Evan Simkowitz 2157df85de
Disable block pointer events during layout drag (#183)
This will ensure that the webview cannot capture the pointer events and
disrupt the drag functionality.

This also fixes an issue where greedy and imprecise bounds calculations
could result in thrashing of the layoutState.pendingAction field, which
could cause the placeholder to flicker.

This also fixes issues where some React Effects that were supposed to be
debounced or throttled were being invoked too much. This is because
useEffect regenerates the callback when it is run, resulting in the
debounce or throttle never taking effect. Moving the throttled or
debounced logic to a separate callback solves this.
2024-07-31 12:49:38 -07:00

231 lines
5.6 KiB

// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import { WritableAtom } from "jotai";
import { DropDirection, FlexDirection } from "./utils.js";
* Represents an operation to insert a node into a tree.
export type MoveOperation<T> = {
* The index at which the node will be inserted in the parent.
index: number;
* The parent node. Undefined if inserting at root.
parentId?: string;
* Whether the node will be inserted at the root of the tree.
insertAtRoot?: boolean;
* The node to insert.
node: LayoutNode<T>;
* Types of actions that modify the layout tree.
export enum LayoutTreeActionType {
ComputeMove = "computemove",
Move = "move",
Swap = "swap",
SetPendingAction = "setpending",
CommitPendingAction = "commitpending",
ClearPendingAction = "clearpending",
ResizeNode = "resize",
InsertNode = "insert",
DeleteNode = "delete",
MagnifyNodeToggle = "magnify",
* Base class for actions that modify the layout tree.
export interface LayoutTreeAction {
type: LayoutTreeActionType;
* Action for computing a move operation and saving it as a pending action in the tree state.
* @template T The type of data associated with the nodes of the tree.
* @see MoveOperation
* @see LayoutTreeMoveNodeAction
export interface LayoutTreeComputeMoveNodeAction<T> extends LayoutTreeAction {
type: LayoutTreeActionType.ComputeMove;
node: LayoutNode<T>;
nodeToMove: LayoutNode<T>;
direction: DropDirection;
* Action for moving a node within the layout tree.
* @template T The type of data associated with the nodes of the tree.
* @see MoveOperation
export interface LayoutTreeMoveNodeAction<T> extends LayoutTreeAction, MoveOperation<T> {
type: LayoutTreeActionType.Move;
* Action for swapping two nodes within the layout tree.
* @template T The type of data associated with the nodes of the tree.
export interface LayoutTreeSwapNodeAction extends LayoutTreeAction {
type: LayoutTreeActionType.Swap;
* The node that node2 will replace.
node1Id: string;
* The node that node1 will replace.
node2Id: string;
* Action for inserting a new node to the layout tree.
* @template T The type of data associated with the nodes of the tree.
export interface LayoutTreeInsertNodeAction<T> extends LayoutTreeAction {
type: LayoutTreeActionType.InsertNode;
node: LayoutNode<T>;
* Action for deleting a node from the layout tree.
export interface LayoutTreeDeleteNodeAction extends LayoutTreeAction {
type: LayoutTreeActionType.DeleteNode;
nodeId: string;
* Action for setting the pendingAction field of the layout tree state.
export interface LayoutTreeSetPendingAction extends LayoutTreeAction {
type: LayoutTreeActionType.SetPendingAction;
* The new value for the pending action field.
action: LayoutTreeAction;
* Action for committing the action in the pendingAction field of the layout tree state.
export interface LayoutTreeCommitPendingAction extends LayoutTreeAction {
type: LayoutTreeActionType.CommitPendingAction;
* Action for clearing the pendingAction field from the layout tree state.
export interface LayoutTreeClearPendingAction extends LayoutTreeAction {
type: LayoutTreeActionType.ClearPendingAction;
* An operation to resize a node.
export interface ResizeNodeOperation {
* The id of the node to resize.
nodeId: string;
* The new size for the node.
size: number;
* Action for resizing a node from the layout tree.
export interface LayoutTreeResizeNodeAction extends LayoutTreeAction {
type: LayoutTreeActionType.ResizeNode;
* A list of node ids to update and their respective new sizes.
resizeOperations: ResizeNodeOperation[];
* Action for toggling magnification of a node from the layout tree.
export interface LayoutTreeMagnifyNodeToggleAction extends LayoutTreeAction {
type: LayoutTreeActionType.MagnifyNodeToggle;
* The id of the node to maximize;
nodeId: string;
* Represents the state of a layout tree.
* @template T The type of data associated with the nodes of the tree.
export type LayoutTreeState<T> = {
rootNode: LayoutNode<T>;
leafs: LayoutNode<T>[];
pendingAction: LayoutTreeAction;
generation: number;
magnifiedNodeId?: string;
* Represents a single node in the layout tree.
* @template T The type of data associated with the node.
export interface LayoutNode<T> {
id: string;
data?: T;
children?: LayoutNode<T>[];
flexDirection: FlexDirection;
size: number;
* An abstraction of the type definition for a writable layout node atom.
export type WritableLayoutNodeAtom<T> = WritableAtom<LayoutNode<T>, [value: LayoutNode<T>], void>;
* An abstraction of the type definition for a writable layout tree state atom.
export type WritableLayoutTreeStateAtom<T> = WritableAtom<LayoutTreeState<T>, [value: LayoutTreeState<T>], void>;
export type ContentRenderer<T> = (
data: T,
ready: boolean,
disablePointerEvents: boolean,
onMagnifyToggle: () => void,
onClose: () => void,
dragHandleRef: React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>
) => React.ReactNode;
export type PreviewRenderer<T> = (data: T) => React.ReactElement;
export interface LayoutNodeWaveObj<T> extends WaveObj {
node: LayoutNode<T>;
magnifiednodeid: string;
export const DefaultNodeSize = 10;