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// Copyright 2025, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package suggestion
import (
const MaxSuggestions = 50
type MockDirEntry struct {
NameStr string
IsDirVal bool
FileMode fs.FileMode
func (m *MockDirEntry) Name() string { return m.NameStr }
func (m *MockDirEntry) IsDir() bool { return m.IsDirVal }
func (m *MockDirEntry) Type() fs.FileMode { return m.FileMode }
func (m *MockDirEntry) Info() (fs.FileInfo, error) { return nil, fs.ErrInvalid }
var PathSepStr = string(os.PathSeparator)
// ensureTrailingSlash makes sure s ends with a slash.
func ensureTrailingSlash(s string) string {
if s == "" {
return s
if !strings.HasSuffix(s, PathSepStr) {
return s + PathSepStr
return s
// resolveFileQuery returns (baseDir, queryPrefix, searchTerm, error).
// Our approach is to use the presence of a trailing slash to decide whether
// to treat the query as a directory listing (searchTerm is empty) or a search
// filter. (This means that a query of exactly "." or ".." is treated as a
// search filter, so that files with a dot in their name––including ".."––will
// be returned.)
// In addition, if there is a slash anywhere in the query (but not at the end),
// we treat everything before the last slash as a relative directory to search
// in, and the portion after the last slash as the search term.
func resolveFileQuery(cwd string, query string) (string, string, string, error) {
// If no current working directory, default to "~".
if cwd == "" {
cwd = "~"
var err error
cwd, err = wavebase.ExpandHomeDir(cwd)
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", fmt.Errorf("error expanding home dir: %w", err)
if query == "" {
return cwd, "", "", nil
// Expand home if needed.
tildeSlash := "~" + PathSepStr
if query == "~" || strings.HasPrefix(query, tildeSlash) {
ogQuery := query
query, err = wavebase.ExpandHomeDir(query)
if err != nil {
return "", "", "", fmt.Errorf("error expanding query home dir: %w", err)
if ogQuery == "~" || ogQuery == tildeSlash {
return query, tildeSlash, "", nil
// Handle absolute queries.
if filepath.IsAbs(query) {
if filepath.Dir(query) == query {
return query, query, "", nil
if strings.HasSuffix(query, PathSepStr) {
// Remove trailing slash for canonical directory path.
baseDir := strings.TrimRight(query, PathSepStr)
// But keep the trailing slash in the queryPrefix for display.
queryPrefix := query
return baseDir, queryPrefix, "", nil
// Otherwise, e.g. "/var/f"
baseDir := filepath.Dir(query)
queryPrefix := filepath.Dir(query)
searchTerm := filepath.Base(query)
return baseDir, queryPrefix, searchTerm, nil
// For relative queries:
// If the query ends with a slash (e.g. "./" or "waveterm/"), then treat it
// as a directory listing.
if strings.HasSuffix(query, PathSepStr) {
fullPath := filepath.Join(cwd, query)
baseDir := strings.TrimRight(fullPath, PathSepStr)
queryPrefix := query
return baseDir, queryPrefix, "", nil
// If there is a slash in the query, split into directory part and search term.
if idx := strings.LastIndex(query, PathSepStr); idx != -1 {
dirPart := query[:idx]
term := query[idx+1:]
baseDir := filepath.Join(cwd, dirPart)
// For display purposes, set queryPrefix to the dirPart with a trailing slash.
queryPrefix := ""
if dirPart != "" {
queryPrefix = ensureTrailingSlash(dirPart)
return baseDir, queryPrefix, term, nil
// No slash in query: search in the cwd.
return cwd, "", query, nil
func FetchSuggestions(ctx context.Context, data wshrpc.FetchSuggestionsData) (*wshrpc.FetchSuggestionsResponse, error) {
if data.SuggestionType == "file" {
return fetchFileSuggestions(ctx, data)
if data.SuggestionType == "bookmark" {
return fetchBookmarkSuggestions(ctx, data)
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported suggestion type: %q", data.SuggestionType)
func filterBookmarksForValid(bookmarks map[string]wconfig.WebBookmark) map[string]wconfig.WebBookmark {
validBookmarks := make(map[string]wconfig.WebBookmark)
for k, v := range bookmarks {
if v.Url == "" {
u, err := url.ParseRequestURI(v.Url)
if err != nil || u.Scheme == "" || u.Host == "" {
validBookmarks[k] = v
return validBookmarks
func fetchBookmarkSuggestions(_ context.Context, data wshrpc.FetchSuggestionsData) (*wshrpc.FetchSuggestionsResponse, error) {
if data.SuggestionType != "bookmark" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported suggestion type: %q", data.SuggestionType)
// scoredEntry holds a bookmark along with its computed score, the match positions for the
// field that will be used for display, the positions for the secondary field (if any),
// and its original index in the Bookmarks list.
