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// Copyright 2023, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package shparse
import (
const (
CompTypeCommandMeta = "command-meta"
CompTypeCommand = "command"
CompTypeArg = "command-arg"
CompTypeInvalid = "invalid"
CompTypeVar = "var"
CompTypeAssignment = "assignment"
CompTypeBasic = "basic"
type CompletionPos struct {
RawPos int // the raw position of cursor
SuperOffset int // adjust all offsets in Cmd and CmdWord by SuperOffset
CompType string // see CompType* constants
Cmd *CmdType // nil if between commands or a special completion (otherwise will be a SimpleCommand)
// index into cmd.Words (only set when Cmd is not nil, otherwise we look at CompCommand)
// 0 means command-word
// negative means assignment-words.
// can be past the end of Words (means start new word).
CmdWordPos int
CompWord *WordType // set to the word we are completing (nil if we are starting a new word)
CompWordOffset int // offset into compword (only if CmdWord is not nil)
func compTypeFromPos(cmdWordPos int) string {
if cmdWordPos == 0 {
return CompTypeCommand
if cmdWordPos < 0 {
return CompTypeAssignment
return CompTypeArg
func (cmd *CmdType) findCompletionPos_simple(pos int, superOffset int) CompletionPos {
if cmd.Type != CmdTypeSimple {
panic("findCompletetionPos_simple only works for CmdTypeSimple")
rtn := CompletionPos{RawPos: pos, SuperOffset: superOffset, Cmd: cmd}
for idx, word := range cmd.AssignmentWords {
startOffset := word.Offset
endOffset := word.Offset + len(word.Raw)
if pos <= startOffset {
// starting a new word at this position (before the current assignment word)
rtn.CmdWordPos = idx - len(cmd.AssignmentWords)
rtn.CompType = CompTypeAssignment
return rtn
if pos <= endOffset {
// completing an assignment word
rtn.CmdWordPos = idx - len(cmd.AssignmentWords)
rtn.CompWord = word
rtn.CompWordOffset = pos - word.Offset
rtn.CompType = CompTypeAssignment
return rtn
var foundWord *WordType
var foundWordIdx int
for idx, word := range cmd.Words {
startOffset := word.Offset
endOffset := word.Offset + len(word.Raw)
if pos <= startOffset {
// starting a new word at this position
rtn.CmdWordPos = idx
rtn.CompType = compTypeFromPos(idx)
return rtn
if pos == endOffset && word.Type == WordTypeOp {
// operators are special, they can allow a full-word completion at endpos
if pos <= endOffset {
foundWord = word
foundWordIdx = idx
if foundWord != nil {
rtn.CmdWordPos = foundWordIdx
rtn.CompWord = foundWord
rtn.CompWordOffset = pos - foundWord.Offset
if foundWord.uncompletable() {
// invalid completion point
rtn.CompType = CompTypeInvalid
return rtn
rtn.CompType = compTypeFromPos(foundWordIdx)
return rtn
// past the end, so we're starting a new word in Cmd
rtn.CmdWordPos = len(cmd.Words)
rtn.CompType = CompTypeArg
return rtn
func (cmd *CmdType) findCompletionPos_none(pos int, superOffset int) CompletionPos {
rtn := CompletionPos{RawPos: pos, SuperOffset: superOffset}
if cmd.Type != CmdTypeNone {
panic("findCompletionPos_none only works for CmdTypeNone")
var foundWord *WordType
for _, word := range cmd.Words {
startOffset := word.Offset
endOffset := word.Offset + len(word.Raw)
if pos <= startOffset {
if pos <= endOffset {
if pos == endOffset && word.Type == WordTypeOp {
// operators are special, they can allow a full-word completion at endpos
foundWord = word
if foundWord == nil {
// just revert to a file completion
rtn.CompType = CompTypeBasic
return rtn
foundWordOffset := pos - foundWord.Offset
rtn.CompWord = foundWord
rtn.CompWordOffset = foundWordOffset
if foundWord.uncompletable() {
// ok, we're inside of a word in CmdTypeNone. if we're in an uncompletable word, return CompInvalid
rtn.CompType = CompTypeInvalid
return rtn
if foundWordOffset > 0 && foundWordOffset < foundWord.contentStartPos() {
// cursor is in a weird position, between characters of a multi-char prefix (e.g. "$[*]{hello}" or $[*]'hello'). cannot complete.
rtn.CompType = CompTypeInvalid
return rtn
// revert to file completion
rtn.CompType = CompTypeBasic
return rtn
func findCompletionWordAtPos(words []*WordType, pos int, allowEndMatch bool) *WordType {
// WordTypeSimpleVar is special (always allowEndMatch), if cursor is at the end of SimpleVar it is returned
for _, word := range words {
if pos > word.Offset && pos < word.Offset+len(word.Raw) {
return word
if (allowEndMatch || word.Type == WordTypeSimpleVar) && pos == word.Offset+len(word.Raw) {
return word
return nil
// recursively descend down the word, parse commands and find a sub completion point if any.
