mirror of
synced 2025-03-27 16:09:21 +01:00
2401 lines
80 KiB
2401 lines
80 KiB
// Copyright 2023, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package sstore
import (
var updateWriterCVar = sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{})
var WebScreenPtyPosLock = &sync.Mutex{}
var WebScreenPtyPosDelIntent = make(map[string]bool) // map[screenid + ":" + lineid] -> bool
type SingleConnDBGetter struct {
SingleConnLock *sync.Mutex
type FeStateType map[string]string
type TxWrap = txwrap.TxWrap
var dbWrap *SingleConnDBGetter
func init() {
dbWrap = &SingleConnDBGetter{SingleConnLock: &sync.Mutex{}}
func (dbg *SingleConnDBGetter) GetDB(ctx context.Context) (*sqlx.DB, error) {
db, err := GetDB(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return db, nil
func (dbg *SingleConnDBGetter) ReleaseDB(db *sqlx.DB) {
func WithTx(ctx context.Context, fn func(tx *TxWrap) error) error {
return txwrap.DBGWithTx(ctx, dbWrap, fn)
func NotifyUpdateWriter() {
// must happen in a goroutine to prevent deadlock.
// update-writer holds this lock while reading from the DB. we can't be holding the DB lock while calling this!
go func() {
defer updateWriterCVar.L.Unlock()
func UpdateWriterCheckMoreData() {
defer updateWriterCVar.L.Unlock()
for {
updateCount, err := CountScreenUpdates(context.Background())
if err != nil {
log.Printf("ERROR getting screen update count (sleeping): %v", err)
// will just lead to a Wait()
if updateCount > 0 {
func NumSessions(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
var numSessions int
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := "SELECT count(*) FROM session"
numSessions = tx.GetInt(query)
return nil
return numSessions, txErr
func GetAllRemotes(ctx context.Context) ([]*RemoteType, error) {
var rtn []*RemoteType
err := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT * FROM remote ORDER BY remoteidx`
marr := tx.SelectMaps(query)
for _, m := range marr {
rtn = append(rtn, dbutil.FromMap[*RemoteType](m))
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rtn, nil
func GetAllImportedRemotes(ctx context.Context) (map[string]*RemoteType, error) {
rtn := make(map[string]*RemoteType)
err := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT * FROM remote
WHERE sshconfigsrc = "sshconfig-import"
ORDER BY remoteidx`
marr := tx.SelectMaps(query)
for _, m := range marr {
remote := dbutil.FromMap[*RemoteType](m)
rtn[remote.RemoteCanonicalName] = remote
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rtn, nil
func GetRemoteByAlias(ctx context.Context, alias string) (*RemoteType, error) {
var remote *RemoteType
err := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT * FROM remote WHERE remotealias = ?`
m := tx.GetMap(query, alias)
remote = dbutil.FromMap[*RemoteType](m)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return remote, nil
func GetRemoteById(ctx context.Context, remoteId string) (*RemoteType, error) {
var remote *RemoteType
err := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT * FROM remote WHERE remoteid = ?`
m := tx.GetMap(query, remoteId)
remote = dbutil.FromMap[*RemoteType](m)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return remote, nil
func GetLocalRemote(ctx context.Context) (*RemoteType, error) {
var remote *RemoteType
err := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT * FROM remote WHERE local`
m := tx.GetMap(query)
remote = dbutil.FromMap[*RemoteType](m)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return remote, nil
func GetRemoteByCanonicalName(ctx context.Context, cname string) (*RemoteType, error) {
var remote *RemoteType
err := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT * FROM remote WHERE remotecanonicalname = ?`
remote = dbutil.GetMapGen[*RemoteType](tx, query, cname)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return remote, nil
func UpsertRemote(ctx context.Context, r *RemoteType) error {
if r == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot insert nil remote")
if r.RemoteId == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot insert remote without id")
if r.RemoteCanonicalName == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot insert remote with canonicalname")
if r.RemoteType == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot insert remote without type")
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT remoteid FROM remote WHERE remoteid = ?`
if tx.Exists(query, r.RemoteId) {
tx.Exec(`DELETE FROM remote WHERE remoteid = ?`, r.RemoteId)
query = `SELECT remoteid FROM remote WHERE remotecanonicalname = ?`
if tx.Exists(query, r.RemoteCanonicalName) {
return fmt.Errorf("remote has duplicate canonicalname '%s', cannot create", r.RemoteCanonicalName)
query = `SELECT remoteid FROM remote WHERE remotealias = ?`
if r.RemoteAlias != "" && tx.Exists(query, r.RemoteAlias) {
return fmt.Errorf("remote has duplicate alias '%s', cannot create", r.RemoteAlias)
query = `SELECT COALESCE(max(remoteidx), 0) FROM remote`
maxRemoteIdx := tx.GetInt(query)
r.RemoteIdx = int64(maxRemoteIdx + 1)
query = `INSERT INTO remote
( remoteid, remotetype, remotealias, remotecanonicalname, remoteuser, remotehost, connectmode, autoinstall, sshopts, remoteopts, lastconnectts, archived, remoteidx, local, statevars, sshconfigsrc, openaiopts, shellpref) VALUES
tx.NamedExec(query, r.ToMap())
return nil
return txErr
func UpdateRemoteStateVars(ctx context.Context, remoteId string, stateVars map[string]string) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE remote SET statevars = ? WHERE remoteid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, quickJson(stateVars), remoteId)
return nil
// includes archived sessions
func GetBareSessions(ctx context.Context) ([]*SessionType, error) {
var rtn []*SessionType
err := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT * FROM session ORDER BY archived, sessionidx, archivedts`
tx.Select(&rtn, query)
return nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rtn, nil
// does not include archived, finds lowest sessionidx (for resetting active session)
func GetFirstSessionId(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
var rtn []string
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT sessionid from session WHERE NOT archived ORDER by sessionidx`
rtn = tx.SelectStrings(query)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return "", txErr
if len(rtn) == 0 {
return "", nil
return rtn[0], nil
func GetBareSessionById(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) (*SessionType, error) {
var rtn SessionType
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT * FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.Get(&rtn, query, sessionId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
if rtn.SessionId == "" {
return nil, nil
return &rtn, nil
const getAllSessionsQuery = `SELECT * FROM session ORDER BY archived, sessionidx, archivedts`
// Gets all sessions, including archived
func GetAllSessions(ctx context.Context) ([]*SessionType, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) ([]*SessionType, error) {
rtn := []*SessionType{}
tx.Select(&rtn, getAllSessionsQuery)
return rtn, nil
// Get all sessions and screens, including remotes
func GetConnectUpdate(ctx context.Context) (*ConnectUpdate, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (*ConnectUpdate, error) {
update := &ConnectUpdate{}
sessions := []*SessionType{}
tx.Select(&sessions, getAllSessionsQuery)
sessionMap := make(map[string]*SessionType)
for _, session := range sessions {
sessionMap[session.SessionId] = session
update.Sessions = append(update.Sessions, session)
query := `SELECT * FROM screen ORDER BY archived, screenidx, archivedts`
screens := dbutil.SelectMapsGen[*ScreenType](tx, query)
for _, screen := range screens {
update.Screens = append(update.Screens, screen)
query = `SELECT * FROM remote_instance`
riArr := dbutil.SelectMapsGen[*RemoteInstance](tx, query)
for _, ri := range riArr {
s := sessionMap[ri.SessionId]
if s != nil {
s.Remotes = append(s.Remotes, ri)
query = `SELECT activesessionid FROM client`
update.ActiveSessionId = tx.GetString(query)
return update, nil
func GetScreenLinesById(ctx context.Context, screenId string) (*ScreenLinesType, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (*ScreenLinesType, error) {
query := `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE screenid = ?`
screen := dbutil.GetMappable[*ScreenLinesType](tx, query, screenId)
if screen == nil {
return nil, nil
query = `SELECT * FROM line WHERE screenid = ? ORDER BY linenum`
screen.Lines = dbutil.SelectMappable[*LineType](tx, query, screen.ScreenId)
query = `SELECT * FROM cmd WHERE screenid = ?`
screen.Cmds = dbutil.SelectMapsGen[*CmdType](tx, query, screen.ScreenId)
return screen, nil
// includes archived screens
func GetSessionScreens(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) ([]*ScreenType, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) ([]*ScreenType, error) {
query := `SELECT * FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? ORDER BY archived, screenidx, archivedts`
rtn := dbutil.SelectMapsGen[*ScreenType](tx, query, sessionId)
return rtn, nil
func GetSessionById(ctx context.Context, id string) (*SessionType, error) {
allSessions, err := GetAllSessions(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, session := range allSessions {
if session.SessionId == id {
return session, nil
return nil, nil
// counts non-archived sessions
func GetSessionCount(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (int, error) {
query := `SELECT COALESCE(count(*), 0) FROM session WHERE NOT archived`
numSessions := tx.GetInt(query)
return numSessions, nil
func GetSessionByName(ctx context.Context, name string) (*SessionType, error) {
var session *SessionType
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE name = ?`
sessionId := tx.GetString(query, name)
if sessionId == "" {
return nil
var err error
session, err = GetSessionById(tx.Context(), sessionId)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
return session, nil
// returns sessionId
