mirror of
synced 2025-02-03 23:41:43 +01:00
This adds a frontend directory search by filtering out files that don't match. It also allows navigation of the directory using the arrow keys while maintaining focus on the search box.
278 lines
9.5 KiB
278 lines
9.5 KiB
// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import { Markdown } from "@/element/markdown";
import { getBackendHostPort, globalStore, useBlockAtom, useBlockCache } from "@/store/global";
import * as services from "@/store/services";
import * as WOS from "@/store/wos";
import * as util from "@/util/util";
import clsx from "clsx";
import * as jotai from "jotai";
import { useRef } from "react";
import { CenteredDiv } from "../element/quickelems";
import { CodeEdit } from "./codeedit";
import { CSVView } from "./csvview";
import { DirectoryPreview } from "./directorypreview";
import "./view.less";
const MaxFileSize = 1024 * 1024 * 10; // 10MB
function DirNav({ cwdAtom }: { cwdAtom: jotai.WritableAtom<string, [string], void> }) {
const [cwd, setCwd] = jotai.useAtom(cwdAtom);
if (cwd == null || cwd == "") {
return null;
let splitNav = [cwd];
let remaining = cwd;
let idx = remaining.lastIndexOf("/");
while (idx !== -1) {
remaining = remaining.substring(0, idx);
idx = remaining.lastIndexOf("/");
if (splitNav.length === 0) {
splitNav = [cwd];
return (
<div className="view-nav">
{splitNav.map((item, idx) => {
let splitPath = item.split("/");
if (splitPath.length === 0) {
splitPath = [item];
const isLast = idx == splitNav.length - 1;
let baseName = splitPath[splitPath.length - 1];
if (!isLast) {
baseName += "/";
return (
className={clsx("view-nav-item", isLast ? "current-file" : "clickable")}
onClick={isLast ? null : () => setCwd(item)}
<div className="flex-spacer"></div>
function MarkdownPreview({ contentAtom }: { contentAtom: jotai.Atom<Promise<string>> }) {
const readmeText = jotai.useAtomValue(contentAtom);
return (
<div className="view-preview view-preview-markdown">
<Markdown text={readmeText} />
function StreamingPreview({ fileInfo }: { fileInfo: FileInfo }) {
const filePath = fileInfo.path;
const streamingUrl = getBackendHostPort() + "/wave/stream-file?path=" + encodeURIComponent(filePath);
if (fileInfo.mimetype == "application/pdf") {
return (
<div className="view-preview view-preview-pdf">
<iframe src={streamingUrl} width="95%" height="95%" name="pdfview" />
if (fileInfo.mimetype.startsWith("video/")) {
return (
<div className="view-preview view-preview-video">
<video controls>
<source src={streamingUrl} />
if (fileInfo.mimetype.startsWith("audio/")) {
return (
<div className="view-preview view-preview-audio">
<audio controls>
<source src={streamingUrl} />
if (fileInfo.mimetype.startsWith("image/")) {
return (
<div className="view-preview view-preview-image">
<img src={streamingUrl} />
return <CenteredDiv>Preview Not Supported</CenteredDiv>;
function CodeEditPreview({
}: {
contentAtom: jotai.Atom<Promise<string>>;
filename: string;
readonly: boolean;
}) {
const fileContent = jotai.useAtomValue(contentAtom);
return <CodeEdit readonly={true} text={fileContent} filename={filename} />;
function CSVViewPreview({
}: {
parentRef: React.MutableRefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
contentAtom: jotai.Atom<Promise<string>>;
filename: string;
readonly: boolean;
}) {
const fileContent = jotai.useAtomValue(contentAtom);
return <CSVView parentRef={parentRef} readonly={true} content={fileContent} filename={filename} />;
function iconForFile(mimeType: string, fileName: string): string {
if (mimeType == "application/pdf") {
return "file-pdf";
} else if (mimeType.startsWith("image/")) {
return "image";
} else if (mimeType.startsWith("video/")) {
return "film";
} else if (mimeType.startsWith("audio/")) {
return "headphones";
} else if (mimeType.startsWith("text/markdown")) {
