mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 13:00:53 +01:00
* feat: add gui elements to configure ssh pw cache This adds a dropdown for on/off/notimeout, a number entry box for a timeout value, and a toggle for clearing when the computer sleeps. * fix: improve password timeout entry This makes the password timeout more consistent by using an inline settings element. It also creates the inline settings element to parse the input. * feat: turn sudo password caching on and off * feat: use configurable sudo timeout This makes it possible to control how long waveterm stores your sudo password. Note that if it changes, it immediately clears the cached passwords. * fix: clear existing sudo passwords if switched off When the sudo password store state is changed to "off", all existing passwords must immediately be cleared automatically. * feat: allow clearing sudo passwords on suspend This option makes it so the sudo passwords will be cleared when the computer falls asleep. It will never be used in the case where the password is set to never time out. * feat: allow notimeout to prevent sudo pw clear This option allows the sudo timeout to be ignored while it is selected. * feat: adjust current deadline based on user config This allows the deadline to update as changes to the config are happening. * fix: reject a sudopwtimeout of 0 on the backend * fix: use the default sudoPwTimeout for empty input * fix: specify the timeout length is minutes * fix: store sudopwtimeout in ms instead of minutes * fix: formatting the default sudo timeout By changing the order of operations, this no longer shows up as NaN if the default is used. * refactor: consolidate inlinesettingstextedit This removes the number variant and combines them into the same class with an option to switch between the two behaviors. * refactor: consolidate textfield and numberfield This removes the number variant of textfield. The textfield component can now act as a numberfield when the optional isNumber prop is true.
1302 lines
41 KiB
1302 lines
41 KiB
// Copyright 2023, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package sstore
import (
_ "github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3"
type RemotePtrType = scpacket.RemotePtrType
const LineNoHeight = -1
const DBFileName = "waveterm.db"
const DBWALFileName = "waveterm.db-wal"
const DBFileNameBackup = "backup.waveterm.db"
const DBWALFileNameBackup = "backup.waveterm.db-wal"
const MaxWebShareLineCount = 50
const MaxWebShareScreenCount = 3
const MaxLineStateSize = 4 * 1024 // 4k for now, can raise if needed
const DefaultSudoTimeout = 5
const DefaultSessionName = "default"
const LocalRemoteAlias = "local"
const DefaultCwd = "~"
const APITokenSentinel = "--apitoken--"
// defined here and not in packet.go since this value should never
// be passed to waveshell (it should always get resolved prior to sending a run packet)
const ShellTypePref_Detect = "detect"
const (
LineTypeCmd = "cmd"
LineTypeText = "text"
LineTypeOpenAI = "openai"
const (
LineState_Source = "prompt:source"
LineState_File = "prompt:file"
LineState_FileUrl = "wave:fileurl"
LineState_Min = "wave:min"
LineState_Template = "template"
LineState_Mode = "mode"
LineState_Lang = "lang"
LineState_Minimap = "minimap"
const (
MainViewSession = "session"
MainViewBookmarks = "bookmarks"
MainViewHistory = "history"
MainViewConnections = "connections"
MainViewSettings = "clientsettings"
const (
CmdStatusRunning = "running"
CmdStatusDetached = "detached"
CmdStatusError = "error"
CmdStatusDone = "done"
CmdStatusHangup = "hangup"
CmdStatusUnknown = "unknown" // used for history items where we don't have a status
const (
CmdRendererOpenAI = "openai"
const (
OpenAIRoleSystem = "system"
OpenAIRoleUser = "user"
OpenAIRoleAssistant = "assistant"
const (
RemoteAuthTypeNone = "none"
RemoteAuthTypePassword = "password"
RemoteAuthTypeKey = "key"
RemoteAuthTypeKeyPassword = "key+password"
const (
SSHConfigSrcTypeManual = "waveterm-manual"
SSHConfigSrcTypeImport = "sshconfig-import"
// TODO: move to webshare package once sstore code is more modular
const (
ShareModeLocal = "local"
ShareModeWeb = "web"
const (
ConnectModeStartup = "startup"
ConnectModeAuto = "auto"
ConnectModeManual = "manual"
const (
RemoteTypeSsh = "ssh"
RemoteTypeOpenAI = "openai"
const (
ScreenFocusInput = "input"
ScreenFocusCmd = "cmd"
const (
CmdStoreTypeSession = "session"
CmdStoreTypeScreen = "screen"
const (
UpdateType_ScreenNew = "screen:new"
UpdateType_ScreenDel = "screen:del"
UpdateType_ScreenSelectedLine = "screen:selectedline"
UpdateType_ScreenName = "screen:sharename"
UpdateType_LineNew = "line:new"
UpdateType_LineDel = "line:del"
UpdateType_LineRenderer = "line:renderer"
UpdateType_LineContentHeight = "line:contentheight"
UpdateType_LineState = "line:state"
UpdateType_CmdStatus = "cmd:status"
UpdateType_CmdTermOpts = "cmd:termopts"
