mirror of
synced 2025-03-12 13:29:15 +01:00
385 lines
13 KiB
385 lines
13 KiB
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import { WshServer } from "@/app/store/wshserver";
import { VDomView } from "@/app/view/term/vdom";
import { WOS, atoms, getEventORefSubject, globalStore, useSettingsPrefixAtom } from "@/store/global";
import * as services from "@/store/services";
import * as keyutil from "@/util/keyutil";
import * as util from "@/util/util";
import clsx from "clsx";
import * as jotai from "jotai";
import * as React from "react";
import { TermStickers } from "./termsticker";
import { TermThemeUpdater } from "./termtheme";
import { computeTheme } from "./termutil";
import { TermWrap } from "./termwrap";
import "./xterm.css";
const keyMap = {
Enter: "\r",
Backspace: "\x7f",
Tab: "\t",
Escape: "\x1b",
ArrowUp: "\x1b[A",
ArrowDown: "\x1b[B",
ArrowRight: "\x1b[C",
ArrowLeft: "\x1b[D",
Insert: "\x1b[2~",
Delete: "\x1b[3~",
Home: "\x1b[1~",
End: "\x1b[4~",
PageUp: "\x1b[5~",
PageDown: "\x1b[6~",
function keyboardEventToASCII(event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>): string {
// check modifiers
// if no modifiers are set, just send the key
if (!event.altKey && !event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey) {
if (event.key == null || event.key == "") {
return "";
if (keyMap[event.key] != null) {
return keyMap[event.key];
if (event.key.length == 1) {
return event.key;
} else {
console.log("not sending keyboard event", event.key, event);
// if meta or alt is set, there is no ASCII representation
if (event.metaKey || event.altKey) {
return "";
// if ctrl is set, if it is a letter, subtract 64 from the uppercase value to get the ASCII value
if (event.ctrlKey) {
if (
(event.key.length === 1 && event.key >= "A" && event.key <= "Z") ||
(event.key >= "a" && event.key <= "z")
) {
const key = event.key.toUpperCase();
return String.fromCharCode(key.charCodeAt(0) - 64);
return "";
type InitialLoadDataType = {
loaded: boolean;
heldData: Uint8Array[];
function vdomText(text: string): VDomElem {
return {
tag: "#text",
text: text,
const testVDom: VDomElem = {
id: "testid1",
tag: "div",
children: [
id: "testh1",
tag: "h1",
children: [vdomText("Hello World")],
id: "testp",
tag: "p",
children: [vdomText("This is a paragraph (from VDOM)")],
class TermViewModel {
viewType: string;
connected: boolean;
termRef: React.RefObject<TermWrap>;
blockAtom: jotai.Atom<Block>;
termMode: jotai.Atom<string>;
htmlElemFocusRef: React.RefObject<HTMLInputElement>;
blockId: string;
viewIcon: jotai.Atom<string>;
viewText: jotai.Atom<HeaderElem[]>;
viewName: jotai.Atom<string>;
blockBg: jotai.Atom<MetaType>;
manageConnection: jotai.Atom<boolean>;
constructor(blockId: string) {
this.viewType = "term";
this.blockId = blockId;
this.blockAtom = WOS.getWaveObjectAtom<Block>(`block:${blockId}`);
this.termMode = jotai.atom((get) => {
const blockData = get(this.blockAtom);
return blockData?.meta?.["term:mode"] ?? "term";
this.viewIcon = jotai.atom((get) => {
return "terminal";
this.viewName = jotai.atom((get) => {
const blockData = get(this.blockAtom);
if (blockData?.meta?.controller == "cmd") {
return "Command";
return "Terminal";
this.manageConnection = jotai.atom(true);
this.viewText = jotai.atom((get) => {
const blockData = get(this.blockAtom);
const titleText: HeaderText = { elemtype: "text", text: blockData?.meta?.title ?? "" };
return [titleText] as HeaderElem[];
this.blockBg = jotai.atom((get) => {
const blockData = get(this.blockAtom);
const fullConfig = get(atoms.fullConfigAtom);
const theme = computeTheme(fullConfig, blockData?.meta?.["term:theme"]);
if (theme != null && theme.background != null) {
return { bg: theme.background };
return null;
resetConnection() {
WshServer.ControllerRestartCommand({ blockid: this.blockId });
giveFocus(): boolean {
let termMode = globalStore.get(this.termMode);
if (termMode == "term") {
if (this.termRef?.current?.terminal) {
return true;
} else {
if (this.htmlElemFocusRef?.current) {
return true;
return false;
setTerminalTheme(themeName: string) {
WshServer.SetMetaCommand({ oref: WOS.makeORef("block", this.blockId), meta: { "term:theme": themeName } });
getSettingsMenuItems(): ContextMenuItem[] {
const fullConfig = globalStore.get(atoms.fullConfigAtom);
const termThemes = fullConfig?.termthemes ?? {};
const termThemeKeys = Object.keys(termThemes);
termThemeKeys.sort((a, b) => {
return termThemes[a]["display:order"] - termThemes[b]["display:order"];
const submenu: ContextMenuItem[] = termThemeKeys.map((themeName) => {
return {
label: termThemes[themeName]["display:name"] ?? themeName,
click: () => this.setTerminalTheme(themeName),
return [
label: "Themes",
submenu: submenu,
function makeTerminalModel(blockId: string): TermViewModel {
return new TermViewModel(blockId);
interface TerminalViewProps {
blockId: string;
model: TermViewModel;
