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synced 2025-01-09 19:48:45 +01:00
This adds a new global atom to track whether a window is in full screen. It also updates the behavior of the tab bar so that it will only add an extra left indent on macOS windows that are not in full screen. Otherwise, the indent will be much smaller.
263 lines
8.2 KiB
263 lines
8.2 KiB
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import { Workspace } from "@/app/workspace/workspace";
import { getLayoutStateAtomForTab, globalLayoutTransformsMap } from "@/faraday/lib/layoutAtom";
import { ContextMenuModel } from "@/store/contextmenu";
import { PLATFORM, WOS, atoms, globalStore, setBlockFocus } from "@/store/global";
import * as services from "@/store/services";
import * as keyutil from "@/util/keyutil";
import * as layoututil from "@/util/layoututil";
import * as util from "@/util/util";
import * as jotai from "jotai";
import * as React from "react";
import { DndProvider } from "react-dnd";
import { HTML5Backend } from "react-dnd-html5-backend";
import { CenteredDiv } from "./element/quickelems";
import clsx from "clsx";
import "overlayscrollbars/overlayscrollbars.css";
import "./app.less";
import "./term.less";
const App = () => {
let Provider = jotai.Provider;
return (
<Provider store={globalStore}>
<AppInner />
function isContentEditableBeingEdited() {
const activeElement = document.activeElement;
return (
activeElement &&
activeElement.getAttribute("contenteditable") !== null &&
activeElement.getAttribute("contenteditable") !== "false"
function canEnablePaste() {
const activeElement = document.activeElement;
return activeElement.tagName === "INPUT" || activeElement.tagName === "TEXTAREA" || isContentEditableBeingEdited();
function canEnableCopy() {
const sel = window.getSelection();
return !util.isBlank(sel?.toString());
function canEnableCut() {
const sel = window.getSelection();
if (document.activeElement?.classList.contains("xterm-helper-textarea")) {
return false;
return !util.isBlank(sel?.toString()) && canEnablePaste();
function handleContextMenu(e: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) {
const canPaste = canEnablePaste();
const canCopy = canEnableCopy();
const canCut = canEnableCut();
if (!canPaste && !canCopy && !canCut) {
let menu: ContextMenuItem[] = [];
if (canCut) {
menu.push({ label: "Cut", role: "cut" });
if (canCopy) {
menu.push({ label: "Copy", role: "copy" });
if (canPaste) {
menu.push({ label: "Paste", role: "paste" });
ContextMenuModel.showContextMenu(menu, e);
function switchTab(offset: number) {
console.log("switch tab!", offset);
const ws = globalStore.get(atoms.workspace);
const activeTabId = globalStore.get(atoms.tabAtom).oid;
let tabIdx = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < ws.tabids.length; i++) {
if (ws.tabids[i] == activeTabId) {
tabIdx = i;
if (tabIdx == -1) {
const newTabIdx = (tabIdx + offset + ws.tabids.length) % ws.tabids.length;
const newActiveTabId = ws.tabids[newTabIdx];
console.log("switching tabs", tabIdx, newTabIdx, activeTabId, newActiveTabId, ws.tabids);
const transformRegexp = /translate3d\(\s*([0-9.]+)px\s*,\s*([0-9.]+)px,\s*0\)/;
function parseFloatFromCSS(s: string | number): number {
if (typeof s == "number") {
return s;
return parseFloat(s);
function readBoundsFromTransform(fullTransform: React.CSSProperties): Bounds {
const transformProp = fullTransform.transform;
if (transformProp == null || fullTransform.width == null || fullTransform.height == null) {
return null;
const m = transformRegexp.exec(transformProp);
if (m == null) {
return null;
return {
x: parseFloat(m[1]),
y: parseFloat(m[2]),
width: parseFloatFromCSS(fullTransform.width),
height: parseFloatFromCSS(fullTransform.height),
function boundsMapMaxX(m: Map<string, Bounds>): number {
let max = 0;
for (let p of m.values()) {
if (p.x + p.width > max) {
max = p.x + p.width;
return max;
function boundsMapMaxY(m: Map<string, Bounds>): number {
let max = 0;
for (let p of m.values()) {
if (p.y + p.height > max) {
max = p.y + p.height;
return max;
function findBlockAtPoint(m: Map<string, Bounds>, p: Point): string {
for (let [blockId, bounds] of m.entries()) {
if (p.x >= bounds.x && p.x <= bounds.x + bounds.width && p.y >= bounds.y && p.y <= bounds.y + bounds.height) {
return blockId;
return null;
function switchBlock(tabId: string, offsetX: number, offsetY: number) {
console.log("switch block", offsetX, offsetY);
if (offsetY == 0 && offsetX == 0) {
const tabAtom = WOS.getWaveObjectAtom<Tab>(WOS.makeORef("tab", tabId));
const transforms = globalLayoutTransformsMap.get(tabId);
if (transforms == null) {
const layoutTreeState = globalStore.get(getLayoutStateAtomForTab(tabId, tabAtom));
const curBlockId = globalStore.get(atoms.waveWindow)?.activeblockid;
const curBlockLeafId = layoututil.findLeafIdFromBlockId(layoutTreeState, curBlockId);
if (curBlockLeafId == null) {
const blockPos = readBoundsFromTransform(transforms[curBlockLeafId]);
if (blockPos == null) {
var blockPositions: Map<string, Bounds> = new Map();
for (let leaf of layoutTreeState.leafs) {
if (leaf.id == curBlockLeafId) {
const pos = readBoundsFromTransform(transforms[leaf.id]);
if (pos != null) {
blockPositions.set(leaf.data.blockId, pos);
const maxX = boundsMapMaxX(blockPositions);
const maxY = boundsMapMaxY(blockPositions);
const moveAmount = 10;
let curX = blockPos.x + 1;
let curY = blockPos.y + 1;
while (true) {
curX += offsetX * moveAmount;
curY += offsetY * moveAmount;
if (curX < 0 || curX > maxX || curY < 0 || curY > maxY) {
const blockId = findBlockAtPoint(blockPositions, { x: curX, y: curY });
if (blockId != null) {
const AppInner = () => {
const client = jotai.useAtomValue(atoms.client);
const windowData = jotai.useAtomValue(atoms.waveWindow);
const tabId = jotai.useAtomValue(atoms.activeTabId);
if (client == null || windowData == null) {
return (
<div className="mainapp">
<CenteredDiv>invalid configuration, client or window was not loaded</CenteredDiv>
function handleKeyDown(waveEvent: WaveKeyboardEvent): boolean {
// global key handler for now (refactor later)
if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Cmd:]")) {
return true;
if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Cmd:[")) {
return true;
if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Cmd:ArrowUp")) {
switchBlock(tabId, 0, -1);
return true;
if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Cmd:ArrowDown")) {
switchBlock(tabId, 0, 1);
return true;
if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Cmd:ArrowLeft")) {
switchBlock(tabId, -1, 0);
return true;
if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Cmd:ArrowRight")) {
switchBlock(tabId, 1, 0);
return true;
return false;
React.useEffect(() => {
const staticKeyDownHandler = keyutil.keydownWrapper(handleKeyDown);
document.addEventListener("keydown", staticKeyDownHandler);
return () => {
document.removeEventListener("keydown", staticKeyDownHandler);
}, []);
const isFullScreen = jotai.useAtomValue(atoms.isFullScreen);
return (
<div className={clsx("mainapp", PLATFORM, { fullscreen: isFullScreen })} onContextMenu={handleContextMenu}>
<DndProvider backend={HTML5Backend}>
<Workspace />
export { App };