UpdateType_CmdExitCode = "cmd:exitcode"
UpdateType_CmdDurationMs = "cmd:durationms"
UpdateType_CmdRtnState = "cmd:rtnstate"
UpdateType_PtyPos = "pty:pos"
var globalDBLock = &sync.Mutex{}
var globalDB *sqlx.DB
var globalDBErr error
func lineIdFromCK(ck base.CommandKey) string {
return ck.GetCmdId()
func GetDBName() string {
scHome := scbase.GetWaveHomeDir()
return path.Join(scHome, DBFileName)
func GetDBWALName() string {
scHome := scbase.GetWaveHomeDir()
return path.Join(scHome, DBWALFileName)
func GetDBBackupName() string {
scHome := scbase.GetWaveHomeDir()
return path.Join(scHome, DBFileNameBackup)
func GetDBWALBackupName() string {
scHome := scbase.GetWaveHomeDir()
return path.Join(scHome, DBWALFileNameBackup)
func IsValidConnectMode(mode string) bool {
return mode == ConnectModeStartup || mode == ConnectModeAuto || mode == ConnectModeManual
func GetDB(ctx context.Context) (*sqlx.DB, error) {
if txwrap.IsTxWrapContext(ctx) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot call GetDB from within a running transaction")
defer globalDBLock.Unlock()
if globalDB == nil && globalDBErr == nil {
dbName := GetDBName()
globalDB, globalDBErr = sqlx.Open("sqlite3", fmt.Sprintf("file:%s?cache=shared&mode=rwc&_journal_mode=WAL&_busy_timeout=5000", dbName))
if globalDBErr != nil {
globalDBErr = fmt.Errorf("opening db[%s]: %w", dbName, globalDBErr)
log.Printf("[db] error: %v\n", globalDBErr)
} else {
log.Printf("[db] successfully opened db %s\n", dbName)
return globalDB, globalDBErr
func CloseDB() {
defer globalDBLock.Unlock()
if globalDB == nil {
err := globalDB.Close()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("[db] error closing database: %v\n", err)
globalDB = nil
type CmdPtr struct {
ScreenId string
LineId string
type ClientWinSizeType struct {
Width int `json:"width"`
Height int `json:"height"`
Top int `json:"top"`
Left int `json:"left"`
FullScreen bool `json:"fullscreen,omitempty"`
type PowerMonitorEventType struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
type SidebarValueType struct {
Collapsed bool `json:"collapsed"`
Width int `json:"width"`
type ClientOptsType struct {
NoTelemetry bool `json:"notelemetry,omitempty"`
NoReleaseCheck bool `json:"noreleasecheck,omitempty"`
AcceptedTos int64 `json:"acceptedtos,omitempty"`
ConfirmFlags map[string]bool `json:"confirmflags,omitempty"`
MainSidebar *SidebarValueType `json:"mainsidebar,omitempty"`
RightSidebar *SidebarValueType `json:"rightsidebar,omitempty"`
GlobalShortcut string `json:"globalshortcut,omitempty"`
GlobalShortcutEnabled bool `json:"globalshortcutenabled,omitempty"`
WebGL bool `json:"webgl,omitempty"`
type FeOptsType struct {
TermFontSize int `json:"termfontsize,omitempty"`
TermFontFamily string `json:"termfontfamily,omitempty"`
Theme string `json:"theme,omitempty"`
TermThemeSettings map[string]string `json:"termthemesettings"`
SudoPwStore string `json:"sudopwstore,omitempty"`
SudoPwTimeoutMs int `json:"sudopwtimeoutms,omitempty"`
SudoPwTimeout int `json:"sudopwtimeout,omitempty"`
NoSudoPwClearOnSleep bool `json:"nosudopwclearonsleep,omitempty"`
type ReleaseInfoType struct {
LatestVersion string `json:"latestversion,omitempty"`
type ClientData struct {
ClientId string `json:"clientid"`
UserId string `json:"userid"`
UserPrivateKeyBytes []byte `json:"-"`
UserPublicKeyBytes []byte `json:"-"`
UserPrivateKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey `json:"-" dbmap:"-"`
UserPublicKey *ecdsa.PublicKey `json:"-" dbmap:"-"`
ActiveSessionId string `json:"activesessionid"`
WinSize ClientWinSizeType `json:"winsize"`
ClientOpts ClientOptsType `json:"clientopts"`
FeOpts FeOptsType `json:"feopts"`
CmdStoreType string `json:"cmdstoretype"`
DBVersion int `json:"dbversion" dbmap:"-"`
OpenAIOpts *OpenAIOptsType `json:"openaiopts,omitempty" dbmap:"openaiopts"`
ReleaseInfo ReleaseInfoType `json:"releaseinfo"`
func (ClientData) UseDBMap() {}
func (cdata *ClientData) Clean() *ClientData {
if cdata == nil {
return nil
rtn := *cdata
if rtn.OpenAIOpts != nil {
rtn.OpenAIOpts = &OpenAIOptsType{
Model: cdata.OpenAIOpts.Model,
MaxTokens: cdata.OpenAIOpts.MaxTokens,
MaxChoices: cdata.OpenAIOpts.MaxChoices,
Timeout: cdata.OpenAIOpts.Timeout,
BaseURL: cdata.OpenAIOpts.BaseURL,
// omit API Token
if cdata.OpenAIOpts.APIToken != "" {
rtn.OpenAIOpts.APIToken = APITokenSentinel
return &rtn
func (ClientData) GetType() string {
return "clientdata"
type SessionType struct {
SessionId string `json:"sessionid"`
Name string `json:"name"`
SessionIdx int64 `json:"sessionidx"`
ActiveScreenId string `json:"activescreenid"`
ShareMode string `json:"sharemode"`
NotifyNum int64 `json:"notifynum"`
Archived bool `json:"archived,omitempty"`
ArchivedTs int64 `json:"archivedts,omitempty"`
Remotes []*RemoteInstance `json:"remotes"`
// only for updates
Remove bool `json:"remove,omitempty"`
func (SessionType) GetType() string {
return "session"
