
412 lines
9.9 KiB

package shparse
import (
// cmds := cmd (sep cmd)*
// sep := ';' | '&' | '&&' | '||' | '|' | '\n'
// cmd := simple-cmd | compound-command redirect-list?
// compound-command := brace-group | subshell | for-clause | case-clause | if-clause | while-clause | until-clause
// brace-group := '{' cmds '}'
// subshell := '(' cmds ')'
// simple-command := cmd-prefix cmd-word (io-redirect)*
// cmd-prefix := (io-redirect | assignment)*
// cmd-suffix := (io-redirect | word)*
// cmd-name := word
// cmd-word := word
// io-redirect := (io-number? io-file) | (io-number? io-here)
// io-file := ('<' | '<&' | '>' | '>&' | '>>' | '>|' ) filename
// io-here := ('<<' | '<<-') here_end
// here-end := word
// if-clause := 'if' compound-list 'then' compound-list else-part 'fi'
// else-part := 'elif' compound-list 'then' compound-list
// | 'elif' compount-list 'then' compound-list else-part
// | 'else' compound-list
// compound-list := linebreak term sep?
// $var
// ${var}
// ${var op word?}
// op := '-' | '=' | '?' | '+' | ':-' | ':=' | ':?' | ':+' | '%' | '%%' | '#' | '##'
// ${ '#' var }
// $(command)
// `command`
// $(( arith ))
// " ... "
// ' ... '
// $' ... '
// $" ... '
// " => $, ", `, \
// ' => '
// (process quotes)
// mark as escaped
// split into commands (use ';' as separator)
// parse special operators
// perform expansions (vars, globs, commands)
// split command into name and arguments
// A correctly-formed brace expansion must contain unquoted opening and closing braces, and at least one unquoted comma or a valid sequence expression
// Any incorrectly formed brace expansion is left unchanged.
// word: char *word; flags
// bash aliases are lexical
// [[, ((, $(( <- DQ
// $ -> expansion
// $(...)
// (...)
// $((...))
// ((...))
// ${...}
// {...}
// X=(...)
// ambiguity between $((...)) and $((ls); ls)
// ambiguity between foo=([0]=hell) and foo=([abc)
// tokenization https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/7908799/xcu/chap2.html#tag_001_003
const (
WordTypeRaw = "raw"
WordTypeLit = "lit"
WordTypeOp = "op" // single: & ; | ( ) < > \n multi(2): && || ;; << >> <& >& <> >| (( multi(3): <<- ('((' requires special processing)
WordTypeKey = "key" // if then else elif fi do done case esac while until for in { } ! (( [[
WordTypeSimpleVar = "svar" // simplevar $
WordTypeGroup = "grp" // contains other words e.g. "hello"foo'bar'$x
WordTypeDQ = "dq" // " (quote-context)
WordTypeDDQ = "ddq" // $" (quote-context)
WordTypeVarBrace = "varb" // ${ (quote-context)
WordTypeDP = "dp" // $( (quote-context)
WordTypeBQ = "bq" // ` (quote-context)
WordTypeSQ = "sq" // '
WordTypeDSQ = "dsq" // $'
WordTypeDPP = "dpp" // $(( (internals not parsed)
WordTypePP = "pp" // (( (internals not parsed)
WordTypeDB = "db" // $[ (internals not parsed)
type quoteContext []string
func (qc quoteContext) push(q string) quoteContext {
rtn := make([]string, 0, len(qc)+1)
rtn = append(rtn, qc...)
