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synced 2025-03-10 13:09:14 +01:00
409 lines
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409 lines
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// Copyright 2022 Dashborg Inc
// This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
// License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
// file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
package cmdtail
import (
const MaxDataBytes = 4096
const FileTypePty = "ptyout"
const FileTypeRun = "runout"
type TailPos struct {
ReqId string
Running bool // an active tailer sending data
TailPtyPos int64
TailRunPos int64
Follow bool
type CmdWatchEntry struct {
CmdKey CmdKey
FilePtyLen int64
FileRunLen int64
Tails []TailPos
func (w CmdWatchEntry) getTailPos(reqId string) (TailPos, bool) {
for _, pos := range w.Tails {
if pos.ReqId == reqId {
return pos, true
return TailPos{}, false
func (w *CmdWatchEntry) updateTailPos(reqId string, newPos TailPos) {
for idx, pos := range w.Tails {
if pos.ReqId == reqId {
w.Tails[idx] = newPos
w.Tails = append(w.Tails, newPos)
func (w *CmdWatchEntry) removeTailPos(reqId string) {
var newTails []TailPos
for _, pos := range w.Tails {
if pos.ReqId == reqId {
newTails = append(newTails, pos)
w.Tails = newTails
func (pos TailPos) IsCurrent(entry CmdWatchEntry) bool {
return pos.TailPtyPos >= entry.FilePtyLen && pos.TailRunPos >= entry.FileRunLen
type CmdKey struct {
SessionId string
CmdId string
type Tailer struct {
Lock *sync.Mutex
WatchList map[CmdKey]CmdWatchEntry
ScHomeDir string
Watcher *fsnotify.Watcher
SendCh chan packet.PacketType
func (t *Tailer) updateTailPos_nolock(cmdKey CmdKey, reqId string, pos TailPos) {
entry, found := t.WatchList[cmdKey]
if !found {
entry.updateTailPos(reqId, pos)
t.WatchList[cmdKey] = entry
func (t *Tailer) removeTailPos_nolock(cmdKey CmdKey, reqId string) {
entry, found := t.WatchList[cmdKey]
if !found {
if len(entry.Tails) > 0 {
t.WatchList[cmdKey] = entry
// delete from watchlist, remove watches
fileNames := base.MakeCommandFileNamesWithHome(t.ScHomeDir, cmdKey.SessionId, cmdKey.CmdId)
delete(t.WatchList, cmdKey)
func (t *Tailer) updateEntrySizes_nolock(cmdKey CmdKey, ptyLen int64, runLen int64) {
entry, found := t.WatchList[cmdKey]
if !found {
entry.FilePtyLen = ptyLen
entry.FileRunLen = runLen
t.WatchList[cmdKey] = entry
func (t *Tailer) getEntryAndPos_nolock(cmdKey CmdKey, reqId string) (CmdWatchEntry, TailPos, bool) {
entry, found := t.WatchList[cmdKey]
if !found {
return CmdWatchEntry{}, TailPos{}, false
pos, found := entry.getTailPos(reqId)
if !found {
return CmdWatchEntry{}, TailPos{}, false
return entry, pos, true
func MakeTailer(sendCh chan packet.PacketType) (*Tailer, error) {
scHomeDir, err := base.GetScHomeDir()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
rtn := &Tailer{
Lock: &sync.Mutex{},
WatchList: make(map[CmdKey]CmdWatchEntry),
ScHomeDir: scHomeDir,
SendCh: sendCh,
rtn.Watcher, err = fsnotify.NewWatcher()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rtn, nil
func (t *Tailer) readDataFromFile(fileName string, pos int64, maxBytes int) ([]byte, error) {
