Evan Simkowitz 64084d3e27
Remove global.ts dependency from emain (#1003)
Removes global atoms dependency from emain by moving WOS to grab the
globalAtoms from window, if present. Also removes interdependency
between wshrpcutil and wps

Also adds showmenubar setting for Windows and Linux
2024-10-10 10:12:42 -07:00

518 lines
20 KiB

// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import { WindowDrag } from "@/element/windowdrag";
import { deleteLayoutModelForTab } from "@/layout/index";
import { atoms, getApi, isDev, PLATFORM } from "@/store/global";
import * as services from "@/store/services";
import { useAtomValue } from "jotai";
import { OverlayScrollbars } from "overlayscrollbars";
import React, { createRef, useCallback, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
import { debounce } from "throttle-debounce";
import { Tab } from "./tab";
import "./tabbar.less";
import { UpdateStatusBanner } from "./updatebanner";
const TAB_DEFAULT_WIDTH = 130;
const TAB_MIN_WIDTH = 100;
const OS_OPTIONS = {
overflow: {
x: "scroll",
y: "hidden",
scrollbars: {
theme: "os-theme-dark",
visibility: "auto",
autoHide: "leave",
autoHideDelay: 1300,
autoHideSuspend: false,
dragScroll: true,
clickScroll: false,
pointers: ["mouse", "touch", "pen"],
interface TabBarProps {
workspace: Workspace;
const TabBar = React.memo(({ workspace }: TabBarProps) => {
const [tabIds, setTabIds] = useState<string[]>([]);
const [dragStartPositions, setDragStartPositions] = useState<number[]>([]);
const [draggingTab, setDraggingTab] = useState<string>();
const [tabsLoaded, setTabsLoaded] = useState({});
// const [scrollable, setScrollable] = useState(false);
// const [tabWidth, setTabWidth] = useState(TAB_DEFAULT_WIDTH);
const [newTabId, setNewTabId] = useState<string | null>(null);
const tabbarWrapperRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const tabBarRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const tabsWrapperRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const tabRefs = useRef<React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>[]>([]);
const addBtnRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const draggingRemovedRef = useRef(false);
const draggingTabDataRef = useRef({
tabId: "",
ref: { current: null },
tabStartX: 0,
tabIndex: 0,
initialOffsetX: null,
totalScrollOffset: null,
dragged: false,
const osInstanceRef = useRef<OverlayScrollbars>(null);
const draggerRightRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const draggerLeftRef = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const tabWidthRef = useRef<number>(TAB_DEFAULT_WIDTH);
const scrollableRef = useRef<boolean>(false);
const updateStatusButtonRef = useRef<HTMLButtonElement>(null);
const prevAllLoadedRef = useRef<boolean>(false);
const windowData = useAtomValue(atoms.waveWindow);
const { activetabid } = windowData;
const isFullScreen = useAtomValue(atoms.isFullScreen);
const settings = useAtomValue(atoms.settingsAtom);
let prevDelta: number;
let prevDragDirection: string;
// Update refs when tabIds change
useEffect(() => {
tabRefs.current = tabIds.map((_, index) => tabRefs.current[index] || createRef());
}, [tabIds]);
useEffect(() => {
if (workspace) {
// Compare current tabIds with new workspace.tabids
const currentTabIds = new Set(tabIds);
const newTabIds = new Set(workspace.tabids);
const areEqual =
currentTabIds.size === newTabIds.size && [...currentTabIds].every((id) => newTabIds.has(id));
if (!areEqual) {
}, [workspace, tabIds]);
const saveTabsPosition = useCallback(() => {
const tabs = tabRefs.current;
if (tabs === null) return;
const newStartPositions: number[] = [];
let cumulativeLeft = 0; // Start from the left edge
tabRefs.current.forEach((ref) => {
if (ref.current) {
cumulativeLeft += ref.current.getBoundingClientRect().width; // Add each tab's actual width to the cumulative position
}, []);
