mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 13:09:14 +01:00
implements `wsh run` command. lots of fixes (and new options) for command blocks. cleans up the UX/UI for command blocks. lots of bug fixes for blockcontrollers. other minor bug fixes. also makes editor:* vars into settings override atoms.
558 lines
18 KiB
558 lines
18 KiB
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package wconfig
import (
const SettingsFile = "settings.json"
const ConnectionsFile = "connections.json"
const AnySchema = `
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": true
type SettingsType struct {
AiClear bool `json:"ai:*,omitempty"`
AiPreset string `json:"ai:preset,omitempty"`
AiApiType string `json:"ai:apitype,omitempty"`
AiBaseURL string `json:"ai:baseurl,omitempty"`
AiApiToken string `json:"ai:apitoken,omitempty"`
AiName string `json:"ai:name,omitempty"`
AiModel string `json:"ai:model,omitempty"`
AiOrgID string `json:"ai:orgid,omitempty"`
AIApiVersion string `json:"ai:apiversion,omitempty"`
AiMaxTokens float64 `json:"ai:maxtokens,omitempty"`
AiTimeoutMs float64 `json:"ai:timeoutms,omitempty"`
TermClear bool `json:"term:*,omitempty"`
TermFontSize float64 `json:"term:fontsize,omitempty"`
TermFontFamily string `json:"term:fontfamily,omitempty"`
TermTheme string `json:"term:theme,omitempty"`
TermDisableWebGl bool `json:"term:disablewebgl,omitempty"`
TermLocalShellPath string `json:"term:localshellpath,omitempty"`
TermLocalShellOpts []string `json:"term:localshellopts,omitempty"`
TermScrollback *int64 `json:"term:scrollback,omitempty"`
TermCopyOnSelect *bool `json:"term:copyonselect,omitempty"`
EditorMinimapEnabled bool `json:"editor:minimapenabled,omitempty"`
EditorStickyScrollEnabled bool `json:"editor:stickyscrollenabled,omitempty"`
EditorWordWrap bool `json:"editor:wordwrap,omitempty"`
WebClear bool `json:"web:*,omitempty"`
WebOpenLinksInternally bool `json:"web:openlinksinternally,omitempty"`
WebDefaultUrl string `json:"web:defaulturl,omitempty"`
WebDefaultSearch string `json:"web:defaultsearch,omitempty"`
BlockHeaderClear bool `json:"blockheader:*,omitempty"`
BlockHeaderShowBlockIds bool `json:"blockheader:showblockids,omitempty"`
AutoUpdateClear bool `json:"autoupdate:*,omitempty"`
AutoUpdateEnabled bool `json:"autoupdate:enabled,omitempty"`
AutoUpdateIntervalMs float64 `json:"autoupdate:intervalms,omitempty"`
AutoUpdateInstallOnQuit bool `json:"autoupdate:installonquit,omitempty"`
AutoUpdateChannel string `json:"autoupdate:channel,omitempty"`
PreviewShowHiddenFiles *bool `json:"preview:showhiddenfiles,omitempty"`
WidgetClear bool `json:"widget:*,omitempty"`
WidgetShowHelp *bool `json:"widget:showhelp,omitempty"`
WindowClear bool `json:"window:*,omitempty"`
WindowTransparent bool `json:"window:transparent,omitempty"`
WindowBlur bool `json:"window:blur,omitempty"`
WindowOpacity *float64 `json:"window:opacity,omitempty"`
WindowBgColor string `json:"window:bgcolor,omitempty"`
WindowReducedMotion bool `json:"window:reducedmotion,omitempty"`
WindowTileGapSize *int64 `json:"window:tilegapsize,omitempty"`
WindowShowMenuBar bool `json:"window:showmenubar,omitempty"`
WindowNativeTitleBar bool `json:"window:nativetitlebar,omitempty"`
WindowDisableHardwareAcceleration bool `json:"window:disablehardwareacceleration,omitempty"`
WindowMaxTabCacheSize int `json:"window:maxtabcachesize,omitempty"`
WindowMagnifiedBlockOpacity *float64 `json:"window:magnifiedblockopacity,omitempty"`
WindowMagnifiedBlockSize *float64 `json:"window:magnifiedblocksize,omitempty"`
WindowMagnifiedBlockBlurPrimaryPx *int64 `json:"window:magnifiedblockblurprimarypx,omitempty"`
WindowMagnifiedBlockBlurSecondaryPx *int64 `json:"window:magnifiedblockblursecondarypx,omitempty"`
TelemetryClear bool `json:"telemetry:*,omitempty"`
TelemetryEnabled bool `json:"telemetry:enabled,omitempty"`
ConnClear bool `json:"conn:*,omitempty"`
ConnAskBeforeWshInstall bool `json:"conn:askbeforewshinstall,omitempty"`
ConnWshEnabled bool `json:"conn:wshenabled,omitempty"`
type ConfigError struct {
File string `json:"file"`
Err string `json:"err"`
type FullConfigType struct {
Settings SettingsType `json:"settings" merge:"meta"`
MimeTypes map[string]MimeTypeConfigType `json:"mimetypes"`
DefaultWidgets map[string]WidgetConfigType `json:"defaultwidgets"`
Widgets map[string]WidgetConfigType `json:"widgets"`
