mirror of
synced 2025-02-28 03:42:50 +01:00
1324 lines
36 KiB
1324 lines
36 KiB
// Copyright 2023, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package packet
import (
// single : <init, >run, >cmddata, >cmddone, <cmdstart, <>data, <>dataack, <cmddone
// single(detached): <init, >run, >cmddata, >cmddone, <cmdstart
// server : <init, >run, >cmddata, >cmddone, <cmdstart, <>data, <>dataack, <cmddone
// >cd, >getcmd, >untailcmd, >input, <resp
// all : <>error, <>message, <>ping, <raw
// >streamfile, <streamfileresp, <filedata*
// >writefile, <writefileready, >filedata*, <writefiledone
const MaxCompGenValues = 100
var GlobalDebug = false
const (
RunPacketStr = "run" // rpc
PingPacketStr = "ping"
InitPacketStr = "init"
DataPacketStr = "data" // command
DataAckPacketStr = "dataack" // command
CmdStartPacketStr = "cmdstart" // rpc-response
CmdDonePacketStr = "cmddone" // command
DataEndPacketStr = "dataend"
ResponsePacketStr = "resp" // rpc-response
DonePacketStr = "done"
MessagePacketStr = "message"
GetCmdPacketStr = "getcmd" // rpc
UntailCmdPacketStr = "untailcmd" // rpc
CdPacketStr = "cd" // rpc
RawPacketStr = "raw"
SpecialInputPacketStr = "sinput" // command
CompGenPacketStr = "compgen" // rpc
ReInitPacketStr = "reinit" // rpc
CmdFinalPacketStr = "cmdfinal" // command, pushed at the "end" of a command (fail-safe for no cmddone)
StreamFilePacketStr = "streamfile" // rpc
StreamFileResponseStr = "streamfileresp" // rpc-response
WriteFilePacketStr = "writefile" // rpc
WriteFileReadyPacketStr = "writefileready" // rpc-response
WriteFileDonePacketStr = "writefiledone" // rpc-response
FileDataPacketStr = "filedata"
FileStatPacketStr = "filestat"
LogPacketStr = "log" // logging packet (sent from waveshell back to server)
ShellStatePacketStr = "shellstate"
RpcInputPacketStr = "rpcinput" // rpc-followup
OpenAIPacketStr = "openai" // other
OpenAICloudReqStr = "openai-cloudreq"
const (
ShellType_bash = "bash"
ShellType_zsh = "zsh"
const (
EC_InvalidCwd = "ERRCWD"
const PacketSenderQueueSize = 20
const PacketEOFStr = "EOF"
var TypeStrToFactory map[string]reflect.Type
const OpenAICmdInfoChatGreetingMessage = "Hello, may I help you with this command? \n(Ctrl-Space: open, ESC: close, Ctrl+L: clear chat buffer, Up/Down: select code blocks, Enter: to copy a selected code block to the command input)"
func init() {
TypeStrToFactory = make(map[string]reflect.Type)
TypeStrToFactory[RunPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(RunPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[PingPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(PingPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[ResponsePacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(ResponsePacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[DonePacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(DonePacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[MessagePacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(MessagePacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[CmdStartPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(CmdStartPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[CmdDonePacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(CmdDonePacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[GetCmdPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(GetCmdPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[UntailCmdPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(UntailCmdPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[InitPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(InitPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[CdPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(CdPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[RawPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(RawPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[SpecialInputPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(SpecialInputPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[DataPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(DataPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[DataAckPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(DataAckPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[DataEndPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(DataEndPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[CompGenPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(CompGenPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[ReInitPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(ReInitPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[CmdFinalPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(CmdFinalPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[StreamFilePacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(StreamFilePacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[StreamFileResponseStr] = reflect.TypeOf(StreamFileResponseType{})