return "file-lines";
} else if (mimeType == "text/csv") {
return "file-csv";
} else if (
mimeType.startsWith("text/") ||
(mimeType.startsWith("application/") &&
(mimeType.includes("json") || mimeType.includes("yaml") || mimeType.includes("toml")))
) {
return "file-code";
} else if (mimeType === "directory") {
if (fileName == "~" || fileName == "~/") {
return "home";
return "folder";
} else {
return "file";
function PreviewView({ blockId }: { blockId: string }) {
const ref = useRef<HTMLDivElement>(null);
const blockAtom = WOS.getWaveObjectAtom<Block>(`block:${blockId}`);
const fileNameAtom: jotai.WritableAtom<string, [string], void> = useBlockCache(blockId, "preview:filename", () =>
jotai.atom<string, [string], void>(
(get) => {
return get(blockAtom)?.meta?.file;
(get, set, update) => {
const blockId = get(blockAtom)?.oid;
services.ObjectService.UpdateObjectMeta(`block:${blockId}`, { file: update });
const statFileAtom = useBlockAtom(blockId, "preview:statfile", () =>
jotai.atom<Promise<FileInfo>>(async (get) => {
const fileName = get(fileNameAtom);
if (fileName == null) {
return null;
// const statFile = await FileService.StatFile(fileName);
const statFile = await services.FileService.StatFile(fileName);
return statFile;
const fullFileAtom = useBlockAtom(blockId, "preview:fullfile", () =>
jotai.atom<Promise<FullFile>>(async (get) => {
const fileName = get(fileNameAtom);
if (fileName == null) {
return null;
// const file = await FileService.ReadFile(fileName);
const file = await services.FileService.ReadFile(fileName);
return file;
const fileMimeTypeAtom = useBlockAtom(blockId, "preview:mimetype", () =>
jotai.atom<Promise<string>>(async (get) => {
const fileInfo = await get(statFileAtom);
return fileInfo?.mimetype;
const fileContentAtom = useBlockAtom(blockId, "preview:filecontent", () =>
jotai.atom<Promise<string>>(async (get) => {
const fullFile = await get(fullFileAtom);
return util.base64ToString(fullFile?.data64);
let mimeType = jotai.useAtomValue(fileMimeTypeAtom);
if (mimeType == null) {
mimeType = "";
let fileName = jotai.useAtomValue(fileNameAtom);
const fileInfo = jotai.useAtomValue(statFileAtom);
// handle streaming files here
let specializedView: React.ReactNode;
let blockIcon = iconForFile(mimeType, fileName);
if (
mimeType == "application/pdf" ||
mimeType.startsWith("video/") ||
mimeType.startsWith("audio/") ||
) {
specializedView = <StreamingPreview fileInfo={fileInfo} />;
} else if (fileInfo == null) {
specializedView = (
<CenteredDiv>File Not Found{util.isBlank(fileName) ? null : JSON.stringify(fileName)}</CenteredDiv>
} else if (fileInfo.size > MaxFileSize) {
specializedView = <CenteredDiv>File Too Large to Preview</CenteredDiv>;
} else if (mimeType === "text/markdown") {
specializedView = <MarkdownPreview contentAtom={fileContentAtom} />;
} else if (mimeType === "text/csv") {
specializedView = (
<CSVViewPreview parentRef={ref} contentAtom={fileContentAtom} filename={fileName} readonly={true} />
} else if (
mimeType.startsWith("text/") ||
(mimeType.startsWith("application/") &&
(mimeType.includes("json") || mimeType.includes("yaml") || mimeType.includes("toml")))
) {
specializedView = <CodeEditPreview readonly={true} contentAtom={fileContentAtom} filename={fileName} />;
} else if (mimeType === "directory") {
specializedView = <DirectoryPreview fileNameAtom={fileNameAtom} />;
} else {
specializedView = (
<div className="view-preview">
<div>Preview ({mimeType})</div>
setTimeout(() => {
const blockIconOverrideAtom = useBlockAtom<string>(blockId, "blockicon:override", () => {
return jotai.atom<string>(null);
}) as jotai.PrimitiveAtom<string>;
globalStore.set(blockIconOverrideAtom, blockIcon);
}, 10);
return (
<div ref={ref} className="full-preview">
<DirNav cwdAtom={fileNameAtom} />
export { PreviewView };