// if sessionName == "", it will be generated
func InsertSessionWithName(ctx context.Context, sessionName string, activate bool) (*scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType, error) {
var newScreen *ScreenType
newSessionId := scbase.GenWaveUUID()
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
names := tx.SelectStrings(`SELECT name FROM session`)
sessionName = fmtUniqueName(sessionName, "workspace-%d", len(names)+1, names)
maxSessionIdx := tx.GetInt(`SELECT COALESCE(max(sessionidx), 0) FROM session`)
query := `INSERT INTO session (sessionid, name, activescreenid, sessionidx, notifynum, archived, archivedts, sharemode)
VALUES (?, ?, '', ?, 0, 0, 0, ?)`
tx.Exec(query, newSessionId, sessionName, maxSessionIdx+1, ShareModeLocal)
screenUpdate, err := InsertScreen(tx.Context(), newSessionId, "", ScreenCreateOpts{}, true)
if err != nil {
return err
screenUpdateItems := scbus.GetUpdateItems[ScreenType](screenUpdate)
if len(screenUpdateItems) < 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("no screen update items")
newScreen = screenUpdateItems[0]
if activate {
query = `UPDATE client SET activesessionid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, newSessionId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
session, err := GetSessionById(ctx, newSessionId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
update := scbus.MakeUpdatePacket()
if activate {
return update, nil
func SetActiveSessionId(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot switch to session, not found")
query = `UPDATE client SET activesessionid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, sessionId)
return nil
return txErr
func GetActiveSessionId(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
var rtnId string
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT activesessionid FROM client`
rtnId = tx.GetString(query)
return nil
return rtnId, txErr
func SetWinSize(ctx context.Context, winSize ClientWinSizeType) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE client SET winsize = ?`
tx.Exec(query, quickJson(winSize))
return nil
return txErr
func UpdateClientFeOpts(ctx context.Context, feOpts FeOptsType) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE client SET feopts = ?`
tx.Exec(query, quickJson(feOpts))
return nil
return txErr
func UpdateClientOpenAIOpts(ctx context.Context, aiOpts OpenAIOptsType) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE client SET openaiopts = ?`
tx.Exec(query, quickJson(aiOpts))
return nil
return txErr
func containsStr(strs []string, testStr string) bool {
for _, s := range strs {
if s == testStr {
return true
return false
func fmtUniqueName(name string, defaultFmtStr string, startIdx int, strs []string) string {
var fmtStr string
if name != "" {
if !containsStr(strs, name) {
return name
fmtStr = name + "-%d"
startIdx = 2
} else {
fmtStr = defaultFmtStr
if strings.Index(fmtStr, "%d") == -1 {
panic("invalid fmtStr: " + fmtStr)
for {
testName := fmt.Sprintf(fmtStr, startIdx)
if containsStr(strs, testName) {
return testName
func InsertScreen(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, origScreenName string, opts ScreenCreateOpts, activate bool) (*scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType, error) {
var newScreenId string
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE sessionid = ? AND NOT archived`
if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot create screen, no session found (or session archived)")
localRemoteId := tx.GetString(`SELECT remoteid FROM remote WHERE remotealias = ?`, LocalRemoteAlias)
if localRemoteId == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot create screen, no local remote found")
maxScreenIdx := tx.GetInt(`SELECT COALESCE(max(screenidx), 0) FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND NOT archived`, sessionId)
var screenName string
if origScreenName == "" {
screenNames := tx.SelectStrings(`SELECT name FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND NOT archived`, sessionId)
screenName = fmtUniqueName("", "s%d", maxScreenIdx+1, screenNames)
} else {
screenName = origScreenName
var baseScreen *ScreenType
if opts.HasCopy() {
if opts.BaseScreenId == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid screen create opts, copy option with no base screen specified")
var err error
baseScreen, err = GetScreenById(tx.Context(), opts.BaseScreenId)
if err != nil {
return err
if baseScreen == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot create screen, base screen not found")
newScreenId = scbase.GenWaveUUID()
screen := &ScreenType{
SessionId: sessionId,
ScreenId: newScreenId,
Name: screenName,
ScreenIdx: int64(maxScreenIdx) + 1,
ScreenOpts: ScreenOptsType{},
OwnerId: "",
ShareMode: ShareModeLocal,
CurRemote: RemotePtrType{RemoteId: localRemoteId},
NextLineNum: 1,
SelectedLine: 0,
Anchor: ScreenAnchorType{},
FocusType: ScreenFocusInput,
Archived: false,
ArchivedTs: 0,
query = `INSERT INTO screen ( sessionid, screenid, name, screenidx, screenopts, screenviewopts, ownerid, sharemode, webshareopts, curremoteownerid, curremoteid, curremotename, nextlinenum, selectedline, anchor, focustype, archived, archivedts)
VALUES (:sessionid,:screenid,:name,:screenidx,:screenopts,:screenviewopts,:ownerid,:sharemode,:webshareopts,:curremoteownerid,:curremoteid,:curremotename,:nextlinenum,:selectedline,:anchor,:focustype,:archived,:archivedts)`
tx.NamedExec(query, screen.ToMap())
if activate {
query = `UPDATE session SET activescreenid = ? WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, newScreenId, sessionId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
newScreen, err := GetScreenById(ctx, newScreenId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
update := scbus.MakeUpdatePacket()
if activate {
bareSession, err := GetBareSessionById(ctx, sessionId)
if err != nil {
return nil, txErr
UpdateWithCurrentOpenAICmdInfoChat(newScreenId, update)
return update, nil
func GetScreenById(ctx context.Context, screenId string) (*ScreenType, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (*ScreenType, error) {
query := `SELECT * FROM screen WHERE screenid = ?`
screen := dbutil.GetMapGen[*ScreenType](tx, query, screenId)
return screen, nil
// special "E" returns last unarchived line, "EA" returns last line (even if archived)
func FindLineIdByArg(ctx context.Context, screenId string, lineArg string) (string, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (string, error) {
if lineArg == "E" {
query := `SELECT lineid FROM line WHERE screenid = ? AND NOT archived ORDER BY linenum DESC LIMIT 1`
lineId := tx.GetString(query, screenId)
return lineId, nil
if lineArg == "EA" {
query := `SELECT lineid FROM line WHERE screenid = ? ORDER BY linenum DESC LIMIT 1`
lineId := tx.GetString(query, screenId)
return lineId, nil
lineNum, err := strconv.Atoi(lineArg)
if err == nil {
// valid linenum
query := `SELECT lineid FROM line WHERE screenid = ? AND linenum = ?`
lineId := tx.GetString(query, screenId, lineNum)
return lineId, nil
} else if len(lineArg) == 8 {
// prefix id string match
query := `SELECT lineid FROM line WHERE screenid = ? AND substr(lineid, 1, 8) = ?`
lineId := tx.GetString(query, screenId, lineArg)
return lineId, nil
} else {
// id match
query := `SELECT lineid FROM line WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
lineId := tx.GetString(query, screenId, lineArg)
return lineId, nil
func GetLineCmdByLineId(ctx context.Context, screenId string, lineId string) (*LineType, *CmdType, error) {
return WithTxRtn3(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (*LineType, *CmdType, error) {
query := `SELECT * FROM line WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
lineVal := dbutil.GetMappable[*LineType](tx, query, screenId, lineId)
if lineVal == nil {
return nil, nil, nil
var cmdRtn *CmdType
query = `SELECT * FROM cmd WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
cmdRtn = dbutil.GetMapGen[*CmdType](tx, query, screenId, lineId)
return lineVal, cmdRtn, nil
func InsertLine(ctx context.Context, line *LineType, cmd *CmdType) error {
if line == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("line cannot be nil")
if line.LineId == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("line must have lineid set")
if line.LineNum != 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("line should not hage linenum set")
if cmd != nil && cmd.ScreenId == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("cmd should have screenid set")
qjs := dbutil.QuickJson(line.LineState)
if len(qjs) > MaxLineStateSize {
return fmt.Errorf("linestate exceeds maxsize, size[%d] max[%d]", len(qjs), MaxLineStateSize)
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE screenid = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, line.ScreenId) {
return fmt.Errorf("screen not found, cannot insert line[%s]", line.ScreenId)
query = `SELECT nextlinenum FROM screen WHERE screenid = ?`
nextLineNum := tx.GetInt(query, line.ScreenId)
line.LineNum = int64(nextLineNum)
query = `INSERT INTO line ( screenid, userid, lineid, ts, linenum, linenumtemp, linelocal, linetype, linestate, text, renderer, ephemeral, contentheight, star, archived)
VALUES (:screenid,:userid,:lineid,:ts,:linenum,:linenumtemp,:linelocal,:linetype,:linestate,:text,:renderer,:ephemeral,:contentheight,:star,:archived)`
tx.NamedExec(query, dbutil.ToDBMap(line, false))
query = `UPDATE screen SET nextlinenum = ? WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, nextLineNum+1, line.ScreenId)
if cmd != nil {
cmd.OrigTermOpts = cmd.TermOpts
cmdMap := cmd.ToMap()
query = `
INSERT INTO cmd ( screenid, lineid, remoteownerid, remoteid, remotename, cmdstr, rawcmdstr, festate, statebasehash, statediffhasharr, termopts, origtermopts, status, cmdpid, remotepid, donets, restartts, exitcode, durationms, rtnstate, runout, rtnbasehash, rtndiffhasharr)
VALUES (:screenid,:lineid,:remoteownerid,:remoteid,:remotename,:cmdstr,:rawcmdstr,:festate,:statebasehash,:statediffhasharr,:termopts,:origtermopts,:status,:cmdpid,:remotepid,:donets,:restartts,:exitcode,:durationms,:rtnstate,:runout,:rtnbasehash,:rtndiffhasharr)