TypeStrToFactory[OpenAIPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(OpenAIPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[FileDataPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(FileDataPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[WriteFilePacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(WriteFilePacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[WriteFileReadyPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(WriteFileReadyPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[WriteFileDonePacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(WriteFileDonePacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[LogPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(LogPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[ShellStatePacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(ShellStatePacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[FileStatPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(FileStatPacketType{})
TypeStrToFactory[RpcInputPacketStr] = reflect.TypeOf(RpcInputPacketType{})
var _ RpcPacketType = (*RunPacketType)(nil)
var _ RpcPacketType = (*GetCmdPacketType)(nil)
var _ RpcPacketType = (*UntailCmdPacketType)(nil)
var _ RpcPacketType = (*CdPacketType)(nil)
var _ RpcPacketType = (*CompGenPacketType)(nil)
var _ RpcPacketType = (*ReInitPacketType)(nil)
var _ RpcPacketType = (*StreamFilePacketType)(nil)
var _ RpcPacketType = (*WriteFilePacketType)(nil)
var _ RpcResponsePacketType = (*CmdStartPacketType)(nil)
var _ RpcResponsePacketType = (*ResponsePacketType)(nil)
var _ RpcResponsePacketType = (*StreamFileResponseType)(nil)
var _ RpcResponsePacketType = (*FileDataPacketType)(nil)
var _ RpcResponsePacketType = (*WriteFileReadyPacketType)(nil)
var _ RpcResponsePacketType = (*WriteFileDonePacketType)(nil)
var _ RpcResponsePacketType = (*ShellStatePacketType)(nil)
var _ RpcFollowUpPacketType = (*FileDataPacketType)(nil)
var _ RpcFollowUpPacketType = (*RpcInputPacketType)(nil)
var _ CommandPacketType = (*DataPacketType)(nil)
var _ CommandPacketType = (*DataAckPacketType)(nil)
var _ CommandPacketType = (*CmdDonePacketType)(nil)
var _ CommandPacketType = (*SpecialInputPacketType)(nil)
var _ CommandPacketType = (*CmdFinalPacketType)(nil)
func RegisterPacketType(typeStr string, rtype reflect.Type) {
TypeStrToFactory[typeStr] = rtype
func MakePacket(packetType string) (PacketType, error) {
rtype := TypeStrToFactory[packetType]
if rtype == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid packet type '%s'", packetType)
rtn := reflect.New(rtype)
return rtn.Interface().(PacketType), nil
type PingPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
func (*PingPacketType) GetType() string {
return PingPacketStr
func MakePingPacket() *PingPacketType {
return &PingPacketType{Type: PingPacketStr}
type RpcInputPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
ReqId string `json:"reqid"`
Data []byte `json:"data"`
func (*RpcInputPacketType) GetType() string {
return RpcInputPacketStr
func (p *RpcInputPacketType) GetAssociatedReqId() string {
return p.ReqId
func MakeRpcInputPacket(reqId string) *RpcInputPacketType {
return &RpcInputPacketType{Type: RpcInputPacketStr, ReqId: reqId}
// these packets can travel either direction
// so it is both a RpcResponsePacketType and an RpcFollowUpPacketType
type FileDataPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
RespId string `json:"respid"`
Data []byte `json:"data"`
Eof bool `json:"eof,omitempty"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
func (*FileDataPacketType) GetType() string {
return FileDataPacketStr
func MakeFileDataPacket(reqId string) *FileDataPacketType {
return &FileDataPacketType{
Type: FileDataPacketStr,
RespId: reqId,
func (p *FileDataPacketType) GetAssociatedReqId() string {
return p.RespId
func (p *FileDataPacketType) GetResponseId() string {
return p.RespId
func (p *FileDataPacketType) GetResponseDone() bool {
return p.Eof || p.Error != ""
type DataPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
CK base.CommandKey `json:"ck"`
FdNum int `json:"fdnum"`
Data64 string `json:"data64"` // base64 encoded
Eof bool `json:"eof,omitempty"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
func (*DataPacketType) GetType() string {
return DataPacketStr
func (p *DataPacketType) GetCK() base.CommandKey {
return p.CK
func B64DecodedLen(b64 string) int {
if len(b64) < 4 {
return 0 // we use padded strings, so < 4 is always 0
realLen := 3 * (len(b64) / 4)
if b64[len(b64)-1] == '=' {
if b64[len(b64)-2] == '=' {
return realLen
func (p *DataPacketType) String() string {
eofStr := ""
if p.Eof {
eofStr = ", eof"
errStr := ""
if p.Error != "" {
errStr = fmt.Sprintf(", err=%s", p.Error)
return fmt.Sprintf("data[fd=%d, len=%d%s%s]", p.FdNum, B64DecodedLen(p.Data64), eofStr, errStr)
