mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 21:51:30 +01:00
355 lines
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355 lines
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// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import { Markdown } from "@/app/element/markdown";
import { VDomModel } from "@/app/view/vdom/vdom-model";
import { adaptFromReactOrNativeKeyEvent, checkKeyPressed } from "@/util/keyutil";
import clsx from "clsx";
import debug from "debug";
import * as jotai from "jotai";
import * as React from "react";
import { convertVDomId, getTextChildren, validateAndWrapCss } from "@/app/view/vdom/vdom-utils";
import { NodeModel } from "@/layout/index";
import "./vdom.less";
const TextTag = "#text";
const FragmentTag = "#fragment";
const WaveTextTag = "wave:text";
const WaveNullTag = "wave:null";
const StyleTagName = "style";
const VDomObjType_Ref = "ref";
const VDomObjType_Binding = "binding";
const VDomObjType_Func = "func";
const dlog = debug("wave:vdom");
type VDomReactTagType = (props: { elem: VDomElem; model: VDomModel }) => JSX.Element;
const WaveTagMap: Record<string, VDomReactTagType> = {
"wave:markdown": WaveMarkdown,
const AllowedSimpleTags: { [tagName: string]: boolean } = {
div: true,
b: true,
i: true,
p: true,
s: true,
span: true,
a: true,
img: true,
h1: true,
h2: true,
h3: true,
h4: true,
h5: true,
h6: true,
ul: true,
ol: true,
li: true,
input: true,
button: true,
textarea: true,
select: true,
option: true,
form: true,
label: true,
table: true,
thead: true,
tbody: true,
tr: true,
th: true,
td: true,
hr: true,
br: true,
pre: true,
code: true,
const IdAttributes = {
id: true,
for: true,
"aria-labelledby": true,
"aria-describedby": true,
"aria-controls": true,
"aria-owns": true,
form: true,
headers: true,
usemap: true,
list: true,
function convertVDomFunc(model: VDomModel, fnDecl: VDomFunc, compId: string, propName: string): (e: any) => void {
return (e: any) => {
if ((propName == "onKeyDown" || propName == "onKeyDownCapture") && fnDecl["#keys"]) {
let waveEvent = adaptFromReactOrNativeKeyEvent(e);
for (let keyDesc of fnDecl.keys || []) {
if (checkKeyPressed(waveEvent, keyDesc)) {
model.callVDomFunc(fnDecl, e, compId, propName);
if (fnDecl.preventdefault) {
if (fnDecl.stoppropagation) {
model.callVDomFunc(fnDecl, e, compId, propName);
function convertElemToTag(elem: VDomElem, model: VDomModel): JSX.Element | string {
if (elem == null) {
return null;
if (elem.tag == TextTag) {
return elem.text;
return React.createElement(VDomTag, { key: elem.waveid, elem, model });
function isObject(v: any): boolean {
return v != null && !Array.isArray(v) && typeof v === "object";
function isArray(v: any): boolean {
return Array.isArray(v);
function resolveBinding(binding: VDomBinding, model: VDomModel): [any, string[]] {
const bindName = binding.bind;
if (bindName == null || bindName == "") {
return [null, []];
// for now we only recognize $.[atomname] bindings
if (!bindName.startsWith("$.")) {
return [null, []];
const atomName = bindName.substring(2);
if (atomName == "") {
return [null, []];
const atom = model.getAtomContainer(atomName);
if (atom == null) {
return [null, []];
return [atom.val, [atomName]];
type GenericPropsType = { [key: string]: any };
// returns props, and a set of atom keys used in the props
function convertProps(elem: VDomElem, model: VDomModel): [GenericPropsType, Set<string>] {
let props: GenericPropsType = {};
let atomKeys = new Set<string>();
if (elem.props == null) {
return [props, atomKeys];
for (let key in elem.props) {
let val = elem.props[key];
if (val == null) {
if (key == "ref") {
if (val == null) {
if (isObject(val) && val.type == VDomObjType_Ref) {
const valRef = val as VDomRef;
const refContainer = model.getOrCreateRefContainer(valRef);
props[key] = refContainer.refFn;
if (isObject(val) && val.type == VDomObjType_Func) {
const valFunc = val as VDomFunc;
props[key] = convertVDomFunc(model, valFunc, elem.waveid, key);
if (isObject(val) && val.type == VDomObjType_Binding) {
