mirror of
synced 2024-12-21 16:38:23 +01:00
Sets up a configurable global hotkey to focus the last window used in the application. Note that this is established at startup and configuration changes will not be applied until rebooting the app.
563 lines
18 KiB
563 lines
18 KiB
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package wconfig
import (
const SettingsFile = "settings.json"
const ConnectionsFile = "connections.json"
const AnySchema = `
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": true
type SettingsType struct {
AiClear bool `json:"ai:*,omitempty"`
AiPreset string `json:"ai:preset,omitempty"`
AiApiType string `json:"ai:apitype,omitempty"`
AiBaseURL string `json:"ai:baseurl,omitempty"`
AiApiToken string `json:"ai:apitoken,omitempty"`
AiName string `json:"ai:name,omitempty"`
AiModel string `json:"ai:model,omitempty"`
AiOrgID string `json:"ai:orgid,omitempty"`
AIApiVersion string `json:"ai:apiversion,omitempty"`
AiMaxTokens float64 `json:"ai:maxtokens,omitempty"`
AiTimeoutMs float64 `json:"ai:timeoutms,omitempty"`
TermClear bool `json:"term:*,omitempty"`
TermFontSize float64 `json:"term:fontsize,omitempty"`
TermFontFamily string `json:"term:fontfamily,omitempty"`
TermTheme string `json:"term:theme,omitempty"`
TermDisableWebGl bool `json:"term:disablewebgl,omitempty"`
TermLocalShellPath string `json:"term:localshellpath,omitempty"`
TermLocalShellOpts []string `json:"term:localshellopts,omitempty"`
TermScrollback *int64 `json:"term:scrollback,omitempty"`
TermCopyOnSelect *bool `json:"term:copyonselect,omitempty"`
EditorMinimapEnabled bool `json:"editor:minimapenabled,omitempty"`
EditorStickyScrollEnabled bool `json:"editor:stickyscrollenabled,omitempty"`
EditorWordWrap bool `json:"editor:wordwrap,omitempty"`
WebClear bool `json:"web:*,omitempty"`
WebOpenLinksInternally bool `json:"web:openlinksinternally,omitempty"`
WebDefaultUrl string `json:"web:defaulturl,omitempty"`
WebDefaultSearch string `json:"web:defaultsearch,omitempty"`
BlockHeaderClear bool `json:"blockheader:*,omitempty"`
BlockHeaderShowBlockIds bool `json:"blockheader:showblockids,omitempty"`
AutoUpdateClear bool `json:"autoupdate:*,omitempty"`
AutoUpdateEnabled bool `json:"autoupdate:enabled,omitempty"`
AutoUpdateIntervalMs float64 `json:"autoupdate:intervalms,omitempty"`
AutoUpdateInstallOnQuit bool `json:"autoupdate:installonquit,omitempty"`
AutoUpdateChannel string `json:"autoupdate:channel,omitempty"`
PreviewShowHiddenFiles *bool `json:"preview:showhiddenfiles,omitempty"`
TabPreset string `json:"tab:preset,omitempty"`
WidgetClear bool `json:"widget:*,omitempty"`
WidgetShowHelp *bool `json:"widget:showhelp,omitempty"`
WindowClear bool `json:"window:*,omitempty"`
WindowTransparent bool `json:"window:transparent,omitempty"`
WindowBlur bool `json:"window:blur,omitempty"`
WindowOpacity *float64 `json:"window:opacity,omitempty"`
WindowBgColor string `json:"window:bgcolor,omitempty"`
WindowReducedMotion bool `json:"window:reducedmotion,omitempty"`
WindowTileGapSize *int64 `json:"window:tilegapsize,omitempty"`
WindowShowMenuBar bool `json:"window:showmenubar,omitempty"`
WindowNativeTitleBar bool `json:"window:nativetitlebar,omitempty"`
WindowDisableHardwareAcceleration bool `json:"window:disablehardwareacceleration,omitempty"`
WindowMaxTabCacheSize int `json:"window:maxtabcachesize,omitempty"`
WindowMagnifiedBlockOpacity *float64 `json:"window:magnifiedblockopacity,omitempty"`
WindowMagnifiedBlockSize *float64 `json:"window:magnifiedblocksize,omitempty"`
WindowMagnifiedBlockBlurPrimaryPx *int64 `json:"window:magnifiedblockblurprimarypx,omitempty"`
WindowMagnifiedBlockBlurSecondaryPx *int64 `json:"window:magnifiedblockblursecondarypx,omitempty"`
KeyClear bool `json:"key:*,omitempty"`
KeyGlobalHotkey string `json:"key:globalhotkey,omitempty"`
TelemetryClear bool `json:"telemetry:*,omitempty"`
TelemetryEnabled bool `json:"telemetry:enabled,omitempty"`
ConnClear bool `json:"conn:*,omitempty"`
ConnAskBeforeWshInstall bool `json:"conn:askbeforewshinstall,omitempty"`
ConnWshEnabled bool `json:"conn:wshenabled,omitempty"`
type ConfigError struct {
File string `json:"file"`
Err string `json:"err"`
type FullConfigType struct {
Settings SettingsType `json:"settings" merge:"meta"`
MimeTypes map[string]MimeTypeConfigType `json:"mimetypes"`
DefaultWidgets map[string]WidgetConfigType `json:"defaultwidgets"`