func MakeDataPacket() *DataPacketType {
return &DataPacketType{Type: DataPacketStr}
type DataEndPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
CK base.CommandKey `json:"ck"`
func MakeDataEndPacket(ck base.CommandKey) *DataEndPacketType {
return &DataEndPacketType{Type: DataEndPacketStr, CK: ck}
func (*DataEndPacketType) GetType() string {
return DataEndPacketStr
type DataAckPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
CK base.CommandKey `json:"ck"`
FdNum int `json:"fdnum"`
AckLen int `json:"acklen"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
func (*DataAckPacketType) GetType() string {
return DataAckPacketStr
func (p *DataAckPacketType) GetCK() base.CommandKey {
return p.CK
func (p *DataAckPacketType) String() string {
errStr := ""
if p.Error != "" {
errStr = fmt.Sprintf(" err=%s", p.Error)
return fmt.Sprintf("ack[fd=%d, acklen=%d%s]", p.FdNum, p.AckLen, errStr)
func MakeDataAckPacket() *DataAckPacketType {
return &DataAckPacketType{Type: DataAckPacketStr}
type WinSize struct {
Rows int `json:"rows"`
Cols int `json:"cols"`
// SigNum gets sent to process via a signal
// WinSize, if set, will run TIOCSWINSZ to set size, and then send SIGWINCH
type SpecialInputPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
CK base.CommandKey `json:"ck"`
SigName string `json:"signame,omitempty"` // passed to unix.SignalNum (needs 'SIG' prefix, e.g. "SIGTERM"), also accepts a number (e.g. "9")
WinSize *WinSize `json:"winsize,omitempty"`
func (*SpecialInputPacketType) GetType() string {
return SpecialInputPacketStr
func (p *SpecialInputPacketType) GetCK() base.CommandKey {
return p.CK
func MakeSpecialInputPacket() *SpecialInputPacketType {
return &SpecialInputPacketType{Type: SpecialInputPacketStr}
type UntailCmdPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
ReqId string `json:"reqid"`
CK base.CommandKey `json:"ck"`
func (*UntailCmdPacketType) GetType() string {
return UntailCmdPacketStr
func (p *UntailCmdPacketType) GetReqId() string {
return p.ReqId
func MakeUntailCmdPacket() *UntailCmdPacketType {
return &UntailCmdPacketType{Type: UntailCmdPacketStr}
type GetCmdPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
ReqId string `json:"reqid"`
CK base.CommandKey `json:"ck"`
PtyPos int64 `json:"ptypos"`
RunPos int64 `json:"runpos"`
Tail bool `json:"tail,omitempty"`
PtyOnly bool `json:"ptyonly,omitempty"`
func (*GetCmdPacketType) GetType() string {
return GetCmdPacketStr
func (p *GetCmdPacketType) GetReqId() string {
return p.ReqId
func MakeGetCmdPacket() *GetCmdPacketType {
return &GetCmdPacketType{Type: GetCmdPacketStr}
type CdPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
ReqId string `json:"reqid"`
Dir string `json:"dir"`
func (*CdPacketType) GetType() string {
return CdPacketStr
func (p *CdPacketType) GetReqId() string {
return p.ReqId
func MakeCdPacket() *CdPacketType {
return &CdPacketType{Type: CdPacketStr}
type ReInitPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
ShellType string `json:"shelltype"`
ReqId string `json:"reqid"`
func (*ReInitPacketType) GetType() string {
return ReInitPacketStr
func (p *ReInitPacketType) GetReqId() string {
return p.ReqId
func MakeReInitPacket() *ReInitPacketType {
return &ReInitPacketType{Type: ReInitPacketStr}
type FileStatPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Size int64 `json:"size"`
ModTs time.Time `json:"modts"`
IsDir bool `json:"isdir"`
Perm int `json:"perm"`
ModeStr string `json:"modestr"`
Error string `json:"error"`
Done bool `json:"done"`
RespId string `json:"respid"`
Path string `json:"path"`
func (*FileStatPacketType) GetType() string {
return FileStatPacketStr
func (p *FileStatPacketType) GetResponseDone() bool {
return p.Done
func (p *FileStatPacketType) GetResponseId() string {
return p.RespId
func MakeFileStatPacketType() *FileStatPacketType {
return &FileStatPacketType{Type: FileStatPacketStr}
func MakeFileStatPacketFromFileInfo(finfo fs.FileInfo, err string, done bool) *FileStatPacketType {
resp := MakeFileStatPacketType()
resp.Error = err
resp.Done = done
resp.IsDir = finfo.IsDir()
resp.Name = finfo.Name()
resp.Size = finfo.Size()
resp.ModTs = finfo.ModTime()
resp.Perm = int(finfo.Mode().Perm())
resp.ModeStr = finfo.Mode().String()
return resp
type StreamFilePacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
ReqId string `json:"reqid"`
Path string `json:"path"`
ByteRange []int64 `json:"byterange"` // works like the http "Range" header (multiple ranges are not allowed)
StatOnly bool `json:"statonly,omitempty"` // set if you just want the stat response (no data returned)
func (*StreamFilePacketType) GetType() string {
return StreamFilePacketStr
func (p *StreamFilePacketType) GetReqId() string {
return p.ReqId
func MakeStreamFilePacket() *StreamFilePacketType {
return &StreamFilePacketType{Type: StreamFilePacketStr}
type FileInfo struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Size int64 `json:"size"`
