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synced 2025-02-15 01:32:17 +01:00
This PR is a large refactoring of the layout code to move as much of the layout state logic as possible into a unified model class, with atoms and derived atoms to notify the display logic of changes. It also fixes some latent bugs in the node resize code, significantly speeds up response times for resizing and dragging, and sets us up to fully replace the React-DnD library in the future.
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331 lines
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// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
// WaveObjectStore
import { sendRpcCommand } from "@/app/store/wshrpc";
import { getWebServerEndpoint } from "@/util/endpoints";
import * as jotai from "jotai";
import * as React from "react";
import { atoms, globalStore } from "./global";
import * as services from "./services";
const IsElectron = true;
type WaveObjectDataItemType<T extends WaveObj> = {
value: T;
loading: boolean;
type WaveObjectValue<T extends WaveObj> = {
pendingPromise: Promise<T>;
dataAtom: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<WaveObjectDataItemType<T>>;
refCount: number;
holdTime: number;
function splitORef(oref: string): [string, string] {
const parts = oref.split(":");
if (parts.length != 2) {
throw new Error("invalid oref");
return [parts[0], parts[1]];
function isBlank(str: string): boolean {
return str == null || str == "";
function isBlankNum(num: number): boolean {
return num == null || isNaN(num) || num == 0;
function isValidWaveObj(val: WaveObj): boolean {
if (val == null) {
return false;
if (isBlank(val.otype) || isBlank(val.oid) || isBlankNum(val.version)) {
return false;
return true;
function makeORef(otype: string, oid: string): string {
if (isBlank(otype) || isBlank(oid)) {
return null;
return `${otype}:${oid}`;
function GetObject<T>(oref: string): Promise<T> {
return callBackendService("object", "GetObject", [oref], true);
function callBackendService(service: string, method: string, args: any[], noUIContext?: boolean): Promise<any> {
const startTs = Date.now();
let uiContext: UIContext = null;
if (!noUIContext) {
uiContext = globalStore.get(atoms.uiContext);
const waveCall: WebCallType = {
service: service,
method: method,
args: args,
uicontext: uiContext,
// usp is just for debugging (easier to filter URLs)
const methodName = `${service}.${method}`;
const usp = new URLSearchParams();
usp.set("service", service);
usp.set("method", method);
const url = getWebServerEndpoint() + "/wave/service?" + usp.toString();
const fetchPromise = fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify(waveCall),
const prtn = fetchPromise
.then((resp) => {
if (!resp.ok) {
throw new Error(`call ${methodName} failed: ${resp.status} ${resp.statusText}`);
return resp.json();
.then((respData: WebReturnType) => {
if (respData == null) {
return null;
if (respData.updates != null) {
if (respData.error != null) {
throw new Error(`call ${methodName} error: ${respData.error}`);
console.log("Call", methodName, Date.now() - startTs + "ms");
return respData.data;
return prtn;
function wshServerRpcHelper_responsestream(
command: string,
data: any,
opts: RpcOpts
): AsyncGenerator<any, void, boolean> {
if (opts?.noresponse) {
throw new Error("noresponse not supported for responsestream calls");
const msg: RpcMessage = {
command: command,
data: data,
reqid: crypto.randomUUID(),
if (opts?.timeout) {
msg.timeout = opts.timeout;
if (opts?.route) {
msg.route = opts.route;
const rpcGen = sendRpcCommand(msg);
return rpcGen;
function wshServerRpcHelper_call(command: string, data: any, opts: RpcOpts): Promise<any> {
const msg: RpcMessage = {
command: command,
data: data,
if (!opts?.noresponse) {
msg.reqid = crypto.randomUUID();
if (opts?.timeout) {
msg.timeout = opts.timeout;
if (opts?.route) {
msg.route = opts.route;
const rpcGen = sendRpcCommand(msg);
if (rpcGen == null) {
return null;
const respMsgPromise = rpcGen.next(true); // pass true to force termination of rpc after 1 response (not streaming)
return respMsgPromise.then((msg: IteratorResult<any, void>) => {
return msg.value;
const waveObjectValueCache = new Map<string, WaveObjectValue<any>>();