rtn = append(rtn, q)
return rtn
func (qc quoteContext) cur() string {
if len(qc) == 0 {
return ""
return qc[len(qc)-1]
type parseContext struct {
Input []rune
Pos int
QC quoteContext
type wordType struct {
Type string
Offset int
QC quoteContext
Raw []rune
Complete bool
Val string // only for Op and Key (does *not* store string values of quoted expressions or expansions)
Prefix []rune
Subs []*wordType
func (c *parseContext) clone(pos int, newQuote string) *parseContext {
rtn := parseContext{Input: c.Input[pos:], QC: c.QC}
if newQuote != "" {
rtn.QC = rtn.QC.push(newQuote)
return &rtn
func (c *parseContext) at(offset int) rune {
pos := c.Pos + offset
if pos < 0 || pos >= len(c.Input) {
return 0
return c.Input[pos]
func (c *parseContext) eof() bool {
return c.Pos >= len(c.Input)
func (c *parseContext) cur() rune {
return c.at(0)
func (c *parseContext) match(ch rune) bool {
return c.at(0) == ch
func (c *parseContext) match2(ch rune, ch2 rune) bool {
return c.at(0) == ch && c.at(1) == ch2
func (c *parseContext) match3(ch rune, ch2 rune, ch3 rune) bool {
return c.at(0) == ch && c.at(1) == ch2 && c.at(2) == ch3
func (c *parseContext) makeWord(t string, length int, complete bool) *wordType {
rtn := &wordType{Type: t}
rtn.Offset = c.Pos
rtn.QC = c.QC
rtn.Raw = c.Input[c.Pos : c.Pos+length]
rtn.Complete = complete
c.Pos += length
return rtn
// returns (found, newOffset)
// shell_meta_chars "()<>;&|"
// possible to maybe add ;;& &>> &> |& ;&
func (c *parseContext) parseOp(offset int) (bool, int) {
ch := c.at(offset)
if ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == '<' || ch == '>' || ch == ';' || ch == '&' || ch == '|' {
ch2 := c.at(offset + 1)
if ch2 == 0 {
return true, offset + 1
r2 := string([]rune{ch, ch2})
if r2 == "<<" {
ch3 := c.at(offset + 2)
if ch3 == '-' || ch3 == '<' {
return true, offset + 3 // "<<-" or "<<<"
return true, offset + 2 // "<<"
if r2 == ">>" || r2 == "&&" || r2 == "||" || r2 == ";;" || r2 == "<<" || r2 == "<&" || r2 == ">&" || r2 == "<>" || r2 == ">|" {
// we don't return '((' here (requires special processing)
return true, offset + 2
return true, offset + 1
return false, 0
// returns (new-offset, complete)
func (c *parseContext) skipToChar(offset int, endCh rune, allowEsc bool) (int, bool) {
for {
ch := c.at(offset)
if ch == 0 {
return offset, false
if allowEsc && ch == '\\' {
if c.at(offset+1) == 0 {
return offset + 1, false
offset += 2
if ch == endCh {
return offset + 1, true
// returns (new-offset, complete)
func (c *parseContext) skipToChar2(offset int, endCh rune, endCh2 rune, allowEsc bool) (int, bool) {
for {
ch := c.at(offset)
ch2 := c.at(offset + 1)
if ch == 0 {
return offset, false
if ch2 == 0 {
return offset + 1, false
if allowEsc && ch == '\\' {
offset += 2
if ch == endCh && ch2 == endCh2 {
return offset + 2, true
func (c *parseContext) parseStrSQ() *wordType {
if !c.match('\'') {
return nil
newOffset, complete := c.skipToChar(1, '\'', false)
w := c.makeWord(WordTypeSQ, newOffset, complete)
return w
func (c *parseContext) parseStrDQ() *wordType {
if !c.match('"') {
return nil
newContext := c.clone(c.Pos+1, WordTypeDQ)
subWords, eofExit := newContext.tokenizeDQ()
newOffset := newContext.Pos + 1
w := c.makeWord(WordTypeDQ, newOffset, !eofExit)
w.Subs = subWords