func MakeSessionUpdateForRemote(sessionId string, ri *RemoteInstance) SessionType {
return SessionType{
SessionId: sessionId,
Remotes: []*RemoteInstance{ri},
type SessionTombstoneType struct {
SessionId string `json:"sessionid"`
Name string `json:"name"`
DeletedTs int64 `json:"deletedts"`
func (SessionTombstoneType) UseDBMap() {}
func (SessionTombstoneType) GetType() string {
return "sessiontombstone"
type SessionStatsType struct {
SessionId string `json:"sessionid"`
NumScreens int `json:"numscreens"`
NumArchivedScreens int `json:"numarchivedscreens"`
NumLines int `json:"numlines"`
NumCmds int `json:"numcmds"`
DiskStats SessionDiskSizeType `json:"diskstats"`
type ScreenOptsType struct {
TabColor string `json:"tabcolor,omitempty"`
TabIcon string `json:"tabicon,omitempty"`
PTerm string `json:"pterm,omitempty"`
type ScreenLinesType struct {
ScreenId string `json:"screenid"`
Lines []*LineType `json:"lines" dbmap:"-"`
Cmds []*CmdType `json:"cmds" dbmap:"-"`
func (ScreenLinesType) UseDBMap() {}
func (ScreenLinesType) GetType() string {
return "screenlines"
type ScreenWebShareOpts struct {
ShareName string `json:"sharename"`
ViewKey string `json:"viewkey"`
type ScreenCreateOpts struct {
BaseScreenId string
CopyRemote bool
CopyCwd bool
CopyEnv bool
RtnScreenId *string
func (sco ScreenCreateOpts) HasCopy() bool {
return sco.CopyRemote || sco.CopyCwd || sco.CopyEnv
type ScreenSidebarOptsType struct {
Open bool `json:"open,omitempty"`
Width string `json:"width,omitempty"`
// this used to be more complicated (sections with types). simplified for this release
SidebarLineId string `json:"sidebarlineid,omitempty"`
type ScreenViewOptsType struct {
Sidebar *ScreenSidebarOptsType `json:"sidebar,omitempty"`
type ScreenType struct {
SessionId string `json:"sessionid"`
ScreenId string `json:"screenid"`
Name string `json:"name"`
ScreenIdx int64 `json:"screenidx"`
ScreenOpts ScreenOptsType `json:"screenopts"`
ScreenViewOpts ScreenViewOptsType `json:"screenviewopts"`
OwnerId string `json:"ownerid"`
ShareMode string `json:"sharemode"`
WebShareOpts *ScreenWebShareOpts `json:"webshareopts,omitempty"`
CurRemote RemotePtrType `json:"curremote"`
NextLineNum int64 `json:"nextlinenum"`
SelectedLine int64 `json:"selectedline"`
Anchor ScreenAnchorType `json:"anchor"`
FocusType string `json:"focustype"`
Archived bool `json:"archived,omitempty"`
ArchivedTs int64 `json:"archivedts,omitempty"`
// only for updates
Remove bool `json:"remove,omitempty"`
func (s *ScreenType) ToMap() map[string]interface{} {
rtn := make(map[string]interface{})
rtn["sessionid"] = s.SessionId
rtn["screenid"] = s.ScreenId
rtn["name"] = s.Name
rtn["screenidx"] = s.ScreenIdx
rtn["screenopts"] = quickJson(s.ScreenOpts)
rtn["screenviewopts"] = quickJson(s.ScreenViewOpts)
rtn["ownerid"] = s.OwnerId
rtn["sharemode"] = s.ShareMode
rtn["webshareopts"] = quickNullableJson(s.WebShareOpts)
rtn["curremoteownerid"] = s.CurRemote.OwnerId
rtn["curremoteid"] = s.CurRemote.RemoteId
rtn["curremotename"] = s.CurRemote.Name
rtn["nextlinenum"] = s.NextLineNum
rtn["selectedline"] = s.SelectedLine
rtn["anchor"] = quickJson(s.Anchor)
rtn["focustype"] = s.FocusType
rtn["archived"] = s.Archived
rtn["archivedts"] = s.ArchivedTs
return rtn
func (s *ScreenType) FromMap(m map[string]interface{}) bool {
quickSetStr(&s.SessionId, m, "sessionid")
quickSetStr(&s.ScreenId, m, "screenid")
quickSetStr(&s.Name, m, "name")
quickSetInt64(&s.ScreenIdx, m, "screenidx")
quickSetJson(&s.ScreenOpts, m, "screenopts")
quickSetJson(&s.ScreenViewOpts, m, "screenviewopts")
quickSetStr(&s.OwnerId, m, "ownerid")
quickSetStr(&s.ShareMode, m, "sharemode")
quickSetNullableJson(&s.WebShareOpts, m, "webshareopts")
quickSetStr(&s.CurRemote.OwnerId, m, "curremoteownerid")
quickSetStr(&s.CurRemote.RemoteId, m, "curremoteid")
quickSetStr(&s.CurRemote.Name, m, "curremotename")
quickSetInt64(&s.NextLineNum, m, "nextlinenum")
quickSetInt64(&s.SelectedLine, m, "selectedline")
quickSetJson(&s.Anchor, m, "anchor")
quickSetStr(&s.FocusType, m, "focustype")
quickSetBool(&s.Archived, m, "archived")
quickSetInt64(&s.ArchivedTs, m, "archivedts")
return true
func (ScreenType) GetType() string {
return "screen"
func AddScreenUpdate(update *scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType, newScreen *ScreenType) {
if newScreen == nil {
screenUpdates := scbus.GetUpdateItems[ScreenType](update)
for _, screenUpdate := range screenUpdates {
if screenUpdate.ScreenId == newScreen.ScreenId {
screenUpdate = newScreen
type ScreenTombstoneType struct {
ScreenId string `json:"screenid"`
SessionId string `json:"sessionid"`
Name string `json:"name"`
DeletedTs int64 `json:"deletedts"`
ScreenOpts ScreenOptsType `json:"screenopts"`
func (ScreenTombstoneType) UseDBMap() {}
func (ScreenTombstoneType) GetType() string {
return "screentombstone"
const (
LayoutFull = "full"