fd, err := os.Open(fileName)
defer fd.Close()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
buf := make([]byte, maxBytes)
nr, err := fd.ReadAt(buf, pos)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF { // ignore EOF error
return nil, err
return buf[0:nr], nil
func (t *Tailer) makeCmdDataPacket(fileNames *base.CommandFileNames, entry CmdWatchEntry, pos TailPos) *packet.CmdDataPacketType {
dataPacket := packet.MakeCmdDataPacket()
dataPacket.ReqId = pos.ReqId
dataPacket.SessionId = entry.CmdKey.SessionId
dataPacket.CmdId = entry.CmdKey.CmdId
dataPacket.PtyPos = pos.TailPtyPos
dataPacket.RunPos = pos.TailRunPos
if entry.FilePtyLen > pos.TailPtyPos {
ptyData, err := t.readDataFromFile(fileNames.PtyOutFile, pos.TailPtyPos, MaxDataBytes)
if err != nil {
dataPacket.Error = err.Error()
return dataPacket
dataPacket.PtyData = string(ptyData)
dataPacket.PtyDataLen = len(ptyData)
if entry.FileRunLen > pos.TailRunPos {
runData, err := t.readDataFromFile(fileNames.RunnerOutFile, pos.TailRunPos, MaxDataBytes)
if err != nil {
dataPacket.Error = err.Error()
return dataPacket
dataPacket.RunData = string(runData)
dataPacket.RunDataLen = len(runData)
return dataPacket
// returns (data-packet, keepRunning)
func (t *Tailer) runSingleDataTransfer(key CmdKey, reqId string) (*packet.CmdDataPacketType, bool) {
entry, pos, foundPos := t.getEntryAndPos_nolock(key, reqId)
if !foundPos {
return nil, false
fileNames := base.MakeCommandFileNamesWithHome(t.ScHomeDir, key.SessionId, key.CmdId)
dataPacket := t.makeCmdDataPacket(fileNames, entry, pos)
defer t.Lock.Unlock()
entry, pos, foundPos = t.getEntryAndPos_nolock(key, reqId)
if !foundPos {
return nil, false
// pos was updated between first and second get, throw out data-packet and re-run
if pos.TailPtyPos != dataPacket.PtyPos || pos.TailRunPos != dataPacket.RunPos {
return nil, true
if dataPacket.Error != "" {
// error, so return error packet, and stop running
pos.Running = false
t.updateTailPos_nolock(key, reqId, pos)
return dataPacket, false
pos.TailPtyPos += int64(len(dataPacket.PtyData))
pos.TailRunPos += int64(len(dataPacket.RunData))
if pos.TailPtyPos >= entry.FilePtyLen && pos.TailRunPos >= entry.FileRunLen {
// we caught up, tail position equals file length
pos.Running = false
t.updateTailPos_nolock(key, reqId, pos)
return dataPacket, pos.Running
func (t *Tailer) checkRemoveNoFollow(cmdKey CmdKey, reqId string) {
defer t.Lock.Unlock()
_, pos, foundPos := t.getEntryAndPos_nolock(cmdKey, reqId)
if !foundPos {
if !pos.Follow {
t.removeTailPos_nolock(cmdKey, reqId)
func (t *Tailer) RunDataTransfer(key CmdKey, reqId string) {
for {
dataPacket, keepRunning := t.runSingleDataTransfer(key, reqId)
if dataPacket != nil {
t.SendCh <- dataPacket
if !keepRunning {
t.checkRemoveNoFollow(key, reqId)
time.Sleep(10 * time.Millisecond)
func (t *Tailer) tryStartRun_nolock(entry CmdWatchEntry, pos TailPos) {
if pos.Running {
if pos.IsCurrent(entry) {
pos.Running = true
t.updateTailPos_nolock(entry.CmdKey, pos.ReqId, pos)
go t.RunDataTransfer(entry.CmdKey, pos.ReqId)
var updateFileRe = regexp.MustCompile("/([a-z0-9-]+)/([a-z0-9-]+)\\.(ptyout|runout)$")
