandMessageData
type CommandMessageData = {
oref: ORef;
message: string;
// wshrpc.CommandResolveIdsData
type CommandResolveIdsData = {
ids: string[];
// wshrpc.CommandResolveIdsRtnData
type CommandResolveIdsRtnData = {
resolvedids: {[key: string]: ORef};
// wshrpc.CommandSetMetaData
type CommandSetMetaData = {
oref: ORef;
meta: MetaType;
// wstore.FileDef
type FileDef = {
filetype?: string;
path?: string;
url?: string;
content?: string;
meta?: MetaType;
// fileservice.FileInfo
type FileInfo = {
path: string;
name: string;
notfound?: boolean;
size: number;
mode: number;
modestr: string;
modtime: number;
isdir?: boolean;
mimetype?: string;
// filestore.FileOptsType
type FileOptsType = {
maxsize?: number;
circular?: boolean;
ijson?: boolean;
ijsonbudget?: number;
// fileservice.FullFile
type FullFile = {
info: FileInfo;
data64: string;
// wstore.LayoutNode
type LayoutNode = WaveObj & {
node?: any;
meta?: MetaType;
type MetaType = {[key: string]: any}
// tsgenmeta.MethodMeta
type MethodMeta = {
Desc: string;
ArgNames: string[];
ReturnDesc: string;
// wconfig.MimeTypeConfigType
type MimeTypeConfigType = {
icon: string;
color: string;
// waveobj.ORef
type ORef = string;
// wshrpc.OpenAIOptsType
type OpenAIOptsType = {
model: string;
apitoken: string;
baseurl?: string;
maxtokens?: number;
maxchoices?: number;
timeout?: number;
// wshrpc.OpenAIPacketType
type OpenAIPacketType = {
type: string;
model?: string;
created?: number;
finish_reason?: string;
usage?: OpenAIUsageType;
index?: number;
text?: string;
error?: string;
// wshrpc.OpenAIPromptMessageType
type OpenAIPromptMessageType = {
role: string;
content: string;
name?: string;
// wshrpc.OpenAIUsageType
type OpenAIUsageType = {
prompt_tokens?: number;
completion_tokens?: number;
total_tokens?: number;
// wshrpc.OpenAiStreamRequest
type OpenAiStreamRequest = {
clientid?: string;
opts: OpenAIOptsType;
prompt: OpenAIPromptMessageType[];
// wstore.Point
type Point = {
x: number;
y: number;
// wshutil.RpcMessage
type RpcMessage = {
command?: string;
reqid?: string;
resid?: string;
timeout?: number;
cont?: boolean;
cancel?: boolean;
error?: string;
datatype?: string;
data?: any;
// wstore.RuntimeOpts
type RuntimeOpts = {
termsize?: TermSize;
winsize?: WinSize;
// webcmd.SetBlockTermSizeWSCommand
type SetBlockTermSizeWSCommand = {
wscommand: "setblocktermsize";
blockid: string;
termsize: TermSize;
// wconfig.SettingsConfigType
type SettingsConfigType = {
mimetypes: {[key: string]: MimeTypeConfigType};
term: TerminalConfigType;
widgets: WidgetsConfigType[];
blockheader: BlockHeaderOpts;
autoupdate: AutoUpdateOpts;
termthemes: {[key: string]: TermThemeType};
window: WindowSettingsType;
// wstore.StickerClickOptsType
type StickerClickOptsType = {
sendinput?: string;
createblock?: BlockDef;
// wstore.StickerDisplayOptsType
type StickerDisplayOptsType = {
icon: string;
imgsrc: string;
svgblob?: string;
// wstore.StickerType
type StickerType = {
stickertype: string;
style: MetaType;
clickopts?: StickerClickOptsType;
display: StickerDisplayOptsType;
// wshrpc.SubscriptionRequest
type SubscriptionRequest = {
event: string;
scopes?: string[];
allscopes?: boolean;
// wstore.Tab
type Tab = WaveObj & {
name: string;
layoutNode: string;
blockids: string[];
meta: MetaType;
// shellexec.TermSize
type TermSize = {
rows: number;
cols: number;
// wconfig.TermThemeType
type TermThemeType = {
black: string;
