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synced 2025-03-09 13:00:53 +01:00
* feat: share sudo between pty sessions This is a first pass at a feature to cache the sudo password and share it between different pty sessions. This makes it possible to not require manual password entry every time sudo is used. * feat: allow error handling and canceling sudo cmds This adds the missing functionality that prevented failed sudo commands from automatically closing. * feat: restrict sudo caching to dev mode for now * modify fullCmdStr not pk.Command * refactor: condense ecdh encryptor creation This refactors the common pieces needed to create an encryptor from an ecdh key pair into a common function. * refactor: rename promptenc to waveenc * feat: add command to clear sudo password We currently do not provide use of the sudo -k and sudo -K commands to clear the sudo password. This adds a /sudo:clear command to handle it in the meantime. * feat: add kwarg to force sudo In cases where parsing for sudo doesn't work, this provides an alternate wave kwarg to use instead. It can be used with [sudo=1] at the beginning of a command. * refactor: simplify sudoArg parsing * feat: allow user to clear all sudo passwords This introduces the "all" kwarg for the sudo:clear command in order to clear all sudo passwords. * fix: handle deadline with real time Golang's time module uses monatomic time by default, but that is not desired for the password timeout since we want the timer to continue even if the computer is asleep. We now avoid this by directly comparing the unix timestamps. * fix: remove sudo restriction to dev mode This allows it to be used in regular builds as well. * fix: switch to password timeout without wait group This removes an unnecessary waiting period for sudo password entry. * fix: update deadline in sudo:clear This allows sudo:clear to cancel the goroutine for watching the password timer. * fix: pluralize sudo:clear message when all=1 This changes the output message for /sudo:clear to indicate multiple passwords cleared if the all=1 kwarg is used. * fix: use GetRemoteMap for getting remotes in clear The sudo:clear command was directly looping over the GlobalStore.Map which is not thread safe. Switched to GetRemoteMap which uses a lock internally. * fix: allow sudo metacmd to set sudo false This fixes the logic for resolving if a command is a sudo command. This change makes it possible for the sudo metacmd kwarg to force sudo to be false.
473 lines
11 KiB
473 lines
11 KiB
// Copyright 2023, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package cmdrunner
import (
var ValidMetaCmdRe = regexp.MustCompile("^/([a-z_][a-z0-9_-]*)(?::([a-z][a-z0-9_-]*))?$")
type BareMetaCmdDecl struct {
CmdStr string
MetaCmd string
var BareMetaCmds = []BareMetaCmdDecl{
{"cr", "cr"},
{"connect", "cr"},
{"clear", "clear"},
{"reset", "reset"},
{"codeedit", "codeedit"},
{"codeview", "codeview"},
{"imageview", "imageview"},
{"markdownview", "markdownview"},
{"mdview", "markdownview"},
{"csvview", "csvview"},
{"pdfview", "pdfview"},
{"mediaview", "mediaview"},
const (
CmdParseTypePositional = "pos"
CmdParseTypeRaw = "raw"
var CmdParseOverrides map[string]string = map[string]string{
"setenv": CmdParseTypePositional,
"unset": CmdParseTypePositional,
"set": CmdParseTypePositional,
"run": CmdParseTypeRaw,
"comment": CmdParseTypeRaw,
"chat": CmdParseTypeRaw,
func DumpPacket(pk *scpacket.FeCommandPacketType) {
if pk == nil || pk.MetaCmd == "" {
fmt.Printf("[no metacmd]\n")
if pk.MetaSubCmd == "" {
fmt.Printf("/%s\n", pk.MetaCmd)
} else {
fmt.Printf("/%s:%s\n", pk.MetaCmd, pk.MetaSubCmd)
for _, arg := range pk.Args {
fmt.Printf(" %q\n", arg)
for key, val := range pk.Kwargs {
fmt.Printf(" [%s]=%q\n", key, val)
func isQuoted(source string, w *syntax.Word) bool {
if w == nil {
return false
offset := w.Pos().Offset()
if int(offset) >= len(source) {
return false
return source[offset] == '"' || source[offset] == '\''
func getSourceStr(source string, w *syntax.Word) string {
if w == nil {
return ""
offset := w.Pos().Offset()
end := w.End().Offset()
return source[offset:end]