type scoredEntry struct {
bookmark wconfig.WebBookmark
score int
matchPos []int // positions for the field that's used as Display
subMatchPos []int // positions for the other field (if any)
origIndex int
bookmarks := wconfig.GetWatcher().GetFullConfig().Bookmarks
bookmarks = filterBookmarksForValid(bookmarks)
searchTerm := data.Query
var patternRunes []rune
if searchTerm != "" {
patternRunes = []rune(strings.ToLower(searchTerm))
var scoredEntries []scoredEntry
var slab util.Slab
bookmarkKeys := utilfn.GetMapKeys(bookmarks)
// sort by display:order and then by key
sort.Slice(bookmarkKeys, func(i, j int) bool {
bookmarkA := bookmarks[bookmarkKeys[i]]
bookmarkB := bookmarks[bookmarkKeys[j]]
if bookmarkA.DisplayOrder != bookmarkB.DisplayOrder {
return bookmarkA.DisplayOrder < bookmarkB.DisplayOrder
return bookmarkKeys[i] < bookmarkKeys[j]
for i, bmkey := range bookmarkKeys {
bookmark := bookmarks[bmkey]
// If no search term, include all bookmarks (score 0, no positions).
if searchTerm == "" {
scoredEntries = append(scoredEntries, scoredEntry{
bookmark: bookmark,
score: 0,
origIndex: i,
// For bookmarks with a title, Display is set to the title and SubText to the URL.
// We perform fuzzy matching on both fields.
if bookmark.Title != "" {
// Fuzzy match against the title.
candidateTitle := strings.ToLower(bookmark.Title)
textTitle := util.ToChars([]byte(candidateTitle))
resultTitle, titlePositionsPtr := algo.FuzzyMatchV2(false, true, true, &textTitle, patternRunes, true, &slab)
var titleScore int
var titlePositions []int
if titlePositionsPtr != nil {
titlePositions = *titlePositionsPtr
titleScore = resultTitle.Score
// Fuzzy match against the URL.
candidateUrl := strings.ToLower(bookmark.Url)
textUrl := util.ToChars([]byte(candidateUrl))
resultUrl, urlPositionsPtr := algo.FuzzyMatchV2(false, true, true, &textUrl, patternRunes, true, &slab)
var urlScore int
var urlPositions []int
if urlPositionsPtr != nil {
urlPositions = *urlPositionsPtr
urlScore = resultUrl.Score
// Compute the overall score as the higher of the two.
maxScore := titleScore
if urlScore > maxScore {
maxScore = urlScore
// If neither field produced a positive match, skip this bookmark.
if maxScore <= 0 {
// Since Display is title, we use the title match positions as MatchPos and the URL match positions as SubMatchPos.
scoredEntries = append(scoredEntries, scoredEntry{
bookmark: bookmark,
score: maxScore,
matchPos: titlePositions,
subMatchPos: urlPositions,
origIndex: i,
} else {
// For bookmarks with no title, Display is set to the URL.
// Only perform fuzzy matching against the URL.
candidateUrl := strings.ToLower(bookmark.Url)
textUrl := util.ToChars([]byte(candidateUrl))
resultUrl, urlPositionsPtr := algo.FuzzyMatchV2(false, true, true, &textUrl, patternRunes, true, &slab)
urlScore := resultUrl.Score
var urlPositions []int
if urlPositionsPtr != nil {
urlPositions = *urlPositionsPtr
// Skip this bookmark if the URL doesn't match.
if urlScore <= 0 {
scoredEntries = append(scoredEntries, scoredEntry{
bookmark: bookmark,
score: urlScore,
matchPos: urlPositions, // match positions come from the URL, since that's what is displayed.
subMatchPos: nil,
origIndex: i,
// Sort the scored entries in descending order by score.
// For equal scores, preserve the original order from the Bookmarks list.
sort.Slice(scoredEntries, func(i, j int) bool {
if scoredEntries[i].score != scoredEntries[j].score {
return scoredEntries[i].score > scoredEntries[j].score
return scoredEntries[i].origIndex < scoredEntries[j].origIndex
// Build up to MaxSuggestions suggestions.
var suggestions []wshrpc.SuggestionType
for _, entry := range scoredEntries {
var display, subText string
if entry.bookmark.Title != "" {
display = entry.bookmark.Title
subText = entry.bookmark.Url
} else {
display = entry.bookmark.Url
subText = ""
suggestion := wshrpc.SuggestionType{
Type: "url",
SuggestionId: utilfn.QuickHashString(entry.bookmark.Url),
Display: display,
SubText: subText,
MatchPos: entry.matchPos, // These positions correspond to the field in Display.
SubMatchPos: entry.subMatchPos, // For bookmarks with a title, this is the URL match positions.