ModTs int64 `json:"modts"`
IsDir bool `json:"isdir,omitempty"`
Perm int `json:"perm"`
MimeType string `json:"mimetype,omitempty"`
NotFound bool `json:"notfound,omitempty"` // when NotFound is set, Perm will be set to permission for directory
type StreamFileResponseType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
RespId string `json:"respid"`
Done bool `json:"done,omitempty"`
Info *FileInfo `json:"info,omitempty"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
func (*StreamFileResponseType) GetType() string {
return StreamFileResponseStr
func (p *StreamFileResponseType) GetResponseId() string {
return p.RespId
func (p *StreamFileResponseType) GetResponseDone() bool {
return p.Done
func MakeStreamFileResponse(respId string) *StreamFileResponseType {
return &StreamFileResponseType{
Type: StreamFileResponseStr,
RespId: respId,
type CompGenPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
ReqId string `json:"reqid"`
Prefix string `json:"prefix"`
CompType string `json:"comptype"`
Cwd string `json:"cwd"`
func IsValidCompGenType(t string) bool {
return (t == "file" || t == "command" || t == "directory" || t == "variable")
func (*CompGenPacketType) GetType() string {
return CompGenPacketStr
func (p *CompGenPacketType) GetReqId() string {
return p.ReqId
func MakeCompGenPacket() *CompGenPacketType {
return &CompGenPacketType{Type: CompGenPacketStr}
type ResponsePacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
RespId string `json:"respid"`
Success bool `json:"success"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
ErrorCode string `json:"errorcode,omitempty"` // can be used for structured errors
Data interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`
func (*ResponsePacketType) GetType() string {
return ResponsePacketStr
func (p *ResponsePacketType) GetResponseId() string {
return p.RespId
func (*ResponsePacketType) GetResponseDone() bool {
return true
func (p *ResponsePacketType) Err() error {
if p == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("no response received")
if !p.Success {
if p.Error != "" {
if p.ErrorCode != "" {
return &base.CodedError{ErrorCode: p.ErrorCode, Err: errors.New(p.Error)}
return errors.New(p.Error)
return fmt.Errorf("rpc failed")
return nil
func (p *ResponsePacketType) String() string {
if p.Success {
return "response[success]"
return fmt.Sprintf("response[error:%s]", p.Error)
func MakeErrorResponsePacket(reqId string, err error) *ResponsePacketType {
if codedErr, ok := err.(*base.CodedError); ok {
return &ResponsePacketType{Type: ResponsePacketStr, RespId: reqId, Error: codedErr.Err.Error(), ErrorCode: codedErr.ErrorCode}
return &ResponsePacketType{Type: ResponsePacketStr, RespId: reqId, Error: err.Error()}
func MakeResponsePacket(reqId string, data interface{}) *ResponsePacketType {
return &ResponsePacketType{Type: ResponsePacketStr, RespId: reqId, Success: true, Data: data}
type RawPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Data string `json:"data"`
func (*RawPacketType) GetType() string {
return RawPacketStr
func (p *RawPacketType) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("raw[%s]", p.Data)
func MakeRawPacket(val string) *RawPacketType {
return &RawPacketType{Type: RawPacketStr, Data: val}
type LogPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Entry wlog.LogEntry `json:"entry"`
func (*LogPacketType) GetType() string {
return LogPacketStr
func (p *LogPacketType) String() string {
return "log"
func MakeLogPacket(entry wlog.LogEntry) *LogPacketType {
return &LogPacketType{Type: LogPacketStr, Entry: entry}
type ShellStatePacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
ShellType string `json:"shelltype"`
RespId string `json:"respid,omitempty"`
State *ShellState `json:"state"`
Stats *ShellStateStats `json:"stats"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
func (*ShellStatePacketType) GetType() string {
return ShellStatePacketStr
func (p *ShellStatePacketType) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("shellstate[%s]", p.ShellType)
func (p *ShellStatePacketType) GetResponseId() string {
return p.RespId
func (p *ShellStatePacketType) GetResponseDone() bool {
return true
func MakeShellStatePacket() *ShellStatePacketType {
return &ShellStatePacketType{Type: ShellStatePacketStr}
type MessagePacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
CK base.CommandKey `json:"ck,omitempty"`
Message string `json:"message"`
func (*MessagePacketType) GetType() string {
return MessagePacketStr
func (p *MessagePacketType) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("messsage[%s]", p.Message)
func MakeMessagePacket(message string) *MessagePacketType {
return &MessagePacketType{Type: MessagePacketStr, Message: message}
func FmtMessagePacket(fmtStr string, args ...interface{}) *MessagePacketType {
message := fmt.Sprintf(fmtStr, args...)
