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synced 2025-03-11 13:23:06 +01:00
Sometimes, the context menu click handlers don't seem to get passed any window object. Here, I'm sending over the workspace id with the `contextmenu-show` event so that we can resolve our cached copy of the object in case the value from the click handler is empty.
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355 lines
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// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import { type Placement } from "@floating-ui/react";
import type * as jotai from "jotai";
import type * as rxjs from "rxjs";
declare global {
type GlobalAtomsType = {
clientId: jotai.Atom<string>; // readonly
client: jotai.Atom<Client>; // driven from WOS
uiContext: jotai.Atom<UIContext>; // driven from windowId, tabId
waveWindow: jotai.Atom<WaveWindow>; // driven from WOS
workspace: jotai.Atom<Workspace>; // driven from WOS
fullConfigAtom: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<FullConfigType>; // driven from WOS, settings -- updated via WebSocket
settingsAtom: jotai.Atom<SettingsType>; // derrived from fullConfig
tabAtom: jotai.Atom<Tab>; // driven from WOS
staticTabId: jotai.Atom<string>;
isFullScreen: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<boolean>;
controlShiftDelayAtom: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<boolean>;
prefersReducedMotionAtom: jotai.Atom<boolean>;
updaterStatusAtom: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<UpdaterStatus>;
typeAheadModalAtom: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<TypeAheadModalType>;
modalOpen: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<boolean>;
allConnStatus: jotai.Atom<ConnStatus[]>;
flashErrors: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<FlashErrorType[]>;
notifications: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<NotificationType[]>;
notificationPopoverMode: jotia.atom<boolean>;
reinitVersion: jotai.PrimitiveAtom<number>;
type WritableWaveObjectAtom<T extends WaveObj> = jotai.WritableAtom<T, [value: T], void>;
type ThrottledValueAtom<T> = jotai.WritableAtom<T, [update: jotai.SetStateAction<T>], void>;
type AtomWithThrottle<T> = {
currentValueAtom: jotai.Atom<T>;
throttledValueAtom: ThrottledValueAtom<T>;
type DebouncedValueAtom<T> = jotai.WritableAtom<T, [update: jotai.SetStateAction<T>], void>;
type AtomWithDebounce<T> = {
currentValueAtom: jotai.Atom<T>;
debouncedValueAtom: DebouncedValueAtom<T>;
type SplitAtom<Item> = Atom<Atom<Item>[]>;
type WritableSplitAtom<Item> = WritableAtom<PrimitiveAtom<Item>[], [SplitAtomAction<Item>], void>;
type TabLayoutData = {
blockId: string;
type WaveInitOpts = {
tabId: string;
clientId: string;
windowId: string;
activate: boolean;
type ElectronApi = {
getAuthKey(): string;
getIsDev(): boolean;
getCursorPoint: () => Electron.Point;
getPlatform: () => NodeJS.Platform;
getEnv: (varName: string) => string;
getUserName: () => string;
getHostName: () => string;
getDataDir: () => string;
getConfigDir: () => string;
getWebviewPreload: () => string;
getAboutModalDetails: () => AboutModalDetails;
getDocsiteUrl: () => string;
showContextMenu: (workspaceId: string, menu?: ElectronContextMenuItem[]) => void;
onContextMenuClick: (callback: (id: string) => void) => void;
onNavigate: (callback: (url: string) => void) => void;
onIframeNavigate: (callback: (url: string) => void) => void;
downloadFile: (path: string) => void;
openExternal: (url: string) => void;
onFullScreenChange: (callback: (isFullScreen: boolean) => void) => void;
onUpdaterStatusChange: (callback: (status: UpdaterStatus) => void) => void;
getUpdaterStatus: () => UpdaterStatus;
getUpdaterChannel: () => string;
installAppUpdate: () => void;
onMenuItemAbout: (callback: () => void) => void;
updateWindowControlsOverlay: (rect: Dimensions) => void;
onReinjectKey: (callback: (waveEvent: WaveKeyboardEvent) => void) => void;
setWebviewFocus: (focusedId: number) => void; // focusedId si the getWebContentsId of the webview
registerGlobalWebviewKeys: (keys: string[]) => void;
onControlShiftStateUpdate: (callback: (state: boolean) => void) => void;
createWorkspace: () => void;
switchWorkspace: (workspaceId: string) => void;
deleteWorkspace: (workspaceId: string) => void;
setActiveTab: (tabId: string) => void;
createTab: () => void;
closeTab: (workspaceId: string, tabId: string) => void;
setWindowInitStatus: (status: "ready" | "wave-ready") => void;
onWaveInit: (callback: (initOpts: WaveInitOpts) => void) => void;
sendLog: (log: string) => void;
onQuicklook: (filePath: string) => void;
openNativePath(filePath: string): void;
type ElectronContextMenuItem = {
id: string; // unique id, used for communication
label: string;
role?: string; // electron role (optional)
type?: "separator" | "normal" | "submenu" | "checkbox" | "radio";
submenu?: ElectronContextMenuItem[];
checked?: boolean;
visible?: boolean;
enabled?: boolean;
sublabel?: string;
type ContextMenuItem = {
label?: string;
type?: "separator" | "normal" | "submenu" | "checkbox" | "radio";