tx.NamedExec(query, cmdMap)
if isWebShare(tx, line.ScreenId) {
insertScreenLineUpdate(tx, line.ScreenId, line.LineId, UpdateType_LineNew)
return nil
func GetCmdByScreenId(ctx context.Context, screenId string, lineId string) (*CmdType, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (*CmdType, error) {
query := `SELECT * FROM cmd WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
cmd := dbutil.GetMapGen[*CmdType](tx, query, screenId, lineId)
return cmd, nil
func UpdateWithClearOpenAICmdInfo(screenId string) *scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType {
return UpdateWithCurrentOpenAICmdInfoChat(screenId, nil)
func UpdateWithAddNewOpenAICmdInfoPacket(ctx context.Context, screenId string, pk *packet.OpenAICmdInfoChatMessage) *scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType {
ScreenMemAddCmdInfoChatMessage(screenId, pk)
return UpdateWithCurrentOpenAICmdInfoChat(screenId, nil)
func UpdateWithCurrentOpenAICmdInfoChat(screenId string, update *scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType) *scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType {
if update == nil {
update = scbus.MakeUpdatePacket()
return update
func UpdateWithUpdateOpenAICmdInfoPacket(ctx context.Context, screenId string, messageID int, pk *packet.OpenAICmdInfoChatMessage) (*scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType, error) {
err := ScreenMemUpdateCmdInfoChatMessage(screenId, messageID, pk)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return UpdateWithCurrentOpenAICmdInfoChat(screenId, nil), nil
func UpdateCmdForRestart(ctx context.Context, ck base.CommandKey, ts int64, cmdPid int, remotePid int, termOpts *TermOpts) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE cmd
SET restartts = ?, status = ?, exitcode = ?, cmdpid = ?, remotepid = ?, durationms = ?, termopts = ?, origtermopts = ?
WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, ts, CmdStatusRunning, 0, cmdPid, remotePid, 0, quickJson(termOpts), quickJson(termOpts), ck.GetGroupId(), lineIdFromCK(ck))
query = `UPDATE history
SET ts = ?, status = ?, exitcode = ?, durationms = ?
WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, ts, CmdStatusRunning, 0, 0, ck.GetGroupId(), lineIdFromCK(ck))
return nil
func UpdateCmdDoneInfo(ctx context.Context, update *scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType, ck base.CommandKey, donePk *packet.CmdDonePacketType, status string) error {
if donePk == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid cmddone packet")
if ck.IsEmpty() {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot update cmddoneinfo, empty ck")
screenId := ck.GetGroupId()
var rtnCmd *CmdType
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
lineId := lineIdFromCK(ck)
query := `UPDATE cmd SET status = ?, donets = ?, exitcode = ?, durationms = ? WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, status, donePk.Ts, donePk.ExitCode, donePk.DurationMs, screenId, lineId)
query = `UPDATE history SET status = ?, exitcode = ?, durationms = ? WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, status, donePk.ExitCode, donePk.DurationMs, screenId, lineId)
var err error
rtnCmd, err = GetCmdByScreenId(tx.Context(), screenId, lineId)
if err != nil {
return err
if isWebShare(tx, screenId) {
insertScreenLineUpdate(tx, screenId, lineId, UpdateType_CmdExitCode)
insertScreenLineUpdate(tx, screenId, lineId, UpdateType_CmdDurationMs)
insertScreenLineUpdate(tx, screenId, lineId, UpdateType_CmdStatus)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return txErr
if rtnCmd == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cmd data not found for ck[%s]", ck)
// Update in-memory screen indicator status
var indicator StatusIndicatorLevel
if rtnCmd.ExitCode == 0 {
indicator = StatusIndicatorLevel_Success
} else {
indicator = StatusIndicatorLevel_Error
err := SetStatusIndicatorLevel_Update(ctx, update, screenId, indicator, false)
if err != nil {
// This is not a fatal error, so just log it
log.Printf("error setting status indicator level after done packet: %v\n", err)
IncrementNumRunningCmds_Update(update, screenId, -1)
return nil
func UpdateCmdRtnState(ctx context.Context, ck base.CommandKey, statePtr ShellStatePtr) error {
if ck.IsEmpty() {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot update cmdrtnstate, empty ck")
screenId := ck.GetGroupId()
lineId := lineIdFromCK(ck)
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE cmd SET rtnbasehash = ?, rtndiffhasharr = ? WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, statePtr.BaseHash, quickJsonArr(statePtr.DiffHashArr), screenId, lineId)
if isWebShare(tx, screenId) {
insertScreenLineUpdate(tx, screenId, lineId, UpdateType_CmdRtnState)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return txErr
return nil
func ReInitFocus(ctx context.Context) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE screen SET focustype = 'input'`
return nil
func HangupAllRunningCmds(ctx context.Context) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
var cmdPtrs []CmdPtr
query := `SELECT screenid, lineid FROM cmd WHERE status = ?`
tx.Select(&cmdPtrs, query, CmdStatusRunning)
query = `UPDATE cmd SET status = ? WHERE status = ?`
tx.Exec(query, CmdStatusHangup, CmdStatusRunning)
for _, cmdPtr := range cmdPtrs {
if isWebShare(tx, cmdPtr.ScreenId) {
insertScreenLineUpdate(tx, cmdPtr.ScreenId, cmdPtr.LineId, UpdateType_CmdStatus)
query = `UPDATE history SET status = ? WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, CmdStatusHangup, cmdPtr.ScreenId, cmdPtr.LineId)
return nil
// TODO send update
func HangupRunningCmdsByRemoteId(ctx context.Context, remoteId string) ([]*ScreenType, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) ([]*ScreenType, error) {
var cmdPtrs []CmdPtr
query := `SELECT screenid, lineid FROM cmd WHERE status = ? AND remoteid = ?`
tx.Select(&cmdPtrs, query, CmdStatusRunning, remoteId)
query = `UPDATE cmd SET status = ? WHERE status = ? AND remoteid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, CmdStatusHangup, CmdStatusRunning, remoteId)
var rtn []*ScreenType
for _, cmdPtr := range cmdPtrs {
if isWebShare(tx, cmdPtr.ScreenId) {
insertScreenLineUpdate(tx, cmdPtr.ScreenId, cmdPtr.LineId, UpdateType_CmdStatus)
query = `UPDATE history SET status = ? WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, CmdStatusHangup, cmdPtr.ScreenId, cmdPtr.LineId)
screen, err := UpdateScreenFocusForDoneCmd(tx.Context(), cmdPtr.ScreenId, cmdPtr.LineId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// this doesn't add dups because UpdateScreenFocusForDoneCmd will only return a screen once
if screen != nil {
rtn = append(rtn, screen)
return rtn, nil
// TODO send update
func HangupCmd(ctx context.Context, ck base.CommandKey) (*ScreenType, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (*ScreenType, error) {
query := `UPDATE cmd SET status = ? WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, CmdStatusHangup, ck.GetGroupId(), lineIdFromCK(ck))
query = `UPDATE history SET status = ? WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, CmdStatusHangup, ck.GetGroupId(), lineIdFromCK(ck))
if isWebShare(tx, ck.GetGroupId()) {
insertScreenLineUpdate(tx, ck.GetGroupId(), lineIdFromCK(ck), UpdateType_CmdStatus)
screen, err := UpdateScreenFocusForDoneCmd(tx.Context(), ck.GetGroupId(), lineIdFromCK(ck))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return screen, nil
func getNextId(ids []string, delId string) string {
if len(ids) == 0 {
return ""
if len(ids) == 1 {
if ids[0] == delId {
return ""
return ids[0]
for idx := 0; idx < len(ids); idx++ {
if ids[idx] == delId {
var rtnIdx int
if idx == len(ids)-1 {
rtnIdx = idx - 1
} else {
rtnIdx = idx + 1
return ids[rtnIdx]
return ids[0]
func SwitchScreenById(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string) (*scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType, error) {
SetActiveSessionId(ctx, sessionId)
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId, screenId) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot switch to screen, screen=%s does not exist in session=%s", screenId, sessionId)
query = `UPDATE session SET activescreenid = ? WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, screenId, sessionId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
bareSession, err := GetBareSessionById(ctx, sessionId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
update := scbus.MakeUpdatePacket()
memState := GetScreenMemState(screenId)
if memState != nil {
UpdateWithCurrentOpenAICmdInfoChat(screenId, update)
// Clear any previous status indicator for this screen
err := ResetStatusIndicator_Update(update, screenId)
if err != nil {
// This is not a fatal error, so just log it
log.Printf("error resetting status indicator when switching screens: %v\n", err)
return update, nil
// screen may not exist at this point (so don't query screen table)
func cleanScreenCmds(ctx context.Context, screenId string) error {
var removedCmds []string
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT lineid FROM cmd WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid NOT IN (SELECT lineid FROM line WHERE screenid = ?)`
removedCmds = tx.SelectStrings(query, screenId, screenId)
query = `DELETE FROM cmd WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid NOT IN (SELECT lineid FROM line WHERE screenid = ?)`
tx.Exec(query, screenId, screenId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return txErr
for _, lineId := range removedCmds {
DeletePtyOutFile(ctx, screenId, lineId)
return nil
func ArchiveScreen(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string) (scbus.UpdatePacket, error) {
var isActive bool
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId, screenId) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot close screen (not found)")
if isWebShare(tx, screenId) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot archive screen while web-sharing. stop web-sharing before trying to archive.")