return &MessagePacketType{Type: MessagePacketStr, Message: message}
type InitPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
RespId string `json:"respid,omitempty"`
Version string `json:"version"`
BuildTime string `json:"buildtime,omitempty"`
MShellHomeDir string `json:"mshellhomedir,omitempty"`
HomeDir string `json:"homedir,omitempty"`
User string `json:"user,omitempty"`
HostName string `json:"hostname,omitempty"`
NotFound bool `json:"notfound,omitempty"`
UName string `json:"uname,omitempty"`
Shell string `json:"shell,omitempty"`
RemoteId string `json:"remoteid,omitempty"`
func (*InitPacketType) GetType() string {
return InitPacketStr
func (pk *InitPacketType) GetResponseId() string {
return pk.RespId
func (pk *InitPacketType) GetResponseDone() bool {
return true
func MakeInitPacket() *InitPacketType {
return &InitPacketType{Type: InitPacketStr}
type DonePacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
func (*DonePacketType) GetType() string {
return DonePacketStr
func MakeDonePacket() *DonePacketType {
return &DonePacketType{Type: DonePacketStr}
type CmdFinalPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Ts int64 `json:"ts"`
CK base.CommandKey `json:"ck"`
Error string `json:"error"`
func (*CmdFinalPacketType) GetType() string {
return CmdFinalPacketStr
func (pk *CmdFinalPacketType) GetCK() base.CommandKey {
return pk.CK
func MakeCmdFinalPacket(ck base.CommandKey) *CmdFinalPacketType {
return &CmdFinalPacketType{Type: CmdFinalPacketStr, CK: ck}
type CmdDonePacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Ts int64 `json:"ts"`
CK base.CommandKey `json:"ck"`
ExitCode int `json:"exitcode"`
DurationMs int64 `json:"durationms"`
FinalState *ShellState `json:"finalstate,omitempty"`
FinalStateDiff *ShellStateDiff `json:"finalstatediff,omitempty"`
FinalStateBasePtr *ShellStatePtr `json:"finalstatebaseptr,omitempty"`
func (*CmdDonePacketType) GetType() string {
return CmdDonePacketStr
func (p *CmdDonePacketType) GetCK() base.CommandKey {
return p.CK
func MakeCmdDonePacket(ck base.CommandKey) *CmdDonePacketType {
return &CmdDonePacketType{Type: CmdDonePacketStr, CK: ck}
type CmdStartPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
RespId string `json:"respid,omitempty"`
Ts int64 `json:"ts"`
CK base.CommandKey `json:"ck"`
Pid int `json:"pid,omitempty"`
MShellPid int `json:"mshellpid,omitempty"`
func (*CmdStartPacketType) GetType() string {
return CmdStartPacketStr
func (p *CmdStartPacketType) GetResponseId() string {
return p.RespId
func (*CmdStartPacketType) GetResponseDone() bool {
return true
func MakeCmdStartPacket(reqId string) *CmdStartPacketType {
return &CmdStartPacketType{Type: CmdStartPacketStr, RespId: reqId}
type TermOpts struct {
Rows int `json:"rows"`
Cols int `json:"cols"`
Term string `json:"term"`
MaxPtySize int64 `json:"maxptysize,omitempty"`
FlexRows bool `json:"flexrows,omitempty"`
type RemoteFd struct {
FdNum int `json:"fdnum"`
Read bool `json:"read"`
Write bool `json:"write"`
DupStdin bool `json:"-"`
type RunDataType struct {
FdNum int `json:"fdnum"`
DataLen int `json:"datalen"`
Data []byte `json:"-"`
type RunPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
ReqId string `json:"reqid"`
CK base.CommandKey `json:"ck"`
ShellType string `json:"shelltype"` // added in Wave v0.6.0 (either "bash" or "zsh") (set by remote.go)
Command string `json:"command"`
State *ShellState `json:"state,omitempty"`
StatePtr *ShellStatePtr `json:"stateptr,omitempty"` // added in Wave v0.7.2
StateComplete bool `json:"statecomplete,omitempty"` // set to true if state is complete (the default env should not be set)
UsePty bool `json:"usepty,omitempty"` // Set to true if the command should be run in a pty. This will write all output to the stdout file descriptor with PTY formatting.
