mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 04:02:13 +01:00
I am updating the layout node setup to write to its own wave object. The existing setup requires me to plumb the layout updates through every time the tab gets updated, which produces a lot of annoying and unintuitive design patterns. With this new setup, the tab object doesn't get written to when the layout changes, only the layout object will get written to. This prevents collisions when both the tab object and the layout node object are getting updated, such as when a new block is added or deleted.
366 lines
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366 lines
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// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package wstore
import (
var waveObjUpdateKey = struct{}{}
func init() {
for _, rtype := range AllWaveObjTypes() {
type contextUpdatesType struct {
UpdatesStack []map[waveobj.ORef]WaveObjUpdate
func dumpUpdateStack(updates *contextUpdatesType) {
log.Printf("dumpUpdateStack len:%d\n", len(updates.UpdatesStack))
for idx, update := range updates.UpdatesStack {
var buf bytes.Buffer
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" [%d]:", idx))
for k := range update {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %s:%s", k.OType, k.OID))
func ContextWithUpdates(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
updatesVal := ctx.Value(waveObjUpdateKey)
if updatesVal != nil {
return ctx
return context.WithValue(ctx, waveObjUpdateKey, &contextUpdatesType{
UpdatesStack: []map[waveobj.ORef]WaveObjUpdate{make(map[waveobj.ORef]WaveObjUpdate)},
func ContextGetUpdates(ctx context.Context) map[waveobj.ORef]WaveObjUpdate {
updatesVal := ctx.Value(waveObjUpdateKey)
if updatesVal == nil {
return nil
updates := updatesVal.(*contextUpdatesType)
if len(updates.UpdatesStack) == 1 {
return updates.UpdatesStack[0]
rtn := make(map[waveobj.ORef]WaveObjUpdate)
for _, update := range updates.UpdatesStack {
for k, v := range update {
rtn[k] = v
return rtn
func ContextGetUpdate(ctx context.Context, oref waveobj.ORef) *WaveObjUpdate {
updatesVal := ctx.Value(waveObjUpdateKey)
if updatesVal == nil {
return nil
updates := updatesVal.(*contextUpdatesType)
for idx := len(updates.UpdatesStack) - 1; idx >= 0; idx-- {
if obj, ok := updates.UpdatesStack[idx][oref]; ok {
return &obj
return nil
func ContextAddUpdate(ctx context.Context, update WaveObjUpdate) {
updatesVal := ctx.Value(waveObjUpdateKey)
if updatesVal == nil {
updates := updatesVal.(*contextUpdatesType)
oref := waveobj.ORef{
OType: update.OType,
OID: update.OID,
updates.UpdatesStack[len(updates.UpdatesStack)-1][oref] = update
func ContextUpdatesBeginTx(ctx context.Context) context.Context {
updatesVal := ctx.Value(waveObjUpdateKey)
if updatesVal == nil {
return ctx
updates := updatesVal.(*contextUpdatesType)
updates.UpdatesStack = append(updates.UpdatesStack, make(map[waveobj.ORef]WaveObjUpdate))
return ctx
func ContextUpdatesCommitTx(ctx context.Context) {
updatesVal := ctx.Value(waveObjUpdateKey)
if updatesVal == nil {
updates := updatesVal.(*contextUpdatesType)
if len(updates.UpdatesStack) <= 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("no updates transaction to commit"))
// merge the last two updates
curUpdateMap := updates.UpdatesStack[len(updates.UpdatesStack)-1]
prevUpdateMap := updates.UpdatesStack[len(updates.UpdatesStack)-2]
for k, v := range curUpdateMap {
prevUpdateMap[k] = v
updates.UpdatesStack = updates.UpdatesStack[:len(updates.UpdatesStack)-1]
func ContextUpdatesRollbackTx(ctx context.Context) {
updatesVal := ctx.Value(waveObjUpdateKey)
if updatesVal == nil {
updates := updatesVal.(*contextUpdatesType)
if len(updates.UpdatesStack) <= 1 {
panic(fmt.Errorf("no updates transaction to rollback"))
updates.UpdatesStack = updates.UpdatesStack[:len(updates.UpdatesStack)-1]
func CreateTab(ctx context.Context, workspaceId string, name string) (*Tab, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (*Tab, error) {
ws, _ := DBGet[*Workspace](tx.Context(), workspaceId)
if ws == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("workspace not found: %q", workspaceId)
layoutNodeId := uuid.NewString()
tab := &Tab{
OID: uuid.NewString(),
Name: name,
BlockIds: []string{},
LayoutNode: layoutNodeId,
layoutNode := &LayoutNode{
OID: layoutNodeId,
ws.TabIds = append(ws.TabIds, tab.OID)
DBInsert(tx.Context(), tab)
DBInsert(tx.Context(), layoutNode)
DBUpdate(tx.Context(), ws)
return tab, nil
func CreateWorkspace(ctx context.Context) (*Workspace, error) {
ws := &Workspace{
OID: uuid.NewString(),
TabIds: []string{},
DBInsert(ctx, ws)
return ws, nil
func SetActiveTab(ctx context.Context, windowId string, tabId string) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
