2024-08-29 13:37:05 -07:00

378 lines
13 KiB

// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import { WOS, globalStore, openLink } from "@/store/global";
import * as services from "@/store/services";
import { checkKeyPressed } from "@/util/keyutil";
import { fireAndForget } from "@/util/util";
import clsx from "clsx";
import { WebviewTag } from "electron";
import * as jotai from "jotai";
import React, { memo, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import "./webview.less";
export class WebViewModel implements ViewModel {
viewType: string;
blockId: string;
blockAtom: jotai.Atom<Block>;
viewIcon: jotai.Atom<string | HeaderIconButton>;
viewName: jotai.Atom<string>;
viewText: jotai.Atom<HeaderElem[]>;
url: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<string>;
isUrlDirty: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<boolean>;
urlInput: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<string>;
urlInputFocused: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<boolean>;
isLoading: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<boolean>;
urlWrapperClassName: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<string>;
refreshIcon: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<string>;
webviewRef: React.RefObject<WebviewTag>;
urlInputRef: React.RefObject<HTMLInputElement>;
constructor(blockId: string) {
this.viewType = "web";
this.blockId = blockId;
this.blockAtom = WOS.getWaveObjectAtom<Block>(`block:${blockId}`);
this.url = jotai.atom("");
this.isUrlDirty = jotai.atom(false);
this.urlInput = jotai.atom("");
this.urlWrapperClassName = jotai.atom("");
this.urlInputFocused = jotai.atom(false);
this.isLoading = jotai.atom(false);
this.refreshIcon = jotai.atom("rotate-right");
this.viewIcon = jotai.atom("globe");
this.viewName = jotai.atom("Web");
this.urlInputRef = React.createRef<HTMLInputElement>();
this.webviewRef = React.createRef<WebviewTag>();
this.viewText = jotai.atom((get) => {
let url = get(this.blockAtom)?.meta?.url || "";
if (url && !get(this.url)) {
globalStore.set(this.url, url);
const urlIsDirty = get(this.isUrlDirty);
if (urlIsDirty) {
const currUrl = get(this.url);
url = currUrl;
return [
elemtype: "iconbutton",
className: this.shouldDisabledBackButton() ? "disabled" : "",
icon: "chevron-left",
click: this.handleBack.bind(this),
elemtype: "iconbutton",
className: this.shouldDisabledForwardButton() ? "disabled" : "",
icon: "chevron-right",
click: this.handleForward.bind(this),
elemtype: "div",
className: clsx("block-frame-div-url", get(this.urlWrapperClassName)),
onMouseOver: this.handleUrlWrapperMouseOver.bind(this),
onMouseOut: this.handleUrlWrapperMouseOut.bind(this),
children: [
elemtype: "input",
value: url,
ref: this.urlInputRef,
className: "url-input",
onChange: this.handleUrlChange.bind(this),
onKeyDown: this.handleKeyDown.bind(this),
onFocus: this.handleFocus.bind(this),
onBlur: this.handleBlur.bind(this),
elemtype: "iconbutton",
icon: get(this.refreshIcon),
click: this.handleRefresh.bind(this),
] as HeaderElem[];
* Whether the back button in the header should be disabled.
* @returns True if the WebView cannot go back or if the WebView call fails. False otherwise.
shouldDisabledBackButton() {
try {
return !this.webviewRef.current?.canGoBack();
} catch (_) {}
return true;
* Whether the forward button in the header should be disabled.
* @returns True if the WebView cannot go forward or if the WebView call fails. False otherwise.
shouldDisabledForwardButton() {
try {
return !this.webviewRef.current?.canGoForward();
} catch (_) {}
return true;
handleUrlWrapperMouseOver(e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement, MouseEvent>) {
const urlInputFocused = globalStore.get(this.urlInputFocused);
if (e.type === "mouseover" && !urlInputFocused) {
globalStore.set(this.urlWrapperClassName, "hovered");
handleUrlWrapperMouseOut(e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement, MouseEvent>) {
const urlInputFocused = globalStore.get(this.urlInputFocused);
if (e.type === "mouseout" && !urlInputFocused) {
globalStore.set(this.urlWrapperClassName, "");
handleBack(e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement, MouseEvent>) {
handleForward(e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement, MouseEvent>) {
handleRefresh(e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement, MouseEvent>) {
try {
if (this.webviewRef.current) {
if (globalStore.get(this.isLoading)) {
} else {
} catch (e) {
console.warn("handleRefresh catch", e);
handleUrlChange(event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) {
globalStore.set(this.url, event.target.value);
globalStore.set(this.isUrlDirty, true);
handleKeyDown(event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) {
if (event.key === "Enter") {
const url = globalStore.get(this.url);
handleFocus(event: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) {
globalStore.set(this.urlWrapperClassName, "focused");
globalStore.set(this.urlInputFocused, true);
handleBlur(event: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) {
globalStore.set(this.urlWrapperClassName, "");
globalStore.set(this.urlInputFocused, false);
* Update the URL in the state when a navigation event has occurred.