type LayoutType struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Parent string `json:"parent,omitempty"`
ZIndex int64 `json:"zindex,omitempty"`
Float bool `json:"float,omitempty"`
Top string `json:"top,omitempty"`
Bottom string `json:"bottom,omitempty"`
Left string `json:"left,omitempty"`
Right string `json:"right,omitempty"`
Width string `json:"width,omitempty"`
Height string `json:"height,omitempty"`
func (l *LayoutType) Scan(val interface{}) error {
return quickScanJson(l, val)
func (l LayoutType) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return quickValueJson(l)
type ScreenAnchorType struct {
AnchorLine int `json:"anchorline,omitempty"`
AnchorOffset int `json:"anchoroffset,omitempty"`
type TermOpts struct {
Rows int64 `json:"rows"`
Cols int64 `json:"cols"`
FlexRows bool `json:"flexrows,omitempty"`
MaxPtySize int64 `json:"maxptysize,omitempty"`
func (opts *TermOpts) Scan(val interface{}) error {
return quickScanJson(opts, val)
func (opts TermOpts) Value() (driver.Value, error) {
return quickValueJson(opts)
type RemoteInstance struct {
RIId string `json:"riid"`
Name string `json:"name"`
SessionId string `json:"sessionid"`
ScreenId string `json:"screenid"`
RemoteOwnerId string `json:"remoteownerid"`
RemoteId string `json:"remoteid"`
FeState map[string]string `json:"festate"`
ShellType string `json:"shelltype"`
StateBaseHash string `json:"-"`
StateDiffHashArr []string `json:"-"`
// only for updates
Remove bool `json:"remove,omitempty"`
type StateBase struct {
BaseHash string
Version string
Ts int64
Data []byte
type StateDiff struct {
DiffHash string
Ts int64
BaseHash string
DiffHashArr []string
Data []byte
func (sd *StateDiff) FromMap(m map[string]interface{}) bool {
quickSetStr(&sd.DiffHash, m, "diffhash")
quickSetInt64(&sd.Ts, m, "ts")
quickSetStr(&sd.BaseHash, m, "basehash")
quickSetJsonArr(&sd.DiffHashArr, m, "diffhasharr")
quickSetBytes(&sd.Data, m, "data")
return true
func (sd *StateDiff) ToMap() map[string]interface{} {
rtn := make(map[string]interface{})
rtn["diffhash"] = sd.DiffHash
rtn["ts"] = sd.Ts
rtn["basehash"] = sd.BaseHash
rtn["diffhasharr"] = quickJsonArr(sd.DiffHashArr)
rtn["data"] = sd.Data
return rtn
func FeStateFromShellState(state *packet.ShellState) map[string]string {
if state == nil {
return nil
rtn := make(map[string]string)
rtn["cwd"] = state.Cwd
declMap := shellenv.DeclMapFromState(state)
if decl, ok := declMap["VIRTUAL_ENV"]; ok {
rtn["VIRTUAL_ENV"] = decl.UnescapedValue()
if decl, ok := declMap["CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV"]; ok {
rtn["CONDA_DEFAULT_ENV"] = decl.UnescapedValue()
for _, decl := range declMap {
// works for both legacy and new IsExtVar decls
if strings.HasPrefix(decl.Name, "PROMPTVAR_") {
rtn[decl.Name] = decl.UnescapedValue()
_, _, err := packet.ParseShellStateVersion(state.Version)
if err != nil {
rtn["invalidstate"] = "1"
return rtn
func (ri *RemoteInstance) FromMap(m map[string]interface{}) bool {
quickSetStr(&ri.RIId, m, "riid")
quickSetStr(&ri.Name, m, "name")
quickSetStr(&ri.SessionId, m, "sessionid")
quickSetStr(&ri.ScreenId, m, "screenid")
quickSetStr(&ri.RemoteOwnerId, m, "remoteownerid")
quickSetStr(&ri.RemoteId, m, "remoteid")
quickSetJson(&ri.FeState, m, "festate")
quickSetStr(&ri.StateBaseHash, m, "statebasehash")
quickSetJsonArr(&ri.StateDiffHashArr, m, "statediffhasharr")
quickSetStr(&ri.ShellType, m, "shelltype")
return true
func (ri *RemoteInstance) ToMap() map[string]interface{} {
rtn := make(map[string]interface{})
rtn["riid"] = ri.RIId
rtn["name"] = ri.Name
rtn["sessionid"] = ri.SessionId
rtn["screenid"] = ri.ScreenId
rtn["remoteownerid"] = ri.RemoteOwnerId
rtn["remoteid"] = ri.RemoteId
rtn["festate"] = quickJson(ri.FeState)
rtn["statebasehash"] = ri.StateBaseHash
rtn["statediffhasharr"] = quickJsonArr(ri.StateDiffHashArr)
rtn["shelltype"] = ri.ShellType
return rtn
type ScreenUpdateType struct {
UpdateId int64 `json:"updateid"`
ScreenId string `json:"screenid"`
LineId string `json:"lineid"`
UpdateType string `json:"updatetype"`
UpdateTs int64 `json:"updatets"`
func (ScreenUpdateType) UseDBMap() {}
type LineType struct {
ScreenId string `json:"screenid"`
UserId string `json:"userid"`
LineId string `json:"lineid"`
Ts int64 `json:"ts"`
LineNum int64 `json:"linenum"`
LineNumTemp bool `json:"linenumtemp,omitempty"`
LineLocal bool `json:"linelocal"`
LineType string `json:"linetype"`
LineState map[string]any `json:"linestate"`
Renderer string `json:"renderer,omitempty"`
Text string `json:"text,omitempty"`
Ephemeral bool `json:"ephemeral,omitempty"`
ContentHeight int64 `json:"contentheight,omitempty"`
Star bool `json:"star,omitempty"`
Archived bool `json:"archived,omitempty"`
Remove bool `json:"remove,omitempty"`
func (LineType) UseDBMap() {}
type OpenAIUsage struct {
PromptTokens int `json:"prompt_tokens"`
CompletionTokens int `json:"completion_tokens"`
TotalTokens int `json:"total_tokens"`
type OpenAIChoiceType struct {