Score: entry.score,
UrlUrl: entry.bookmark.Url,
suggestion.IconSrc = faviconcache.GetFavicon(entry.bookmark.Url)
suggestions = append(suggestions, suggestion)
if len(suggestions) >= MaxSuggestions {
return &wshrpc.FetchSuggestionsResponse{
Suggestions: suggestions,
ReqNum: data.ReqNum,
}, nil
// Define a scored entry for fuzzy matching.
type scoredEntry struct {
ent fs.DirEntry
score int
fileName string
positions []int
// We'll use a heap to only keep the top MaxSuggestions when a search term is provided.
// Define a min-heap so that the worst (lowest scoring) candidate is at the top.
type scoredEntryHeap []scoredEntry
// Less: lower score is “less”. For equal scores, a candidate with a longer filename is considered worse.
func (h scoredEntryHeap) Len() int { return len(h) }
func (h scoredEntryHeap) Less(i, j int) bool {
if h[i].score != h[j].score {
return h[i].score < h[j].score
return len(h[i].fileName) > len(h[j].fileName)
func (h scoredEntryHeap) Swap(i, j int) { h[i], h[j] = h[j], h[i] }
func (h *scoredEntryHeap) Push(x interface{}) { *h = append(*h, x.(scoredEntry)) }
func (h *scoredEntryHeap) Pop() interface{} {
old := *h
n := len(old)
x := old[n-1]
*h = old[0 : n-1]
return x
func fetchFileSuggestions(_ context.Context, data wshrpc.FetchSuggestionsData) (*wshrpc.FetchSuggestionsResponse, error) {
// Only support file suggestions.
if data.SuggestionType != "file" {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported suggestion type: %q", data.SuggestionType)
// Resolve the base directory, query prefix (for display) and search term.
baseDir, queryPrefix, searchTerm, err := resolveFileQuery(data.FileCwd, data.Query)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error resolving base dir: %w", err)
// Use a cancellable context for directory listing.
listingCtx, cancelFn := context.WithCancel(context.Background())
defer cancelFn()
entriesCh, err := listDirectory(listingCtx, baseDir, 1000)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error listing directory: %w", err)
const maxEntries = MaxSuggestions // top-k entries
// Always use a heap.
var topHeap scoredEntryHeap
var patternRunes []rune
if searchTerm != "" {
patternRunes = []rune(strings.ToLower(searchTerm))
var slab util.Slab
var index int // used for ordering when searchTerm is empty
// Process each directory entry.
for result := range entriesCh {
if result.Err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error reading directory: %w", result.Err)
de := result.Entry
fileName := de.Name()
var score int
var candidatePositions []int
if searchTerm != "" {
// Perform fuzzy matching.
candidate := strings.ToLower(fileName)
text := util.ToChars([]byte(candidate))
matchResult, positions := algo.FuzzyMatchV2(false, true, true, &text, patternRunes, true, &slab)
if matchResult.Score <= 0 {
score = matchResult.Score
if positions != nil {
candidatePositions = *positions
} else {
// Use ordering: first entry gets highest score.
score = maxEntries - index
se := scoredEntry{
ent: de,
score: score,
fileName: fileName,
positions: candidatePositions,
if topHeap.Len() < maxEntries {
heap.Push(&topHeap, se)
} else {
// Replace the worst candidate if this one is better.
worst := topHeap[0]
if se.score > worst.score || (se.score == worst.score && len(se.fileName) < len(worst.fileName)) {
heap.Push(&topHeap, se)
if searchTerm == "" && topHeap.Len() >= maxEntries {
// Extract and sort the scored entries (highest score first).
scoredEntries := make([]scoredEntry, topHeap.Len())
copy(scoredEntries, topHeap)
sort.Slice(scoredEntries, func(i, j int) bool {
if scoredEntries[i].score != scoredEntries[j].score {
return scoredEntries[i].score > scoredEntries[j].score
return len(scoredEntries[i].fileName) < len(scoredEntries[j].fileName)
// Build suggestions from the scored entries.
var suggestions []wshrpc.SuggestionType
for _, candidate := range scoredEntries {
fileName := candidate.ent.Name()
fullPath := filepath.Join(baseDir, fileName)
suggestionFileName := filepath.Join(queryPrefix, fileName)
offset := len(suggestionFileName) - len(fileName)
if offset > 0 && len(candidate.positions) > 0 {
// Adjust match positions to account for the query prefix.
for j := range candidate.positions {
candidate.positions[j] += offset
s := wshrpc.SuggestionType{
Type: "file",
FilePath: fullPath,
SuggestionId: utilfn.QuickHashString(fullPath),
Display: suggestionFileName,
FileName: suggestionFileName,
FileMimeType: fileutil.DetectMimeTypeWithDirEnt(fullPath, candidate.ent),
MatchPos: candidate.positions,
Score: candidate.score,
suggestions = append(suggestions, s)
if len(suggestions) >= MaxSuggestions {
return &wshrpc.FetchSuggestionsResponse{
Suggestions: suggestions,
ReqNum: data.ReqNum,
}, nil