* @param url The URL that has been navigated to.
handleNavigate(url: string) {
services.ObjectService.UpdateObjectMeta(WOS.makeORef("block", this.blockId), { url });
globalStore.set(this.url, url);
ensureUrlScheme(url: string) {
if (/^(http|https):/.test(url)) {
// If the URL starts with http: or https:, return it as is
return url;
// Check if the URL looks like a local URL
const isLocal = /^(localhost|(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3})(:\d+)?$/.test(url.split("/")[0]);
if (isLocal) {
// If it is a local URL, ensure it has http:// scheme
return `http://${url}`;
// Check if the URL looks like a domain
const domainRegex = /^[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,}$/i;
const isDomain = domainRegex.test(url.split("/")[0]);
if (isDomain) {
// If it looks like a domain, ensure it has https:// scheme
return `https://${url}`;
// Otherwise, treat it as a search query
return `https://www.google.com/search?q=${encodeURIComponent(url)}`;
normalizeUrl(url: string) {
if (!url) {
return url;
try {
const parsedUrl = new URL(url);
if (parsedUrl.hostname.startsWith("www.")) {
parsedUrl.hostname = parsedUrl.hostname.slice(4);
return parsedUrl.href;
} catch (e) {
return url.replace(/\/+$/, "") + "/";
* Load a new URL in the webview.
* @param newUrl The new URL to load in the webview.
loadUrl(newUrl: string) {
console.log("loadUrl", newUrl);
const nextUrl = this.ensureUrlScheme(newUrl);
const normalizedNextUrl = this.normalizeUrl(nextUrl);
const normalizedCurUrl = this.normalizeUrl(globalStore.get(this.url));
if (normalizedCurUrl !== normalizedNextUrl) {
* Get the current URL from the state.
* @returns The URL from the state.
getUrl() {
return globalStore.get(this.url);
setRefreshIcon(refreshIcon: string) {
globalStore.set(this.refreshIcon, refreshIcon);
setIsLoading(isLoading: boolean) {
globalStore.set(this.isLoading, isLoading);
giveFocus(): boolean {
if (this.urlInputRef.current) {
this.urlInputRef.current.focus({ preventScroll: true });
return true;
keyDownHandler(e: WaveKeyboardEvent): boolean {
if (checkKeyPressed(e, "Cmd:l")) {
return true;
if (checkKeyPressed(e, "Cmd:r")) {
return true;
return false;
function makeWebViewModel(blockId: string): WebViewModel {
const webviewModel = new WebViewModel(blockId);
return webviewModel;
interface WebViewProps {
blockId: string;
model: WebViewModel;
const WebView = memo(({ model }: WebViewProps) => {
const blockData = jotai.useAtomValue(model.blockAtom);
const metaUrl = blockData?.meta?.url;
const metaUrlRef = React.useRef(metaUrl);
// The initial value of the block metadata URL when the component first renders. Used to set the starting src value for the webview.
const [metaUrlInitial] = useState(metaUrl);
// Load a new URL if the block metadata is updated.
useEffect(() => {
if (metaUrlRef.current != metaUrl) {
metaUrlRef.current = metaUrl;
}, [metaUrl]);
useEffect(() => {
const webview = model.webviewRef.current;
if (webview) {
const navigateListener = (e: any) => {
const newWindowHandler = (e: any) => {
const newUrl = e.detail.url;
console.log("webview new-window event:", newUrl);
fireAndForget(() => openLink(newUrl, true));
const startLoadingHandler = () => {
const stopLoadingHandler = () => {
const failLoadHandler = (e: any) => {
if (e.errorCode === -3) {
console.warn("Suppressed ERR_ABORTED error", e);
} else {
console.error(`Failed to load ${e.validatedURL}: ${e.errorDescription}`);
webview.addEventListener("did-navigate-in-page", navigateListener);
webview.addEventListener("did-navigate", navigateListener);
webview.addEventListener("did-start-loading", startLoadingHandler);
webview.addEventListener("did-stop-loading", stopLoadingHandler);
webview.addEventListener("new-window", newWindowHandler);
webview.addEventListener("did-fail-load", failLoadHandler);
// Clean up event listeners on component unmount
return () => {
webview.removeEventListener("did-navigate", navigateListener);
webview.removeEventListener("did-navigate-in-page", navigateListener);
webview.removeEventListener("new-window", newWindowHandler);
webview.removeEventListener("did-fail-load", failLoadHandler);
webview.removeEventListener("did-start-loading", startLoadingHandler);
webview.removeEventListener("did-stop-loading", stopLoadingHandler);
}, []);
return (
// @ts-ignore This is a discrepancy between the React typing and the Chromium impl for webviewTag. Chrome webviewTag expects a string, while React expects a boolean.
export { WebView, makeWebViewModel };