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// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package vdom
import (
// ReactNode types = nil | string | Elem
const TextTag = "#text"
const FragmentTag = "#fragment"
const ChildrenPropKey = "children"
const KeyPropKey = "key"
// doubles as VDOM structure
type Elem struct {
Id string `json:"id,omitempty"` // used for vdom
Tag string `json:"tag"`
Props map[string]any `json:"props,omitempty"`
Children []Elem `json:"children,omitempty"`
Text string `json:"text,omitempty"`
type VDomRefType struct {
RefId string `json:"#ref"`
Current any `json:"current"`
// can be used to set preventDefault/stopPropagation
type VDomFuncType struct {
Fn any `json:"-"` // the actual function to call (called via reflection)
FuncType string `json:"#func"`
StopPropagation bool `json:"#stopPropagation,omitempty"`
PreventDefault bool `json:"#preventDefault,omitempty"`
Keys []string `json:"#keys,omitempty"` // special for keyDown events a list of keys to "capture"
// generic hook structure
type Hook struct {
Init bool // is initialized
Idx int // index in the hook array
Fn func() func() // for useEffect
UnmountFn func() // for useEffect
Val any // for useState, useMemo, useRef
Deps []any
type CFunc = func(ctx context.Context, props map[string]any) any
func (e *Elem) Key() string {
keyVal, ok := e.Props[KeyPropKey]
if !ok {
return ""
keyStr, ok := keyVal.(string)
if ok {
return keyStr
return ""
func TextElem(text string) Elem {
return Elem{Tag: TextTag, Text: text}
func mergeProps(props *map[string]any, newProps map[string]any) {
if *props == nil {
*props = make(map[string]any)
for k, v := range newProps {
if v == nil {
delete(*props, k)
(*props)[k] = v
func E(tag string, parts ...any) *Elem {
rtn := &Elem{Tag: tag}
for _, part := range parts {
if part == nil {
props, ok := part.(map[string]any)
if ok {
mergeProps(&rtn.Props, props)
elems := partToElems(part)
rtn.Children = append(rtn.Children, elems...)
return rtn
func P(propName string, propVal any) map[string]any {
return map[string]any{propName: propVal}
func getHookFromCtx(ctx context.Context) (*VDomContextVal, *Hook) {
vc := getRenderContext(ctx)
if vc == nil {
panic("UseState must be called within a component (no context)")
if vc.Comp == nil {
panic("UseState must be called within a component (vc.Comp is nil)")
for len(vc.Comp.Hooks) <= vc.HookIdx {
vc.Comp.Hooks = append(vc.Comp.Hooks, &Hook{Idx: len(vc.Comp.Hooks)})
hookVal := vc.Comp.Hooks[vc.HookIdx]
return vc, hookVal
func UseState[T any](ctx context.Context, initialVal T) (T, func(T)) {
vc, hookVal := getHookFromCtx(ctx)
if !hookVal.Init {
hookVal.Init = true
hookVal.Val = initialVal
var rtnVal T
rtnVal, ok := hookVal.Val.(T)
if !ok {
panic("UseState hook value is not a state (possible out of order or conditional hooks)")
setVal := func(newVal T) {
hookVal.Val = newVal
return rtnVal, setVal
func UseRef(ctx context.Context, initialVal any) *VDomRefType {
vc, hookVal := getHookFromCtx(ctx)
if !hookVal.Init {
hookVal.Init = true
refId := vc.Comp.Id + ":" + strconv.Itoa(hookVal.Idx)
hookVal.Val = &VDomRefType{RefId: refId, Current: initialVal}
refVal, ok := hookVal.Val.(*VDomRefType)
if !ok {
panic("UseRef hook value is not a ref (possible out of order or conditional hooks)")
return refVal
func UseId(ctx context.Context) string {
vc := getRenderContext(ctx)
if vc == nil {
panic("UseId must be called within a component (no context)")
return vc.Comp.Id
func depsEqual(deps1 []any, deps2 []any) bool {
if len(deps1) != len(deps2) {
return false
for i := range deps1 {
if deps1[i] != deps2[i] {
return false
return true
func UseEffect(ctx context.Context, fn func() func(), deps []any) {
// note UseEffect never actually runs anything, it just queues the effect to run later
vc, hookVal := getHookFromCtx(ctx)
if !hookVal.Init {
hookVal.Init = true
hookVal.Fn = fn
hookVal.Deps = deps
vc.Root.AddEffectWork(vc.Comp.Id, hookVal.Idx)
if depsEqual(hookVal.Deps, deps) {
hookVal.Fn = fn
hookVal.Deps = deps
vc.Root.AddEffectWork(vc.Comp.Id, hookVal.Idx)
func numToString[T any](value T) (string, bool) {
switch v := any(value).(type) {
case int, int8, int16, int32, int64:
return strconv.FormatInt(v.(int64), 10), true
case uint, uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64:
return strconv.FormatUint(v.(uint64), 10), true
case float32:
return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(v), 'f', -1, 32), true
case float64:
return strconv.FormatFloat(v, 'f', -1, 64), true
return "", false
func partToElems(part any) []Elem {
if part == nil {
return nil
switch part := part.(type) {
case string:
return []Elem{TextElem(part)}
case *Elem:
if part == nil {
return nil
return []Elem{*part}
case Elem:
return []Elem{part}
case []Elem:
return part
case []*Elem:
var rtn []Elem
for _, e := range part {
if e == nil {
rtn = append(rtn, *e)
return rtn
sval, ok := numToString(part)
if ok {
return []Elem{TextElem(sval)}
partVal := reflect.ValueOf(part)
if partVal.Kind() == reflect.Slice {
var rtn []Elem
for i := 0; i < partVal.Len(); i++ {
subPart := partVal.Index(i).Interface()
rtn = append(rtn, partToElems(subPart)...)
return rtn
stringer, ok := part.(fmt.Stringer)
if ok {
return []Elem{TextElem(stringer.String())}
jsonStr, jsonErr := json.Marshal(part)
if jsonErr == nil {
return []Elem{TextElem(string(jsonStr))}
typeText := "invalid:" + reflect.TypeOf(part).String()
return []Elem{TextElem(typeText)}
func isWaveTag(tag string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(tag, "wave:") || strings.HasPrefix(tag, "w:")
func isBaseTag(tag string) bool {
if len(tag) == 0 {
return false
return tag[0] == '#' || unicode.IsLower(rune(tag[0])) || isWaveTag(tag)