query = `SELECT archived FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
closeVal := tx.GetBool(query, sessionId, screenId)
if closeVal {
return nil
query = `SELECT count(*) FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND NOT archived`
numScreens := tx.GetInt(query, sessionId)
if numScreens <= 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot archive the last screen in a session")
query = `UPDATE screen SET archived = 1, archivedts = ?, screenidx = 0 WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, time.Now().UnixMilli(), sessionId, screenId)
isActive = tx.Exists(`SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE sessionid = ? AND activescreenid = ?`, sessionId, screenId)
if isActive {
screenIds := tx.SelectStrings(`SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND NOT archived ORDER BY screenidx`, sessionId)
nextId := getNextId(screenIds, screenId)
tx.Exec(`UPDATE session SET activescreenid = ? WHERE sessionid = ?`, nextId, sessionId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
newScreen, err := GetScreenById(ctx, screenId)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot retrive archived screen: %w", err)
update := scbus.MakeUpdatePacket()
if isActive {
bareSession, err := GetBareSessionById(ctx, sessionId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return update, nil
func UnArchiveScreen(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ? AND archived`
if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId, screenId) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot re-open screen (not found or not archived)")
maxScreenIdx := tx.GetInt(`SELECT COALESCE(max(screenidx), 0) FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND NOT archived`, sessionId)
query = `UPDATE screen SET archived = 0, screenidx = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, maxScreenIdx+1, sessionId, screenId)
return nil
return txErr
// if sessionDel is passed, we do *not* delete the screen directory (session delete will handle that)
func DeleteScreen(ctx context.Context, screenId string, sessionDel bool, update *scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType) (*scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType, error) {
var sessionId string
var isActive bool
var screenTombstone *ScreenTombstoneType
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
screen, err := GetScreenById(tx.Context(), screenId)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot get screen to delete: %w", err)
if screen == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot delete screen (not found)")
webSharing := isWebShare(tx, screenId)
if !sessionDel {
query := `SELECT sessionid FROM screen WHERE screenid = ?`
sessionId = tx.GetString(query, screenId)
if sessionId == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot delete screen (no sessionid)")
query = `SELECT count(*) FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND NOT archived`
numScreens := tx.GetInt(query, sessionId)
if numScreens <= 1 {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot delete the last screen in a session")
isActive = tx.Exists(`SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE sessionid = ? AND activescreenid = ?`, sessionId, screenId)
if isActive {
screenIds := tx.SelectStrings(`SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND NOT archived ORDER BY screenidx`, sessionId)
nextId := getNextId(screenIds, screenId)
tx.Exec(`UPDATE session SET activescreenid = ? WHERE sessionid = ?`, nextId, sessionId)
screenTombstone = &ScreenTombstoneType{
ScreenId: screen.ScreenId,
SessionId: screen.SessionId,
Name: screen.Name,
DeletedTs: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
ScreenOpts: screen.ScreenOpts,
query := `INSERT INTO screen_tombstone ( screenid, sessionid, name, deletedts, screenopts)
VALUES (:screenid,:sessionid,:name,:deletedts,:screenopts)`
tx.NamedExec(query, dbutil.ToDBMap(screenTombstone, false))
query = `DELETE FROM screen WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, screenId)
query = `DELETE FROM line WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, screenId)
query = `DELETE FROM cmd WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, screenId)
query = `UPDATE history SET lineid = '', linenum = 0 WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, screenId)
if webSharing {
insertScreenDelUpdate(tx, screenId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
if !sessionDel {
if update == nil {
update = scbus.MakeUpdatePacket()
update.AddUpdate(ScreenType{SessionId: sessionId, ScreenId: screenId, Remove: true})
if isActive {
bareSession, err := GetBareSessionById(ctx, sessionId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return update, nil
func GetRemoteState(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string, remotePtr RemotePtrType) (*packet.ShellState, *ShellStatePtr, error) {
ssptr, err := GetRemoteStatePtr(ctx, sessionId, screenId, remotePtr)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
if ssptr == nil {
return nil, nil, nil
state, err := GetFullState(ctx, *ssptr)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return state, ssptr, err
func GetRemoteStatePtr(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string, remotePtr RemotePtrType) (*ShellStatePtr, error) {
var ssptr *ShellStatePtr
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
ri, err := GetRemoteInstance(tx.Context(), sessionId, screenId, remotePtr)
if err != nil {
return err
if ri == nil {
return nil
ssptr = &ShellStatePtr{ri.StateBaseHash, ri.StateDiffHashArr}
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
return ssptr, nil
func validateSessionScreen(tx *TxWrap, sessionId string, screenId string) error {
if screenId == "" {
query := `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId) {
return fmt.Errorf("no session found")
return nil
} else {
query := `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId, screenId) {
return fmt.Errorf("no screen found")
return nil
func GetRemoteInstance(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string, remotePtr RemotePtrType) (*RemoteInstance, error) {
if remotePtr.IsSessionScope() {
screenId = ""
var ri *RemoteInstance
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT * FROM remote_instance WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ? AND remoteownerid = ? AND remoteid = ? AND name = ?`
ri = dbutil.GetMapGen[*RemoteInstance](tx, query, sessionId, screenId, remotePtr.OwnerId, remotePtr.RemoteId, remotePtr.Name)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
return ri, nil
// internal function for UpdateRemoteState (sets StateBaseHash, StateDiffHashArr, and ShellType)
func updateRIWithState(ctx context.Context, ri *RemoteInstance, stateBase *packet.ShellState, stateDiff *packet.ShellStateDiff) error {
if stateBase != nil {
ri.StateBaseHash = stateBase.GetHashVal(false)
ri.StateDiffHashArr = nil
ri.ShellType = stateBase.GetShellType()
err := StoreStateBase(ctx, stateBase)
if err != nil {
return err
} else if stateDiff != nil {
ri.StateBaseHash = stateDiff.BaseHash
ri.StateDiffHashArr = append(stateDiff.DiffHashArr, stateDiff.GetHashVal(false))
ri.ShellType = stateDiff.GetShellType()
err := StoreStateDiff(ctx, stateDiff)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func UpdateRemoteState(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string, remotePtr RemotePtrType, feState FeStateType, stateBase *packet.ShellState, stateDiff *packet.ShellStateDiff) (*RemoteInstance, error) {
if stateBase == nil && stateDiff == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("UpdateRemoteState, must set state or diff")
if stateBase != nil && stateDiff != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("UpdateRemoteState, cannot set state and diff")
if remotePtr.IsSessionScope() {
screenId = ""
var ri *RemoteInstance
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
err := validateSessionScreen(tx, sessionId, screenId)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot update remote instance state: %w", err)
query := `SELECT * FROM remote_instance WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ? AND remoteownerid = ? AND remoteid = ? AND name = ?`
ri = dbutil.GetMapGen[*RemoteInstance](tx, query, sessionId, screenId, remotePtr.OwnerId, remotePtr.RemoteId, remotePtr.Name)
if ri == nil {
ri = &RemoteInstance{
RIId: scbase.GenWaveUUID(),
Name: remotePtr.Name,
SessionId: sessionId,
ScreenId: screenId,
RemoteOwnerId: remotePtr.OwnerId,
RemoteId: remotePtr.RemoteId,
FeState: feState,
err = updateRIWithState(tx.Context(), ri, stateBase, stateDiff)
if err != nil {
return err
query = `INSERT INTO remote_instance ( riid, name, sessionid, screenid, remoteownerid, remoteid, festate, statebasehash, statediffhasharr, shelltype)
VALUES (:riid,:name,:sessionid,:screenid,:remoteownerid,:remoteid,:festate,:statebasehash,:statediffhasharr,:shelltype)`
tx.NamedExec(query, ri.ToMap())
return nil