Presets map[string]waveobj.MetaMapType `json:"presets"`
TermThemes map[string]TermThemeType `json:"termthemes"`
Connections map[string]wshrpc.ConnKeywords `json:"connections"`
ConfigErrors []ConfigError `json:"configerrors" configfile:"-"`
func goBackWS(barr []byte, offset int) int {
if offset >= len(barr) {
offset = offset - 1
for i := offset - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if barr[i] == ' ' || barr[i] == '\t' || barr[i] == '\n' || barr[i] == '\r' {
return i
return 0
func isTrailingCommaError(barr []byte, offset int) bool {
if offset >= len(barr) {
offset = offset - 1
offset = goBackWS(barr, offset)
if barr[offset] == '}' {
offset = goBackWS(barr, offset)
if barr[offset] == ',' {
return true
return false
func readConfigHelper(fileName string, barr []byte, readErr error) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
var cerrs []ConfigError
if readErr != nil && !os.IsNotExist(readErr) {
cerrs = append(cerrs, ConfigError{File: fileName, Err: readErr.Error()})
if len(barr) == 0 {
return nil, cerrs
var rtn waveobj.MetaMapType
err := json.Unmarshal(barr, &rtn)
if err != nil {
if syntaxErr, ok := err.(*json.SyntaxError); ok {
offset := syntaxErr.Offset
if offset > 0 {
offset = offset - 1
lineNum, colNum := utilfn.GetLineColFromOffset(barr, int(offset))
isTrailingComma := isTrailingCommaError(barr, int(offset))
if isTrailingComma {
err = fmt.Errorf("json syntax error at line %d, col %d: probably an extra trailing comma: %v", lineNum, colNum, syntaxErr)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("json syntax error at line %d, col %d: %v", lineNum, colNum, syntaxErr)
cerrs = append(cerrs, ConfigError{File: fileName, Err: err.Error()})
return rtn, cerrs
func readConfigFileFS(fsys fs.FS, logPrefix string, fileName string) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
barr, readErr := fs.ReadFile(fsys, fileName)
if readErr != nil {
// If we get an error, we may be using the wrong path separator for the given FS interface. Try switching the separator.
barr, readErr = fs.ReadFile(fsys, filepath.ToSlash(fileName))
return readConfigHelper(logPrefix+fileName, barr, readErr)
func ReadDefaultsConfigFile(fileName string) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
return readConfigFileFS(defaultconfig.ConfigFS, "defaults:", fileName)
func ReadWaveHomeConfigFile(fileName string) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
configDirAbsPath := wavebase.GetWaveConfigDir()
configDirFsys := os.DirFS(configDirAbsPath)
return readConfigFileFS(configDirFsys, "", fileName)
func WriteWaveHomeConfigFile(fileName string, m waveobj.MetaMapType) error {
configDirAbsPath := wavebase.GetWaveConfigDir()
fullFileName := filepath.Join(configDirAbsPath, fileName)
barr, err := jsonMarshalConfigInOrder(m)
if err != nil {
return err
return os.WriteFile(fullFileName, barr, 0644)
// simple merge that overwrites
func mergeMetaMapSimple(m waveobj.MetaMapType, toMerge waveobj.MetaMapType) waveobj.MetaMapType {
if m == nil {
return toMerge
if toMerge == nil {
return m
for k, v := range toMerge {
if v == nil {
delete(m, k)
m[k] = v
if len(m) == 0 {
return nil
return m
func mergeMetaMap(m waveobj.MetaMapType, toMerge waveobj.MetaMapType, simpleMerge bool) waveobj.MetaMapType {
if simpleMerge {
return mergeMetaMapSimple(m, toMerge)
} else {
return waveobj.MergeMeta(m, toMerge, true)
func selectDirEntsBySuffix(dirEnts []fs.DirEntry, fileNameSuffix string) []fs.DirEntry {
var rtn []fs.DirEntry
for _, ent := range dirEnts {
if ent.IsDir() {
if !strings.HasSuffix(ent.Name(), fileNameSuffix) {
rtn = append(rtn, ent)
return rtn
func SortFileNameDescend(files []fs.DirEntry) {
sort.Slice(files, func(i, j int) bool {
return files[i].Name() > files[j].Name()
// Read and merge all files in the specified directory matching the supplied suffix
func readConfigFilesForDir(fsys fs.FS, logPrefix string, dirName string, fileName string, simpleMerge bool) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
dirEnts, _ := fs.ReadDir(fsys, dirName)
suffixEnts := selectDirEntsBySuffix(dirEnts, fileName+".json")
var rtn waveobj.MetaMapType
var errs []ConfigError
for _, ent := range suffixEnts {
fileVal, cerrs := readConfigFileFS(fsys, logPrefix, filepath.Join(dirName, ent.Name()))
rtn = mergeMetaMap(rtn, fileVal, simpleMerge)
errs = append(errs, cerrs...)