Text string `json:"text"`
Index int `json:"index"`
FinishReason string `json:"finish_reason"`
type OpenAIResponse struct {
Model string `json:"model"`
Created int64 `json:"created"`
Usage *OpenAIUsage `json:"usage,omitempty"`
Choices []OpenAIChoiceType `json:"choices,omitempty"`
type ResolveItem struct {
Name string
Num int
Id string
Hidden bool
type SSHOpts struct {
Local bool `json:"local,omitempty"`
IsSudo bool `json:"issudo,omitempty"`
SSHHost string `json:"sshhost"`
SSHUser string `json:"sshuser"`
SSHOptsStr string `json:"sshopts,omitempty"`
SSHIdentity string `json:"sshidentity,omitempty"`
SSHPort int `json:"sshport,omitempty"`
SSHPassword string `json:"sshpassword,omitempty"`
func (opts SSHOpts) GetAuthType() string {
if opts.SSHPassword != "" && opts.SSHIdentity != "" {
return RemoteAuthTypeKeyPassword
if opts.SSHIdentity != "" {
return RemoteAuthTypeKey
if opts.SSHPassword != "" {
return RemoteAuthTypePassword
return RemoteAuthTypeNone
type RemoteOptsType struct {
Color string `json:"color"`
type OpenAIOptsType struct {
Model string `json:"model"`
APIToken string `json:"apitoken"`
BaseURL string `json:"baseurl,omitempty"`
MaxTokens int `json:"maxtokens,omitempty"`
MaxChoices int `json:"maxchoices,omitempty"`
Timeout int `json:"timeout,omitempty"`
const (
RemoteStatus_Connected = "connected"
RemoteStatus_Connecting = "connecting"
RemoteStatus_Disconnected = "disconnected"
RemoteStatus_Error = "error"
type RemoteRuntimeState struct {
RemoteType string `json:"remotetype"`
RemoteId string `json:"remoteid"`
RemoteAlias string `json:"remotealias,omitempty"`
RemoteCanonicalName string `json:"remotecanonicalname"`
RemoteVars map[string]string `json:"remotevars"`
Status string `json:"status"`
ConnectTimeout int `json:"connecttimeout,omitempty"`
CountdownActive bool `json:"countdownactive"`
ErrorStr string `json:"errorstr,omitempty"`
InstallStatus string `json:"installstatus"`
InstallErrorStr string `json:"installerrorstr,omitempty"`
NeedsMShellUpgrade bool `json:"needsmshellupgrade,omitempty"`
NoInitPk bool `json:"noinitpk,omitempty"`
AuthType string `json:"authtype,omitempty"`
ConnectMode string `json:"connectmode"`
AutoInstall bool `json:"autoinstall"`
Archived bool `json:"archived,omitempty"`
RemoteIdx int64 `json:"remoteidx"`
SSHConfigSrc string `json:"sshconfigsrc"`
UName string `json:"uname"`
MShellVersion string `json:"mshellversion"`
WaitingForPassword bool `json:"waitingforpassword,omitempty"`
Local bool `json:"local,omitempty"`
IsSudo bool `json:"issudo,omitempty"`
RemoteOpts *RemoteOptsType `json:"remoteopts,omitempty"`
CanComplete bool `json:"cancomplete,omitempty"`
ShellPref string `json:"shellpref,omitempty"`
DefaultShellType string `json:"defaultshelltype,omitempty"`
func (state RemoteRuntimeState) IsConnected() bool {
return state.Status == RemoteStatus_Connected
func (state RemoteRuntimeState) GetBaseDisplayName() string {
if state.RemoteAlias != "" {
return state.RemoteAlias
return state.RemoteCanonicalName
func (state RemoteRuntimeState) GetDisplayName(rptr *RemotePtrType) string {
baseDisplayName := state.GetBaseDisplayName()
if rptr == nil {
return baseDisplayName
return rptr.GetDisplayName(baseDisplayName)
func (state RemoteRuntimeState) ExpandHomeDir(pathStr string) (string, error) {
if pathStr != "~" && !strings.HasPrefix(pathStr, "~/") {
return pathStr, nil
homeDir := state.RemoteVars["home"]
if homeDir == "" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("remote does not have HOME set, cannot do ~ expansion")
if pathStr == "~" {
return homeDir, nil
return path.Join(homeDir, pathStr[2:]), nil
func (RemoteRuntimeState) GetType() string {
return "remote"
type RemoteType struct {
RemoteId string `json:"remoteid"`
RemoteType string `json:"remotetype"`
RemoteAlias string `json:"remotealias"`
RemoteCanonicalName string `json:"remotecanonicalname"`
RemoteOpts *RemoteOptsType `json:"remoteopts"`
LastConnectTs int64 `json:"lastconnectts"`
RemoteIdx int64 `json:"remoteidx"`
Archived bool `json:"archived"`
// SSH fields
Local bool `json:"local"`
RemoteUser string `json:"remoteuser"`
RemoteHost string `json:"remotehost"`
ConnectMode string `json:"connectmode"`
AutoInstall bool `json:"autoinstall"`
SSHOpts *SSHOpts `json:"sshopts"`
StateVars map[string]string `json:"statevars"`
SSHConfigSrc string `json:"sshconfigsrc"`
ShellPref string `json:"shellpref"` // bash, zsh, or detect
// OpenAI fields (unused)
OpenAIOpts *OpenAIOptsType `json:"openaiopts,omitempty"`
func (r *RemoteType) IsLocal() bool {
return r.Local && !r.IsSudo()
func (r *RemoteType) IsSudo() bool {
return r.SSHOpts != nil && r.SSHOpts.IsSudo
func (r *RemoteType) GetName() string {
if r.RemoteAlias != "" {
return r.RemoteAlias
return r.RemoteCanonicalName
func (r *RemoteType) ToMap() map[string]interface{} {
rtn := make(map[string]interface{})
rtn["remoteid"] = r.RemoteId