Widgets map[string]WidgetConfigType `json:"widgets"`
Presets map[string]waveobj.MetaMapType `json:"presets"`
TermThemes map[string]TermThemeType `json:"termthemes"`
Connections map[string]wshrpc.ConnKeywords `json:"connections"`
ConfigErrors []ConfigError `json:"configerrors" configfile:"-"`
func goBackWS(barr []byte, offset int) int {
if offset >= len(barr) {
offset = offset - 1
for i := offset - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if barr[i] == ' ' || barr[i] == '\t' || barr[i] == '\n' || barr[i] == '\r' {
return i
return 0
func isTrailingCommaError(barr []byte, offset int) bool {
if offset >= len(barr) {
offset = offset - 1
offset = goBackWS(barr, offset)
if barr[offset] == '}' {
offset = goBackWS(barr, offset)
if barr[offset] == ',' {
return true
return false
func readConfigHelper(fileName string, barr []byte, readErr error) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
var cerrs []ConfigError
if readErr != nil && !os.IsNotExist(readErr) {
cerrs = append(cerrs, ConfigError{File: fileName, Err: readErr.Error()})
if len(barr) == 0 {
return nil, cerrs
var rtn waveobj.MetaMapType
err := json.Unmarshal(barr, &rtn)
if err != nil {
if syntaxErr, ok := err.(*json.SyntaxError); ok {
offset := syntaxErr.Offset
if offset > 0 {
offset = offset - 1
lineNum, colNum := utilfn.GetLineColFromOffset(barr, int(offset))
isTrailingComma := isTrailingCommaError(barr, int(offset))
if isTrailingComma {
err = fmt.Errorf("json syntax error at line %d, col %d: probably an extra trailing comma: %v", lineNum, colNum, syntaxErr)
} else {
err = fmt.Errorf("json syntax error at line %d, col %d: %v", lineNum, colNum, syntaxErr)
cerrs = append(cerrs, ConfigError{File: fileName, Err: err.Error()})
return rtn, cerrs
func readConfigFileFS(fsys fs.FS, logPrefix string, fileName string) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
barr, readErr := fs.ReadFile(fsys, fileName)
if readErr != nil {
// If we get an error, we may be using the wrong path separator for the given FS interface. Try switching the separator.
barr, readErr = fs.ReadFile(fsys, filepath.ToSlash(fileName))
return readConfigHelper(logPrefix+fileName, barr, readErr)
func ReadDefaultsConfigFile(fileName string) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
return readConfigFileFS(defaultconfig.ConfigFS, "defaults:", fileName)
func ReadWaveHomeConfigFile(fileName string) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
configDirAbsPath := wavebase.GetWaveConfigDir()
configDirFsys := os.DirFS(configDirAbsPath)
return readConfigFileFS(configDirFsys, "", fileName)
func WriteWaveHomeConfigFile(fileName string, m waveobj.MetaMapType) error {
configDirAbsPath := wavebase.GetWaveConfigDir()
fullFileName := filepath.Join(configDirAbsPath, fileName)
barr, err := jsonMarshalConfigInOrder(m)
if err != nil {
return err
return os.WriteFile(fullFileName, barr, 0644)
// simple merge that overwrites
func mergeMetaMapSimple(m waveobj.MetaMapType, toMerge waveobj.MetaMapType) waveobj.MetaMapType {
if m == nil {
return toMerge
if toMerge == nil {
return m
for k, v := range toMerge {
if v == nil {
delete(m, k)
m[k] = v
if len(m) == 0 {
return nil
return m
func mergeMetaMap(m waveobj.MetaMapType, toMerge waveobj.MetaMapType, simpleMerge bool) waveobj.MetaMapType {
if simpleMerge {
return mergeMetaMapSimple(m, toMerge)
} else {
return waveobj.MergeMeta(m, toMerge, true)
func selectDirEntsBySuffix(dirEnts []fs.DirEntry, fileNameSuffix string) []fs.DirEntry {
var rtn []fs.DirEntry
for _, ent := range dirEnts {
if ent.IsDir() {
if !strings.HasSuffix(ent.Name(), fileNameSuffix) {
rtn = append(rtn, ent)
return rtn
func SortFileNameDescend(files []fs.DirEntry) {
sort.Slice(files, func(i, j int) bool {
return files[i].Name() > files[j].Name()
// Read and merge all files in the specified directory matching the supplied suffix
func readConfigFilesForDir(fsys fs.FS, logPrefix string, dirName string, fileName string, simpleMerge bool) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
dirEnts, _ := fs.ReadDir(fsys, dirName)
suffixEnts := selectDirEntsBySuffix(dirEnts, fileName+".json")
var rtn waveobj.MetaMapType
var errs []ConfigError
for _, ent := range suffixEnts {
fileVal, cerrs := readConfigFileFS(fsys, logPrefix, filepath.Join(dirName, ent.Name()))
rtn = mergeMetaMap(rtn, fileVal, simpleMerge)
errs = append(errs, cerrs...)