TermOpts *TermOpts `json:"termopts,omitempty"`
Fds []RemoteFd `json:"fds,omitempty"`
RunData []RunDataType `json:"rundata,omitempty"`
Detached bool `json:"detached,omitempty"`
ReturnState bool `json:"returnstate,omitempty"`
func (*RunPacketType) GetType() string {
return RunPacketStr
func (p *RunPacketType) GetReqId() string {
return p.ReqId
func MakeRunPacket() *RunPacketType {
return &RunPacketType{Type: RunPacketStr}
type OpenAIUsageType struct {
PromptTokens int `json:"prompt_tokens,omitempty"`
CompletionTokens int `json:"completion_tokens,omitempty"`
TotalTokens int `json:"total_tokens,omitempty"`
type OpenAICmdInfoPacketOutputType struct {
Model string `json:"model,omitempty"`
Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
FinishReason string `json:"finish_reason,omitempty"`
Message string `json:"message,omitempty"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
type OpenAIPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Model string `json:"model,omitempty"`
Created int64 `json:"created,omitempty"`
FinishReason string `json:"finish_reason,omitempty"`
Usage *OpenAIUsageType `json:"usage,omitempty"`
Index int `json:"index,omitempty"`
Text string `json:"text,omitempty"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
func (*OpenAIPacketType) GetType() string {
return OpenAIPacketStr
func MakeOpenAIPacket() *OpenAIPacketType {
return &OpenAIPacketType{Type: OpenAIPacketStr}
type BarePacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
type WriteFilePacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
ReqId string `json:"reqid"`
UseTemp bool `json:"usetemp,omitempty"`
Path string `json:"path"`
func (*WriteFilePacketType) GetType() string {
return WriteFilePacketStr
func (p *WriteFilePacketType) GetReqId() string {
return p.ReqId
func MakeWriteFilePacket() *WriteFilePacketType {
return &WriteFilePacketType{Type: WriteFilePacketStr}
type WriteFileReadyPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
RespId string `json:"reqid"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
func (*WriteFileReadyPacketType) GetType() string {
return WriteFileReadyPacketStr
func (p *WriteFileReadyPacketType) GetResponseId() string {
return p.RespId
func (p *WriteFileReadyPacketType) GetResponseDone() bool {
return p.Error != ""
func MakeWriteFileReadyPacket(reqId string) *WriteFileReadyPacketType {
return &WriteFileReadyPacketType{
Type: WriteFileReadyPacketStr,
RespId: reqId,
type WriteFileDonePacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
RespId string `json:"reqid"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
func (*WriteFileDonePacketType) GetType() string {
return WriteFileDonePacketStr
func (p *WriteFileDonePacketType) GetResponseId() string {
return p.RespId
func (p *WriteFileDonePacketType) GetResponseDone() bool {
return true
func MakeWriteFileDonePacket(reqId string) *WriteFileDonePacketType {
return &WriteFileDonePacketType{
Type: WriteFileDonePacketStr,
RespId: reqId,
type OpenAICmdInfoChatMessage struct {
MessageID int `json:"messageid"`
IsAssistantResponse bool `json:"isassistantresponse,omitempty"`
AssistantResponse *OpenAICmdInfoPacketOutputType `json:"assistantresponse,omitempty"`
UserQuery string `json:"userquery,omitempty"`
UserEngineeredQuery string `json:"userengineeredquery,omitempty"`
type OpenAIPromptMessageType struct {
Role string `json:"role"`
Content string `json:"content"`
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
type OpenAICloudReqPacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
ClientId string `json:"clientid"`
Prompt []OpenAIPromptMessageType `json:"prompt"`
MaxTokens int `json:"maxtokens,omitempty"`
MaxChoices int `json:"maxchoices,omitempty"`
func (*OpenAICloudReqPacketType) GetType() string {
return OpenAICloudReqStr
func MakeOpenAICloudReqPacket() *OpenAICloudReqPacketType {
return &OpenAICloudReqPacketType{
Type: OpenAICloudReqStr,
type PacketType interface {
GetType() string
func AsString(pk PacketType) string {
if pk == nil {
return "nil"
if s, ok := pk.(fmt.Stringer); ok {
return s.String()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s[]", pk.GetType())
type RpcPacketType interface {
GetType() string