const TerminalView = ({ blockId, model }: TerminalViewProps) => {
const viewRef = React.createRef<HTMLDivElement>();
const connectElemRef = React.useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const termRef = React.useRef<TermWrap>(null);
model.termRef = termRef;
const shellProcStatusRef = React.useRef<string>(null);
const htmlElemFocusRef = React.useRef<HTMLInputElement>(null);
model.htmlElemFocusRef = htmlElemFocusRef;
const [blockData] = WOS.useWaveObjectValue<Block>(WOS.makeORef("block", blockId));
const termSettingsAtom = useSettingsPrefixAtom("term");
const termSettings = jotai.useAtomValue(termSettingsAtom);
React.useEffect(() => {
function handleTerminalKeydown(event: KeyboardEvent): boolean {
const waveEvent = keyutil.adaptFromReactOrNativeKeyEvent(event);
if (waveEvent.type != "keydown") {
return true;
if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Cmd:Escape")) {
WshServer.SetMetaCommand({ oref: WOS.makeORef("block", blockId), meta: { "term:mode": null } });
return false;
if (
keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Ctrl:Shift:ArrowLeft") ||
keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Ctrl:Shift:ArrowRight") ||
keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Ctrl:Shift:ArrowUp") ||
keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Ctrl:Shift:ArrowDown")
) {
return false;
for (let i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {
if (
keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, `Ctrl:Shift:c{Digit${i}}`) ||
keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, `Ctrl:Shift:c{Numpad${i}}`)
) {
return false;
if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Ctrl:Shift:v")) {
const p = navigator.clipboard.readText();
p.then((text) => {
// termRef.current?.handleTermData(text);
return true;
} else if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Ctrl:Shift:c")) {
const sel = termRef.current?.terminal.getSelection();
return true;
if (shellProcStatusRef.current != "running" && keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Enter")) {
// restart
WshServer.ControllerRestartCommand({ blockid: blockId });
return false;
return true;
const fullConfig = globalStore.get(atoms.fullConfigAtom);
const termTheme = computeTheme(fullConfig, blockData?.meta?.["term:theme"]);
const themeCopy = { ...termTheme };
themeCopy.background = "#00000000";
const termWrap = new TermWrap(
theme: themeCopy,
fontSize: termSettings?.["term:fontsize"] ?? 12,
fontFamily: termSettings?.["term:fontfamily"] ?? "Hack",
drawBoldTextInBrightColors: false,
fontWeight: "normal",
fontWeightBold: "bold",
allowTransparency: true,
keydownHandler: handleTerminalKeydown,
useWebGl: !termSettings?.["term:disablewebgl"],
(window as any).term = termWrap;
termRef.current = termWrap;
const rszObs = new ResizeObserver(() => {
return () => {
}, [blockId, termSettings]);
const handleHtmlKeyDown = (event: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
const waveEvent = keyutil.adaptFromReactOrNativeKeyEvent(event);
if (keyutil.checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, "Cmd:Escape")) {
// reset term:mode
WshServer.SetMetaCommand({ oref: WOS.makeORef("block", blockId), meta: { "term:mode": null } });
return false;
const asciiVal = keyboardEventToASCII(event);
if (asciiVal.length == 0) {
return false;
const b64data = util.stringToBase64(asciiVal);
WshServer.ControllerInputCommand({ blockid: blockId, inputdata64: b64data });
return true;
let termMode = blockData?.meta?.["term:mode"] ?? "term";
if (termMode != "term" && termMode != "html") {
termMode = "term";
// set intitial controller status, and then subscribe for updates
React.useEffect(() => {
function updateShellProcStatus(status: string) {
if (status == null) {
shellProcStatusRef.current = status;
if (status == "running") {
} else {
const initialRTStatus = services.BlockService.GetControllerStatus(blockId);
initialRTStatus.then((rts) => {
const bcSubject = getEventORefSubject("blockcontroller:status", WOS.makeORef("block", blockId));
const sub = bcSubject.subscribe((data: WSEventType) => {
let bcRTS: BlockControllerRuntimeStatus = data.data;
return () => sub.unsubscribe();
}, []);
let stickerConfig = {
charWidth: 8,
charHeight: 16,
rows: termRef.current?.terminal.rows ?? 24,
cols: termRef.current?.terminal.cols ?? 80,
blockId: blockId,
return (
<div className={clsx("view-term", "term-mode-" + termMode)} ref={viewRef}>
<TermThemeUpdater blockId={blockId} termRef={termRef} />
<TermStickers config={stickerConfig} />
<div key="conntectElem" className="term-connectelem" ref={connectElemRef}></div>
onClick={() => {
if (htmlElemFocusRef.current != null) {
<div key="htmlElemFocus" className="term-htmlelem-focus">
onChange={() => {}}
<div key="htmlElemContent" className="term-htmlelem-content">
<VDomView rootNode={testVDom} />
export { TermViewModel, TerminalView, makeTerminalModel };