} else {
query = `UPDATE remote_instance SET festate = ?, statebasehash = ?, statediffhasharr = ?, shelltype = ? WHERE riid = ?`
ri.FeState = feState
err = updateRIWithState(tx.Context(), ri, stateBase, stateDiff)
if err != nil {
return err
tx.Exec(query, quickJson(ri.FeState), ri.StateBaseHash, quickJsonArr(ri.StateDiffHashArr), ri.ShellType, ri.RIId)
return nil
return ri, txErr
func UpdateCurRemote(ctx context.Context, screenId string, remotePtr RemotePtrType) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE screenid = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, screenId) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot update curremote: no screen found")
query = `UPDATE screen SET curremoteownerid = ?, curremoteid = ?, curremotename = ? WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, remotePtr.OwnerId, remotePtr.RemoteId, remotePtr.Name, screenId)
return nil
func reorderStrings(strs []string, toMove string, newIndex int) []string {
if toMove == "" {
return strs
var newStrs []string
if newIndex < 0 {
newStrs = append(newStrs, toMove)
for _, sval := range strs {
if len(newStrs) == newIndex {
newStrs = append(newStrs, toMove)
if sval != toMove {
newStrs = append(newStrs, sval)
if newIndex >= len(newStrs) {
newStrs = append(newStrs, toMove)
return newStrs
func ReIndexSessions(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, newIndex int) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE NOT archived ORDER BY sessionidx, name, sessionid`
ids := tx.SelectStrings(query)
if sessionId != "" {
ids = reorderStrings(ids, sessionId, newIndex)
query = `UPDATE session SET sessionid = ? WHERE sessionid = ?`
for idx, id := range ids {
tx.Exec(query, id, idx+1)
return nil
return txErr
func SetSessionName(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, name string) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId) {
return fmt.Errorf("session does not exist")
query = `SELECT archived FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?`
isArchived := tx.GetBool(query, sessionId)
if !isArchived {
query = `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE name = ? AND NOT archived`
dupSessionId := tx.GetString(query, name)
if dupSessionId == sessionId {
return nil
if dupSessionId != "" {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid duplicate session name '%s'", name)
query = `UPDATE session SET name = ? WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, name, sessionId)
return nil
return txErr
func SetScreenName(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string, name string) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId, screenId) {
return fmt.Errorf("screen does not exist")
query = `UPDATE screen SET name = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, name, sessionId, screenId)
return nil
return txErr
func ArchiveScreenLines(ctx context.Context, screenId string) (*scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType, error) {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE screenid = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, screenId) {
return fmt.Errorf("screen does not exist")
query = `UPDATE line SET archived = 1
WHERE line.archived = 0 AND line.screenid = ? AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM cmd c
WHERE line.screenid = c.screenid AND line.lineid = c.lineid AND c.status IN ('running', 'detached'))`
tx.Exec(query, screenId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
screenLines, err := GetScreenLinesById(ctx, screenId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ret := scbus.MakeUpdatePacket()
return ret, nil
func DeleteScreenLines(ctx context.Context, screenId string) (*scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType, error) {
var lineIds []string
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT lineid FROM line
WHERE screenid = ?
AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT lineid FROM cmd c WHERE c.screenid = ? AND c.lineid = line.lineid AND c.status IN ('running', 'detached'))`
lineIds = tx.SelectStrings(query, screenId, screenId)
query = `DELETE FROM line
WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid IN (SELECT value FROM json_each(?))`
tx.Exec(query, screenId, quickJsonArr(lineIds))
query = `UPDATE history SET lineid = '', linenum = 0
WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid IN (SELECT value FROM json_each(?))`
tx.Exec(query, screenId, quickJsonArr(lineIds))
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
go func() {
cleanCtx, cancelFn := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Minute)
defer cancelFn()
cleanScreenCmds(cleanCtx, screenId)
screen, err := GetScreenById(ctx, screenId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
screenLines, err := GetScreenLinesById(ctx, screenId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, lineId := range lineIds {
line := &LineType{
ScreenId: screenId,
LineId: lineId,
Remove: true,
screenLines.Lines = append(screenLines.Lines, line)
ret := scbus.MakeUpdatePacket()
return ret, nil
func GetRunningScreenCmds(ctx context.Context, screenId string) ([]*CmdType, error) {
var rtn []*CmdType
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT * FROM cmd WHERE screenid = ? AND status = ?`
rtn = dbutil.SelectMapsGen[*CmdType](tx, query, screenId, CmdStatusRunning)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
return rtn, nil
func UpdateCmdTermOpts(ctx context.Context, screenId string, lineId string, termOpts TermOpts) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE cmd SET termopts = ? WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, termOpts, screenId, lineId)
insertScreenLineUpdate(tx, screenId, lineId, UpdateType_CmdTermOpts)
return nil
return txErr
// returns riids of deleted RIs
func ScreenReset(ctx context.Context, screenId string) ([]*RemoteInstance, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) ([]*RemoteInstance, error) {
query := `SELECT sessionid FROM screen WHERE screenid = ?`
sessionId := tx.GetString(query, screenId)
if sessionId == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("screen does not exist")
query = `SELECT riid FROM remote_instance WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
riids := tx.SelectStrings(query, sessionId, screenId)
var delRis []*RemoteInstance
for _, riid := range riids {
ri := &RemoteInstance{SessionId: sessionId, ScreenId: screenId, RIId: riid, Remove: true}
delRis = append(delRis, ri)
query = `DELETE FROM remote_instance WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, sessionId, screenId)
return delRis, nil
func DeleteSession(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) (scbus.UpdatePacket, error) {
var newActiveSessionId string
var screenIds []string
var sessionTombstone *SessionTombstoneType
update := scbus.MakeUpdatePacket()
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
bareSession, err := GetBareSessionById(tx.Context(), sessionId)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot get session to delete: %w", err)
if bareSession == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot delete session (not found)")
query := `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ?`
screenIds = tx.SelectStrings(query, sessionId)
for _, screenId := range screenIds {
_, err := DeleteScreen(tx.Context(), screenId, true, update)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error deleting screen[%s]: %v", screenId, err)
query = `DELETE FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, sessionId)
newActiveSessionId, _ = fixActiveSessionId(tx.Context())
sessionTombstone = &SessionTombstoneType{
SessionId: sessionId,
Name: bareSession.Name,
DeletedTs: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
query = `INSERT INTO session_tombstone ( sessionid, name, deletedts)
VALUES (:sessionid,:name,:deletedts)`
tx.NamedExec(query, dbutil.ToDBMap(sessionTombstone, false))
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
if newActiveSessionId != "" {
update.AddUpdate(SessionType{SessionId: sessionId, Remove: true})
if sessionTombstone != nil {
return update, nil
func fixActiveSessionId(ctx context.Context) (string, error) {
var newActiveSessionId string
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
curActiveSessionId := tx.GetString("SELECT activesessionid FROM client")
query := `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE sessionid = ? AND NOT archived`
if tx.Exists(query, curActiveSessionId) {
return nil
var err error
newActiveSessionId, err = GetFirstSessionId(tx.Context())
if err != nil {
return err
tx.Exec("UPDATE client SET activesessionid = ?", newActiveSessionId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return "", txErr
return newActiveSessionId, nil
func ArchiveSession(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) (*scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType, error) {
if sessionId == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid blank sessionid")