rtn["remotetype"] = r.RemoteType
rtn["remotealias"] = r.RemoteAlias
rtn["remotecanonicalname"] = r.RemoteCanonicalName
rtn["remoteuser"] = r.RemoteUser
rtn["remotehost"] = r.RemoteHost
rtn["connectmode"] = r.ConnectMode
rtn["autoinstall"] = r.AutoInstall
rtn["sshopts"] = quickJson(r.SSHOpts)
rtn["remoteopts"] = quickJson(r.RemoteOpts)
rtn["lastconnectts"] = r.LastConnectTs
rtn["archived"] = r.Archived
rtn["remoteidx"] = r.RemoteIdx
rtn["local"] = r.Local
rtn["statevars"] = quickJson(r.StateVars)
rtn["sshconfigsrc"] = r.SSHConfigSrc
rtn["openaiopts"] = quickJson(r.OpenAIOpts)
rtn["shellpref"] = r.ShellPref
return rtn
func (r *RemoteType) FromMap(m map[string]interface{}) bool {
quickSetStr(&r.RemoteId, m, "remoteid")
quickSetStr(&r.RemoteType, m, "remotetype")
quickSetStr(&r.RemoteAlias, m, "remotealias")
quickSetStr(&r.RemoteCanonicalName, m, "remotecanonicalname")
quickSetStr(&r.RemoteUser, m, "remoteuser")
quickSetStr(&r.RemoteHost, m, "remotehost")
quickSetStr(&r.ConnectMode, m, "connectmode")
quickSetBool(&r.AutoInstall, m, "autoinstall")
quickSetJson(&r.SSHOpts, m, "sshopts")
quickSetJson(&r.RemoteOpts, m, "remoteopts")
quickSetInt64(&r.LastConnectTs, m, "lastconnectts")
quickSetBool(&r.Archived, m, "archived")
quickSetInt64(&r.RemoteIdx, m, "remoteidx")
quickSetBool(&r.Local, m, "local")
quickSetJson(&r.StateVars, m, "statevars")
quickSetStr(&r.SSHConfigSrc, m, "sshconfigsrc")
quickSetJson(&r.OpenAIOpts, m, "openaiopts")
quickSetStr(&r.ShellPref, m, "shellpref")
return true
type CmdType struct {
ScreenId string `json:"screenid"`
LineId string `json:"lineid"`
Remote RemotePtrType `json:"remote"`
CmdStr string `json:"cmdstr"`
RawCmdStr string `json:"rawcmdstr"`
FeState map[string]string `json:"festate"`
StatePtr packet.ShellStatePtr `json:"state"`
TermOpts TermOpts `json:"termopts"`
OrigTermOpts TermOpts `json:"origtermopts"`
Status string `json:"status"`
CmdPid int `json:"cmdpid"`
RemotePid int `json:"remotepid"`
RestartTs int64 `json:"restartts,omitempty"`
DoneTs int64 `json:"donets"`
ExitCode int `json:"exitcode"`
DurationMs int `json:"durationms"`
RunOut []packet.PacketType `json:"runout,omitempty"`
RtnState bool `json:"rtnstate,omitempty"`
RtnStatePtr packet.ShellStatePtr `json:"rtnstateptr,omitempty"`
Remove bool `json:"remove,omitempty"` // not persisted to DB
Restarted bool `json:"restarted,omitempty"` // not persisted to DB
func (CmdType) GetType() string {
return "cmd"
func (cmd *CmdType) ToMap() map[string]interface{} {
rtn := make(map[string]interface{})
rtn["screenid"] = cmd.ScreenId
rtn["lineid"] = cmd.LineId
rtn["remoteownerid"] = cmd.Remote.OwnerId
rtn["remoteid"] = cmd.Remote.RemoteId
rtn["remotename"] = cmd.Remote.Name
rtn["cmdstr"] = cmd.CmdStr
rtn["rawcmdstr"] = cmd.RawCmdStr
rtn["festate"] = quickJson(cmd.FeState)
rtn["statebasehash"] = cmd.StatePtr.BaseHash
rtn["statediffhasharr"] = quickJsonArr(cmd.StatePtr.DiffHashArr)
rtn["termopts"] = quickJson(cmd.TermOpts)
rtn["origtermopts"] = quickJson(cmd.OrigTermOpts)
rtn["status"] = cmd.Status
rtn["cmdpid"] = cmd.CmdPid
rtn["remotepid"] = cmd.RemotePid
rtn["restartts"] = cmd.RestartTs
rtn["donets"] = cmd.DoneTs
rtn["exitcode"] = cmd.ExitCode
rtn["durationms"] = cmd.DurationMs
rtn["runout"] = quickJson(cmd.RunOut)
rtn["rtnstate"] = cmd.RtnState
rtn["rtnbasehash"] = cmd.RtnStatePtr.BaseHash
rtn["rtndiffhasharr"] = quickJsonArr(cmd.RtnStatePtr.DiffHashArr)
return rtn
func (cmd *CmdType) FromMap(m map[string]interface{}) bool {
quickSetStr(&cmd.ScreenId, m, "screenid")
quickSetStr(&cmd.LineId, m, "lineid")
quickSetStr(&cmd.Remote.OwnerId, m, "remoteownerid")
quickSetStr(&cmd.Remote.RemoteId, m, "remoteid")
quickSetStr(&cmd.Remote.Name, m, "remotename")
quickSetStr(&cmd.CmdStr, m, "cmdstr")
quickSetStr(&cmd.RawCmdStr, m, "rawcmdstr")
quickSetJson(&cmd.FeState, m, "festate")
quickSetStr(&cmd.StatePtr.BaseHash, m, "statebasehash")
quickSetJsonArr(&cmd.StatePtr.DiffHashArr, m, "statediffhasharr")
quickSetJson(&cmd.TermOpts, m, "termopts")
quickSetJson(&cmd.OrigTermOpts, m, "origtermopts")
quickSetStr(&cmd.Status, m, "status")
quickSetInt(&cmd.CmdPid, m, "cmdpid")
quickSetInt(&cmd.RemotePid, m, "remotepid")
quickSetInt64(&cmd.DoneTs, m, "donets")
quickSetInt64(&cmd.RestartTs, m, "restartts")
quickSetInt(&cmd.ExitCode, m, "exitcode")
quickSetInt(&cmd.DurationMs, m, "durationms")
quickSetJson(&cmd.RunOut, m, "runout")
quickSetBool(&cmd.RtnState, m, "rtnstate")
quickSetStr(&cmd.RtnStatePtr.BaseHash, m, "rtnbasehash")
quickSetJsonArr(&cmd.RtnStatePtr.DiffHashArr, m, "rtndiffhasharr")
return true
func (cmd *CmdType) IsRunning() bool {
return cmd.Status == CmdStatusRunning || cmd.Status == CmdStatusDetached
func makeNewLineCmd(screenId string, userId string, lineId string, renderer string, lineState map[string]any) *LineType {
rtn := &LineType{}
rtn.ScreenId = screenId
rtn.UserId = userId
rtn.LineId = lineId
rtn.Ts = time.Now().UnixMilli()