// return nil if there is no sub completion point in this word
func findCompletionPosInWord(word *WordType, posInWord int, superOffset int) *CompletionPos {
rawPos := word.Offset + posInWord
if word.Type == WordTypeGroup || word.Type == WordTypeDQ || word.Type == WordTypeDDQ {
// need to descend further
if posInWord <= word.contentStartPos() {
return nil
if posInWord > word.contentEndPos() {
return nil
subWord := findCompletionWordAtPos(word.Subs, posInWord-word.contentStartPos(), false)
if subWord == nil {
return nil
return findCompletionPosInWord(subWord, posInWord-(subWord.Offset+word.contentStartPos()), superOffset+(word.Offset+word.contentStartPos()))
if word.Type == WordTypeDP || word.Type == WordTypeBQ {
if posInWord < word.contentStartPos() {
return nil
if posInWord > word.contentEndPos() {
return nil
subCmds := ParseCommands(word.Subs)
newPos := findCompletionPosInternal(subCmds, posInWord-word.contentStartPos(), superOffset+(word.Offset+word.contentStartPos()))
return &newPos
if word.Type == WordTypeSimpleVar || word.Type == WordTypeVarBrace {
// special "var" completion
rtn := &CompletionPos{RawPos: rawPos, SuperOffset: superOffset}
rtn.CompType = CompTypeVar
rtn.CompWordOffset = posInWord
rtn.CompWord = word
return rtn
return nil
// returns the context for completion
// if we are completing in a simple-command, the returns the Cmd. the Cmd can be used for specialized completion (command name, arg position, etc.)
// if we are completing in a word, returns the Word. Word might be a group-word or DQ word, so it may need additional resolution (done in extend)
// otherwise we are going to create a new word to insert at offset (so the context does not matter)
func findCompletionPosCmds(cmds []*CmdType, pos int, superOffset int) CompletionPos {
rtn := CompletionPos{RawPos: pos, SuperOffset: superOffset}
if len(cmds) == 0 {
// set CompCommand because we're starting a new command
rtn.CompType = CompTypeCommand
return rtn
for _, cmd := range cmds {
endOffset := cmd.endOffset()
if pos > endOffset || (cmd.Type == CmdTypeNone && pos == endOffset) {
startOffset := cmd.offset()
if cmd.Type == CmdTypeSimple {
if pos <= startOffset {
rtn.CompType = CompTypeCommand
return rtn
return cmd.findCompletionPos_simple(pos, superOffset)
} else {
// not in a simple-command
// if we're before the none-command, just start a new command
if pos <= startOffset {
rtn.CompType = CompTypeCommand
return rtn
return cmd.findCompletionPos_none(pos, superOffset)
// past the end
lastCmd := cmds[len(cmds)-1]
if lastCmd.Type == CmdTypeSimple {
// just extend last command
rtn.Cmd = lastCmd
rtn.CmdWordPos = len(lastCmd.Words)
rtn.CompType = CompTypeArg
return rtn
// use lastCmd.NoneComplete to see if last command ended on a "separator". use that to set CompCommand
if lastCmd.NoneComplete {
rtn.CompType = CompTypeCommand
} else {
rtn.CompType = CompTypeBasic
return rtn
func findCompletionPosInternal(cmds []*CmdType, pos int, superOffset int) CompletionPos {
cpos := findCompletionPosCmds(cmds, pos, superOffset)
if cpos.CompWord == nil {
return cpos
subPos := findCompletionPosInWord(cpos.CompWord, cpos.CompWordOffset, superOffset)
if subPos != nil {
return *subPos
return cpos
func FindCompletionPos(cmds []*CmdType, pos int) CompletionPos {
cpos := findCompletionPosInternal(cmds, pos, 0)
if cpos.CompType == CompTypeCommand && cpos.SuperOffset == 0 && cpos.CompWord != nil && cpos.CompWord.Offset == 0 && strings.HasPrefix(string(cpos.CompWord.Raw), "/") {
cpos.CompType = CompTypeCommandMeta
return cpos
func (cpos CompletionPos) Extend(origStr utilfn.StrWithPos, extensionStr string, extensionComplete bool) utilfn.StrWithPos {
compWord := cpos.CompWord
if compWord == nil {
compWord = MakeEmptyWord(WordTypeLit, nil, cpos.RawPos, true)
realOffset := compWord.Offset + cpos.SuperOffset
if strings.HasSuffix(extensionStr, "/") {
extensionComplete = false
rtnSP := Extend(compWord, cpos.CompWordOffset, extensionStr, extensionComplete)
origRunes := []rune(origStr.Str)
rtnSP = rtnSP.Prepend(string(origRunes[0:realOffset]))
rtnSP = rtnSP.Append(string(origRunes[realOffset+len(compWord.Raw):]))
return rtnSP