var newActiveSessionId string
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId) {
return fmt.Errorf("session does not exist")
query = `SELECT archived FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?`
isArchived := tx.GetBool(query, sessionId)
if isArchived {
return nil
query = `UPDATE session SET archived = 1, archivedts = ? WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, time.Now().UnixMilli(), sessionId)
newActiveSessionId, _ = fixActiveSessionId(tx.Context())
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
bareSession, _ := GetBareSessionById(ctx, sessionId)
update := scbus.MakeUpdatePacket()
if bareSession != nil {
if newActiveSessionId != "" {
return update, nil
func UnArchiveSession(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, activate bool) (*scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType, error) {
if sessionId == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid blank sessionid")
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId) {
return fmt.Errorf("session does not exist")
query = `SELECT archived FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?`
isArchived := tx.GetBool(query, sessionId)
if !isArchived {
return nil
query = `UPDATE session SET archived = 0, archivedts = 0 WHERE sessionid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, sessionId)
if activate {
query = `UPDATE client SET activesessionid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, sessionId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
bareSession, _ := GetBareSessionById(ctx, sessionId)
update := scbus.MakeUpdatePacket()
if bareSession != nil {
if activate {
return update, nil
func GetSessionStats(ctx context.Context, sessionId string) (*SessionStatsType, error) {
rtn := &SessionStatsType{SessionId: sessionId}
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT sessionid FROM session WHERE sessionid = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId) {
return fmt.Errorf("not found")
query = `SELECT count(*) FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND NOT archived`
rtn.NumScreens = tx.GetInt(query, sessionId)
query = `SELECT count(*) FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND archived`
rtn.NumArchivedScreens = tx.GetInt(query, sessionId)
query = `SELECT count(*) FROM line WHERE screenid IN (SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ?)`
rtn.NumLines = tx.GetInt(query, sessionId)
query = `SELECT count(*) FROM cmd WHERE screenid IN (SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ?)`
rtn.NumCmds = tx.GetInt(query, sessionId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
diskSize, err := SessionDiskSize(sessionId)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rtn.DiskStats = diskSize
return rtn, nil
const (
RemoteField_Alias = "alias" // string
RemoteField_ConnectMode = "connectmode" // string
RemoteField_SSHKey = "sshkey" // string
RemoteField_SSHPassword = "sshpassword" // string
RemoteField_Color = "color" // string
RemoteField_ShellPref = "shellpref" // string
// editMap: alias, connectmode, autoinstall, sshkey, color, sshpassword (from constants)
// note that all validation should have already happened outside of this function
func UpdateRemote(ctx context.Context, remoteId string, editMap map[string]interface{}) (*RemoteType, error) {
var rtn *RemoteType
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT remoteid FROM remote WHERE remoteid = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, remoteId) {
return fmt.Errorf("remote not found")
if alias, found := editMap[RemoteField_Alias]; found {
query = `SELECT remoteid FROM remote WHERE remotealias = ? AND remoteid <> ?`
if alias != "" && tx.Exists(query, alias, remoteId) {
return fmt.Errorf("remote has duplicate alias, cannot update")
query = `UPDATE remote SET remotealias = ? WHERE remoteid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, alias, remoteId)
if mode, found := editMap[RemoteField_ConnectMode]; found {
query = `UPDATE remote SET connectmode = ? WHERE remoteid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, mode, remoteId)
if sshKey, found := editMap[RemoteField_SSHKey]; found {
query = `UPDATE remote SET sshopts = json_set(sshopts, '$.sshidentity', ?) WHERE remoteid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, sshKey, remoteId)
if sshPassword, found := editMap[RemoteField_SSHPassword]; found {
query = `UPDATE remote SET sshopts = json_set(sshopts, '$.sshpassword', ?) WHERE remoteid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, sshPassword, remoteId)
if shellPref, found := editMap[RemoteField_ShellPref]; found {
query = `UPDATE remote SET shellpref = ? WHERE remoteid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, shellPref, remoteId)
if color, found := editMap[RemoteField_Color]; found {
query = `UPDATE remote SET remoteopts = json_set(remoteopts, '$.color', ?) WHERE remoteid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, color, remoteId)
var err error
rtn, err = GetRemoteById(tx.Context(), remoteId)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
return rtn, nil
const (
ScreenField_AnchorLine = "anchorline" // int
ScreenField_AnchorOffset = "anchoroffset" // int
ScreenField_SelectedLine = "selectedline" // int
ScreenField_Focus = "focustype" // string
ScreenField_TabColor = "tabcolor" // string
ScreenField_TabIcon = "tabicon" // string
ScreenField_PTerm = "pterm" // string
ScreenField_Name = "name" // string
ScreenField_ShareName = "sharename" // string
func UpdateScreen(ctx context.Context, screenId string, editMap map[string]interface{}) (*ScreenType, error) {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE screenid = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, screenId) {
return fmt.Errorf("screen not found")
if anchorLine, found := editMap[ScreenField_AnchorLine]; found {
query = `UPDATE screen SET anchor = json_set(anchor, '$.anchorline', ?) WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, anchorLine, screenId)
if anchorOffset, found := editMap[ScreenField_AnchorOffset]; found {
query = `UPDATE screen SET anchor = json_set(anchor, '$.anchoroffset', ?) WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, anchorOffset, screenId)
if sline, found := editMap[ScreenField_SelectedLine]; found {
query = `UPDATE screen SET selectedline = ? WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, sline, screenId)
if isWebShare(tx, screenId) {
insertScreenUpdate(tx, screenId, UpdateType_ScreenSelectedLine)
if focusType, found := editMap[ScreenField_Focus]; found {
query = `UPDATE screen SET focustype = ? WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, focusType, screenId)
if tabColor, found := editMap[ScreenField_TabColor]; found {
query = `UPDATE screen SET screenopts = json_set(screenopts, '$.tabcolor', ?) WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, tabColor, screenId)
if tabIcon, found := editMap[ScreenField_TabIcon]; found {
query = `UPDATE screen SET screenopts = json_set(screenopts, '$.tabicon', ?) WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, tabIcon, screenId)
if pterm, found := editMap[ScreenField_PTerm]; found {
query = `UPDATE screen SET screenopts = json_set(screenopts, '$.pterm', ?) WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, pterm, screenId)
if name, found := editMap[ScreenField_Name]; found {
query = `UPDATE screen SET name = ? WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, name, screenId)
if shareName, found := editMap[ScreenField_ShareName]; found {
if !isWebShare(tx, screenId) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot set sharename, screen is not web-shared")
query = `UPDATE screen SET webshareopts = json_set(webshareopts, '$.sharename', ?) WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, shareName, screenId)
insertScreenUpdate(tx, screenId, UpdateType_ScreenName)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
return GetScreenById(ctx, screenId)
func ScreenUpdateViewOpts(ctx context.Context, screenId string, viewOpts ScreenViewOptsType) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE screen SET screenviewopts = ? WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, quickJson(viewOpts), screenId)
return nil
func GetLineResolveItems(ctx context.Context, screenId string) ([]ResolveItem, error) {
var rtn []ResolveItem
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT lineid as id, linenum as num, archived as hidden FROM line WHERE screenid = ? ORDER BY linenum`
tx.Select(&rtn, query, screenId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
return rtn, nil
func UpdateScreenFocusForDoneCmd(ctx context.Context, screenId string, lineId string) (*ScreenType, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (*ScreenType, error) {
query := `SELECT screenid
FROM screen s
WHERE s.screenid = ? AND s.focustype = ?
AND s.selectedline IN (SELECT linenum FROM line l WHERE l.screenid = s.screenid AND l.lineid = ?)