return rtn, errs
// Read and merge all files in the specified config filesystem matching the patterns `<partName>.json` and `<partName>/*.json`
func readConfigPartForFS(fsys fs.FS, logPrefix string, partName string, simpleMerge bool) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
config, errs := readConfigFilesForDir(fsys, logPrefix, partName, "", simpleMerge)
allErrs := errs
rtn := config
config, errs = readConfigFileFS(fsys, logPrefix, partName+".json")
allErrs = append(allErrs, errs...)
return mergeMetaMap(rtn, config, simpleMerge), allErrs
// Combine files from the defaults and home directory for the specified config part name
func readConfigPart(partName string, simpleMerge bool) (waveobj.MetaMapType, []ConfigError) {
configDirAbsPath := wavebase.GetWaveConfigDir()
configDirFsys := os.DirFS(configDirAbsPath)
defaultConfigs, cerrs := readConfigPartForFS(defaultconfig.ConfigFS, "defaults:", partName, simpleMerge)
homeConfigs, cerrs1 := readConfigPartForFS(configDirFsys, "", partName, simpleMerge)
rtn := defaultConfigs
allErrs := append(cerrs, cerrs1...)
return mergeMetaMap(rtn, homeConfigs, simpleMerge), allErrs
func ReadFullConfig() FullConfigType {
var fullConfig FullConfigType
configRType := reflect.TypeOf(fullConfig)
configRVal := reflect.ValueOf(&fullConfig).Elem()
for fieldIdx := 0; fieldIdx < configRType.NumField(); fieldIdx++ {
field := configRType.Field(fieldIdx)
if field.PkgPath != "" {
configFile := field.Tag.Get("configfile")
if configFile == "-" {
jsonTag := utilfn.GetJsonTag(field)
simpleMerge := field.Tag.Get("merge") == ""
var configPart waveobj.MetaMapType
var errs []ConfigError
if jsonTag == "-" || jsonTag == "" {
} else {
configPart, errs = readConfigPart(jsonTag, simpleMerge)
fullConfig.ConfigErrors = append(fullConfig.ConfigErrors, errs...)
if configPart != nil {
fieldPtr := configRVal.Field(fieldIdx).Addr().Interface()
utilfn.ReUnmarshal(fieldPtr, configPart)
return fullConfig
func GetConfigSubdirs() []string {
var fullConfig FullConfigType
configRType := reflect.TypeOf(fullConfig)
var retVal []string
configDirAbsPath := wavebase.GetWaveConfigDir()
for fieldIdx := 0; fieldIdx < configRType.NumField(); fieldIdx++ {
field := configRType.Field(fieldIdx)
if field.PkgPath != "" {
configFile := field.Tag.Get("configfile")
if configFile == "-" {
jsonTag := utilfn.GetJsonTag(field)
if jsonTag != "-" && jsonTag != "" && jsonTag != "settings" {
retVal = append(retVal, filepath.Join(configDirAbsPath, jsonTag))
log.Printf("subdirs: %v\n", retVal)
return retVal
func getConfigKeyType(configKey string) reflect.Type {
ctype := reflect.TypeOf(SettingsType{})
for i := 0; i < ctype.NumField(); i++ {
field := ctype.Field(i)
jsonTag := utilfn.GetJsonTag(field)
if jsonTag == configKey {
return field.Type
return nil
func getConfigKeyNamespace(key string) string {
colonIdx := strings.Index(key, ":")
if colonIdx == -1 {
return ""
return key[:colonIdx]
func orderConfigKeys(m waveobj.MetaMapType) []string {
keys := make([]string, 0, len(m))
for k := range m {
keys = append(keys, k)
sort.Slice(keys, func(i, j int) bool {
k1 := keys[i]
k2 := keys[j]
k1ns := getConfigKeyNamespace(k1)
k2ns := getConfigKeyNamespace(k2)
if k1ns != k2ns {
return k1ns < k2ns
return k1 < k2
return keys
func reindentJson(barr []byte, indentStr string) []byte {
if len(barr) < 2 {
return barr
if barr[0] != '{' && barr[0] != '[' {
return barr
if !bytes.Contains(barr, []byte("\n")) {
return barr
outputLines := bytes.Split(barr, []byte("\n"))
for i, line := range outputLines {
if i == 0 {
outputLines[i] = append([]byte(indentStr), line...)