const setSizeAndPosition = (animate?: boolean) => {
const tabBar = tabBarRef.current;
if (tabBar === null) return;
const tabbarWrapperWidth = tabbarWrapperRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().width;
const windowDragLeftWidth = draggerLeftRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().width;
const addBtnWidth = addBtnRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().width;
const updateStatusLabelWidth = updateStatusButtonRef.current?.getBoundingClientRect().width ?? 0;
const spaceForTabs =
tabbarWrapperWidth - (windowDragLeftWidth + DRAGGER_RIGHT_MIN_WIDTH + addBtnWidth + updateStatusLabelWidth);
const numberOfTabs = tabIds.length;
const totalDefaultTabWidth = numberOfTabs * TAB_DEFAULT_WIDTH;
const minTotalTabWidth = numberOfTabs * TAB_MIN_WIDTH;
const tabWidth = tabWidthRef.current;
const scrollable = scrollableRef.current;
let newTabWidth = tabWidth;
let newScrollable = scrollable;
if (spaceForTabs < totalDefaultTabWidth && spaceForTabs > minTotalTabWidth) {
newTabWidth = TAB_MIN_WIDTH;
} else if (minTotalTabWidth > spaceForTabs) {
// Case where tabs cannot shrink further, make the tab bar scrollable
newTabWidth = TAB_MIN_WIDTH;
newScrollable = true;
} else if (totalDefaultTabWidth > spaceForTabs) {
// Case where resizing is needed due to limited container width
newTabWidth = spaceForTabs / numberOfTabs;
newScrollable = false;
} else {
// Case where tabs were previously shrunk or there is enough space for default width tabs
newScrollable = false;
// Apply the calculated width and position to all tabs
tabRefs.current.forEach((ref, index) => {
if (ref.current) {
if (animate) {
} else {
ref.current.style.width = `${newTabWidth}px`;
ref.current.style.transform = `translate3d(${index * newTabWidth}px,0,0)`;
ref.current.style.opacity = "1";
// Update the state with the new tab width if it has changed
if (newTabWidth !== tabWidth) {
tabWidthRef.current = newTabWidth;
// Update the state with the new scrollable state if it has changed
if (newScrollable !== scrollable) {
scrollableRef.current = newScrollable;
// Initialize/destroy overlay scrollbars
if (newScrollable) {
osInstanceRef.current = OverlayScrollbars(tabBarRef.current, { ...(OS_OPTIONS as any) });
} else {
if (osInstanceRef.current) {
const handleResizeTabs = useCallback(() => {
debounce(100, () => saveTabsPosition())();
}, [tabIds, newTabId, isFullScreen]);
useEffect(() => {
window.addEventListener("resize", () => handleResizeTabs());
return () => {
window.removeEventListener("resize", () => handleResizeTabs());
}, [handleResizeTabs]);
useEffect(() => {
// Check if all tabs are loaded
const allLoaded = tabIds.length > 0 && tabIds.every((id) => tabsLoaded[id]);
if (allLoaded) {
setSizeAndPosition(newTabId === null && prevAllLoadedRef.current);
if (!prevAllLoadedRef.current) {
prevAllLoadedRef.current = true;
}, [tabIds, tabsLoaded, newTabId, saveTabsPosition]);
const getDragDirection = (currentX: number) => {
let dragDirection;
if (currentX - prevDelta > 0) {
dragDirection = "+";
} else if (currentX - prevDelta === 0) {
dragDirection = prevDragDirection;
} else {
dragDirection = "-";
prevDelta = currentX;
prevDragDirection = dragDirection;
return dragDirection;
const getNewTabIndex = (currentX: number, tabIndex: number, dragDirection: string) => {
let newTabIndex = tabIndex;
const tabWidth = tabWidthRef.current;
if (dragDirection === "+") {
// Dragging to the right
for (let i = tabIndex + 1; i < tabIds.length; i++) {
const otherTabStart = dragStartPositions[i];
if (currentX + tabWidth > otherTabStart + tabWidth / 2) {
newTabIndex = i;
} else {
// Dragging to the left
for (let i = tabIndex - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
const otherTabEnd = dragStartPositions[i] + tabWidth;
if (currentX < otherTabEnd - tabWidth / 2) {
newTabIndex = i;
return newTabIndex;
const handleMouseMove = (event: MouseEvent) => {