if !tx.Exists(query, screenId, ScreenFocusCmd, lineId) {
return nil, nil
editMap := make(map[string]interface{})
editMap[ScreenField_Focus] = ScreenFocusInput
screen, err := UpdateScreen(tx.Context(), screenId, editMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return screen, nil
func StoreStateBase(ctx context.Context, state *packet.ShellState) error {
stateBase := &StateBase{
Version: state.Version,
Ts: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
stateBase.BaseHash, stateBase.Data = state.EncodeAndHash()
// envMap := shexec.DeclMapFromState(state)
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT basehash FROM state_base WHERE basehash = ?`
if tx.Exists(query, stateBase.BaseHash) {
return nil
query = `INSERT INTO state_base (basehash, ts, version, data) VALUES (:basehash,:ts,:version,:data)`
tx.NamedExec(query, stateBase)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return txErr
return nil
func StoreStateDiff(ctx context.Context, diff *packet.ShellStateDiff) error {
stateDiff := &StateDiff{
BaseHash: diff.BaseHash,
Ts: time.Now().UnixMilli(),
DiffHashArr: diff.DiffHashArr,
stateDiff.DiffHash, stateDiff.Data = diff.EncodeAndHash()
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT basehash FROM state_base WHERE basehash = ?`
if stateDiff.BaseHash == "" || !tx.Exists(query, stateDiff.BaseHash) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot store statediff, basehash:%s does not exist", stateDiff.BaseHash)
query = `SELECT diffhash FROM state_diff WHERE diffhash = ?`
for idx, diffHash := range stateDiff.DiffHashArr {
if !tx.Exists(query, diffHash) {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot store statediff, diffhash[%d]:%s does not exist", idx, diffHash)
if tx.Exists(query, stateDiff.DiffHash) {
return nil
query = `INSERT INTO state_diff (diffhash, ts, basehash, diffhasharr, data) VALUES (:diffhash,:ts,:basehash,:diffhasharr,:data)`
tx.NamedExec(query, stateDiff.ToMap())
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return txErr
return nil
func GetStateBaseVersion(ctx context.Context, baseHash string) (string, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (string, error) {
query := `SELECT version FROM state_base WHERE basehash = ?`
rtn := tx.GetString(query, baseHash)
return rtn, nil
func GetCurStateDiffFromPtr(ctx context.Context, ssPtr *ShellStatePtr) (*packet.ShellStateDiff, error) {
if ssPtr == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot resolve state, empty stateptr")
if len(ssPtr.DiffHashArr) == 0 {
baseVersion, err := GetStateBaseVersion(ctx, ssPtr.BaseHash)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot get base version: %v", err)
// return an empty diff
return &packet.ShellStateDiff{Version: baseVersion, BaseHash: ssPtr.BaseHash}, nil
lastDiffHash := ssPtr.DiffHashArr[len(ssPtr.DiffHashArr)-1]
return GetStateDiff(ctx, lastDiffHash)
func GetStateBase(ctx context.Context, baseHash string) (*packet.ShellState, error) {
stateBase, txErr := WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (*StateBase, error) {
var stateBase StateBase
query := `SELECT * FROM state_base WHERE basehash = ?`
found := tx.Get(&stateBase, query, baseHash)
if !found {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("StateBase %s not found", baseHash)
return &stateBase, nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
state := &packet.ShellState{}
err := state.DecodeShellState(stateBase.Data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return state, nil
func GetStateDiff(ctx context.Context, diffHash string) (*packet.ShellStateDiff, error) {
stateDiff, txErr := WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (*StateDiff, error) {
query := `SELECT * FROM state_diff WHERE diffhash = ?`
stateDiff := dbutil.GetMapGen[*StateDiff](tx, query, diffHash)
if stateDiff == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("StateDiff %s not found", diffHash)
return stateDiff, nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
state := &packet.ShellStateDiff{}
err := state.DecodeShellStateDiff(stateDiff.Data)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return state, nil
// returns error when not found
func GetFullState(ctx context.Context, ssPtr ShellStatePtr) (*packet.ShellState, error) {
var state *packet.ShellState
if ssPtr.BaseHash == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid empty basehash")
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
var stateBase StateBase
query := `SELECT * FROM state_base WHERE basehash = ?`
found := tx.Get(&stateBase, query, ssPtr.BaseHash)
if !found {
return fmt.Errorf("ShellState %s not found", ssPtr.BaseHash)
state = &packet.ShellState{}
err := state.DecodeShellState(stateBase.Data)
if err != nil {
return err
sapi, err := shellapi.MakeShellApi(state.GetShellType())
if err != nil {
return err
for idx, diffHash := range ssPtr.DiffHashArr {
query = `SELECT * FROM state_diff WHERE diffhash = ?`
stateDiff := dbutil.GetMapGen[*StateDiff](tx, query, diffHash)
if stateDiff == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("ShellStateDiff %s not found", diffHash)
ssDiff := &packet.ShellStateDiff{}
err = ssDiff.DecodeShellStateDiff(stateDiff.Data)
if err != nil {
return err
newState, err := sapi.ApplyShellStateDiff(state, ssDiff)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("GetFullState, diff[%d]:%s: %v", idx, diffHash, err)
state = newState
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
if state == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("ShellState not found")
return state, nil
func UpdateLineStar(ctx context.Context, screenId string, lineId string, starVal int) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE line SET star = ? WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, starVal, screenId, lineId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return txErr
return nil
func UpdateLineHeight(ctx context.Context, screenId string, lineId string, heightVal int) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE line SET contentheight = ? WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, heightVal, screenId, lineId)
if isWebShare(tx, screenId) {
insertScreenLineUpdate(tx, screenId, lineId, UpdateType_LineContentHeight)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return txErr
return nil
func UpdateLineRenderer(ctx context.Context, screenId string, lineId string, renderer string) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE line SET renderer = ? WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, renderer, screenId, lineId)
if isWebShare(tx, screenId) {
insertScreenLineUpdate(tx, screenId, lineId, UpdateType_LineRenderer)
return nil
func UpdateLineState(ctx context.Context, screenId string, lineId string, lineState map[string]any) error {
qjs := dbutil.QuickJson(lineState)
if len(qjs) > MaxLineStateSize {
return fmt.Errorf("linestate for line[%s:%s] exceeds maxsize, size[%d] max[%d]", screenId, lineId, len(qjs), MaxLineStateSize)
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE line SET linestate = ? WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, qjs, screenId, lineId)
if isWebShare(tx, screenId) {
insertScreenLineUpdate(tx, screenId, lineId, UpdateType_LineState)
return nil
// can return nil, nil if line is not found
func GetLineById(ctx context.Context, screenId string, lineId string) (*LineType, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (*LineType, error) {
query := `SELECT * FROM line WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
line := dbutil.GetMappable[*LineType](tx, query, screenId, lineId)
return line, nil
func SetLineArchivedById(ctx context.Context, screenId string, lineId string, archived bool) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE line SET archived = ? WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, archived, screenId, lineId)
if isWebShare(tx, screenId) {
if archived {
insertScreenLineUpdate(tx, screenId, lineId, UpdateType_LineDel)
} else {
insertScreenLineUpdate(tx, screenId, lineId, UpdateType_LineNew)
return nil
return txErr
func GetScreenSelectedLineId(ctx context.Context, screenId string) (string, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (string, error) {
query := `SELECT selectedline FROM screen WHERE screenid = ?`
sline := tx.GetInt(query, screenId)
if sline <= 0 {
return "", nil
query = `SELECT lineid FROM line WHERE screenid = ? AND linenum = ?`
lineId := tx.GetString(query, screenId, sline)
return lineId, nil
// returns updated screen (only if updated)
func FixupScreenSelectedLine(ctx context.Context, screenId string) (*ScreenType, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (*ScreenType, error) {
query := `SELECT selectedline FROM screen WHERE screenid = ?`
sline := tx.GetInt(query, screenId)
query = `SELECT linenum FROM line WHERE screenid = ? AND linenum = ?`
if tx.Exists(query, screenId, sline) {
// selected line is valid
return nil, nil
query = `SELECT min(linenum) FROM line WHERE screenid = ? AND linenum > ?`
newSLine := tx.GetInt(query, screenId, sline)
if newSLine == 0 {
query = `SELECT max(linenum) FROM line WHERE screenid = ? AND linenum < ?`
newSLine = tx.GetInt(query, screenId, sline)
// newSLine might be 0, but that's ok (because that means there are no lines)
query = `UPDATE screen SET selectedline = ? WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, newSLine, screenId)
return GetScreenById(tx.Context(), screenId)
func DeleteLinesByIds(ctx context.Context, screenId string, lineIds []string) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
isWS := isWebShare(tx, screenId)
for _, lineId := range lineIds {
query := `SELECT status FROM cmd WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
cmdStatus := tx.GetString(query, screenId, lineId)
if cmdStatus == CmdStatusRunning {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot delete line[%s], cmd is running", lineId)
query = `DELETE FROM line WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, screenId, lineId)
query = `DELETE FROM cmd WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, screenId, lineId)
// don't delete history anymore, just remove lineid reference
query = `UPDATE history SET lineid = '', linenum = 0 WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, screenId, lineId)
if isWS {
insertScreenLineUpdate(tx, screenId, lineId, UpdateType_LineDel)
return nil
return txErr
func GetRIsForScreen(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string) ([]*RemoteInstance, error) {
var rtn []*RemoteInstance
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT * FROM remote_instance WHERE sessionid = ? AND (screenid = '' OR screenid = ?)`
rtn = dbutil.SelectMapsGen[*RemoteInstance](tx, query, sessionId, screenId)
return nil
if txErr != nil {
return nil, txErr
return rtn, nil
func foundInStrArr(strs []string, s string) bool {
for _, sval := range strs {
if s == sval {
return true
return false
// newPos is 0-indexed
func reorderStrs(strs []string, toMove string, newPos int) []string {
if !foundInStrArr(strs, toMove) {
return strs
var added bool
rtn := make([]string, 0, len(strs))
for _, s := range strs {
if s == toMove {
if len(rtn) == newPos {
added = true
rtn = append(rtn, toMove)
rtn = append(rtn, s)
if !added {
rtn = append(rtn, toMove)
return rtn
// newScreenIdx is 1-indexed
func SetScreenIdx(ctx context.Context, sessionId string, screenId string, newScreenIdx int) error {
if newScreenIdx <= 0 {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid screenidx/pos, must be greater than 0")
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ? AND NOT archived`
if !tx.Exists(query, sessionId, screenId) {
return fmt.Errorf("invalid screen, not found (or archived)")
query = `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE sessionid = ? AND NOT archived ORDER BY screenidx`
screens := tx.SelectStrings(query, sessionId)
newScreens := reorderStrs(screens, screenId, newScreenIdx-1)
query = `UPDATE screen SET screenidx = ? WHERE sessionid = ? AND screenid = ?`
for idx, sid := range newScreens {
tx.Exec(query, idx+1, sessionId, sid)
return nil
return txErr
func GetDBVersion(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
var version int
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT version FROM schema_migrations`
version = tx.GetInt(query)
return nil
return version, txErr
func CountScreenWebShares(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (int, error) {
query := `SELECT count(*) FROM screen WHERE sharemode = ?`
count := tx.GetInt(query, ShareModeWeb)
return count, nil
func CountScreenLines(ctx context.Context, screenId string) (int, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (int, error) {
query := `SELECT count(*) FROM line WHERE screenid = ? AND NOT archived`
lineCount := tx.GetInt(query, screenId)
return lineCount, nil
// Below is currently not used and is causing circular dependency due to moving telemetry code to a new package. It will likely be rewritten whenever we add back webshare and should be moved to a different package then.
