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synced 2025-02-13 01:12:01 +01:00
* Fix VDom url caching -- use regular requests * new boilerplate to make writing apps easier * render-blocking global styles (to prevent render flash) * bug fixes and new functionality etc.
245 lines
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245 lines
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// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import { VDomModel } from "@/app/view/vdom/vdom-model";
import type { CssNode, List, ListItem } from "css-tree";
import * as csstree from "css-tree";
const TextTag = "#text";
// TODO support binding
export function getTextChildren(elem: VDomElem): string {
if (elem.tag == TextTag) {
return elem.text;
if (!elem.children) {
return null;
const textArr = elem.children.map((child) => {
return getTextChildren(child);
return textArr.join("");
export function convertVDomId(model: VDomModel, id: string): string {
return model.blockId + "::" + id;
export function validateAndWrapCss(model: VDomModel, cssText: string, wrapperClassName: string) {
try {
const ast = csstree.parse(cssText);
csstree.walk(ast, {
enter(node: CssNode, item: ListItem<CssNode>, list: List<CssNode>) {
// Remove disallowed @rules
const blockedRules = ["import", "font-face", "keyframes", "namespace", "supports"];
if (node.type === "Atrule" && blockedRules.includes(node.name)) {
// Remove :root selectors
if (
node.type === "Selector" &&
node.children.some((child) => child.type === "PseudoClassSelector" && child.name === "root")
) {
if (node.type === "IdSelector") {
node.name = convertVDomId(model, node.name);
// Transform url(#id) references in filter and mask properties (svg)
if (node.type === "Declaration" && ["filter", "mask"].includes(node.property)) {
if (node.value && node.value.type === "Value" && "children" in node.value) {
const urlNode = node.value.children
(child: CssNode): child is CssNode & { value: string } =>
child && child.type === "Url" && typeof (child as any).value === "string"
if (urlNode && urlNode.value && urlNode.value.startsWith("#")) {
urlNode.value = "#" + convertVDomId(model, urlNode.value.substring(1));
// transform url(vdom:///foo.jpg)
if (node.type === "Url" && node.value != null && node.value.startsWith("vdom://")) {
const newUrl = model.transformVDomUrl(node.value);
if (newUrl == null) {
} else {
node.value = newUrl;
const sanitizedCss = csstree.generate(ast);
return `.${wrapperClassName} { ${sanitizedCss} }`;
} catch (error) {
// TODO better error handling
console.error("CSS processing error:", error);
return null;
function cssTransformStyleValue(model: VDomModel, property: string, value: string): string {
try {
const ast = csstree.parse(value, { context: "value" });
csstree.walk(ast, {
enter(node: CssNode, item: ListItem<CssNode>, list: List<CssNode>) {
// Transform url(#id) in filter/mask properties
if (node.type === "Url" && (property === "filter" || property === "mask")) {
if (node.value.startsWith("#")) {
node.value = `#${convertVDomId(model, node.value.substring(1))}`;
// transform vdom:// urls
if (node.type === "Url" && node.value != null && node.value.startsWith("vdom://")) {
const newUrl = model.transformVDomUrl(node.value);
if (newUrl == null) {
} else {
node.value = newUrl;
return csstree.generate(ast);
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error processing style value:", error);
return value;
export function validateAndWrapReactStyle(model: VDomModel, style: Record<string, any>): Record<string, any> {
const sanitizedStyle: Record<string, any> = {};
let updated = false;
for (const [property, value] of Object.entries(style)) {
if (value == null || value === "") {
if (typeof value !== "string") {
sanitizedStyle[property] = value; // For non-string values, just copy as-is
if (value.includes("vdom://") || value.includes("url(#")) {
updated = true;
sanitizedStyle[property] = cssTransformStyleValue(model, property, value);
} else {
sanitizedStyle[property] = value;
if (!updated) {
return style;
return sanitizedStyle;
export function restoreVDomElems(backendUpdate: VDomBackendUpdate) {
if (!backendUpdate.transferelems || !backendUpdate.renderupdates) {
// Step 1: Map of waveid to VDomElem, skipping any without a waveid
const elemMap = new Map<string, VDomElem>();
backendUpdate.transferelems.forEach((transferElem) => {
if (!transferElem.waveid) {
elemMap.set(transferElem.waveid, {
waveid: transferElem.waveid,
tag: transferElem.tag,
props: transferElem.props,
children: [], // Will populate children later
text: transferElem.text,
// Step 2: Build VDomElem trees by linking children
backendUpdate.transferelems.forEach((transferElem) => {
const parent = elemMap.get(transferElem.waveid);
if (!parent || !transferElem.children || transferElem.children.length === 0) {
parent.children = transferElem.children.map((childId) => elemMap.get(childId)).filter((child) => child != null); // Explicit null check
// Step 3: Update renderupdates with rebuilt VDomElem trees
backendUpdate.renderupdates.forEach((update) => {
if (update.vdomwaveid) {
update.vdom = elemMap.get(update.vdomwaveid);
export function mergeBackendUpdates(baseUpdate: VDomBackendUpdate, nextUpdate: VDomBackendUpdate) {
// Verify the updates are from the same block/sequence
if (baseUpdate.blockid !== nextUpdate.blockid || baseUpdate.ts !== nextUpdate.ts) {
console.error("Attempted to merge updates from different blocks or timestamps");
// Merge TransferElems
if (nextUpdate.transferelems?.length > 0) {
if (!baseUpdate.transferelems) {
baseUpdate.transferelems = [];
// Merge StateSync
if (nextUpdate.statesync?.length > 0) {
if (!baseUpdate.statesync) {
baseUpdate.statesync = [];
export function applyCanvasOp(canvas: HTMLCanvasElement, canvasOp: VDomRefOperation, refStore: Map<string, any>) {
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
if (!ctx) {
console.error("Canvas 2D context not available.");
let { op, params, outputref } = canvasOp;
if (params == null) {
params = [];
if (op == null || op == "") {
// Resolve any reference parameters in params
const resolvedParams: any[] = [];
params.forEach((param) => {
if (typeof param === "string" && param.startsWith("#ref:")) {
const refId = param.slice(5); // Remove "#ref:" prefix
} else if (typeof param === "string" && param.startsWith("#spreadRef:")) {
const refId = param.slice(11); // Remove "#spreadRef:" prefix
const arrayRef = refStore.get(refId);
if (Array.isArray(arrayRef)) {
resolvedParams.push(...arrayRef); // Spread array elements
} else {
console.error(`Reference ${refId} is not an array and cannot be spread.`);
} else {
// Apply the operation on the canvas context
if (op === "dropRef" && params.length > 0 && typeof params[0] === "string") {
} else if (op === "addRef" && outputref) {
refStore.set(outputref, resolvedParams[0]);
} else if (typeof ctx[op as keyof CanvasRenderingContext2D] === "function") {
(ctx[op as keyof CanvasRenderingContext2D] as Function).apply(ctx, resolvedParams);
} else if (op in ctx) {
(ctx as any)[op] = resolvedParams[0];
} else {
console.error(`Unsupported canvas operation: ${op}`);