rtn.LineLocal = true
rtn.LineType = LineTypeCmd
rtn.LineId = lineId
rtn.ContentHeight = LineNoHeight
rtn.Renderer = renderer
if lineState == nil {
lineState = make(map[string]any)
rtn.LineState = lineState
return rtn
func makeNewLineText(screenId string, userId string, text string) *LineType {
rtn := &LineType{}
rtn.ScreenId = screenId
rtn.UserId = userId
rtn.LineId = scbase.GenWaveUUID()
rtn.Ts = time.Now().UnixMilli()
rtn.LineLocal = true
rtn.LineType = LineTypeText
rtn.Text = text
rtn.ContentHeight = LineNoHeight
rtn.LineState = make(map[string]any)
return rtn
func makeNewLineOpenAI(screenId string, userId string, lineId string) *LineType {
rtn := &LineType{}
rtn.ScreenId = screenId
rtn.UserId = userId
rtn.LineId = lineId
rtn.Ts = time.Now().UnixMilli()
rtn.LineLocal = true
rtn.LineType = LineTypeOpenAI
rtn.ContentHeight = LineNoHeight
rtn.Renderer = CmdRendererOpenAI
rtn.LineState = make(map[string]any)
return rtn
func AddCommentLine(ctx context.Context, screenId string, userId string, commentText string) (*LineType, error) {
rtnLine := makeNewLineText(screenId, userId, commentText)
err := InsertLine(ctx, rtnLine, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rtnLine, nil
func AddOpenAILine(ctx context.Context, screenId string, userId string, cmd *CmdType) (*LineType, error) {
rtnLine := makeNewLineOpenAI(screenId, userId, cmd.LineId)
err := InsertLine(ctx, rtnLine, cmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rtnLine, nil
func AddCmdLine(ctx context.Context, screenId string, userId string, cmd *CmdType, renderer string, lineState map[string]any) (*LineType, error) {
rtnLine := makeNewLineCmd(screenId, userId, cmd.LineId, renderer, lineState)
err := InsertLine(ctx, rtnLine, cmd)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return rtnLine, nil
func EnsureLocalRemote(ctx context.Context) error {
remote, err := GetLocalRemote(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getting local remote from db: %w", err)
if remote != nil {
return nil
hostName, err := os.Hostname()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getting hostname: %w", err)
user, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("getting user: %w", err)
// create the local remote
localRemote := &RemoteType{
RemoteId: scbase.GenWaveUUID(),
RemoteType: RemoteTypeSsh,
RemoteAlias: LocalRemoteAlias,
RemoteCanonicalName: fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", user.Username, hostName),
RemoteUser: user.Username,
RemoteHost: hostName,
ConnectMode: ConnectModeStartup,
AutoInstall: true,
SSHOpts: &SSHOpts{Local: true},
Local: true,
SSHConfigSrc: SSHConfigSrcTypeManual,
ShellPref: ShellTypePref_Detect,
err = UpsertRemote(ctx, localRemote)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("[db] added local remote '%s', id=%s\n", localRemote.RemoteCanonicalName, localRemote.RemoteId)
sudoRemote := &RemoteType{
RemoteId: scbase.GenWaveUUID(),
RemoteType: RemoteTypeSsh,
RemoteAlias: "sudo",
RemoteCanonicalName: fmt.Sprintf("sudo@%s@%s", user.Username, hostName),
RemoteUser: "root",
RemoteHost: hostName,
ConnectMode: ConnectModeManual,
AutoInstall: true,
SSHOpts: &SSHOpts{Local: true, IsSudo: true},
RemoteOpts: &RemoteOptsType{Color: "red"},
Local: true,
SSHConfigSrc: SSHConfigSrcTypeManual,
ShellPref: ShellTypePref_Detect,
err = UpsertRemote(ctx, sudoRemote)
if err != nil {
return err
log.Printf("[db] added sudo remote '%s', id=%s\n", sudoRemote.RemoteCanonicalName, sudoRemote.RemoteId)
return nil
func createClientData(tx *TxWrap) error {
curve := elliptic.P384()
pkey, err := ecdsa.GenerateKey(curve, rand.Reader)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("generating P-834 key: %w", err)
pkBytes, err := x509.MarshalECPrivateKey(pkey)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("marshaling (pkcs8) private key bytes: %w", err)
pubBytes, err := x509.MarshalPKIXPublicKey(&pkey.PublicKey)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("marshaling (pkix) public key bytes: %w", err)
c := ClientData{
ClientId: uuid.New().String(),
UserId: uuid.New().String(),
UserPrivateKeyBytes: pkBytes,
UserPublicKeyBytes: pubBytes,
ActiveSessionId: "",
WinSize: ClientWinSizeType{},
CmdStoreType: CmdStoreTypeScreen,
ReleaseInfo: ReleaseInfoType{},
query := `INSERT INTO client ( clientid, userid, activesessionid, userpublickeybytes, userprivatekeybytes, winsize, cmdstoretype, releaseinfo)
VALUES (:clientid,:userid,:activesessionid,:userpublickeybytes,:userprivatekeybytes,:winsize,:cmdstoretype,:releaseinfo)`
tx.NamedExec(query, dbutil.ToDBMap(c, false))
log.Printf("create new clientid[%s] userid[%s] with public/private keypair\n", c.ClientId, c.UserId)
return nil
func EnsureClientData(ctx context.Context) (*ClientData, error) {
rtn, err := WithTxRtn(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) (*ClientData, error) {