func SubMetaCmd(cmd string) string {
switch cmd {
case "s":
return "screen"
case "r":
return "run"
case "c":
return "comment"
case "e":
return "eval"
case "export":
return "setenv"
case "connection":
return "remote"
return cmd
// returns (metaCmd, metaSubCmd, rest)
// if metaCmd is "" then this isn't a valid metacmd string
func parseMetaCmd(origCommandStr string) (string, string, string) {
commandStr := strings.TrimSpace(origCommandStr)
if len(commandStr) < 2 {
return "run", "", origCommandStr
fields := strings.SplitN(commandStr, " ", 2)
firstArg := fields[0]
rest := ""
if len(fields) > 1 {
rest = strings.TrimSpace(fields[1])
for _, decl := range BareMetaCmds {
if firstArg == decl.CmdStr {
return decl.MetaCmd, "", rest
m := ValidMetaCmdRe.FindStringSubmatch(firstArg)
if m == nil {
return "run", "", origCommandStr
return SubMetaCmd(m[1]), m[2], rest
func onlyPositionalArgs(metaCmd string, metaSubCmd string) bool {
return (CmdParseOverrides[metaCmd] == CmdParseTypePositional) && metaSubCmd == ""
func onlyRawArgs(metaCmd string, metaSubCmd string) bool {
return CmdParseOverrides[metaCmd] == CmdParseTypeRaw
var waveValidIdentifierRe = regexp.MustCompile("^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$")
func isValidWaveParamName(name string) bool {
return waveValidIdentifierRe.MatchString(name)
func setBracketArgs(argMap map[string]string, bracketStr string) error {
bracketStr = strings.TrimSpace(bracketStr)
if bracketStr == "" {
return nil
strReader := strings.NewReader(bracketStr)
parser := syntax.NewParser(syntax.Variant(syntax.LangBash))
var wordErr error
var ectx simpleexpand.SimpleExpandContext // do not set HomeDir (we don't expand ~ in bracket args)
err := parser.Words(strReader, func(w *syntax.Word) bool {
litStr, _ := simpleexpand.SimpleExpandWord(ectx, w, bracketStr)
eqIdx := strings.Index(litStr, "=")
var varName, varVal string
if eqIdx == -1 {
varName = litStr
} else {
varName = litStr[0:eqIdx]
varVal = litStr[eqIdx+1:]
if !isValidWaveParamName(varName) {
wordErr = fmt.Errorf("invalid identifier %s in bracket args", utilfn.ShellQuote(varName, true, 20))
return false
if varVal == "" {
varVal = "1"
argMap[varName] = varVal
return true
if err != nil {
return err
if wordErr != nil {
return wordErr
return nil
var literalRtnStateCommands = []string{
func getCallExprLitArg(callExpr *syntax.CallExpr, argNum int) string {
if len(callExpr.Args) <= argNum {
return ""
arg := callExpr.Args[argNum]
if len(arg.Parts) == 0 {
return ""
lit, ok := arg.Parts[0].(*syntax.Lit)
if !ok {
return ""
return lit.Value
func isRtnStateCmd(cmd syntax.Command) bool {
if cmd == nil {
return false
if _, ok := cmd.(*syntax.FuncDecl); ok {
return true
if blockExpr, ok := cmd.(*syntax.Block); ok {
for _, stmt := range blockExpr.Stmts {
if isRtnStateCmd(stmt.Cmd) {
return true
return false
if binExpr, ok := cmd.(*syntax.BinaryCmd); ok {
if isRtnStateCmd(binExpr.X.Cmd) || isRtnStateCmd(binExpr.Y.Cmd) {
return true
} else if callExpr, ok := cmd.(*syntax.CallExpr); ok {
if len(callExpr.Assigns) > 0 && len(callExpr.Args) == 0 {
return true
arg0 := getCallExprLitArg(callExpr, 0)
if arg0 != "" && utilfn.ContainsStr(literalRtnStateCommands, arg0) {
return true
arg1 := getCallExprLitArg(callExpr, 1)
if arg0 == "git" {
if arg1 == "checkout" || arg1 == "co" || arg1 == "switch" {
return true
if arg0 == "conda" {
if arg1 == "activate" || arg1 == "deactivate" {
return true
} else if _, ok := cmd.(*syntax.DeclClause); ok {
return true
return false
func checkSimpleRtnStateCmd(cmdStr string) bool {
cmdStr = strings.TrimSpace(cmdStr)
if strings.HasPrefix(cmdStr, "function ") {
return true
firstSpace := strings.Index(cmdStr, " ")
if firstSpace != -1 {
firstWord := strings.TrimSpace(cmdStr[:firstSpace])
if strings.HasSuffix(firstWord, "()") {
return true
return false
// detects: export, declare, ., source, X=1, unset
func IsReturnStateCommand(cmdStr string) bool {
cmdReader := strings.NewReader(cmdStr)
parser := syntax.NewParser(syntax.Variant(syntax.LangBash))
file, err := parser.Parse(cmdReader, "cmd")
if err != nil {
if checkSimpleRtnStateCmd(cmdStr) {
return true
return false