func (t *Tailer) updateFile(relFileName string) {
m := updateFileRe.FindStringSubmatch(relFileName)
if m == nil {
finfo, err := os.Stat(relFileName)
if err != nil {
t.SendCh <- packet.FmtMessagePacket("error trying to stat file '%s': %v", relFileName, err)
cmdKey := CmdKey{SessionId: m[1], CmdId: m[2]}
defer t.Lock.Unlock()
entry, foundEntry := t.WatchList[cmdKey]
if !foundEntry {
fileType := m[3]
if fileType == FileTypePty {
entry.FilePtyLen = finfo.Size()
} else if fileType == FileTypeRun {
entry.FileRunLen = finfo.Size()
t.WatchList[cmdKey] = entry
for _, pos := range entry.Tails {
t.tryStartRun_nolock(entry, pos)
func (t *Tailer) Run() {
for {
select {
case event, ok := <-t.Watcher.Events:
if !ok {
if event.Op&fsnotify.Write == fsnotify.Write {
case err, ok := <-t.Watcher.Errors:
if !ok {
// what to do with this error? just send a message
t.SendCh <- packet.FmtMessagePacket("error in tailer: %v", err)
func (t *Tailer) Close() error {
return t.Watcher.Close()
func max(v1 int64, v2 int64) int64 {
if v1 > v2 {
return v1
return v2
func (entry *CmdWatchEntry) fillFilePos(scHomeDir string) {
fileNames := base.MakeCommandFileNamesWithHome(scHomeDir, entry.CmdKey.SessionId, entry.CmdKey.CmdId)
ptyInfo, _ := os.Stat(fileNames.PtyOutFile)
if ptyInfo != nil {
entry.FilePtyLen = ptyInfo.Size()
runoutInfo, _ := os.Stat(fileNames.RunnerOutFile)
if runoutInfo != nil {
entry.FileRunLen = runoutInfo.Size()
func (t *Tailer) RemoveWatch(pk *packet.UntailCmdPacketType) {
defer t.Lock.Unlock()
key := CmdKey{pk.SessionId, pk.CmdId}
t.removeTailPos_nolock(key, pk.ReqId)
func (t *Tailer) AddWatch(getPacket *packet.GetCmdPacketType) error {
_, err := uuid.Parse(getPacket.SessionId)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getcmd, bad sessionid '%s': %w", getPacket.SessionId, err)
_, err = uuid.Parse(getPacket.CmdId)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getcmd, bad cmdid '%s': %w", getPacket.CmdId, err)
if getPacket.ReqId == "" {
return fmt.Errorf("getcmd, no reqid specified")
fileNames := base.MakeCommandFileNamesWithHome(t.ScHomeDir, getPacket.SessionId, getPacket.CmdId)
defer t.Lock.Unlock()
key := CmdKey{getPacket.SessionId, getPacket.CmdId}
entry, foundEntry := t.WatchList[key]
if !foundEntry {
// add watches, initialize entry
err = t.Watcher.Add(fileNames.PtyOutFile)
if err != nil {
return err
err = t.Watcher.Add(fileNames.RunnerOutFile)
if err != nil {
t.Watcher.Remove(fileNames.PtyOutFile) // best effort clean up
return err
entry = CmdWatchEntry{CmdKey: key}
pos, foundPos := entry.getTailPos(getPacket.ReqId)
if !foundPos {
// initialize a new tailpos
pos = TailPos{ReqId: getPacket.ReqId}
// update tailpos with new values from getpacket
pos.TailPtyPos = getPacket.PtyPos
pos.TailRunPos = getPacket.RunPos
pos.Follow = getPacket.Tail
// convert negative pos to positive
if pos.TailPtyPos < 0 {
pos.TailPtyPos = max(0, entry.FilePtyLen+pos.TailPtyPos) // + because negative
if pos.TailRunPos < 0 {
pos.TailRunPos = max(0, entry.FileRunLen+pos.TailRunPos) // + because negative
entry.updateTailPos(pos.ReqId, pos)
t.WatchList[key] = entry
t.tryStartRun_nolock(entry, pos)
return nil