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synced 2025-02-23 02:51:26 +01:00
Adds a table of contents in the markdown preview, with a button in the header to toggle whether to show the TOC. When a user clicks one of the TOC elements, the preview will scroll to the corresponding heading. I've also cleaned up some MD preview styling that was inconsistent and causing the preview to overflow unnecessarily. This also fixes some terminology in the preview code. <img width="574" alt="image" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/abb18ba9-21d3-4315-bdc3-e4bdcca39a4c">
164 lines
5.7 KiB
164 lines
5.7 KiB
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import { CopyButton } from "@/app/element/copybutton";
import { clsx } from "clsx";
import React, { CSSProperties, useCallback, useMemo, useRef } from "react";
import ReactMarkdown from "react-markdown";
import rehypeRaw from "rehype-raw";
import remarkGfm from "remark-gfm";
import { Atom, useAtomValue } from "jotai";
import { OverlayScrollbarsComponent } from "overlayscrollbars-react";
import RemarkFlexibleToc, { TocItem } from "remark-flexible-toc";
import { useHeight } from "../hook/useHeight";
import "./markdown.less";
const Link = ({ href, children }: { href: string; children: React.ReactNode }) => {
const newUrl = "https://extern?" + encodeURIComponent(href);
return (
<a href={newUrl} target="_blank" rel="noopener">
const Heading = ({ children, hnum }: { children: React.ReactNode; hnum: number }) => {
return <div className={clsx("heading", `is-${hnum}`)}>{children}</div>;
const Code = ({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) => {
return <code>{children}</code>;
type CodeBlockProps = {
children: React.ReactNode;
onClickExecute?: (cmd: string) => void;
const CodeBlock = ({ children, onClickExecute }: CodeBlockProps) => {
const getTextContent = (children: any): string => {
if (typeof children === "string") {
return children;
} else if (Array.isArray(children)) {
return children.map(getTextContent).join("");
} else if (children.props && children.props.children) {
return getTextContent(children.props.children);
return "";
const handleCopy = async (e: React.MouseEvent) => {
let textToCopy = getTextContent(children);
textToCopy = textToCopy.replace(/\n$/, ""); // remove trailing newline
await navigator.clipboard.writeText(textToCopy);
const handleExecute = (e: React.MouseEvent) => {
let textToCopy = getTextContent(children);
textToCopy = textToCopy.replace(/\n$/, ""); // remove trailing newline
if (onClickExecute) {
return (
<pre className="codeblock">
<div className="codeblock-actions">
<CopyButton className="copy-button" onClick={handleCopy} title="Copy" />
{onClickExecute && <i className="fa-regular fa-square-terminal" onClick={handleExecute}></i>}
type MarkdownProps = {
textAtom: Atom<string> | Atom<Promise<string>>;
showTocAtom: Atom<boolean>;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
className?: string;
onClickExecute?: (cmd: string) => void;
const Markdown = ({ textAtom, showTocAtom, style, className, onClickExecute }: MarkdownProps) => {
const text = useAtomValue(textAtom);
const tocRef = useRef<TocItem[]>([]);
const showToc = useAtomValue(showTocAtom);
const contentsRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const contentsHeight = useHeight(contentsRef, 200);
const halfContentsHeight = useMemo(() => {
return `${contentsHeight / 2}px`;
}, [contentsHeight]);
const onTocClick = useCallback((data: string) => {
if (contentsRef.current) {
const headings = contentsRef.current.getElementsByClassName("heading");
for (const heading of headings) {
if (heading.textContent === data) {
heading.scrollIntoView({ inline: "nearest", block: "end" });
}, []);
const markdownComponents = {
a: Link,
h1: (props: any) => <Heading {...props} hnum={1} />,
h2: (props: any) => <Heading {...props} hnum={2} />,
h3: (props: any) => <Heading {...props} hnum={3} />,
h4: (props: any) => <Heading {...props} hnum={4} />,
h5: (props: any) => <Heading {...props} hnum={5} />,
h6: (props: any) => <Heading {...props} hnum={6} />,
code: Code,
pre: (props: any) => <CodeBlock {...props} onClickExecute={onClickExecute} />,
const toc = useMemo(() => {
if (showToc && tocRef.current.length > 0) {
return tocRef.current.map((item) => {
return (
style={{ "--indent-factor": item.depth } as CSSProperties}
onClick={() => onTocClick(item.value)}
}, [showToc, tocRef]);
return (
<div className={clsx("markdown", className)} style={style} ref={contentsRef}>
style={{ "--half-contents-height": halfContentsHeight } as CSSProperties}
options={{ scrollbars: { autoHide: "leave" } }}
remarkPlugins={[remarkGfm, [RemarkFlexibleToc, { tocRef: tocRef.current }]]}
{showToc && (
<OverlayScrollbarsComponent className="toc" options={{ scrollbars: { autoHide: "leave" } }}>
<div className="toc-inner">
<h4>Table of Contents</h4>
export { Markdown };