red: string;
green: string;
yellow: string;
blue: string;
magenta: string;
cyan: string;
white: string;
brightBlack: string;
brightRed: string;
brightGreen: string;
brightYellow: string;
brightBlue: string;
brightMagenta: string;
brightCyan: string;
brightWhite: string;
gray: string;
cmdtext: string;
foreground: string;
selectionBackground: string;
background: string;
cursorAccent: string;
// wconfig.TerminalConfigType
type TerminalConfigType = {
fontsize?: number;
fontfamily?: string;
// wstore.UIContext
type UIContext = {
windowid: string;
activetabid: string;
// userinput.UserInputRequest
type UserInputRequest = {
requestid: string;
querytext: string;
responsetype: string;
title: string;
markdown: boolean;
timeoutms: number;
checkboxmsg: string;
publictext: boolean;
// userinput.UserInputResponse
type UserInputResponse = {
type: string;
requestid: string;
text?: string;
confirm?: boolean;
errormsg?: string;
checkboxstat?: boolean;
// vdom.Elem
type VDomElem = {
id?: string;
tag: string;
props?: MetaType;
children?: VDomElem[];
text?: string;
// vdom.VDomFuncType
type VDomFuncType = {
#func: string;
#stopPropagation?: boolean;
#preventDefault?: boolean;
#keys?: string[];
// vdom.VDomRefType
type VDomRefType = {
#ref: string;
current: any;
type WSCommandType = {
wscommand: string;
} & ( SetBlockTermSizeWSCommand | BlockInputWSCommand | WSRpcCommand );
// eventbus.WSEventType
type WSEventType = {
eventtype: string;
oref?: string;
data: any;
// eventbus.WSFileEventData
type WSFileEventData = {
zoneid: string;
filename: string;
fileop: string;
data64: string;
// eventbus.WSLayoutActionData
type WSLayoutActionData = {
tabid: string;
actiontype: string;
blockid: string;
// webcmd.WSRpcCommand
type WSRpcCommand = {
wscommand: "rpc";
message: RpcMessage;
// wconfig.WatcherUpdate
type WatcherUpdate = {
settings: SettingsConfigType;
error: string;
// wshrpc.WaveEvent
type WaveEvent = {
event: string;
scopes?: string[];
sender?: string;
data?: any;
// filestore.WaveFile
type WaveFile = {
zoneid: string;
name: string;
opts: FileOptsType;
createdts: number;
size: number;
modts: number;
meta: MetaType;
// waveobj.WaveObj
type WaveObj = {
otype: string;
oid: string;
version: number;
// wstore.WaveObjUpdate
type WaveObjUpdate = {
updatetype: string;
otype: string;
oid: string;
obj?: WaveObj;
// wstore.Window
type WaveWindow = WaveObj & {
workspaceid: string;
activetabid: string;
activeblockid?: string;
activeblockmap: {[key: string]: string};
pos: Point;
winsize: WinSize;
lastfocusts: number;
meta: MetaType;
// service.WebCallType
type WebCallType = {
service: string;
method: string;
uicontext?: UIContext;
args: any[];
// service.WebReturnType
type WebReturnType = {
success?: boolean;
error?: string;
data?: any;
updates?: WaveObjUpdate[];
// wconfig.WidgetsConfigType
type WidgetsConfigType = {
icon: string;
color?: string;
label?: string;
description?: string;
blockdef: BlockDef;
// wstore.WinSize
type WinSize = {
width: number;
height: number;
// wconfig.WindowSettingsType
type WindowSettingsType = {
transparent: boolean;
blur: boolean;
opacity: number;
bgcolor: string;
// wstore.Workspace
type Workspace = WaveObj & {
name: string;
tabids: string[];
meta: MetaType;
// wshrpc.WshRpcCommandOpts
type WshRpcCommandOpts = {
timeout: number;
noresponse: boolean;
// wshrpc.WshServerCommandMeta
type WshServerCommandMeta = {
commandtype: string;
export {}