return rtn, errs
// Read and merge all files in the specified config filesystem matching the patterns `<partName>.json` and `<partName>/*.json`
func readConfigPartForFS(fsys fs.FS, logPrefix string, partName string, simpleMerge bool) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
config, errs := readConfigFilesForDir(fsys, logPrefix, partName, "", simpleMerge)
allErrs := errs
rtn := config
config, errs = readConfigFileFS(fsys, logPrefix, partName+".json")
allErrs = append(allErrs, errs...)
return mergeMetaMap(rtn, config, simpleMerge), allErrs
// Combine files from the defaults and home directory for the specified config part name
func readConfigPart(partName string, simpleMerge bool) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
configDirAbsPath := wavebase.GetWaveConfigDir()
configDirFsys := os.DirFS(configDirAbsPath)
defaultConfigs, cerrs := readConfigPartForFS(defaultconfig.ConfigFS, "defaults:", partName, simpleMerge)
homeConfigs, cerrs1 := readConfigPartForFS(configDirFsys, "", partName, simpleMerge)
rtn := defaultConfigs
allErrs := append(cerrs, cerrs1...)
return mergeMetaMap(rtn, homeConfigs, simpleMerge), allErrs
func ReadFullConfig() FullConfigType {
var fullConfig FullConfigType
configRType := reflect.TypeOf(fullConfig)
configRVal := reflect.ValueOf(&fullConfig).Elem()
for fieldIdx := 0; fieldIdx < configRType.NumField(); fieldIdx++ {
field := configRType.Field(fieldIdx)
if field.PkgPath != "" {
configFile := field.Tag.Get("configfile")
if configFile == "-" {
jsonTag := utilfn.GetJsonTag(field)
simpleMerge := field.Tag.Get("merge") == ""
var configPart waveobj.MetaMapType
var errs []ConfigError
if jsonTag == "-" || jsonTag == "" {
} else {
configPart, errs = readConfigPart(jsonTag, simpleMerge)
fullConfig.ConfigErrors = append(fullConfig.ConfigErrors, errs...)
if configPart != nil {
fieldPtr := configRVal.Field(fieldIdx).Addr().Interface()
utilfn.ReUnmarshal(fieldPtr, configPart)
return fullConfig
func GetConfigSubdirs() []string {
var fullConfig FullConfigType
configRType := reflect.TypeOf(fullConfig)
var retVal []string
configDirAbsPath := wavebase.GetWaveConfigDir()
for fieldIdx := 0; fieldIdx < configRType.NumField(); fieldIdx++ {
field := configRType.Field(fieldIdx)
if field.PkgPath != "" {
configFile := field.Tag.Get("configfile")
if configFile == "-" {
jsonTag := utilfn.GetJsonTag(field)
if jsonTag != "-" && jsonTag != "" && jsonTag != "settings" {
retVal = append(retVal, filepath.Join(configDirAbsPath, jsonTag))
log.Printf("subdirs: %v\n", retVal)
return retVal
func getConfigKeyType(configKey string) reflect.Type {
ctype := reflect.TypeOf(SettingsType{})
for i := 0; i < ctype.NumField(); i++ {
field := ctype.Field(i)
jsonTag := utilfn.GetJsonTag(field)
if jsonTag == configKey {
return field.Type
return nil
func getConfigKeyNamespace(key string) string {
colonIdx := strings.Index(key, ":")
if colonIdx == -1 {
return ""
return key[:colonIdx]
func orderConfigKeys(m waveobj.MetaMapType) []string {
keys := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for k := range m {
keys = append(keys, k)
sort.Slice(keys, func(i, j int) bool {
k1 := keys[i]
k2 := keys[j]
k1ns := getConfigKeyNamespace(k1)
k2ns := getConfigKeyNamespace(k2)
if k1ns != k2ns {
return k1ns < k2ns
return k1 < k2
return keys
func reindentJson(barr []byte, indentStr string) []byte {
if len(barr) < 2 {
return barr
if barr[0] != '{' && barr[0] != '[' {
return barr
if !bytes.Contains(barr, []byte("\n")) {
return barr
outputLines := bytes.Split(barr, []byte("\n"))
for i, line := range outputLines {
if i == 0 {
outputLines[i] = append([]byte(indentStr), line...)
