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synced 2025-01-17 20:51:55 +01:00
Rather than try to track the transition state, which was proving unreliable, I am just directly tracking the node state and determining whether to debounce the inner rect based on whether the user has the prefers-reduced-motion setting or query, whether the node is resizing, and whether it's currently magnified. I'm then using the actual animation time setting to determine how long to debounce.
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94 lines
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// Copyright 2024, Command Line Inc.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
import { atoms, globalStore, WOS } from "@/app/store/global";
import { fireAndForget } from "@/util/util";
import useResizeObserver from "@react-hook/resize-observer";
import { Atom, useAtomValue } from "jotai";
import { CSSProperties, useCallback, useEffect, useLayoutEffect, useState } from "react";
import { debounce } from "throttle-debounce";
import { withLayoutTreeStateAtomFromTab } from "./layoutAtom";
import { LayoutModel } from "./layoutModel";
import { LayoutNode, NodeModel, TileLayoutContents } from "./types";
const layoutModelMap: Map<string, LayoutModel> = new Map();
export function getLayoutModelForTab(tabAtom: Atom<Tab>): LayoutModel {
const tabData = globalStore.get(tabAtom);
if (!tabData) return;
const tabId = tabData.oid;
if (layoutModelMap.has(tabId)) {
const layoutModel = layoutModelMap.get(tabData.oid);
if (layoutModel) {
return layoutModel;
const layoutTreeStateAtom = withLayoutTreeStateAtomFromTab(tabAtom);
const layoutModel = new LayoutModel(layoutTreeStateAtom, globalStore.get, globalStore.set);
globalStore.sub(layoutTreeStateAtom, () => fireAndForget(() => layoutModel.onTreeStateAtomUpdated()));
layoutModelMap.set(tabId, layoutModel);
return layoutModel;
export function getLayoutModelForTabById(tabId: string) {
const tabOref = WOS.makeORef("tab", tabId);
const tabAtom = WOS.getWaveObjectAtom<Tab>(tabOref);
return getLayoutModelForTab(tabAtom);
export function getLayoutModelForActiveTab() {
const tabId = globalStore.get(atoms.activeTabId);
return getLayoutModelForTabById(tabId);
export function deleteLayoutModelForTab(tabId: string) {
if (layoutModelMap.has(tabId)) layoutModelMap.delete(tabId);
export function useLayoutModel(tabAtom: Atom<Tab>): LayoutModel {
return getLayoutModelForTab(tabAtom);
export function useTileLayout(tabAtom: Atom<Tab>, tileContent: TileLayoutContents): LayoutModel {
// Use tab data to ensure we can reload if the tab is disposed and remade (such as during Hot Module Reloading)
const layoutModel = useLayoutModel(tabAtom);
useResizeObserver(layoutModel?.displayContainerRef, layoutModel?.onContainerResize);
// Once the TileLayout is mounted, re-run the state update to get all the nodes to flow in the layout.
useLayoutEffect(() => fireAndForget(() => layoutModel.onTreeStateAtomUpdated(true)), []);
useEffect(() => layoutModel.registerTileLayout(tileContent), [tileContent]);
return layoutModel;
export function useNodeModel(layoutModel: LayoutModel, layoutNode: LayoutNode): NodeModel {
return layoutModel.getNodeModel(layoutNode);
export function useDebouncedNodeInnerRect(nodeModel: NodeModel): CSSProperties {
const nodeInnerRect = useAtomValue(nodeModel.innerRect);
const animationTimeS = useAtomValue(nodeModel.animationTimeS);
const isMagnified = useAtomValue(nodeModel.isMagnified);
const isResizing = useAtomValue(nodeModel.isResizing);
const prefersReducedMotion = useAtomValue(atoms.prefersReducedMotionAtom);
const [innerRect, setInnerRect] = useState<CSSProperties>();
const setInnerRectDebounced = useCallback(
debounce(animationTimeS * 1000, (nodeInnerRect) => {
useLayoutEffect(() => {
if (prefersReducedMotion || isMagnified || isResizing) {
} else {
}, [nodeInnerRect]);
return innerRect;