GetReqId() string
type RpcResponsePacketType interface {
GetType() string
GetResponseId() string
GetResponseDone() bool
type CommandPacketType interface {
GetType() string
GetCK() base.CommandKey
// RpcPackets initiate an Rpc. these can be part of the data passed back and forth
type RpcFollowUpPacketType interface {
GetType() string
GetAssociatedReqId() string
type ModelUpdatePacketType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Updates []any `json:"updates"`
func AsExtType(pk PacketType) string {
if rpcPacket, ok := pk.(RpcPacketType); ok {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s[%s]", rpcPacket.GetType(), rpcPacket.GetReqId())
} else if cmdPacket, ok := pk.(CommandPacketType); ok {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s[%s]", cmdPacket.GetType(), cmdPacket.GetCK())
} else {
return pk.GetType()
func ParseJsonPacket(jsonBuf []byte) (PacketType, error) {
var bareCmd BarePacketType
err := json.Unmarshal(jsonBuf, &bareCmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if bareCmd.Type == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("received packet with no type")
pk, err := MakePacket(bareCmd.Type)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = json.Unmarshal(jsonBuf, pk)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unmarshaling %q packet: %v", bareCmd.Type, err)
return pk, nil
type SendError struct {
IsWriteError bool // fatal
IsMarshalError bool // not fatal
PacketType string
Err error
func (e *SendError) Unwrap() error {
return e.Err
func (e *SendError) Error() string {
if e.IsMarshalError {
return fmt.Sprintf("SendPacket marshal-error '%s' packet: %v", e.PacketType, e.Err)
} else if e.IsWriteError {
return fmt.Sprintf("SendPacket write-error packet[%s]: %v", e.PacketType, e.Err)
} else {
return e.Err.Error()
func MarshalPacket(packet PacketType) ([]byte, error) {
if packet == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid nil packet")
jsonBytes, err := json.Marshal(packet)
if err != nil {
return nil, &SendError{IsMarshalError: true, PacketType: packet.GetType(), Err: err}
var outBuf bytes.Buffer
outBuf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("##%d", len(jsonBytes)))
outBytes := outBuf.Bytes()
return outBytes, nil
func SendPacket(w io.Writer, packet PacketType) error {
if packet == nil {
return nil
outBytes, err := MarshalPacket(packet)
if err != nil {
return err
if GlobalDebug {
base.Logf("SEND> %s\n", AsString(packet))
_, err = w.Write(outBytes)
if err != nil {
return &SendError{IsWriteError: true, PacketType: packet.GetType(), Err: err}
return nil
type PacketSender struct {
Lock *sync.Mutex
SendCh chan PacketType
Done bool
DoneCh chan bool
ErrHandler func(*PacketSender, PacketType, error)
ExitErr error
func MakePacketSender(output io.Writer, errHandler func(*PacketSender, PacketType, error)) *PacketSender {
sender := &PacketSender{
Lock: &sync.Mutex{},
SendCh: make(chan PacketType, PacketSenderQueueSize),
DoneCh: make(chan bool),
ErrHandler: errHandler,
go func() {
defer close(sender.DoneCh)
defer sender.Close()
for pk := range sender.SendCh {
err := SendPacket(output, pk)
if err != nil {
sender.goHandleError(pk, err)
if serr, ok := err.(*SendError); ok && serr.IsMarshalError {
// marshaler errors are recoverable
// write errors are not recoverable
sender.ExitErr = err
return sender
func (sender *PacketSender) SendLogPacket(entry wlog.LogEntry) {
func (sender *PacketSender) goHandleError(pk PacketType, err error) {
defer sender.Lock.Unlock()
if sender.ErrHandler != nil {
go sender.ErrHandler(sender, pk, err)
func MakeChannelPacketSender(packetCh chan PacketType) *PacketSender {
sender := &PacketSender{
Lock: &sync.Mutex{},
SendCh: make(chan PacketType, PacketSenderQueueSize),
DoneCh: make(chan bool),
go func() {
defer close(sender.DoneCh)
defer sender.Close()
for pk := range sender.SendCh {
packetCh <- pk
return sender
func (sender *PacketSender) Close() {
defer sender.Lock.Unlock()
if sender.Done {
sender.Done = true
// returns ExitErr if set
func (sender *PacketSender) WaitForDone() error {
defer sender.Lock.Unlock()
return sender.ExitErr
// this is "advisory", as there is a race condition between the loop closing and setting Done.