function clearWaveObjectCache() {
const defaultHoldTime = 5000; // 5-seconds
function createWaveValueObject<T extends WaveObj>(oref: string, shouldFetch: boolean): WaveObjectValue<T> {
const wov = { pendingPromise: null, dataAtom: null, refCount: 0, holdTime: Date.now() + 5000 };
wov.dataAtom = jotai.atom({ value: null, loading: true });
if (!shouldFetch) {
return wov;
const startTs = Date.now();
const localPromise = GetObject<T>(oref);
wov.pendingPromise = localPromise;
localPromise.then((val) => {
if (wov.pendingPromise != localPromise) {
const [otype, oid] = splitORef(oref);
if (val != null) {
if (val["otype"] != otype) {
throw new Error("GetObject returned wrong type");
if (val["oid"] != oid) {
throw new Error("GetObject returned wrong id");
wov.pendingPromise = null;
globalStore.set(wov.dataAtom, { value: val, loading: false });
console.log("WaveObj resolved", oref, Date.now() - startTs + "ms");
return wov;
function getWaveObjectValue<T extends WaveObj>(oref: string, createIfMissing = true): WaveObjectValue<T> {
let wov = waveObjectValueCache.get(oref);
if (wov === undefined && createIfMissing) {
wov = createWaveValueObject(oref, true);
waveObjectValueCache.set(oref, wov);
return wov;
function loadAndPinWaveObject<T extends WaveObj>(oref: string): Promise<T> {
const wov = getWaveObjectValue<T>(oref);
if (wov.pendingPromise == null) {
const dataValue = globalStore.get(wov.dataAtom);
return Promise.resolve(dataValue.value);
return wov.pendingPromise;
function getWaveObjectAtom<T extends WaveObj>(oref: string): WritableWaveObjectAtom<T> {
const wov = getWaveObjectValue<T>(oref);
return jotai.atom(
(get) => get(wov.dataAtom).value,
(_get, set, value: T) => {
setObjectValue(value, set, true);
function getWaveObjectLoadingAtom(oref: string): jotai.Atom<boolean> {
const wov = getWaveObjectValue(oref);
return jotai.atom((get) => {
const dataValue = get(wov.dataAtom);
if (dataValue.loading) {
return null;
return dataValue.loading;
function useWaveObjectValue<T extends WaveObj>(oref: string): [T, boolean] {
const wov = getWaveObjectValue<T>(oref);
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => {
}, [oref]);
const atomVal = jotai.useAtomValue(wov.dataAtom);
return [atomVal.value, atomVal.loading];
function updateWaveObject(update: WaveObjUpdate) {
if (update == null) {
const oref = makeORef(update.otype, update.oid);
const wov = getWaveObjectValue(oref);
if (update.updatetype == "delete") {
console.log("WaveObj deleted", oref);
globalStore.set(wov.dataAtom, { value: null, loading: false });
} else {
if (!isValidWaveObj(update.obj)) {
console.log("invalid wave object update", update);
const curValue: WaveObjectDataItemType<WaveObj> = globalStore.get(wov.dataAtom);
if (curValue.value != null && curValue.value.version >= update.obj.version) {
console.log("WaveObj updated", oref);
globalStore.set(wov.dataAtom, { value: update.obj, loading: false });
wov.holdTime = Date.now() + defaultHoldTime;
function updateWaveObjects(vals: WaveObjUpdate[]) {
for (const val of vals) {
function cleanWaveObjectCache() {
const now = Date.now();
for (const [oref, wov] of waveObjectValueCache) {
if (wov.refCount == 0 && wov.holdTime < now) {
// gets the value of a WaveObject from the cache.
// should provide getFn if it is available (e.g. inside of a jotai atom)
// otherwise it will use the globalStore.get function
function getObjectValue<T extends WaveObj>(oref: string, getFn?: jotai.Getter): T {
const wov = getWaveObjectValue<T>(oref);
if (getFn == null) {
getFn = globalStore.get;
const atomVal = getFn(wov.dataAtom);
return atomVal.value;
// sets the value of a WaveObject in the cache.
// should provide setFn if it is available (e.g. inside of a jotai atom)
// otherwise it will use the globalStore.set function
function setObjectValue<T extends WaveObj>(value: T, setFn?: jotai.Setter, pushToServer?: boolean) {
const oref = makeORef(value.otype, value.oid);
const wov = getWaveObjectValue(oref, false);
if (wov === undefined) {
if (setFn === undefined) {
setFn = globalStore.set;
setFn(wov.dataAtom, { value: value, loading: false });
if (pushToServer) {
services.ObjectService.UpdateObject(value, false);
export {