// func CanScreenWebShare(ctx context.Context, screen *ScreenType) error {
// if screen == nil {
// return fmt.Errorf("cannot share screen, not found")
// }
// if screen.ShareMode == ShareModeWeb {
// return fmt.Errorf("screen is already shared to web")
// }
// if screen.ShareMode != ShareModeLocal {
// return fmt.Errorf("screen cannot be shared, invalid current share mode %q (must be local)", screen.ShareMode)
// }
// if screen.Archived {
// return fmt.Errorf("screen cannot be shared, must un-archive before sharing")
// }
// webShareCount, err := CountScreenWebShares(ctx)
// if err != nil {
// return fmt.Errorf("screen cannot be share: error getting webshare count: %v", err)
// }
// if webShareCount >= MaxWebShareScreenCount {
// go UpdateCurrentActivity(context.Background(), ActivityUpdate{WebShareLimit: 1})
// return fmt.Errorf("screen cannot be shared, limited to a maximum of %d shared screen(s)", MaxWebShareScreenCount)
// }
// lineCount, err := CountScreenLines(ctx, screen.ScreenId)
// if err != nil {
// return fmt.Errorf("screen cannot be share: error getting screen line count: %v", err)
// }
// if lineCount > MaxWebShareLineCount {
// go UpdateCurrentActivity(context.Background(), ActivityUpdate{WebShareLimit: 1})
// return fmt.Errorf("screen cannot be shared, limited to a maximum of %d lines", MaxWebShareLineCount)
// }
// return nil
// }
func ScreenWebShareStart(ctx context.Context, screenId string, shareOpts ScreenWebShareOpts) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE screenid = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, screenId) {
return fmt.Errorf("screen does not exist")
shareMode := tx.GetString(`SELECT sharemode FROM screen WHERE screenid = ?`, screenId)
if shareMode == ShareModeWeb {
return fmt.Errorf("screen is already shared to web")
if shareMode != ShareModeLocal {
return fmt.Errorf("screen cannot be shared, invalid current share mode %q (must be local)", shareMode)
query = `UPDATE screen SET sharemode = ?, webshareopts = ? WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, ShareModeWeb, quickJson(shareOpts), screenId)
insertScreenNewUpdate(tx, screenId)
return nil
func ScreenWebShareStop(ctx context.Context, screenId string) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE screenid = ?`
if !tx.Exists(query, screenId) {
return fmt.Errorf("screen does not exist")
shareMode := tx.GetString(`SELECT sharemode FROM screen WHERE screenid = ?`, screenId)
if shareMode != ShareModeWeb {
return fmt.Errorf("screen is not currently shared to the web")
query = `UPDATE screen SET sharemode = ?, webshareopts = ? WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, ShareModeLocal, "null", screenId)
handleScreenDelUpdate(tx, screenId)
return nil
func isWebShare(tx *TxWrap, screenId string) bool {
return tx.Exists(`SELECT screenid FROM screen WHERE screenid = ? AND sharemode = ?`, screenId, ShareModeWeb)
func insertScreenUpdate(tx *TxWrap, screenId string, updateType string) {
if screenId == "" {
tx.SetErr(errors.New("invalid screen-update, screenid is empty"))
nowTs := time.Now().UnixMilli()
query := `INSERT INTO screenupdate (screenid, lineid, updatetype, updatets) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)`
tx.Exec(query, screenId, "", updateType, nowTs)
func insertScreenNewUpdate(tx *TxWrap, screenId string) {
nowTs := time.Now().UnixMilli()
query := `INSERT INTO screenupdate (screenid, lineid, updatetype, updatets)
SELECT screenid, lineid, ?, ? FROM line WHERE screenid = ? AND NOT archived ORDER BY linenum DESC`
tx.Exec(query, UpdateType_LineNew, nowTs, screenId)
query = `INSERT INTO screenupdate (screenid, lineid, updatetype, updatets)
SELECT c.screenid, c.lineid, ?, ? FROM cmd c, line l WHERE c.screenid = ? AND l.lineid = c.lineid AND NOT l.archived ORDER BY l.linenum DESC`
tx.Exec(query, UpdateType_PtyPos, nowTs, screenId)
func handleScreenDelUpdate(tx *TxWrap, screenId string) {
query := `DELETE FROM screenupdate WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, screenId)
query = `DELETE FROM webptypos WHERE screenid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, screenId)
// don't insert UpdateType_ScreenDel (we already processed it in cmdrunner)
func insertScreenDelUpdate(tx *TxWrap, screenId string) {
handleScreenDelUpdate(tx, screenId)
insertScreenUpdate(tx, screenId, UpdateType_ScreenDel)
// don't insert UpdateType_ScreenDel (we already processed it in cmdrunner)
func insertScreenLineUpdate(tx *TxWrap, screenId string, lineId string, updateType string) {
if screenId == "" {
tx.SetErr(errors.New("invalid screen-update, screenid is empty"))
if lineId == "" {
tx.SetErr(errors.New("invalid screen-update, lineid is empty"))
if updateType == UpdateType_LineNew || updateType == UpdateType_LineDel {
query := `DELETE FROM screenupdate WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, screenId, lineId)
query := `INSERT INTO screenupdate (screenid, lineid, updatetype, updatets) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)`
tx.Exec(query, screenId, lineId, updateType, time.Now().UnixMilli())
if updateType == UpdateType_LineNew {
tx.Exec(query, screenId, lineId, UpdateType_PtyPos, time.Now().UnixMilli())
func GetScreenUpdates(ctx context.Context, maxNum int) ([]*ScreenUpdateType, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) ([]*ScreenUpdateType, error) {
var updates []*ScreenUpdateType
query := `SELECT * FROM screenupdate ORDER BY updateid LIMIT ?`
tx.Select(&updates, query, maxNum)
return updates, nil
func RemoveScreenUpdate(ctx context.Context, updateId int64) error {
if updateId < 0 {
return nil // in-memory updates (not from DB)
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `DELETE FROM screenupdate WHERE updateid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, updateId)
return nil
func CountScreenUpdates(ctx context.Context) (int, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (int, error) {
query := `SELECT count(*) FROM screenupdate`
return tx.GetInt(query), nil
func RemoveScreenUpdates(ctx context.Context, updateIds []int64) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `DELETE FROM screenupdate WHERE updateid IN (SELECT value FROM json_each(?))`
tx.Exec(query, quickJsonArr(updateIds))
return nil
func MaybeInsertPtyPosUpdate(ctx context.Context, screenId string, lineId string) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
if !isWebShare(tx, screenId) {
return nil
insertScreenLineUpdate(tx, screenId, lineId, UpdateType_PtyPos)
return nil
func GetWebPtyPos(ctx context.Context, screenId string, lineId string) (int64, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (int64, error) {
query := `SELECT ptypos FROM webptypos WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
ptyPos := tx.GetInt(query, screenId, lineId)
return int64(ptyPos), nil
func DeleteWebPtyPos(ctx context.Context, screenId string, lineId string) error {
fmt.Printf("del webptypos %s:%s\n", screenId, lineId)
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `DELETE FROM webptypos WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, screenId, lineId)
return nil
func SetWebPtyPos(ctx context.Context, screenId string, lineId string, ptyPos int64) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `SELECT screenid FROM webptypos WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
if tx.Exists(query, screenId, lineId) {
query = `UPDATE webptypos SET ptypos = ? WHERE screenid = ? AND lineid = ?`
tx.Exec(query, ptyPos, screenId, lineId)
} else {
query = `INSERT INTO webptypos (screenid, lineid, ptypos) VALUES (?, ?, ?)`
tx.Exec(query, screenId, lineId, ptyPos)
return nil
func GetRemoteActiveShells(ctx context.Context, remoteId string) ([]string, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) ([]string, error) {
query := `SELECT * FROM remote_instance WHERE remoteid = ?`
riArr := dbutil.SelectMapsGen[*RemoteInstance](tx, query, remoteId)
shellTypeMap := make(map[string]bool)
for _, ri := range riArr {
if ri.ShellType == "" {
shellTypeMap[ri.ShellType] = true
return utilfn.GetMapKeys(shellTypeMap), nil