role?: string; // electron role (optional)
click?: () => void; // not required if role is set
submenu?: ContextMenuItem[];
checked?: boolean;
visible?: boolean;
enabled?: boolean;
sublabel?: string;
type KeyPressDecl = {
mods: {
Cmd?: boolean;
Option?: boolean;
Shift?: boolean;
Ctrl?: boolean;
Alt?: boolean;
Meta?: boolean;
key: string;
keyType: string;
type SubjectWithRef<T> = rxjs.Subject<T> & { refCount: number; release: () => void };
type HeaderElem =
| IconButtonDecl
| HeaderText
| HeaderInput
| HeaderDiv
| HeaderTextButton
| ConnectionButton
| MenuButton;
type IconButtonDecl = {
elemtype: "iconbutton";
icon: string | React.ReactNode;
iconColor?: string;
iconSpin?: boolean;
className?: string;
title?: string;
click?: (e: React.MouseEvent<any>) => void;
longClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent<any>) => void;
disabled?: boolean;
noAction?: boolean;
type HeaderTextButton = {
elemtype: "textbutton";
text: string;
className?: string;
onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent<any>) => void;
type HeaderText = {
elemtype: "text";
text: string;
ref?: React.MutableRefObject<HTMLDivElement>;
className?: string;
noGrow?: boolean;
onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent<any>) => void;
type HeaderInput = {
elemtype: "input";
value: string;
className?: string;
isDisabled?: boolean;
ref?: React.MutableRefObject<HTMLInputElement>;
onChange?: (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
onKeyDown?: (e: React.KeyboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
onFocus?: (e: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
onBlur?: (e: React.FocusEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void;
type HeaderDiv = {
elemtype: "div";
className?: string;
children: HeaderElem[];
onMouseOver?: (e: React.MouseEvent<any>) => void;
onMouseOut?: (e: React.MouseEvent<any>) => void;
onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent<any>) => void;
type ConnectionButton = {
elemtype: "connectionbutton";
icon: string;
text: string;
iconColor: string;
onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent<any>) => void;
connected: boolean;
type MenuItem = {
label: string;
icon?: string | React.ReactNode;
subItems?: MenuItem[];
onClick?: (e: React.MouseEvent<any>) => void;
type MenuButtonProps = {
items: MenuItem[];
className?: string;
text: string;
title?: string;
menuPlacement?: Placement;
type MenuButton = {
elemtype: "menubutton";
} & MenuButtonProps;
interface ViewModel {
viewType: string;
viewIcon?: jotai.Atom<string | IconButtonDecl>;
viewName?: jotai.Atom<string>;
viewText?: jotai.Atom<string | HeaderElem[]>;
preIconButton?: jotai.Atom<IconButtonDecl>;
endIconButtons?: jotai.Atom<IconButtonDecl[]>;
blockBg?: jotai.Atom<MetaType>;
manageConnection?: jotai.Atom<boolean>;
noPadding?: jotai.Atom<boolean>;
filterOutNowsh?: jotai.Atom<boolean>;
onBack?: () => void;
onForward?: () => void;
onSearchChange?: (text: string) => void;
onSearch?: (text: string) => void;
getSettingsMenuItems?: () => ContextMenuItem[];
giveFocus?: () => boolean;
keyDownHandler?: (e: WaveKeyboardEvent) => boolean;
dispose?: () => void;
type UpdaterStatus = "up-to-date" | "checking" | "downloading" | "ready" | "error" | "installing";
// jotai doesn't export this type :/
type Loadable<T> = { state: "loading" } | { state: "hasData"; data: T } | { state: "hasError"; error: unknown };
interface Dimensions {
width: number;
height: number;
left: number;
top: number;
type TypeAheadModalType = { [key: string]: boolean };
interface AboutModalDetails {
version: string;
buildTime: number;
type BlockComponentModel = {
openSwitchConnection?: () => void;
viewModel: ViewModel;
type ConnStatusType = "connected" | "connecting" | "disconnected" | "error" | "init";
interface SuggestionBaseItem {
label: string;
value: string;
icon?: string | React.ReactNode;
interface SuggestionConnectionItem extends SuggestionBaseItem {
status: ConnStatusType;
iconColor: string;
onSelect?: (_: string) => void;
current?: boolean;
interface SuggestionConnectionScope {
headerText?: string;
items: SuggestionConnectionItem[];
type SuggestionsType = SuggestionConnectionItem | SuggestionConnectionScope;
type MarkdownResolveOpts = {
connName: string;
baseDir: string;
type FlashErrorType = {
id: string;
icon: string;
title: string;
message: string;
expiration: number;
export type NotificationActionType = {
label: string;
actionKey: string;
rightIcon?: string;
color?: "green" | "grey";
disabled?: boolean;
export type NotificationType = {
id?: string;
icon: string;
title: string;
message: string;
timestamp: string;
expiration?: number;
hidden?: boolean;
actions?: NotificationActionType[];
persistent?: boolean;
type?: "error" | "update" | "info" | "warning";
interface AbstractWshClient {
recvRpcMessage(msg: RpcMessage): void;
type ClientRpcEntry = {
reqId: string;
startTs: number;
command: string;
msgFn: (msg: RpcMessage) => void;
type TimeSeriesMeta = {
name?: string;
color?: string;
label?: string;
maxy?: string | number;
miny?: string | number;
decimalPlaces?: number;
export {};