window, _ := DBGet[*Window](tx.Context(), windowId)
if window == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("window not found: %q", windowId)
if tabId != "" {
tab, _ := DBGet[*Tab](tx.Context(), tabId)
if tab == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("tab not found: %q", tabId)
window.ActiveTabId = tabId
DBUpdate(tx.Context(), window)
return nil
func CreateBlock(ctx context.Context, tabId string, blockDef *BlockDef, rtOpts *RuntimeOpts) (*Block, error) {
return WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (*Block, error) {
tab, _ := DBGet[*Tab](tx.Context(), tabId)
if tab == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("tab not found: %q", tabId)
blockId := uuid.NewString()
blockData := &Block{
OID: blockId,
BlockDef: blockDef,
Controller: blockDef.Controller,
View: blockDef.View,
RuntimeOpts: rtOpts,
Meta: blockDef.Meta,
DBInsert(tx.Context(), blockData)
tab.BlockIds = append(tab.BlockIds, blockId)
DBUpdate(tx.Context(), tab)
return blockData, nil
func findStringInSlice(slice []string, val string) int {
for idx, v := range slice {
if v == val {
return idx
return -1
func DeleteBlock(ctx context.Context, tabId string, blockId string) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
tab, _ := DBGet[*Tab](tx.Context(), tabId)
if tab == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("tab not found: %q", tabId)
blockIdx := findStringInSlice(tab.BlockIds, blockId)
if blockIdx == -1 {
return nil
tab.BlockIds = append(tab.BlockIds[:blockIdx], tab.BlockIds[blockIdx+1:]...)
DBUpdate(tx.Context(), tab)
DBDelete(tx.Context(), OType_Block, blockId)
return nil
func CloseTab(ctx context.Context, workspaceId string, tabId string) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
ws, _ := DBGet[*Workspace](tx.Context(), workspaceId)
if ws == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("workspace not found: %q", workspaceId)
tab, _ := DBGet[*Tab](tx.Context(), tabId)
if tab == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("tab not found: %q", tabId)
tabIdx := findStringInSlice(ws.TabIds, tabId)
if tabIdx == -1 {
return nil
ws.TabIds = append(ws.TabIds[:tabIdx], ws.TabIds[tabIdx+1:]...)
DBUpdate(tx.Context(), ws)
DBDelete(tx.Context(), OType_Tab, tabId)
DBDelete(tx.Context(), OType_LayoutNode, tab.LayoutNode)
for _, blockId := range tab.BlockIds {
DBDelete(tx.Context(), OType_Block, blockId)
return nil
func UpdateMeta(ctx context.Context, oref waveobj.ORef, meta map[string]any) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
obj, _ := DBGetORef(tx.Context(), oref)
if obj == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("object not found: %q", oref)
// obj.SetMeta(meta)
DBUpdate(tx.Context(), obj)
return nil
func UpdateObjectMeta(ctx context.Context, oref waveobj.ORef, meta map[string]any) error {
return WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
obj, _ := DBGetORef(tx.Context(), oref)
if obj == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("object not found: %q", oref)
objMeta := waveobj.GetMeta(obj)
if objMeta == nil {
objMeta = make(map[string]any)
for k, v := range meta {
if v == nil {
delete(objMeta, k)
objMeta[k] = v
waveobj.SetMeta(obj, objMeta)
DBUpdate(tx.Context(), obj)
return nil
func EnsureInitialData() error {
// does not need to run in a transaction since it is called on startup
ctx, cancelFn := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 2*time.Second)
defer cancelFn()
clientCount, err := DBGetCount[*Client](ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting client count: %w", err)
if clientCount > 0 {
return nil
windowId := uuid.NewString()
workspaceId := uuid.NewString()
tabId := uuid.NewString()
layoutNodeId := uuid.NewString()
client := &Client{
OID: uuid.NewString(),
MainWindowId: windowId,
err = DBInsert(ctx, client)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error inserting client: %w", err)
window := &Window{
OID: windowId,
WorkspaceId: workspaceId,
ActiveTabId: tabId,
ActiveBlockMap: make(map[string]string),
Pos: Point{
X: 100,
Y: 100,
WinSize: WinSize{
Width: 800,
Height: 600,
err = DBInsert(ctx, window)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error inserting window: %w", err)
ws := &Workspace{
OID: workspaceId,
Name: "default",
TabIds: []string{tabId},
err = DBInsert(ctx, ws)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error inserting workspace: %w", err)
tab := &Tab{
OID: tabId,
Name: "Tab-1",
BlockIds: []string{},
LayoutNode: layoutNodeId,
err = DBInsert(ctx, tab)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error inserting tab: %w", err)
layoutNode := &LayoutNode{
OID: layoutNodeId,
err = DBInsert(ctx, layoutNode)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error inserting layout node: %w", err)
return nil