const [propVal, atomDeps] = resolveBinding(val as VDomBinding, model);
props[key] = propVal;
for (let atomDep of atomDeps) {
if (key == "style" && isObject(val)) {
// assuming the entire style prop wasn't bound, look through the individual keys and bind them
for (let styleKey in val) {
let styleVal = val[styleKey];
if (isObject(styleVal) && styleVal.type == VDomObjType_Binding) {
const [stylePropVal, styleAtomDeps] = resolveBinding(styleVal as VDomBinding, model);
val[styleKey] = stylePropVal;
for (let styleAtomDep of styleAtomDeps) {
// fallthrough to set props[key] = val
if (IdAttributes[key]) {
props[key] = convertVDomId(model, val);
props[key] = val;
return [props, atomKeys];
function convertChildren(elem: VDomElem, model: VDomModel): (string | JSX.Element)[] {
let childrenComps: (string | JSX.Element)[] = [];
if (elem.children == null) {
return childrenComps;
for (let child of elem.children) {
if (child == null) {
childrenComps.push(convertElemToTag(child, model));
return childrenComps;
function stringSetsEqual(set1: Set<string>, set2: Set<string>): boolean {
if (set1.size != set2.size) {
return false;
for (let elem of set1) {
if (!set2.has(elem)) {
return false;
return true;
function useVDom(model: VDomModel, elem: VDomElem): GenericPropsType {
const version = jotai.useAtomValue(model.getVDomNodeVersionAtom(elem));
const [oldAtomKeys, setOldAtomKeys] = React.useState<Set<string>>(new Set());
let [props, atomKeys] = convertProps(elem, model);
React.useEffect(() => {
if (stringSetsEqual(atomKeys, oldAtomKeys)) {
model.tagUnuseAtoms(elem.waveid, oldAtomKeys);
model.tagUseAtoms(elem.waveid, atomKeys);
}, [atomKeys]);
React.useEffect(() => {
return () => {
model.tagUnuseAtoms(elem.waveid, oldAtomKeys);
}, []);
return props;
function WaveMarkdown({ elem, model }: { elem: VDomElem; model: VDomModel }) {
const props = useVDom(model, elem);
return (
<Markdown text={props?.text} style={props?.style} className={props?.className} scrollable={props?.scrollable} />
function StyleTag({ elem, model }: { elem: VDomElem; model: VDomModel }) {
const styleText = getTextChildren(elem);
if (styleText == null) {
return null;
const wrapperClassName = "vdom-" + model.blockId;
// TODO handle errors
const sanitizedCss = validateAndWrapCss(model, styleText, wrapperClassName);
if (sanitizedCss == null) {
return null;
return <style>{sanitizedCss}</style>;
function VDomTag({ elem, model }: { elem: VDomElem; model: VDomModel }) {
const props = useVDom(model, elem);
if (elem.tag == WaveNullTag) {
return null;
if (elem.tag == WaveTextTag) {
return props.text;
const waveTag = WaveTagMap[elem.tag];
if (waveTag) {
return waveTag({ elem, model });
if (elem.tag == StyleTagName) {
return <StyleTag elem={elem} model={model} />;
if (!AllowedSimpleTags[elem.tag]) {
return <div>{"Invalid Tag <" + elem.tag + ">"}</div>;
let childrenComps = convertChildren(elem, model);
if (elem.tag == FragmentTag) {
return childrenComps;
props.key = "e-" + elem.waveid;
return React.createElement(elem.tag, props, childrenComps);
function vdomText(text: string): VDomElem {
return {
tag: "#text",
text: text,
const testVDom: VDomElem = {
waveid: "testid1",
tag: "div",
children: [
waveid: "testh1",
tag: "h1",
children: [vdomText("Hello World")],
waveid: "testp",
tag: "p",
children: [vdomText("This is a paragraph (from VDOM)")],
function VDomRoot({ model }: { model: VDomModel }) {
let rootNode = jotai.useAtomValue(model.vdomRoot);
if (model.viewRef.current == null || rootNode == null) {
return null;
dlog("render", rootNode);
let rtn = convertElemToTag(rootNode, model);
return <div className="vdom">{rtn}</div>;
function makeVDomModel(blockId: string, nodeModel: NodeModel): VDomModel {
return new VDomModel(blockId, nodeModel);
type VDomViewProps = {
model: VDomModel;
blockId: string;
function VDomView({ blockId, model }: VDomViewProps) {
let viewRef = React.useRef(null);
model.viewRef = viewRef;
const vdomClass = "vdom-" + blockId;
return (
<div className={clsx("vdom-view", vdomClass)} ref={viewRef}>
<VDomRoot model={model} />
export { makeVDomModel, VDomView };