query := `SELECT count(*) FROM client`
count := tx.GetInt(query)
if count > 1 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid client database, multiple (%d) rows in client table", count)
if count == 0 {
createErr := createClientData(tx)
if createErr != nil {
return nil, createErr
cdata := dbutil.GetMappable[*ClientData](tx, `SELECT * FROM client`)
if cdata == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no client data found")
dbVersion := tx.GetInt(`SELECT version FROM schema_migrations`)
cdata.DBVersion = dbVersion
return cdata, nil
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if rtn.UserId == "" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid client data (no userid)")
if len(rtn.UserPrivateKeyBytes) == 0 || len(rtn.UserPublicKeyBytes) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid client data (no public/private keypair)")
rtn.UserPrivateKey, err = x509.ParseECPrivateKey(rtn.UserPrivateKeyBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid client data, cannot parse private key: %w", err)
pubKey, err := x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(rtn.UserPublicKeyBytes)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid client data, cannot parse public key: %w", err)
var ok bool
rtn.UserPublicKey, ok = pubKey.(*ecdsa.PublicKey)
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid client data, wrong public key type: %T", pubKey)
return rtn, nil
func SetClientOpts(ctx context.Context, clientOpts ClientOptsType) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE client SET clientopts = ?`
tx.Exec(query, quickJson(clientOpts))
return nil
return txErr
func SetReleaseInfo(ctx context.Context, releaseInfo ReleaseInfoType) error {
txErr := WithTx(ctx, func(tx *TxWrap) error {
query := `UPDATE client SET releaseinfo = ?`
tx.Exec(query, quickJson(releaseInfo))
return nil
return txErr
// Sets the in-memory status indicator for the given screenId to the given value and adds it to the ModelUpdate. By default, the active screen will be ignored when updating status. To force a status update for the active screen, set force=true.
func SetStatusIndicatorLevel_Update(ctx context.Context, update *scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType, screenId string, level StatusIndicatorLevel, force bool) error {
var newStatus StatusIndicatorLevel
if force {
// Force the update and set the new status to the given level, regardless of the current status or the active screen
ScreenMemSetIndicatorLevel(screenId, level)
newStatus = level
} else {
// Only update the status if the given screen is not the active screen and if the given level is higher than the current level
activeSessionId, err := GetActiveSessionId(ctx)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting active session id: %w", err)
bareSession, err := GetBareSessionById(ctx, activeSessionId)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("error getting bare session: %w", err)
activeScreenId := bareSession.ActiveScreenId
if activeScreenId == screenId {
return nil
// If we are not forcing the update, follow the rules for combining status indicators
newLevel := ScreenMemCombineIndicatorLevels(screenId, level)
if newLevel == level {
newStatus = level
} else {
return nil
ScreenId: screenId,
Status: newStatus,
return nil
// Sets the in-memory status indicator for the given screenId to the given value and pushes the new value to the FE
func SetStatusIndicatorLevel(ctx context.Context, screenId string, level StatusIndicatorLevel, force bool) error {
update := scbus.MakeUpdatePacket()
err := SetStatusIndicatorLevel_Update(ctx, update, screenId, level, false)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Resets the in-memory status indicator for the given screenId to StatusIndicatorLevel_None and adds it to the ModelUpdate
func ResetStatusIndicator_Update(update *scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType, screenId string) error {
// We do not need to set context when resetting the status indicator because we will not need to call the DB
return SetStatusIndicatorLevel_Update(context.TODO(), update, screenId, StatusIndicatorLevel_None, true)
// Resets the in-memory status indicator for the given screenId to StatusIndicatorLevel_None and pushes the new value to the FE
func ResetStatusIndicator(screenId string) error {
// We do not need to set context when resetting the status indicator because we will not need to call the DB
return SetStatusIndicatorLevel(context.TODO(), screenId, StatusIndicatorLevel_None, true)
func IncrementNumRunningCmds_Update(update *scbus.ModelUpdatePacketType, screenId string, delta int) {
newNum := ScreenMemIncrementNumRunningCommands(screenId, delta)
ScreenId: screenId,
Num: newNum,
func IncrementNumRunningCmds(screenId string, delta int) {
update := scbus.MakeUpdatePacket()
IncrementNumRunningCmds_Update(update, screenId, delta)