const { tabId, ref, tabStartX } = draggingTabDataRef.current;
let initialOffsetX = draggingTabDataRef.current.initialOffsetX;
let totalScrollOffset = draggingTabDataRef.current.totalScrollOffset;
if (initialOffsetX === null) {
initialOffsetX = event.clientX - tabStartX;
draggingTabDataRef.current.initialOffsetX = initialOffsetX;
let currentX = event.clientX - initialOffsetX - totalScrollOffset;
let tabBarRectWidth = tabBarRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().width;
// for macos, it's offset to make space for the window buttons
const tabBarRectLeftOffset = tabBarRef.current.getBoundingClientRect().left;
const incrementDecrement = tabBarRectLeftOffset * 0.05;
const dragDirection = getDragDirection(currentX);
const scrollable = scrollableRef.current;
const tabWidth = tabWidthRef.current;
// Scroll the tab bar if the dragged tab overflows the container bounds
if (scrollable) {
const { viewport } = osInstanceRef.current.elements();
const currentScrollLeft = viewport.scrollLeft;
if (event.clientX <= tabBarRectLeftOffset) {
viewport.scrollLeft = Math.max(0, currentScrollLeft - incrementDecrement); // Scroll left
if (viewport.scrollLeft !== currentScrollLeft) {
// Only adjust if the scroll actually changed
draggingTabDataRef.current.totalScrollOffset += currentScrollLeft - viewport.scrollLeft;
} else if (event.clientX >= tabBarRectWidth + tabBarRectLeftOffset) {
viewport.scrollLeft = Math.min(viewport.scrollWidth, currentScrollLeft + incrementDecrement); // Scroll right
if (viewport.scrollLeft !== currentScrollLeft) {
// Only adjust if the scroll actually changed
draggingTabDataRef.current.totalScrollOffset -= viewport.scrollLeft - currentScrollLeft;
// Re-calculate currentX after potential scroll adjustment
initialOffsetX = draggingTabDataRef.current.initialOffsetX;
totalScrollOffset = draggingTabDataRef.current.totalScrollOffset;
currentX = event.clientX - initialOffsetX - totalScrollOffset;
setDraggingTab((prev) => (prev !== tabId ? tabId : prev));
// Check if the tab has moved 5 pixels
if (Math.abs(currentX - tabStartX) >= 50) {
draggingTabDataRef.current.dragged = true;
// Constrain movement within the container bounds
if (tabBarRef.current) {
const numberOfTabs = tabIds.length;
const totalDefaultTabWidth = numberOfTabs * TAB_DEFAULT_WIDTH;
if (totalDefaultTabWidth < tabBarRectWidth) {
// Set to the total default tab width if there's vacant space
tabBarRectWidth = totalDefaultTabWidth;
} else if (scrollable) {
// Set to the scrollable width if the tab bar is scrollable
tabBarRectWidth = tabsWrapperRef.current.scrollWidth;
const minLeft = 0;
const maxRight = tabBarRectWidth - tabWidth;
// Adjust currentX to stay within bounds
currentX = Math.min(Math.max(currentX, minLeft), maxRight);
ref.current!.style.transform = `translate3d(${currentX}px,0,0)`;
ref.current!.style.zIndex = "100";
const tabIndex = draggingTabDataRef.current.tabIndex;
const newTabIndex = getNewTabIndex(currentX, tabIndex, dragDirection);
if (newTabIndex !== tabIndex) {
// Remove the dragged tab if not already done
if (!draggingRemovedRef.current) {
tabIds.splice(tabIndex, 1);
draggingRemovedRef.current = true;
// Find current index of the dragged tab in tempTabs
const currentIndexOfDraggingTab = tabIds.indexOf(tabId);
// Move the dragged tab to its new position
if (currentIndexOfDraggingTab !== -1) {
tabIds.splice(currentIndexOfDraggingTab, 1);
tabIds.splice(newTabIndex, 0, tabId);
// Update visual positions of the tabs
tabIds.forEach((localTabId, index) => {
const ref = tabRefs.current.find((ref) => ref.current.dataset.tabId === localTabId);
if (ref.current && localTabId !== tabId) {
ref.current.style.transform = `translate3d(${index * tabWidth}px,0,0)`;
draggingTabDataRef.current.tabIndex = newTabIndex;
const handleMouseUp = (event: MouseEvent) => {
const { tabIndex, dragged } = draggingTabDataRef.current;