return bytes.Join(outputLines, []byte("\n"))
func jsonMarshalConfigInOrder(m waveobj.MetaMapType) ([]byte, error) {
if len(m) == 0 {
return []byte("{}"), nil
var buf bytes.Buffer
orderedKeys := orderConfigKeys(m)
for idx, key := range orderedKeys {
val := m[key]
keyBarr, err := json.Marshal(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
valBarr, err := json.MarshalIndent(val, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
valBarr = reindentJson(valBarr, " ")
buf.WriteString(" ")
buf.WriteString(": ")
if idx < len(orderedKeys)-1 {
return buf.Bytes(), nil
var dummyNumber json.Number
func convertJsonNumber(num json.Number, ctype reflect.Type) (interface{}, error) {
// ctype might be int64, float64, string, *int64, *float64, *string
// switch on ctype first
if ctype.Kind() == reflect.Pointer {
ctype = ctype.Elem()
if reflect.Int64 == ctype.Kind() {
if ival, err := num.Int64(); err == nil {
return ival, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid number for int64: %s", num)
if reflect.Float64 == ctype.Kind() {
if fval, err := num.Float64(); err == nil {
return fval, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid number for float64: %s", num)
if reflect.String == ctype.Kind() {
return num.String(), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert number to %s", ctype)
func SetBaseConfigValue(toMerge waveobj.MetaMapType) error {
m, cerrs := ReadWaveHomeConfigFile(SettingsFile)
if len(cerrs) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("error reading config file: %v", cerrs[0])
if m == nil {
m = make(waveobj.MetaMapType)
for configKey, val := range toMerge {
ctype := getConfigKeyType(configKey)
if ctype == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid config key: %s", configKey)
if val == nil {
delete(m, configKey)
} else {
rtype := reflect.TypeOf(val)
if rtype == reflect.TypeOf(dummyNumber) {
convertedVal, err := convertJsonNumber(val.(json.Number), ctype)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %s: %v", configKey, err)
val = convertedVal
rtype = reflect.TypeOf(val)
if rtype != ctype {
if ctype == reflect.PointerTo(rtype) {
m[configKey] = &val
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid value type for %s: %T", configKey, val)
m[configKey] = val
return WriteWaveHomeConfigFile(SettingsFile, m)
func SetConnectionsConfigValue(connName string, toMerge waveobj.MetaMapType) error {
m, cerrs := ReadWaveHomeConfigFile(ConnectionsFile)
if len(cerrs) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("error reading config file: %v", cerrs[0])
if m == nil {
m = make(waveobj.MetaMapType)
connData := m.GetMap(connName)
if connData == nil {
connData = make(waveobj.MetaMapType)
for configKey, val := range toMerge {
connData[configKey] = val
m[connName] = connData
return WriteWaveHomeConfigFile(ConnectionsFile, m)
type WidgetConfigType struct {
DisplayOrder float64 `json:"display:order,omitempty"`
Icon string `json:"icon,omitempty"`
Color string `json:"color,omitempty"`
Label string `json:"label,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
BlockDef waveobj.BlockDef `json:"blockdef"`
type MimeTypeConfigType struct {
Icon string `json:"icon"`
Color string `json:"color"`
type TermThemeType struct {
DisplayName string `json:"display:name"`
DisplayOrder float64 `json:"display:order"`
Black string `json:"black"`
Red string `json:"red"`
Green string `json:"green"`
Yellow string `json:"yellow"`
Blue string `json:"blue"`
Magenta string `json:"magenta"`
Cyan string `json:"cyan"`
White string `json:"white"`
BrightBlack string `json:"brightBlack"`
BrightRed string `json:"brightRed"`
BrightGreen string `json:"brightGreen"`
BrightYellow string `json:"brightYellow"`
BrightBlue string `json:"brightBlue"`
BrightMagenta string `json:"brightMagenta"`
BrightCyan string `json:"brightCyan"`
BrightWhite string `json:"brightWhite"`
Gray string `json:"gray"`
CmdText string `json:"cmdtext"`
Foreground string `json:"foreground"`
SelectionBackground string `json:"selectionBackground"`
Background string `json:"background"`
Cursor string `json:"cursor"`