return bytes.Join(outputLines, []byte("\n"))
func jsonMarshalConfigInOrder(m waveobj.MetaMapType) ([]byte, error) {
if len(m) == 0 {
return []byte("{}"), nil
var buf bytes.Buffer
orderedKeys := orderConfigKeys(m)
for idx, key := range orderedKeys {
val := m[key]
keyBarr, err := json.Marshal(key)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
valBarr, err := json.MarshalIndent(val, "", " ")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
valBarr = reindentJson(valBarr, " ")
buf.WriteString(" ")
buf.WriteString(": ")
if idx < len(orderedKeys)-1 {
return buf.Bytes(), nil
var dummyNumber json.Number
func convertJsonNumber(num json.Number, ctype reflect.Type) (interface{}, error) {
// ctype might be int64, float64, string, *int64, *float64, *string
// switch on ctype first
if ctype.Kind() == reflect.Pointer {
ctype = ctype.Elem()
if reflect.Int64 == ctype.Kind() {
if ival, err := num.Int64(); err == nil {
return ival, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid number for int64: %s", num)
if reflect.Float64 == ctype.Kind() {
if fval, err := num.Float64(); err == nil {
return fval, nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid number for float64: %s", num)
if reflect.String == ctype.Kind() {
return num.String(), nil
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot convert number to %s", ctype)
func SetBaseConfigValue(toMerge waveobj.MetaMapType) error {
m, cerrs := ReadWaveHomeConfigFile(SettingsFile)
if len(cerrs) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("error reading config file: %v", cerrs[0])
if m == nil {
m = make(waveobj.MetaMapType)
for configKey, val := range toMerge {
ctype := getConfigKeyType(configKey)
if ctype == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid config key: %s", configKey)
if val == nil {
delete(m, configKey)
} else {
rtype := reflect.TypeOf(val)
if rtype == reflect.TypeOf(dummyNumber) {
convertedVal, err := convertJsonNumber(val.(json.Number), ctype)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot convert %s: %v", configKey, err)
val = convertedVal
rtype = reflect.TypeOf(val)
if rtype != ctype {
if ctype == reflect.PointerTo(rtype) {
m[configKey] = &val
} else {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid value type for %s: %T", configKey, val)
m[configKey] = val
return WriteWaveHomeConfigFile(SettingsFile, m)
func SetConnectionsConfigValue(connName string, toMerge waveobj.MetaMapType) error {
m, cerrs := ReadWaveHomeConfigFile(ConnectionsFile)
if len(cerrs) > 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("error reading config file: %v", cerrs[0])
if m == nil {
m = make(waveobj.MetaMapType)
connData := m.GetMap(connName)
if connData == nil {
connData = make(waveobj.MetaMapType)
for configKey, val := range toMerge {
connData[configKey] = val
m[connName] = connData
return WriteWaveHomeConfigFile(ConnectionsFile, m)
type WidgetConfigType struct {
DisplayOrder float64 `json:"display:order,omitempty"`
Icon string `json:"icon,omitempty"`
Color string `json:"color,omitempty"`
Label string `json:"label,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
BlockDef waveobj.BlockDef `json:"blockdef"`
type MimeTypeConfigType struct {
Icon string `json:"icon"`
Color string `json:"color"`
type TermThemeType struct {
DisplayName string `json:"display:name"`
DisplayOrder float64 `json:"display:order"`
Black string `json:"black"`
Red string `json:"red"`
Green string `json:"green"`
Yellow string `json:"yellow"`
Blue string `json:"blue"`
Magenta string `json:"magenta"`
Cyan string `json:"cyan"`
White string `json:"white"`
BrightBlack string `json:"brightBlack"`
BrightRed string `json:"brightRed"`
BrightGreen string `json:"brightGreen"`
BrightYellow string `json:"brightYellow"`
BrightBlue string `json:"brightBlue"`
BrightMagenta string `json:"brightMagenta"`
BrightCyan string `json:"brightCyan"`
BrightWhite string `json:"brightWhite"`
Gray string `json:"gray"`
CmdText string `json:"cmdtext"`
Foreground string `json:"foreground"`
SelectionBackground string `json:"selectionBackground"`
Background string `json:"background"`
Cursor string `json:"cursor"`