for _, stmt := range file.Stmts {
if isRtnStateCmd(stmt.Cmd) {
return true
return false
func checkSimpleSudoCmd(cmdStr string) bool {
cmdStr = strings.TrimSpace(cmdStr)
return strings.HasPrefix(cmdStr, "sudo ")
func isSudoCmd(cmd syntax.Command) bool {
if cmd == nil {
return false
if _, ok := cmd.(*syntax.FuncDecl); ok {
return false
if blockExpr, ok := cmd.(*syntax.Block); ok {
for _, stmt := range blockExpr.Stmts {
if isSudoCmd(stmt.Cmd) {
return true
return false
if binExpr, ok := cmd.(*syntax.BinaryCmd); ok {
if isSudoCmd(binExpr.X.Cmd) || isSudoCmd(binExpr.Y.Cmd) {
return true
} else if callExpr, ok := cmd.(*syntax.CallExpr); ok {
arg0 := getCallExprLitArg(callExpr, 0)
if arg0 != "" && utilfn.ContainsStr([]string{"sudo"}, arg0) {
return true
return false
func IsSudoCommand(cmdStr string) bool {
cmdReader := strings.NewReader(cmdStr)
parser := syntax.NewParser(syntax.Variant(syntax.LangBash))
file, err := parser.Parse(cmdReader, "sudo")
if err != nil {
return checkSimpleSudoCmd(cmdStr)
for _, stmt := range file.Stmts {
if isSudoCmd(stmt.Cmd) {
return true
return false
func EvalBracketArgs(origCmdStr string) (map[string]string, string, error) {
rtn := make(map[string]string)
if strings.HasPrefix(origCmdStr, " ") {
rtn[KwArgNoHist] = "1"
cmdStr := strings.TrimSpace(origCmdStr)
if !strings.HasPrefix(cmdStr, "[") {
return rtn, origCmdStr, nil
rbIdx := strings.Index(cmdStr, "]")
if rbIdx == -1 {
return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("unmatched '[' found in command")
bracketStr := cmdStr[1:rbIdx]
restStr := strings.TrimSpace(cmdStr[rbIdx+1:])
err := setBracketArgs(rtn, bracketStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
return rtn, restStr, nil
func unescapeBackSlashes(s string) string {
if strings.Index(s, "\\") == -1 {
return s
var newStr []rune
var lastSlash bool
for _, r := range s {
if lastSlash {
lastSlash = false
newStr = append(newStr, r)
if r == '\\' {
lastSlash = true
newStr = append(newStr, r)
return string(newStr)
func EvalMetaCommand(ctx context.Context, origPk *scpacket.FeCommandPacketType) (*scpacket.FeCommandPacketType, error) {
if len(origPk.Args) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty command (no fields)")
if strings.TrimSpace(origPk.Args[0]) == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("empty command")
bracketArgs, cmdStr, err := EvalBracketArgs(origPk.Args[0])
if err != nil {
return nil, err
metaCmd, metaSubCmd, commandArgs := parseMetaCmd(cmdStr)
rtnPk := scpacket.MakeFeCommandPacket()
rtnPk.MetaCmd = metaCmd
rtnPk.MetaSubCmd = metaSubCmd
rtnPk.Kwargs = make(map[string]string)
rtnPk.UIContext = origPk.UIContext
rtnPk.RawStr = origPk.RawStr
rtnPk.Interactive = origPk.Interactive
rtnPk.EphemeralOpts = origPk.EphemeralOpts
for key, val := range origPk.Kwargs {
rtnPk.Kwargs[key] = val
for key, val := range bracketArgs {
rtnPk.Kwargs[key] = val
if onlyRawArgs(metaCmd, metaSubCmd) {
// don't evaluate arguments for /run or /comment
rtnPk.Args = []string{commandArgs}
return rtnPk, nil
commandReader := strings.NewReader(commandArgs)
parser := syntax.NewParser(syntax.Variant(syntax.LangBash))
var words []*syntax.Word
err = parser.Words(commandReader, func(w *syntax.Word) bool {
words = append(words, w)
return true
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parsing metacmd, position %v", err)
envMap := make(map[string]string) // later we can add vars like session, screen, remote, and user
cfg := shellapi.GetParserConfig(envMap)
// process arguments
for idx, w := range words {
literalVal, err := expand.Literal(cfg, w)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error evaluating metacmd argument %d [%s]: %v", idx+1, getSourceStr(commandArgs, w), err)
if isQuoted(commandArgs, w) || onlyPositionalArgs(metaCmd, metaSubCmd) {
rtnPk.Args = append(rtnPk.Args, literalVal)
eqIdx := strings.Index(literalVal, "=")
if eqIdx != -1 && eqIdx != 0 {
varName := literalVal[:eqIdx]
varVal := literalVal[eqIdx+1:]
rtnPk.Kwargs[varName] = varVal
rtnPk.Args = append(rtnPk.Args, unescapeBackSlashes(literalVal))
if resolveBool(rtnPk.Kwargs["dump"], false) {
return rtnPk, nil