// that's okay because that's an impossible race condition anyway (you could enqueue the packet
// and then the connection dies, or it dies half way, etc.). this just stops blindly adding
// packets forever when the loop is done.
func (sender *PacketSender) checkStatus() error {
defer sender.Lock.Unlock()
if sender.Done {
return fmt.Errorf("cannot send packet, sender write loop is closed")
return nil
func (sender *PacketSender) SendPacketCtx(ctx context.Context, pk PacketType) error {
err := sender.checkStatus()
if err != nil {
return err
select {
case sender.SendCh <- pk:
return nil
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
func (sender *PacketSender) SendPacket(pk PacketType) error {
if pk == nil {
log.Printf("tried to send nil packet\n")
return fmt.Errorf("tried to send nil packet")
if pk.GetType() == "" {
log.Printf("tried to send invalid packet: %T\n", pk)
return fmt.Errorf("tried to send packet without a type: %T", pk)
err := sender.checkStatus()
if err != nil {
return err
sender.SendCh <- pk
return nil
func (sender *PacketSender) SendErrorResponse(reqId string, err error) error {
pk := MakeErrorResponsePacket(reqId, err)
return sender.SendPacket(pk)
func (sender *PacketSender) SendResponse(reqId string, data interface{}) error {
pk := MakeResponsePacket(reqId, data)
return sender.SendPacket(pk)
func (sender *PacketSender) SendMessageFmt(fmtStr string, args ...interface{}) error {
return sender.SendPacket(MakeMessagePacket(fmt.Sprintf(fmtStr, args...)))
type UnknownPacketReporter interface {
UnknownPacket(pk PacketType)
type DefaultUPR struct{}
func (DefaultUPR) UnknownPacket(pk PacketType) {
if pk.GetType() == RawPacketStr {
rawPacket := pk.(*RawPacketType)
fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", rawPacket.Data)
} else if pk.GetType() == CmdStartPacketStr {
return // do nothing
} else {
wlog.Logf("[upr] invalid packet received '%s'", AsExtType(pk))
type MessageUPR struct {
CK base.CommandKey
Sender *PacketSender
func (upr MessageUPR) UnknownPacket(pk PacketType) {
msg := FmtMessagePacket("[error] invalid packet received %s", AsString(pk))
msg.CK = upr.CK
// todo: clean hanging entries in RunMap when in server mode
type RunPacketBuilder struct {
RunMap map[base.CommandKey]*RunPacketType
func MakeRunPacketBuilder() *RunPacketBuilder {
return &RunPacketBuilder{
RunMap: make(map[base.CommandKey]*RunPacketType),
// returns (consumed, fullRunPacket)
func (b *RunPacketBuilder) ProcessPacket(pk PacketType) (bool, *RunPacketType) {
if pk.GetType() == RunPacketStr {
runPacket := pk.(*RunPacketType)
if len(runPacket.RunData) == 0 {
return true, runPacket
b.RunMap[runPacket.CK] = runPacket
return true, nil
if pk.GetType() == DataEndPacketStr {
endPacket := pk.(*DataEndPacketType)
runPacket := b.RunMap[endPacket.CK] // might be nil
delete(b.RunMap, endPacket.CK)
return true, runPacket
if pk.GetType() == DataPacketStr {
dataPacket := pk.(*DataPacketType)
runPacket := b.RunMap[dataPacket.CK]
if runPacket == nil {
return false, nil
for idx, runData := range runPacket.RunData {
if runData.FdNum == dataPacket.FdNum {
// can ignore error, will get caught later with RunData.DataLen check
realData, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(dataPacket.Data64)
runData.Data = append(runData.Data, realData...)
runPacket.RunData[idx] = runData
return true, nil
return false, nil