// Update the final position of the dragged tab
const draggingTab = tabIds[tabIndex];
const tabWidth = tabWidthRef.current;
const finalLeftPosition = tabIndex * tabWidth;
const ref = tabRefs.current.find((ref) => ref.current.dataset.tabId === draggingTab);
if (ref.current) {
ref.current.style.transform = `translate3d(${finalLeftPosition}px,0,0)`;
if (dragged) {
debounce(300, () => {
// Reset styles
tabRefs.current.forEach((ref) => {
ref.current.style.zIndex = "0";
// Reset dragging state
// Update workspace tab ids
services.ObjectService.UpdateWorkspaceTabIds(workspace.oid, tabIds);
} else {
// Reset styles
tabRefs.current.forEach((ref) => {
ref.current.style.zIndex = "0";
// Reset dragging state
document.removeEventListener("mouseup", handleMouseUp);
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
draggingRemovedRef.current = false;
const handleDragStart = useCallback(
(event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement, MouseEvent>, tabId: string, ref: React.RefObject<HTMLDivElement>) => {
if (event.button !== 0) return;
const tabIndex = tabIds.indexOf(tabId);
const tabStartX = dragStartPositions[tabIndex]; // Starting X position of the tab
if (ref.current) {
draggingTabDataRef.current = {
tabId: ref.current.dataset.tabId,
initialOffsetX: null,
totalScrollOffset: 0,
dragged: false,
document.addEventListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
document.addEventListener("mouseup", handleMouseUp);
[tabIds, dragStartPositions]
const handleSelectTab = (tabId: string) => {
if (!draggingTabDataRef.current.dragged) {
const handleAddTab = () => {
const newTabName = `T${tabIds.length + 1}`;
services.ObjectService.AddTabToWorkspace(newTabName, true).then((tabId) => {
setTabIds([...tabIds, tabId]);
tabsWrapperRef.current.style.setProperty("--tabs-wrapper-transition", "width 0.1s ease");
debounce(30, () => {
if (scrollableRef.current) {
const { viewport } = osInstanceRef.current.elements();
viewport.scrollLeft = tabIds.length * tabWidthRef.current;
debounce(100, () => setNewTabId(null))();
const handleCloseTab = (event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLButtonElement, MouseEvent> | null, tabId: string) => {
tabsWrapperRef.current.style.setProperty("--tabs-wrapper-transition", "width 0.3s ease");
const handleTabLoaded = useCallback((tabId) => {
setTabsLoaded((prev) => {
if (!prev[tabId]) {
// Only update if the tab isn't already marked as loaded
return { ...prev, [tabId]: true };
return prev;
}, []);
const isBeforeActive = (tabId: string) => {
return tabIds.indexOf(tabId) === tabIds.indexOf(activetabid) - 1;
function onEllipsisClick() {
const tabsWrapperWidth = tabIds.length * tabWidthRef.current;
const devLabel = isDev() ? (
<div className="dev-label">
<i className="fa fa-brands fa-dev fa-fw" />
) : undefined;
const appMenuButton =
PLATFORM !== "darwin" && !settings["window:showmenubar"] ? (
<div className="app-menu-button" onClick={onEllipsisClick}>
<i className="fa fa-ellipsis" />
) : undefined;
return (
<div ref={tabbarWrapperRef} className="tab-bar-wrapper">
<WindowDrag ref={draggerLeftRef} className="left" />
<div className="tab-bar" ref={tabBarRef} data-overlayscrollbars-initialize>
<div className="tabs-wrapper" ref={tabsWrapperRef} style={{ width: `${tabsWrapperWidth}px` }}>
{tabIds.map((tabId, index) => {
return (
isFirst={index === 0}
onSelect={() => handleSelectTab(tabId)}
active={activetabid === tabId}
onDragStart={(event) => handleDragStart(event, tabId, tabRefs.current[index])}
onClose={(event) => handleCloseTab(event, tabId)}
onLoaded={() => handleTabLoaded(tabId)}
isDragging={draggingTab === tabId}
isNew={tabId === newTabId}
<div ref={addBtnRef} className="add-tab-btn" onClick={handleAddTab}>
<i className="fa fa-solid fa-plus fa-fw" />
<WindowDrag ref={draggerRightRef} className="right" />
<UpdateStatusBanner buttonRef={updateStatusButtonRef} />
export { TabBar };