return w
func (c *parseContext) parseStrDDQ() *wordType {
if !c.match2('$', '"') {
return nil
newContext := c.clone(c.Pos+2, WordTypeDDQ)
subWords, eofExit := newContext.tokenizeDQ()
newOffset := newContext.Pos + 2
w := c.makeWord(WordTypeDDQ, newOffset, !eofExit)
w.Subs = subWords
return w
func (c *parseContext) parseStrBQ() *wordType {
if !c.match('`') {
return nil
newContext := c.clone(c.Pos+1, WordTypeBQ)
subWords, eofExit := newContext.tokenizeRaw()
newOffset := newContext.Pos + 1
w := c.makeWord(WordTypeBQ, newOffset, !eofExit)
w.Subs = subWords
return w
func (c *parseContext) parseStrANSI() *wordType {
if !c.match2('$', '\'') {
return nil
newOffset, complete := c.skipToChar(2, '\'', true)
w := c.makeWord(WordTypeDSQ, newOffset, complete)
return w
func (c *parseContext) parseArith(mustComplete bool) *wordType {
if !c.match2('(', '(') {
return nil
newOffset, complete := c.skipToChar2(2, ')', ')', false)
if mustComplete && !complete {
return nil
w := c.makeWord(WordTypePP, newOffset, complete)
return w
func (c *parseContext) parseExpansion() *wordType {
if !c.match('$') {
return nil
if c.match3('$', '(', '(') {
newOffset, complete := c.skipToChar2(3, ')', ')', false)
w := c.makeWord(WordTypeDPP, newOffset, complete)
return w
if c.match2('$', '(') {
// subshell
newContext := c.clone(c.Pos+2, WordTypeDP)
subWords, eofExit := newContext.tokenizeRaw()
newOffset := newContext.Pos + 2
w := c.makeWord(WordTypeDP, newOffset, !eofExit)
w.Subs = subWords
return w
if c.match2('$', '[') {
// deprecated arith expansion
newOffset, complete := c.skipToChar(2, ']', false)
w := c.makeWord(WordTypeDB, newOffset, complete)
return w
if c.match2('$', '{') {
// variable expansion
newContext := c.clone(c.Pos+2, WordTypeVarBrace)
_, eofExit := newContext.tokenizeVarBrace()
newOffset := newContext.Pos + 2
w := c.makeWord(WordTypeVarBrace, newOffset, !eofExit)
return w
ch2 := c.at(1)
if ch2 == 0 || unicode.IsSpace(ch2) {
// no expansion
return nil
newOffset := c.parseSimpleVarName(1)
if newOffset > 1 {
// simple variable name
w := c.makeWord(WordTypeSimpleVar, newOffset, true)
return w
if ch2 == '*' || ch2 == '@' || ch2 == '#' || ch2 == '?' || ch2 == '-' || ch2 == '$' || ch2 == '!' || (ch2 >= '0' && ch2 <= '9') {
// single character variable name, e.g. $@, $_, $1, etc.
w := c.makeWord(WordTypeSimpleVar, 2, true)
return w
return nil
// returns newOffset
func (c *parseContext) parseSimpleVarName(offset int) int {
first := true
for {
ch := c.at(offset)
if ch == 0 {
return offset
if (ch == '_' || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z')) || (!first && ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') {
first = false
return offset
func makeSpaceStr(slen int) string {
if slen == 0 {
return ""
if slen == 1 {
return " "
rtn := make([]byte, slen)
for i := 0; i < slen; i++ {
rtn[i] = ' '
return string(rtn)
func (w *wordType) String() string {
notCompleteFlag := " "
if !w.Complete {
notCompleteFlag = "*"
return fmt.Sprintf("%4s[%3d]%s %s%q", w.Type, w.Offset, notCompleteFlag, makeSpaceStr(len(w.Prefix)), string(w.FullRawString()))
func dumpWords(words []*wordType, indentStr string) {
for _, word := range words {
fmt.Printf("%s%s\n", indentStr, word.String())
if len(word.Subs) > 0 {
dumpWords(word.Subs, indentStr+" ")